View Full Version : General talk Any New ML’s & WL’s Worth Mentioning

27-02-2024, 02:04 PM
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28-02-2024, 01:39 PM
If so:

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1. You say you're new to the area, so anyone will be new to you.

2. Plenty of info here as to where to go and who to see to have the greatest probability of success for whatever you're into. Does require reading though. Myself, I've always had good luck at Summerville.

3. Brothels, sex. MP's, really up to the girl. Since I'm clueless as to you, I have no idea what you might be offered. Only way to be sure is to try yourself.

4. I've been very successful with following the standard guidelines, but again, at MP's, that's really up to her.

I'd just suggest visiting some of the often mentioned places and ladies, try your luck. Like Nike says, "Just Do It".

Nice thing is, once you've gotten "out and about" you should quickly have your own PERSONAL list of worthies...

28-02-2024, 02:08 PM
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You've done 3 posts and you want other punters time to spoon feed you so you don't have to do any research? how about you contribute a little before asking a blanket question. Lots of forum post on reviews...

28-02-2024, 02:29 PM
You've done 3 posts and you want other punters time to spoon feed you so you don't have to do any research? how about you contribute a little before asking a blanket question. Lots of forum post on reviews...

Nelly69, you have to understand. Is that any way to welcome a newbie? There are people who's time is so valuable and limited they just DON'T have the time to read and research. And why should they? It's just too easy to take 2 minutes to write a broad spectrum question and let the peasants do the work. Of course, these same people will always have the time to punt... I'm just grateful there was no promise to write an AR after... Or to DM him... Just a shame that the concierge service is on summer holiday and the PAID staff are out in the field doing research...

Mybadwilly22, I was going to send you my spreadsheet of punts, but I just can't seem to order it to your specifications. So sorry.:cry:

28-02-2024, 08:34 PM
There is another section on this site called "After Reports". Use desktop mode so you can sort by thread start date descending. You will exactly get the most recent ML and WLs reviewed.

28-02-2024, 10:06 PM
Nelly69, you have to understand. Is that any way to welcome a newbie? There are people who's time is so valuable and limited they just DON'T have the time to read and research. And why should they? It's just too easy to take 2 minutes to write a broad spectrum question and let the peasants do the work. Of course, these same people will always have the time to punt... I'm just grateful there was no promise to write an AR after... Or to DM him... Just a shame that the concierge service is on summer holiday and the PAID staff are out in the field doing research...

Mybadwilly22, I was going to send you my spreadsheet of punts, but I just can't seem to order it to your specifications. So sorry.:cry:Feed em once. Hail fellow, well met. Then scowl, but feed em less twice. I'm not yet mum. Third time they can find, catch, and feed them fucking selves. And pass the Intel along.

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28-02-2024, 10:08 PM
Feed em once. Hail fellow, well met. Then scowl, but feed em less twice. I'm not yet mum. Third time they can find, catch, and feed them fucking selves. And pass the Intel along.

Sent from my SM-S711B using TapatalkFunding spill chucker. I'm not YER fuckin mum.

Sent from my SM-S711B using Tapatalk

28-02-2024, 11:40 PM
Try "Papers" from 6 Poplar St Surry Hills. She looks good in her photos as a post-op. Unfortunately I'm not into pre or post op trans and my past experiences were from not knowing they're actually trans.

Other than that I haven't sampled any of the newest addition out there. Too expensive + too far for me.

29-02-2024, 06:03 AM
If so:

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They’re all worth mentioning at the time just after a punt. Mentioning to your mates. Maybe. But it’s a mind game you see. They don’t mind if you don’t matter. The moment you stop paying them do they message or call you every day? No. So are they really worth mentioning? Stop paying and you get nothing.

It’s like catching the bus, the 380 to Bondi. You pay, you get on, you take the ride and hopefully you “get off”. Now tell me, have you read on a forum anywhere a review on the 380? It’s a great bus, it did all stops, it cost $1.30 started at Central and finished at Bondi. It was a fantastic ride, I recommend it to all my fellow journeymen!

Now I know 11Bravo will tell you one gave him a gold Mickey Mouse royal jubilee watch after the punt and that they all send him Xmas and birthday cards, that they have previously held his Willy while he takes a piss and regularly spoon fed him breakfast, lunch and dinner, even helped him cross a street, but as far as I’ve read on here there’s no real love. Now I don’t mean love as in love but love as in returned payment in kind. Ever get a free punt? Silly me, silly question, some get it all the time!

So why should any of them be mentioned? A punt is a punt. Punt and move on. Would they say Mybadwilly22 is worth mentioning to their friends? Will they freely message you, ask how are ya doin’, or write an AR on you up on a forum? Why give them the same credence?

Go out and take a punt on your next punt!

Then forget them and move on.

Don’t forget the AR…


(Btw 11Bravo I only use your name in vain as I know you’re a good chap)

29-02-2024, 09:44 AM
The moment you stop paying them do they message or call you every day? No. So are they really worth mentioning? Stop paying and you get nothing. ... Will they freely message you, ask how are ya doin’

Now I know 11Bravo will tell you one gave him a gold Mickey Mouse royal jubilee watch after the punt and that they all send him Xmas and birthday cards, that they have previously held his Willy while he takes a piss and regularly spoon fed him breakfast, lunch and dinner, even helped him cross a street, but as far as I’ve read on here there’s no real love. Now I don’t mean love as in love but love as in returned payment in kind. Not love, but it is mutual RESPECT. No Christmas cards or red envelopes coming my way, but certainly a number of WeChat/Line messages with New Year's greetings. And the occasional mid-year greeting (if nothing else, just customer relations, same as my insurance agent and my financial advisor, though I certainly hope THEY are not screwing me). Some very nice tea when they've returned from a home visit, some traditional medicine, even got a tea set once (though the practicality of those SMALL cups I just can't see). And while I will pick up the dinner tab, nice when you're taken to a LOCAL place, not a tourist clip joint, you're the only foreigner there, and you don't have to worry about being ripped off on the bill. Might be hard to believe, I know, but I'm NOT THE man-about-town, so it's nice to be tipped to where's a good place to go for a drink (why spend money out of your pocket checking out places when that FL who's been taken out and about passes on the intel). Not here, but elsewhere, while not spoon fed, certainly any number of vegetables bought (what, they DON'T all come in cans), dinners cooked, dishes washed (just couldn't convince them to just put them in the machine, no need to hand wash), rooms cleaned (though there WAS order in MY disorder) and dust doesn't bother me, just nature's way of showing you what you don't use. Respect.

So why should any of them be mentioned? A punt is a punt. Punt and move on. Would they say Mybadwilly22 is a worth mentioning to their friends? No idea about Mybadwilly22 (talking to yourself?), but 11Bravo? Definitely. Once asked a girl how much and she said why was I asking her that? Everyone knew what I paid. If you don't think the girls talk amongst themselves... just like us, sharing intel.

Don’t forget the AR. Good advice. Know you just recently joined, 3 posts (these days, with some expiring so quickly, perhaps I'm just a cynic, thinking pre-positioning?), so I'm sure a player such as yourself would have many experiences to share, even with your ADHD. So let's see how many AR's you'll have in the coming days.

(Btw 11Bravo I only use your name in vain as I know you’re a good chap)WADR, your opinion of me means little. Her opinion of me means a lot. I hope your RANT is just having some fun and not sour grapes on waiting for someone who hasn't made contact... Habibi? Time will tell.

Then forget them and move on.I'm ALWAYS grateful for those punters with your attitude. Elevates me in her eyes without me having to do anything. So THANKS.