View Full Version : General talk 2024 - The Year of ....

27-01-2024, 10:22 AM
Wished everyone a great New Year back in early January 2024

The New Years resolutions have had the chance to either take hold or fade away by now

So, for you:
2024 - Is The Year of ....

(insert word, words here)

27-01-2024, 10:25 AM
For me, 2024 will be the year of Value for Money punting, and being in close control of my spending.

Will avoid any shop excessively increasing prices unjustifiably, and will visit their competition instead, and repeatedly

I won't be paying more than $250 for a punt, and will closely review both Massage Shops and Brothel prices and report back

27-01-2024, 11:51 AM
Busting more nuts.
I recorded that I blew 149 times in 2019, it’s dropped significantly since then but this year I’m gonna bring it back

27-01-2024, 01:15 PM
Busting more nuts.
I recorded that I blew 149 times in 2019, it’s dropped significantly since then but this year I’m gonna bring it back

That's a load every 2.5 days sustained for the whole year - impressive!
I presume the stats includes fapping, RnT and FS?

27-01-2024, 01:21 PM
To find that zero gag reflex girl

27-01-2024, 01:38 PM
Yeah I included everything. Sometimes twice a day, do the wife in the morning and get a sneaky one out later that day.

27-01-2024, 01:43 PM
Busting more nuts.
I recorded that I blew 149 times in 2019, it’s dropped significantly since then but this year I’m gonna bring it back
So you have lots of options for male therapy.

Any chance your wife will find out this year, and do you care?

Enjoy 2024 and use a burner phone

27-01-2024, 02:29 PM
The year of the trilobite - very underestimated creature.

27-01-2024, 03:01 PM
The year of fucking for me

28-01-2024, 10:50 AM
The year I stop talking to/texting girls that friendzone me. (No more free attention)

The year I stop eating McDonald’s.

The year I won’t pay more than $320 for 1 hour.

28-01-2024, 11:03 AM
The year I stop talking to/texting girls that friendzone me. (No more free attention)

I guess some people have conditional love for their gf/wife, kids, pets and relatives.

Normally I keep people in my contact list regardless of whether they talk to me regularly or not. Guys tend to talk to each other once a month or year rather than every day so I don't see a problem with talking to women on occasions. When a woman talks to you on a daily basis that's probably when you should start getting worried, she might want more than just sperm.

28-01-2024, 11:07 AM
This year is the same as every year for me except to keep punting cheap and affordable. $250 is the limit, 45 mins. More sex, less chitchat, less rushed. If they want to have a chitchat they'd better be giving me their number otherwise they should work in RnTs where there's more time for idle chitchat.

28-01-2024, 12:09 PM
The year I stop talking to/texting girls that friendzone me. (No more free attention)

In my very younger days I got friendzoned until I learnt the following.

Don't make yourself available to them all the time (they hate that) When she calls you just say you are busy and you will call her back in about a hour and don't call her back at all until the next day, she says something just say sorry you got occupied and completely forgot. Don't postpone your hobbies and life for them. Don't do this all the time but sometimes when your busy, make it known you are busy for some time

Don't be afraid to go "you fucked up/ your the bitch in that scenario/don't come crying to me" instead of lying for browning points like "it's okay it's not your fault" girls respect that honesty after they are shocked by your response.

Learn to make a woman actually laugh because that makes them fall in love with you.

Try and set up a casual coffee date asap and if she declines then stop texting her and move on.

Don't be a cunt or.rude to them but literally treating them mean keeps them keen. Girls are used to that attention that when you make her question herself because of you, she will try harder to impress you next time if she likes you.

But usually its easier to just blow in a WL mouth and leave guilt free and not have to message them all the damn time like you have to for non WL.

Variety is the spice of life.

28-01-2024, 12:27 PM
In my very younger days I got friendzoned until I learnt the following.

Making a woman laugh as a prerequisite for them to fall in love with you means that when your jokes are no longer funny they can fall out of love for you?

Women are still human beings, they have individual perceived needs. When I say perceived it's because they think they need something that they don't necessarily need. Like attention and reciprocation. It's nice to have but it's not necessarily a need.

Try: Behaving as if nothing bothers you. If she wants your attention, give it as long as you're not expecting to get into her pants. If she doesn't text you back immediately, leave the channel open but don't pursue. If she's serious about you she'll find a way to get the conversation up and going. You want to date an observant girl not chase after someone who can't even remember birthdays other than her own.

28-01-2024, 12:41 PM
Lol, I always find it funny how guys like to generalise everything, especially when it comes to getting girls. Just stick to which ever style you're better at or comfortable with, eventually you'll find those that respond to it.

28-01-2024, 12:56 PM
Lol, I always find it funny how guys like to generalise everything, especially when it comes to getting girls. Just stick to which ever style you're better at or comfortable with, eventually you'll find those that respond to it.

Maybe it's because we're generally easy to seduce?

28-01-2024, 12:58 PM
2024 will be the year of financial prudence, and going for quality rather than quantity. Keeping track across the years of how much $$$$ was spent.
Punting every 4 to 6 weeks at a clean place with decent girls is far better than every week or two with mediocre ones.

28-01-2024, 02:18 PM
2024 - Is The Year that ....

- War breaks out in the Middle East between Israel/US and Persia + allied Arab states
- Putin is assassinated
- Trump wins US presidency
- King Charles' prostrate raptures
- India and Pakistan go to war over Kashmir
- Xi Jinping takes over Taiwan and war breaks out
- Albo ousted by his party for doing fuck all
- Drugs discovered at the Paris Olympics
- Prince Harry releases new book ''from beta to cuck'
- The return of Warwick to the fold and a digital war erupts between Sibon and Warwick.
- Japan releases a life like AI sex robot bringing the punting world to its knees. WL rates drop to an all time low at $100/hr

Like playing lotto, bound to get one right

28-01-2024, 02:33 PM
In my very younger days I got friendzoned until I learnt the following.

Don't make yourself available to them all the time (they hate that) When she calls you just say you are busy and you will call her back in about a hour and don't call her back at all until the next day, she says something just say sorry you got occupied and completely forgot. Don't postpone your hobbies and life for them. Don't do this all the time but sometimes when your busy, make it known you are busy for some time

Don't be afraid to go "you fucked up/ your the bitch in that scenario/don't come crying to me" instead of lying for browning points like "it's okay it's not your fault" girls respect that honesty after they are shocked by your response.

Learn to make a woman actually laugh because that makes them fall in love with you.

Try and set up a casual coffee date asap and if she declines then stop texting her and move on.

Don't be a cunt or.rude to them but literally treating them mean keeps them keen. Girls are used to that attention that when you make her question herself because of you, she will try harder to impress you next time if she likes you.

But usually its easier to just blow in a WL mouth and leave guilt free and not have to message them all the damn time like you have to for non WL.

Variety is the spice of life.

Sounds like the diary if the next Unabomber.

Would be easier to accept you got friendzoned cos you're a weirdo. Stop being weird problem solved.

28-01-2024, 03:48 PM
Sounds like the diary if the next Unabomber.

Would be easier to accept you got friendzoned cos you're a weirdo. Stop being weird problem solved.

Aren't you the one who runs multi accounts on here?

Point is woman don't like a too nice guy who is always available for them.

28-01-2024, 03:57 PM
2024 - Is The Year that ....

- War breaks out in the Middle East between Israel/US and Persia + allied Arab states
- Putin is assassinated
- Trump wins US presidency
- King Charles' prostrate raptures
- India and Pakistan go to war over Kashmir
- Xi Jinping takes over Taiwan and war breaks out
- Albo ousted by his party for doing fuck all
- Drugs discovered at the Paris Olympics
- Prince Harry releases new book ''from beta to cuck'
- The return of Warwick to the fold and a digital war erupts between Sibon and Warwick.
- Japan releases a life like AI sex robot bringing the punting world to its knees. WL rates drop to an all time low at $100/hr

Like playing lotto, bound to get one right

- Putin is assassinated

28-01-2024, 05:40 PM
Aren't you the one who runs multi accounts on here?

Point is woman don't like a too nice guy who is always available for them.

No i dont run them.

People looking for excuses to use like yourself use generalisations to much. Its not that you're too nice, it will be some reason to do with you in particular. Based off your posts i reckon you prob give off a strong creep factor, which in your reality you think is being "nice".

28-01-2024, 06:04 PM
No i dont run them.

People looking for excuses to use like yourself use generalisations to much. Its not that you're too nice, it will be some reason to do with you in particular. Based off your posts i reckon you prob give off a strong creep factor, which in your reality you think is being "nice".

Wow I must struck a nerve with you for you to single me out like this. Are we going to be the new "Sibon vs Warrick"?

Well if you seem to know so much them give me an example of me being a creep by being too nice? because I sure as shit don't give gifts to girls or give extra tips or think by doing that i can save her from her line of work and pick me because I'm the nice guy.

You clearly didn't even bother to read my post properly because you think I am still playing the too nice guy and still getting rejected and being salty about it when I said it was when I changed my approach to them is when I had better success. Yea of course you still be a gentleman to a woman but still have some integrity to yourself and not be a kiss ass

28-01-2024, 08:09 PM
Mate if you are what you said don't give Athena too much power to turn a simple forum discussion into a pickle. Don't give this kind of banter too much attention, just walk it off. Don't let anything bother you.

My partner turns simple discussions into huge arguments herself - normally I keep my mouth shut or playfully tell her off if I can think of respectful ways to do so. If she gets on my nerve I usually stop answering my phone for hours just to cool off, then come back and re-read her texts to see where have I misunderstood her.

To be great with the ladies you need strong composure. If Athena was a real lady you'd fail her shit test. Even with men, wars were not won with words but strength and allies.

Behaving as if nothing bothers you.

Not repeating a red pill philosophy but it's out there in many manuals on "How to keep a girl interested in you". Don't forget that. Even in marriage you don't want to be too available and transform into a feminine husband. This is why a man should be good with his hands: if he keeps himself busy during the day and only makes himself available to the wife at dusk, it reminds the wife that she has her own responsibilities around the house as well. This is how country folks keep their marriage lasting for decades, the men are always busy working on something while the wife makes sure he's well fed and clothed at the end of the day.

28-01-2024, 08:38 PM
The year of… living dangerously.

(No punt intended)

28-01-2024, 09:26 PM
The year I stop talking to/texting girls that friendzone me. (No more free attention)

The year I stop eating McDonald’s.

The year I won’t pay more than $320 for 1 hour.

Haha love it nightshift. The friend zone does suck.

28-01-2024, 10:01 PM
Sibon vs Warrick.
North Sydney Boys nerd vs old baby boomer with a ute and a spanner.

29-01-2024, 08:10 AM
The year of Jannik Sinner. What an incredible match at the AO men's final last night!

Big boneR
29-01-2024, 04:44 PM
I'd like to bone the lady next door, as long as she doesn't talk. Got quite the mission in front of as she hates me :cool2:

05-02-2024, 06:35 PM
The year I stop talking to/texting girls that friendzone me. (No more free attention)

The year I stop eating McDonald’s.

Free attention for women is like free sex for us men. Maybe ask her to pay you for your attention, or trade it for sex.

Wait a minute, if sex is traded for attention doesn't that mean you're in a relationship?

I can't stop eating McDonald's. Those Double Quarter Pounder look like a set of thick pussy lips lying on its side. Yummy and juicy

05-02-2024, 08:08 PM
2024 - Is The Year that ....

- War breaks out in the Middle East between Israel/US and Persia + allied Arab states - Nah, they're fucking pussies who only have the balls to back terrorists against civilians in civilised Western countries.
- Putin is assassinated - Nah
- Trump wins US presidency - Possibly.
- King Charles' prostrate raptures - Nah
- India and Pakistan go to war over Kashmir - Nah
- Xi Jinping takes over Taiwan and war breaks out - Nah
- Albo ousted by his party for doing fuck all - Nah
- Drugs discovered at the Paris Olympics - There is drugs at every Olympics.
- Prince Harry releases new book ''from beta to cuck' - Pathetic human. Shudda married someone posh instead of that butt ugly lower class skank.
- The return of Warwick to the fold and a digital war erupts between Sibon and Warwick. - I look forward to it.
- Japan releases a life like AI sex robot bringing the punting world to its knees. WL rates drop to an all time low at $100/hr - Bring it on Skippy.

Like playing lotto, bound to get one right

Please see my responses above. :D

06-02-2024, 04:52 PM
Please see my responses above. :D

King Charles definitely didn't get his prostate raptured but he was diagnosed with cancer very recently.

06-02-2024, 05:55 PM
I have a feeling he will survive it. Their bloodline is extremely long lived for some reason.

06-02-2024, 06:04 PM
I have a feeling he will survive it. Their bloodline is extremely long lived for some reason.

There's rumours that they descended from ancient Reptilians. Haha

Turns out in DNA testing their haplogroup is very common in people who came out of the Caucasus mountains 5,000 years ago. For some reasons they dominated all the Western European tribes and became the kings of all the major European countries. The majority of them survived Roman conquest in Germania and were known as the Teutons back then, and slowly became the ruling family of the region.

Not sure if incest also contributed to the longevity as his parents were actually cousins.

06-02-2024, 06:20 PM
2024 - year of the creapie :)

06-02-2024, 06:57 PM
2024 - year of the creapie :)

Eating them or making them?

06-02-2024, 07:49 PM
Eating them or making them?

Got to be making them.