View Full Version : General talk Styles - Bookings

01-05-2013, 11:12 AM
Hey guys,

Is this standard with bookings in general. I notice that the styles shop seems to always state better to book / bookings are important at peak times etc etc on all the threads. I always make bookings with Styles, but notice that regardless of bookings and even though i arrive on time or even early, I am still ALWAYS waiting 20-30 minutes after my booking timeslot before i get the girl / the actual event starts.....So i am usually just on my phone or reading a magazine waiting.... I thought the whole point of a booking is you keep the girl free for that period or at least close to that period. I understand maybe a 5 minute or even possibly 10mins....but more than that. And this has happened every time for the last couple of months.

01-05-2013, 03:09 PM
Hey guys,

Is this standard with bookings in general. I notice that the styles shop seems to always state better to book / bookings are important at peak times etc etc on all the threads. I always make bookings with Styles, but notice that regardless of bookings and even though i arrive on time or even early, I am still ALWAYS waiting 20-30 minutes after my booking timeslot before i get the girl / the actual event starts.....So i am usually just on my phone or reading a magazine waiting.... I thought the whole point of a booking is you keep the girl free for that period or at least close to that period. I understand maybe a 5 minute or even possibly 10mins....but more than that. And this has happened every time for the last couple of months.

This only proves one thing, the shop is BUSY !!

But a busy shop can also be running efficiently too !!
And when they are, customers are not so much in the prority

01-05-2013, 08:25 PM
Never been there, but it sounds like they have pitched their price/service/quality in such a way that they are always busy. So if this keeps enough customers happy to keep them busy over the long term then they have a successful business model. Over time they will self select for less punters that think punctuality is important and more punters that like their mix of price/service/quality. Maybe it's a bit like going to a bulk billing doctor or a non bulk billing doctor :)
Personally I would walk if my appointment was late this long more than one or two times.

08-05-2013, 09:38 PM
sorry brother lone wolf..

we try to be punctual but , the delayed bookings and lengths of service are un controlable...

we shall try to be more efficient and be more punctual in future appointments..

we thank you for your patronage and feedback , have a good one ...
for bookings and enquiries 0435 589 029