View Full Version : Other 269 Canterbury Rd: Monica Trilogy

Steven Seagal
29-07-2012, 08:46 PM
Jenny’s (La Zorrita Gorda)
269 Canterbury Rd.
02 9787 2657

Howdy Gang,

“A punt by any other name is still a punt.”

Steven Seagal

This punt constitutes the final review in my Monica trilogy.

While I have several other reviews in the pipeline, this is the most recent one having taken place last Saturday.

You know with life you have to take the bad with the good and all aspects of life seem to have equal measures of both.

Take for example my marriage to Hortinse. If they were going to make a movie based on our marriage they would have called it ‘Rocky’. From the beginning we argued over sex. I felt she was charging me too much! Further, she would make subtle comments that led me to believe she had an underlying hostility for me. One example of this is the exchange below:

Steven: Hortinse, a bizarre and hideous thing happened to my mother in New York.
Hortinse: I thought you were born in Los Angeles!


While I was having a shower she walked in and the following exchange occurred:

Steven: Are you attracted to my sexy body Hortinse?
Hortinse: Don’t flatter yourself pee-wee.

(Note: I suspect that Hortinse has a genetic tie with Jess from Porky’s at the Cross who said to me when I saw her that “ I don’t think you can get your wee-wee up”.)

Anyway, the marriage wasn’t all bad. We had two lovely children, a son Methulesleth and a daughter Hyacinth. Oh, and I almost forgot Hortinse was a very good housekeeper in that she wound up keeping the family home.

The same is true of my stint in the US Army. That led to me coming here which was great. It also led to Hortinse getting a good house and me supporting her while she sat around on her lazy duff.

Now we come to Monica and here we discover both good and bad, but it is an ill wind that does not blow some good.

I have read that some say Monica is pushing 50 harder that Michael Phelps pushes water out of his way, but that’s not true. She is late 30’s early 40’s tops.

Well, when I arrived at Jenny’s (La Zorrita Gorda “The Little Fat Fox)” Monica was the only one available,, A punt is a pun is a punt, so I saw Monica yet another time.

Monica was out of sorts. A punter the previous day had stolen her mobile phone and she had to get a new phone, kill the sim chip in the old one and missed almost a whole day’s work. The bad news was she talked about this for about a third of the session, but the good news was as I was genuinely empathic and she took a bit of a shine to me and the service was great.

Now I say ‘great’ with some stipulations. If you do things Monica’s way all will be sweet. Get outside her working agenda and things get a bit sour.


Her standard service is a joy to behold. She gets you to lay face down and licks and gently bites you all over. When I say ‘gently bites’ I mean you can feel her teeth, but there is no pain or marks left. She also licks all over too in a way that reminds me of the Korean girls in Oriana in Chatswood before they shut it down. She does rimming also.


I got with her programme and it was all good. She has a lovely shaved pussy and if you are a gentleman with her anal is on the table as well. I left happy.

Finally, let me just say that while we often bag wl’s, I’d like to see that wanker who stole her phone roast in Hell.

I shall return.


29-07-2012, 09:08 PM
Thanks Steven ... It is another good read