View Full Version : ACE CLUB 359 J Moana - Terrible - Worst punt in Sydney AVOID THIS PLACE

26-03-2024, 11:58 AM

As with everything in life YMMV, this is a single experience of my own personal account, out of hundreds a week they have I assume.
I can not speak for the others which may be quite different and good and should be taken as such.
This doesn't necessarily reflect the overall quality of the venue of thousands of punts from simply 1 experience
and from what might have been an off day for with a new girl.
I've had a few bad punts at other places and I could have just been unlucky this time.


Hi Guys,

As you know I love punting and bringing you guys reviews and intel so much that it appears I'm shilling.
However, not all of them go to plan and there are some bad ones.
I also like trying new places and discovering gems, but there are risks.
I thought of not posting this but just how terrible it was I think needs to be out there same with the terrible management response.

I added them on weChat, saw a few decent girls, however as i would come to soon realise they were fake pictures not by a little but like a complete fucking transformation. I asked for a good service girl, got recommended 2 and chose the Japanese on as I've had great success with them in the past. Almost a sure thing to have a great time. I told them I was a first time customer and they let me know the services which included pussy slide. They said $320 but their website was $300? hrmm ok, they said for first time customer $300. great I know ginza also charge more for girls, but at least they disclose the prices.. this was a bad sign tbh.

I go there the venue is not too bad, clean, and the room while small had a decent shower, this was the highlight of the whole punt, the facilities, lol. On the pictures, she appears skinny, when I got her in the room was short and chunky as fuck and no tits, her face was a big as fucking medicine ball, so much so I wanted out. But I tried to go along with it, I was getting naked and she wasn't, I waited for ever for her too, when I tried to touch her, she complained about shower first, what a cold fucking reaction and welcome mate. her English is none existent. She washed me in the shower, and then I dried off while she washed her self alone. This took 15minutes of our time. She was free 30minutes prior, i'm sure she could have washed her self and got prepared ahead of time, instead of eating my time.

Any ways, I can now touch I got to gently play with her pussy and its like the fire alarm has gone off, the worse fake loud moaning I've had i'm my life. I had to tell her 3 times not to be fake and to quite down. Like wtf? massive turn off. I tried kissing a few times, only to get some light lip kissing. I asked for a massage, no b2b just sitting by the side and trying to massage me, no oil, till i complained and she goes out the room to get some. For the second time she gives me attitude and mutters in Japanese unpleasant words. That's it, I tell her I'm done, and this is bullshit. She get in the shower, sinning and humming and is the happies I've ever seen someone, looks like her shitty plan has gone perfect, no service and money... but just hang on a second love. Short sightedness, you have cost you self a job, and the venue's reputation for a few hundred bucks.

I head down stairs with 28minutes of the hour used.
I explain that she's terrible, first off the guy should have known that something was up when a punter comes out in less than half the time.
the Ginza boys at reception always also if everything good, and want a fucking mini review always, ehheeh ant wait to read about it on here.
That's quality customer service.
I told him I didn't want a refund but i wanted it sorted out, I'm a first time customers and I've been lied to and fucked over.
he tried to apologies, and shit, while I tell him I don't want a refund he should have offered this. On we chat he offered $50 off and i'm like wtf? that's still means im over paying for a 30minute visit. So who's walking away with my money the venue or the girls?

My gripe with the venue they complain about she being new, why would you give a new girl not good service to a new customer? Second, when I got there they asked for $320 i'm like wtf happened to the $300 I was promised, lol So just a complete fuck show all over. He kept just saying meaningless "sorry" over we chat, to the point its fake an empty unless he takes actions punishes her and finds out then comes back with a full response and FULL refund then its fucking platitudes.

For those that don't want to read:

My stance on this is neutral, while my experience wasn't good management did reach out to try to resolve the issue.

The venue is at 359 Riley street Surry Hills, called ACE CLUB 359[/B], im sure its gone by other names in the past. Make up your own mind.

the only positive is that I went to Ginza straight after got an amazing service with Gia fuck that girl loves to fuck, will post a review a bit later just wanted to get this out for cunts that might be as stupid as me to give another venue a go. DO NOT DO IT, give me half the cash, and ill take u around back and kick you in the balls and we call it even.

UPDATE: 28/03/2024 in progress

I am reserving my judgment on this, and reduced the font size, due to the owner contacting me and trying to remedy the situation, which is a good effort. Props for that. Despite it coming to this, it should never have gotten to this point with proper checks and balances, never the less, we talked and a full refund was offered with a stipulation, that i'm not sure I quite liked. IMO the onus in on them, and not me, im the innocent party in this and I need to be made whole, I'm not asking for going above and beyond, just what I was wronged, and my time wasted, and more so to sort it out. However, i also understand, since im reasonable, that its motivated by fear and trying to damage control the bad PR the business (that's been running for a while and this may be an isolated incident for me at least) has suffered to its reputation as a result (of this thread, but ultimately of its own actions), which explains the stipulations and irrational behaviour that isnt quite logical in my book.

The claim was that the girl was fired and also the reception staff papsam who handled it and apparently deleted the WeChat logs despite me telling him who i was in full disclosure. How much of that i believe i dono, but i don't have proof otherwise either, so for now in a good will gesture im at least reserving my judgment. I didn't like that the refund was offered with strings attached, and also that its a quid pro quo thing, the 2 issues are not related, he claimed i got SOME service, that's like saying you ate the half the pizza before you found shit in it, so you only get half the refund, LOL that logic doesn't fly mate. Same with the not knowing the ONOUS is on you as the owner to know what goes on in your shop. And when you find out what's happened, to remedy the situation fully, unequivocally, without expecting anything and hope that you do get good will back. Its again SHORT sighted behaviour and unfair and unjust that i don't appreciate, for what simply telling the true?
You repair your reputation by offering good service and budling credibility back and then get GOOD reviews.

I've reserved my judgment, Stay tuned, to hear the out come, current status on venue and advice to punters is: NEUTRAL


Update 2: Decision

I've decided to preface the review out of good will and my own uncoerced volution so that if anyone comes across it they have context and full transparency to use their own wisdom.

As with everything in life :
YMMV, this is a single experience ofmy own personal account, out of hundreds a week they have I assume.
I can not speak for the others which may be quite good and should be taken as such.

In order for my to get a full refund the stipulation was that I remove the review entirely.

I'm sorry I can not do that for the following reasons:

- If I'm to believe everything and action was taken to remedy issues with the girl and staff, then this all came about as a result OF THIS review.
So it was helpful to the shop, and should see them improve their service as it were and thank me for it.
- I/we shouldn't have to post on here, in order to get proper resolution to this matter, there should have already been channels for this.
- I am simply telling my experience, punters can make up their OWN minds, My experience could have been isolated.
- I had offered to alter the review with the out come and resolution with it being spun in a feel good romcom way.
However, it was still requested that in order to get the full refund id have to remove it, which sorry I'm not going to be bought for $300.
- $300 is a lot to punters, its $500 before tax and really a days or more work, I've taken one for the team and its unjust.
- So I will point out it was nice of them to try to resolve the issue but ultimately their arguments for still having got some service is not valid.
- End of the day I'm the 100% innocent party in all this, and that fact is some how over looked still and not fully appreciated.
- My stance on this is that while 1 review I'm leaning towards, "will not return" and YMMV at BEST but benefit of the doubt might be given, other punters feel free to do was you wish its your money.
- Review stands but at the bottom, I removed AVOID LIKE the Plague big message and have left the neutral stance.


26-03-2024, 12:09 PM
359 Riley street Surry Hills

26-03-2024, 12:25 PM
Thanks for saving me a trip and potential money

26-03-2024, 01:38 PM
The place at Riley street has never been good. Ever since I joined this forum, I've read bad stuff about it.

Eventually people here just stopped going. Glad to see it hasn't changed lol.

26-03-2024, 03:54 PM
lol i tried to search for reveiws, but it was too hard to search "ace" and "359" as it was too short

Well now i guess people will know for sure this place is a fucking shit hole scam joint to avoid, ginza FTW

26-03-2024, 05:14 PM
lol i tried to search for reveiws, but it was too hard to search "ace" and "359" as it was too short

Well now i guess people will know for sure this place is a fucking shit hole scam joint to avoid, ginza FTW

A lot of it was mentioned in passing comments on threads. I think there was rarely any actual ARs about the place. You'd have to be reading the forums a long time to pick up on some of it.

26-03-2024, 05:35 PM
lol i tried to search for reveiws, but it was too hard to search "ace" and "359" as it was too short

Well now i guess people will know for sure this place is a fucking shit hole scam joint to avoid, ginza FTW
Agree this place isn’t what it used to be…

Anyone remember Wakana or Megu (both Japanese) who used to work here 2020 to 2022?

26-03-2024, 10:21 PM
cuteguy was a fan of Wakana.
what happened to cuteguy?

thanks T1ooo excellent review as always. TOFTT.

27-03-2024, 01:47 AM
“give me half the cash, and ill take u around back and kick you in the balls and we call it even”

Sorry I don’t mean to laugh but this was hilarious. It’s a shame you went through what you did

27-03-2024, 11:49 AM
Agree this place isn’t what it used to be…

Anyone remember Wakana or Megu (both Japanese) who used to work here 2020 to 2022?

I saw Megu a few times, but in 2023 rather than 2022. Great fun and bubbly girl and very open minded. Last I heard, she went to Perth. I also saw Mika there a couple of times before she went back to Japan. Mika was also fun and very nice service. A couple of other girls, too.

I can't believe they are still advertising one price on their website and charging a higher price when you arrive. I always thought the Reception Guy was pocketing the difference for himself. He also had a very nasty habit of double booking the girls, even against a booking made in advance - and even 15 minutes before my booking was due to start. Then he lied about the other punter only booking for 30 minutes, so 'finishing soon'. Absolutely shocking service!!

This relentless incompetence and disregard for clients plus the lack of changing sheets between punters convinced me to never return. Sorry, but I have a thing about shops treating me like shit and charging me for the privilege.

T1000's experience is entirely consistent with my own around mid last year and I see is echoed by other punters, too. I agree this place should be avoided. Shit shop and shit service from Reception.

However, I was lucky that I met nicer WLs there, other than one final experience at their sister shop in Haymarket. Forget the name. But that place took shit service and shit rooms to a new level. That was the final straw for me and never went back. Must be bad for me to write a negative review. Oh well.

27-03-2024, 03:01 PM
In hear you bro those shops need to be exposed.

I stopped in there one night and immediately the guy asked how long, and asked for $280 upfront.

I was no, I want to see who's working, I never pay before seeing the girls. He muttered something then said only one girl but she's 30 min wait.

I was yeh whatever and left. Come on guys never pay up front and don't be afraid to mention price differences online.

Thanks for the Intel btw

28-03-2024, 12:17 AM
I have posted an update to it, this is now in progress while we try to remedy the situation.

Stay tuned.

28-03-2024, 12:36 AM
I have posted an update to it, this is now in progress while we try to remedy the situation.

Stay tuned.

LOL at the pizza anology!?! That refund is chump change for that shop. They don't get that this industry is the service industry. It's all about service. It's not making fucking donuts or bubble Tea. They need to get the priorities right and fix the issues that is eventually going to burn their loyal clientele.
But hey what do we punters know about running a shop. We're just cash cows, atm, paydays and etc.

28-03-2024, 08:56 AM
my decision to this has been applied to the start of the post.

28-03-2024, 01:20 PM
slightly retouched the formatting and ordering of the post and preamble.

17-04-2024, 11:35 AM
I think I tried that place before a Christmas party one year , while everyone else was on a treasure hunt I had an ok punt. I don't recall it being the best nor which girl I saw. The face comment had me lol

17-04-2024, 12:10 PM
Thanks for the warning.

05-05-2024, 01:27 AM
Just a heads up the red flag from JJ liasons has moved to centerfolds as Ivana. Because she most likely got asked about the negative review. She hides the truth but given her service is still terrible given the unfortunate blind booking i did over there.

05-05-2024, 12:21 PM
That sound shit, thanks for the heads up. Crazy these shops provide a poor service when they have such good competition (ginza etc) close by.