View Full Version : Other Cuties Banksia - Sofia

27-03-2024, 08:07 PM
45 mins - $200
Feel compelled to write this review to save the boys. I guess that's why its called a Punt.
Anyway, I've been eyeing this one on RealBabes for a while and she looked yummy.
All of a sudden I see her pics pop up on the Cuties Roster and thought sweet let's give this place a try. $200/45 mins, seemed OK. It was not..
Arrived and the reception lady was really nice, wish she was on the roster, anyway, Sofia was running late, so saw the line up, and still decided to see Sofia..I was keen.
Prior to that there was a little Indian cutie, Kiki I think her name was, she looked yummy, dark skin, short, big boobies and a little dirty, really pretty face, she says to me I'm hormy and just want to get laid....No fucking shit, guess where you work..i did think about it for a while, but was just nope. I came here on a mission and I was going to make it happen. Besides I'm sure her wish would be fulfilled soon enough.
Anyway, in comes Sofia, looks like her pics, a little chubby but cute.
We get into the room, she asks me to take shower, on my own, ok.
She leaves, comes back about 5 mins later. On the bed we go, bit of touching, fake moaning, but sexy fuck face and eyes, she gets me hard, we play around a bit, at this stage, I just wasn't feeling it. Anyway, she gets up for some water, then offers a BJ, covered, ok, does this for a while, then it got a bit boring, robotic again, asked me if I wanted to fuck, ok, gets up for a glass of wster and then lays on the bed spreads her legs and into missionary we go, and I have a little foot fetish, she has nice feet and toes and likes them sucked (that was ok), pounding her in missionary and sucking toes, cool. That got a little boring also and felt meh. So I pulled out took off the rubber and asked her to give me a handjob to finish, she obliged and tugged on it in a way that I felt she was going to rip it off trying to make me cum..lol. she gets up again for a drink of water.
Wasn't going to happen. I asked her to lie in front of me and play with her pussy so I can finish myself off, at this stage I was over it and wanted to finish and leave.
She lays in front of me and plays with herself while I'm unfortunately hanging to look after myself and sucking her toes. Few mins of this and I finish. She wipes me up. Gets up to get another drink while I go shower, bit of small talk and I'm out of there. Couldn't wait to get out. Overall palcw felt dirty, room was small and dark with a fucked up strobe light that made feel feel like I was tripping.
I guess that's why a punt is a punt. Cool chick, maybe she's different private, could be fun.
Edit, no longer on RB, now on E&B

27-03-2024, 09:04 PM
45 mins - $200
Feel compelled to write this review to save the boys. I guess that's why its called a Punt.
Anyway, I've been eyeing this one on RealBabes for a while and she looked yummy.
All of a sudden I see her pics pop up on the Cuties Roster and thought sweet let's give this place a try. $200/45 mins, seemed OK. It was not..
Arrived and the reception lady was really nice, wish she was on the roster, anyway, Sofia was running late, so saw the line up, and still decided to see Sofia..I was keen.
Prior to that there was a little Indian cutie, Kiki I think her name was, she looked yummy, dark skin, short, big boobies and a little dirty, really pretty face, she says to me I'm hormy and just want to get laid....No fucking shit, guess where you work..i did think about it for a while, but was just nope. I came here on a mission and I was going to make it happen. Besides I'm sure her wish would be fulfilled soon enough.
Anyway, in comes Sofia, looks like her pics, a little chubby but cute.
We get into the room, she asks me to take shower, on my own, ok.
She leaves, comes back about 5 mins later. On the bed we go, bit of touching, fake moaning, but sexy fuck face and eyes, she gets me hard, we play around a bit, at this stage, I just wasn't feeling it. Anyway, she gets up for some water, then offers a BJ, covered, ok, does this for a while, then it got a bit boring, robotic again, asked me if I wanted to fuck, ok, gets up for a glass of wster and then lays on the bed spreads her legs and into missionary we go, and I have a little foot fetish, she has nice feet and toes and likes them sucked (that was ok), pounding her in missionary and sucking toes, cool. That got a little boring also and felt meh. So I pulled out took off the rubber and asked her to give me a handjob to finish, she obliged and tugged on it in a way that I felt she was going to rip it off trying to make me cum..lol. she gets up again for a drink of water.
Wasn't going to happen. I asked her to lie in front of me and play with her pussy so I can finish myself off, at this stage I was over it and wanted to finish and leave.
She lays in front of me and plays with herself while I'm unfortunately hanging to look after myself and sucking her toes. Few mins of this and I finish. She wipes me up. Gets up to get another drink while I go shower, bit of small talk and I'm out of there. Couldn't wait to get out. Overall palcw felt dirty, room was small and dark with a fucked up strobe light that made feel feel like I was tripping.
I guess that's why a punt is a punt. Cool chick, maybe she's different private, could be fun.

Thanks for TOFFT bro. There was a size 14 Banglai chick I wanted to try but when I got time she disappeared from the roster. No pic so would have been a blind punt lol.

There's another new Indian on the roster today Mercy (https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0f1512_5ce075a90eaa4511a75d438803b2cb15~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_840,h_1120,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/IMG_0013_JPG.jpg) who looks similar to the one you crossed paths with. Looks like fun if its the same WL.

27-03-2024, 09:09 PM
Hey Bro, nah the Indian one I was referring to was small, her name was Kiki, think shes on the roster during the week, I reckon she'd be fun, look.out for her, she's a party girl for sure. We had a quick chat about "partying"..during the intro twice, first time during the line up, 2nd time when she tried to convince me to fuck her instead lol
Just be warned, the place is dark and kinda dodgy looking. I probably wouldn't "eat" there, but there's a good kebab joint downstairs for after:)

27-03-2024, 09:14 PM
i know what you mean, kinda adds to the suspense when you're not a regular punter. Sounds like you'ld be walking into a scene from Scarface haha.

Thanks for the tip, ill keep an eye out on the roster for her. I think there was another indian this week with a pic called Sabrina.

if im brave enough to go ill TOFFT.

27-03-2024, 09:48 PM
Haha, it does make it a little more fun at times, I'm getting too old for the suspense and that's what you get for being too lazy to drive another 15 mins down the road to Marrickville...
Bro, honestly save your $$, go to N5M instead. Not worth it.
Thay little Indian one I was referring to seems to like the 👃 🍻

27-03-2024, 10:40 PM
Haha, it does make it a little more fun at times, I'm getting too old for the suspense and that's what you get for being too lazy to drive another 15 mins down the road to Marrickville...
Bro, honestly save your $$, go to N5M instead. Not worth it.
Thay little Indian one I was referring to seems to like the �� ��

haha I wish N5N had my type of girls. Discreet location(except for the dozen or so uber drivers loitering around and 24/7 operation) haha. Havent been there since 2021

massage addict
27-03-2024, 11:22 PM
Thanks for the review and Intel, mate.
The way you wrote it was great. i had a chuckle as you described it perfectly. I lived through the failed punt with you. [emoji1787][emoji1787]
That's part of punting the search for something new that's pays off. It feels so good when it does but pisses you off when it doesn't.

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28-03-2024, 10:07 PM
Haha, bro, it's exactly the way it was. Really cool chick, reckon she may be more fun private.

massage addict
31-03-2024, 12:13 AM
Haha, bro, it's exactly the way it was. Really cool chick, reckon she may be more fun private.

Not at 600 an hr she's not. Reminds me of the movie the castle.

31-03-2024, 05:55 AM
Is she size 12? Hard to judge from their photos on the website, it seems like they are shot with iPhone 4 so unclear.

massage addict
01-04-2024, 12:01 AM
Is she size 12? Hard to judge from their photos on the website, it seems like they are shot with iPhone 4 so unclear.Her pics on her website look more like a size 16 or bigger.

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