View Full Version : General talk New York escort & stripper makes $34,000 a week

02-01-2024, 10:09 PM
Very interesting reading. A week in the life of an escort and stripper in New York

Read: https://www.businessinsider.com/ex-wall-street-accountant-stripper-how-much-make-holidays-2023-12&post-bottom-piano-recommendations

Those bankers have no problem giving $1000 tips.

Mia Lee spends most of December entertaining Wall Street bankers during hourslong stints in private rooms at a New York City strip club. Or, she's keeping them company during luxurious weekend getaways in quaint towns north of the city, all before they head home to their families for the holidays.

Lee — who has been a professional escort for five years and a stripper for a year and a half — said the first two weeks of December tended to be one of the busiest and most lucrative periods of the year for her line of work. In just one of those weeks, Lee can bring in nearly $34,000. (Business Insider verified earnings by reviewing Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, and mobile deposits that were made to Lee's bank account in early December.)

02-01-2024, 10:14 PM
Have no doubt that this is true
The amount that any NY banker makes would allow a truly regal life. (Remember London has been downgraded as a financial centre due to Brexit, and Paris and NY are the winners)

Then they return to their family, as the article says

What happens in NY stays in NY

02-01-2024, 10:26 PM
34 grand a week tax free good hourly rate she must be doing ok in the cost of living crisis :)

02-01-2024, 10:33 PM
Yes, if someone nets $30,000 a week and works, say, 45 weeks a year, that would equate to $1.35 million a year !!!!!!!

03-01-2024, 05:52 AM
Wall Street bankers, corrupt politicians mixed with horniness and sleaze in a place of no morals, greed, and uncontrolled capitalism. It's easy money for the escorts there. I can easily believe they make that much everyday.

03-01-2024, 09:32 AM
1k tips for 30 min in a private room. Jeez talk about making it rain. Wonder what the punter is getting for that. Basically throwing down a 100 every 3 min.

03-01-2024, 10:33 AM
I read the whole article, she is really business mind... Her personality describe that... Have to admire her, it's not an easy job and she manage to do other things as well.

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03-01-2024, 11:35 AM
I read the whole article, she is really business mind... Her personality describe that... Have to admire her, it's not an easy job and she manage to do other things as well.

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You should look up her YouTube videos when she talks business and logic and reason. A true businesswoman indeed.

03-01-2024, 11:41 AM
Anyone can be a businessman as long as they know the value of money. The problem is, whether she's a long term businessperson like Warren Buffett or she's a short-term that is looking to "retire early". If she's short-term she's likely to do unethical stuff.

03-01-2024, 01:41 PM
Interesting read, but I'd stop short of calling her a "businesswoman", she's more like a corporate lawyer or neurosurgeon. Her earnings are tied to the number of billable hours she works, and without her, the money stops. She has no capacity to leverage her skills, can't outsource her services and aside from booking assistants and online helpers, she can't reduce a lot of her management expenses.

If she can pull as much money out of her "skillset" and leverage it into investment vehicles or actual "businesses" I'm sure she'll retire to a nice suburb near her wealthy former clients. Kudos to her.

03-01-2024, 09:17 PM
If she can pull as much money out of her "skillset" and leverage it into investment vehicles or actual "businesses" I'm sure she'll retire to a nice suburb near her wealthy former clients. Kudos to her.

Anything is a business if there is an exchange of money for goods or services. A good long term business however, is when your goods or services solves a problem with every day life.

For example, exchanging money for sex is just short term business. But if you're the supplier of condoms, pregnancy pills and lubes to all these SWs then you are running a good long term business. The SW may quit but another will take its place, and they will also need condoms, pills and lubes.

05-01-2024, 10:16 PM
Easy money easy gone but damnnnnn 30k. A week tax free?

06-01-2024, 07:16 AM
Yes, if someone nets $30,000 a week and works, say, 45 weeks a year, that would equate to $1.35 million a year !!!!!!!

That figure is only for the last 2 weeks of December when she's got a lot more business during the holiday rush. Probably still a lot of money she's making throughout the year, but wouldn't be anywhere close to that figure.

And she's going to have to pay tax on those earnings cos she's using cashless payments.