View Full Version : Ginza Scraped Ginza Girls Database

09-01-2024, 01:51 PM
I wrote a script to scrape the Ginza Girls page and then the page for each girl, and extract the information I can find. This is basically reproducing the database under the site. Also today's roster.
A Google Sheet with the output is at:

It includes:-

- Fields which you can now filter and sort by, like age, body size, ethnicity, booking rates.
- The various descriptions and details
- Link to the girl images. I have an interactive version where I can see the photos with each girl.
- A "rostered" column which lets me filter by girls that are on the current roster.
- A "rank" column where I used various attributes to rank the girls by attributes that are important to me.
Let me know if you find this useful. If people were interested in a more full featured version (e.g. with photos), which automatically updates over time (including current roster), and could it make it worth my time, I'd consider it.

I'd imagine it would be great if people could vote or rank girls, or include links to reviews.

You can leave comments on the sheet.
If you want to edit it or muck around, you could make a copy (File..Make a Copy).

Edit 16 January:
As per suggestion below, I've made the following updates:
1) Put the date it was pulled in the title. And the roster column indicates that they were on the roster page that day (the next 2 days are on the roster normally).
2) Put each image link into its own column, which makes it easier to click through to the image.
3) Also note that if you pause over the "URL" field, Sheets will give you a little quick popup preview of the girl's page.

Adding links for reviews would be a great idea, but a lot of work right now. Would probably need to be a different method to be honest.

09-01-2024, 02:01 PM
How do you deacribe the rank bro?

09-01-2024, 02:10 PM
The rank is just my own personal initial rank based on the data and reading some reviews.
My rank is not meant to be useful to anybody else. If you make a copy of it for yourself, you could put in your own rankings.

As I mentioned, a future version could have community contributed votes/ranks.

09-01-2024, 02:12 PM
How do you deacribe the rank bro?

The rank is just my own personal initial rank based on the data and reading some reviews.
My rank is not meant to be useful to anybody else. If you make a copy of it for yourself, you could put in your own rankings.

As I mentioned, a future version could have community contributed votes/ranks.

09-01-2024, 06:34 PM
Great work. The sideways scroll on their website gives me the shits big time!

10-01-2024, 02:10 PM
amazing work mate... browsing their website was always frustrating!!

10-01-2024, 02:15 PM
Well done. Great work for the community.

Honestly so many shops could use with putting a web dev on payroll for a month. Some look like they're done in notepad

10-01-2024, 02:34 PM
if the urls for the pics were separated into different cells or at least had a space before and after the comma's they'd be easier to click through to.

Also perhaps include a field with time of last update and which ginza it is (looks like it's 310)

11-01-2024, 02:48 AM
Maybe an extra column with review links, if any

12-01-2024, 08:06 AM
Great work.

It's sad that one of the most popular shops in Sydney has such bad navigation and UX on their website. They should take notes from 42 and 5.

13-01-2024, 01:07 PM
That's fantastic, thanks for sharing.

13-01-2024, 02:10 PM
That's brilliant, are you able to add other shops ?

16-01-2024, 10:53 AM
That's brilliant, are you able to add other shops ?

I could potentially look at Ginza 479 if people thnk there is value.

16-01-2024, 11:21 AM
if the urls for the pics were separated into different cells or at least had a space before and after the comma's they'd be easier to click through to.

Also perhaps include a field with time of last update and which ginza it is (looks like it's 310)

I've implemented 2 of your suggestions.
See edit above.

16-01-2024, 12:21 PM
Wao Great Great work. Appreciate it 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

16-01-2024, 06:45 PM
I've implemented 2 of your suggestions.
See edit above.

Great work! Keep it up, and yeah I'd vote for both ginzas

18-01-2024, 10:57 AM
Great work! Keep it up, and yeah I'd vote for both ginzas

Sorry guys I tried the other site, it doesn't work.
So this will just be main Ginza.

At this point I'll maybe manually update the sheet weekly on a Monday until I get bored.