View Full Version : Question What would you do?

15-05-2024, 05:40 PM
I paid for a one hour punt and promptly went into the room. The girl was already in there, seated on the bed with her legs crossed and holding her ankles, so having her legs tucked in. Almost cowering.

I spoke to her a bit and then touched her but she shyed away and I thought wtf. Her body language told me she clearly wasn't up for anything. So we just made chit chat and I left when time was up.

I didn't complain to the shop because I didn't want the girl to face any repercussions, but I also feel like it was a big waste of money.

Keen to know what bros would have done in this situation. Keep going for it, report to management or just talk and give her an easy session?

15-05-2024, 06:49 PM
maybe she got period but need to pay rent

15-05-2024, 07:32 PM
Did you ask her if she felt uncomfortable and/or needed any help?

I know sometimes we are quick to assume body language, but I would have asked her if there was anything wrong. Appropriate actions would have been subsequently taken.

15-05-2024, 07:34 PM
Im all for empathy, but if it's a $300+ punt I'd most likely say no thanks

15-05-2024, 08:13 PM
I can't believe this is a real story.

What you do is keep your dick in your strides and go out and talk to reception and say your girl isn't ok. Something's happened, and its obvious she's not right to work. Maybe she needs a break, maybe she needs medical attention. Not your call to make. But that's what you do.

As for your cash, no harm, no foul Papasan, I'm happy to choose another lady who's ready and willing to work for the hour that I paid for. Or refund me and I'll make another booking at another time.

15-05-2024, 08:18 PM
Thats a sad story, sometimes I wonder how these girls do what they do.....

15-05-2024, 09:33 PM
You stupid. I didn’t do it, someone else will do it.

15-05-2024, 09:40 PM
Have you been to this shop before?

15-05-2024, 10:40 PM
some of the girls are clearly overworked.

OP, you did the compassionate thing. so mad respect to you.

But i can see that wasting 300 dollars especially in this day and age is no cheap thing.

16-05-2024, 05:33 AM
Probably just say to her that if she doesn’t want to get fucked she can just sit there and hold her mouth open.

16-05-2024, 01:01 PM
I would have asked her if everything was OK. In a similar situation with a FL in a bar, I politely suggested she might want to rethink her employment decisions, and suggested she might be better returning home, even with the financial loss. Told her she was too young. Never saw her again, but decades on, I do remember and it still haunts me.

Respect for your empathy.

16-05-2024, 08:27 PM
Have you been to this shop before?

Yes a few times

16-05-2024, 08:31 PM
I can't believe this is a real story.

What you do is keep your dick in your strides and go out and talk to reception and say your girl isn't ok. Something's happened, and its obvious she's not right to work. Maybe she needs a break, maybe she needs medical attention. Not your call to make. But that's what you do.

As for your cash, no harm, no foul Papasan, I'm happy to choose another lady who's ready and willing to work for the hour that I paid for. Or refund me and I'll make another booking at another time.

In my experience the shop will take this as a complaint and I didn't want them to "have a talk" with the girl.

16-05-2024, 08:41 PM
What about her next client? Your reasoning means you should have booked her out all that day and all that week until you feel she's earned enough money. :grimace:

16-05-2024, 09:59 PM
In my experience the shop will take this as a complaint and I didn't want them to "have a talk" with the girl.

That called "projecting" brother. You have no idea what was going to happen if you had that conversation.

I'm honestly not trying to have a go as I know you wanted to help her. But you also asked this forum for advice.

If they are a legit shop, they want their girls functional and from what you've described, she wasn't. Therefore she needs a rest, to be sent home or to be cared for by someone who isn't you. Remember, they're staff, we're the punters.

17-05-2024, 12:14 AM
Only one way to be, you and a mirror

17-05-2024, 12:16 AM
100 percent , some are clearly overworked

17-05-2024, 12:17 AM
Yeah bro, I have seen that so many times

17-05-2024, 12:19 AM
Sometimes just pay for the hour with no play