View Full Version : General talk Sb advice

02-02-2024, 09:15 AM
Seeing sb for a while and catch up every two to 3 wks want to see her once a wk on payment one wk free the next what’s the best way to approach this and make it work?

02-02-2024, 09:25 AM
Seeing sb for a while and catch up every two to 3 wks want to see her once a wk on payment one wk free the next what’s the best way to approach this and make it work?

From my experience over several years, sugar babies expect to receive cash every time you meet, which is why they use the expression PPM (payment per meeting).

Very few SBs in Australia receive a monthly “allowance” and then meet their sugar daddies as often as they like.

The monthly allowances tend to be high —-I know of ranges $8,000 to $15.000 per month. This is much more expensive than the PPM system which is usually around $500 to $800 per meeting.

Regardless of all the cover up used to make it sound that they’re not selling sex, in reality the men SDs pay to have sex.

There are several forums on Reddit that are run by SBs you can read where they teach each other how to extract as much cash as possible from men.

02-02-2024, 10:28 AM
What’s the difference between a private escort Vs sugar baby, age perhaps ?

And if your SB has more than a dozens or so daddy’s, then the degree of exclusivity is out of the window, no ?

02-02-2024, 11:29 AM
What’s the difference between a private escort Vs sugar baby, age perhaps ?

And if your SB has more than a dozens or so daddy’s, then the degree of exclusivity is out of the window, no ?

From what I can gather, there are 2 major differences. Escorts have a price tag on every "unit" of time. SBs do not appear to do that. The price is per meet vs per hour or increment of time with an escort.

Also higher likelihood of BB sex.

All this based solely on what I've read on this forum, so maybe needs a grain of salt?

02-02-2024, 11:40 AM
At the end if the day they're both selling pussy and that is where it's all at!


02-02-2024, 12:51 PM
Lol.... I'd like to think that an SB would be somewhere in the range between a partner and a prostitute. It's more like a hybrid, lol...

02-02-2024, 03:09 PM
What’s the difference between a private escort Vs sugar baby, age perhaps ?

And if your SB has more than a dozens or so daddy’s, then the degree of exclusivity is out of the window, no ?

Key differences are:
- escorts charge by the hour while most SB’s would stay with you for 2, 3 or more hours each time you meet. Some even overnight. All for the one payment.

- escort know they have to provide a service so they work at delivering it, while many SB’s are uni students and basically have varying degrees of expertise and some don’t even try to do much once naked in bed.

- most escorts are in their later 20s and 30s, if not well into their 40s, while most SB’s are early 20s to early 30s.

- Escorts are sex workers. They fuck for money as many guys as they can. SB’s are trying to make money to not work many hours as shop assistants.

- Escorts do not choose their customers unless a man is revolting when they show up. SB’s are very selective about which SD to sleep with.

- often when an SB and SD become regular with each other, an emotional bond of sorts develops.

- many SD’s don’t care about what the girl is (escort or SB) and just want to pay, fuck, and forget.

Anonymous Stranger
02-02-2024, 03:28 PM
If you find the right SB for you, the difference will be very obvious. I enjoy my SBs company - lunches, bars, lounges, the conversations we have. Sex is just the cherry on top. You don't really get that with an escort, especially when they can't even speak English.

02-02-2024, 03:34 PM
Ultimately it's all similar and what is marriage but prostitution to one man instead of many.

So the sexual spectrum would resemble something like this :

- A married woman will see and experience one dick for several years.
- High class escorts, sugar babies etc fit somewhere in the middle of the spectrum ie 5-10 dicks per month
- WLs are at the other other end of the spectrum ie 10 dicks per day

Another key differentiator between all three is the likelihood of getting STD/STIs

And some will say WLs are damaged goods, but I've seen and met spinsters, divorcees and married women that are in a far worse shape than WLs.

03-02-2024, 06:27 AM
Seeing sb for a while and catch up every two to 3 wks want to see her once a wk on payment one wk free the next what’s the best way to approach this and make it work?

Talk to her. If she's interested in you aside from money and dick then a week's rest inbetween meets won't mean much.
Another thing: tell her your low in cash but still want to meet. If she wants you for you she'll renegotiate the ppm

Best of luck and shop around - they still whores