View Full Version : General talk Why are there so many korean WG's?

03-05-2013, 12:52 AM
Is it an acceptable occupation in their culture?

Are many trafficked/forced/owing debt to korean gangsters back home?

Are these girls here by choice? and if so why?

i just cant figure out why any of these girls would do this occupation by choice

maybe im just naive. i cant understand.

Punter Poontang
03-05-2013, 01:18 AM
Interesting question ..... pretty sure I've read that South Korea has the highest percentage of their women who've been involved in P4P at some stage, something like 20% of the entire female population. At approx. 1 in every 5, it's heaps higher than anywhere else in the world, including LOS & Phils.

Never thought about the reason "why" though. I know there's a lot here, presumably because the money's good and it seems piss-easy for them to get a "student" visa, even if they're not studying at all. But back home??? Don't know. Socially acceptable way of earning the Won needed to pay for those designer handbags or the plastic surgery they want to look like their favourite K-Pop star???

03-05-2013, 01:19 AM
Is it an acceptable occupation in their culture?

Are many trafficked/forced/owing debt to korean gangsters back home?

Are these girls here by choice? and if so why?

i just cant figure out why any of these girls would do this occupation by choice

maybe im just naive. i cant understand.

Hi Mate,

You are seriously asking this question??

I will then given you the oldest answer for the oldest profession in human history:

Money !
Money !
Money !

How else can a Chinese, Korean, Thai, or where ever she came from with not much skills and experiences and hardly speak much English can earn over $1,000 cash in hand per week to pay for whatever she needs to pay for?


03-05-2013, 01:59 AM
just curious how much do wl/ml get from say an hour service? what percentage

03-05-2013, 02:06 AM
Hi Mate,

You are seriously asking this question??

I will then given you the oldest answer for the oldest profession in human history:

Money !
Money !
Money !

How else can a Chinese, Korean, Thai, or where ever she came from with not much skills and experiences and hardly speak much English can earn over $1,000 cash in hand per week to pay for whatever she needs to pay for?


You mean $1000 a day Lungor :)

03-05-2013, 02:27 AM
just curious how much do wl/ml get from say an hour service? what percentage

For massage shop @$55.00 / hr

Shop $30, girl $25.


03-05-2013, 02:55 AM
In $150/hr FS shops, I've been informed that the girls' cut is $100.

03-05-2013, 03:24 PM
in brisbane for $130 30mins

its $70 for the girl
$60 for the house

03-05-2013, 03:37 PM
Yes. The answer is simple. It's good money especially with the high Aussie Dollar.
And getting a 1 year visa to stay in Australia is easy.
And doing it in another country means there is no chance of being caught doing it.

03-05-2013, 04:07 PM
All good answers but as the op asks - why so many Koreans?

03-05-2013, 05:25 PM
They need cash to pay for plastic surgery. They have a huge plastic surgery culture there.

As for the other question, most Asian massage shops are 50/50. In SF, for a 1hr booking, the ML will end up with about $75 and the shop $55.

In AtMichelle's the girl gets $125 but less bookings. At Kings, it is a sliding scale but averages out to $60 per hour per booking.

The norm is $300-500 per day for any of the ML's, Asian or Cauc.

Average tips is about $300 per month - way less than you'd think...

03-05-2013, 06:57 PM
also maybe before plastic surgery, they didn't attract the attention of men.

Now they are using it to gain $$$

03-05-2013, 07:26 PM
They need cash to pay for plastic surgery.

Yes... so can all look the same...

See all miss Korea candidates this year: http://i.imgur.com/0MMzzLQ.jpg

03-05-2013, 07:34 PM
Yes... so can all look the same...

See all miss Korea candidates this year: http://i.imgur.com/0MMzzLQ.jpg

it's the Venezuela of Asia !!

03-05-2013, 08:50 PM
For massage shop @$55.00 / hr

Shop $30, girl $25.

That's before she drops her gear for another $50 CIH.

03-05-2013, 08:50 PM
Why would a smart punter waste his money on K girls...They make it so fucking obvious in the room with their dodgy services that you wanna get the hell out...yeah they love it if you blow your load in 2 minutes....avoid these bitches like a plague...

03-05-2013, 09:47 PM
Anyway, PopAsia is on tonight at 12.10 on sbs2 :slobber:

03-05-2013, 09:50 PM
I am going to bonk a Korean girl tonight :slobber:

03-05-2013, 09:53 PM
They are really gorgeous.

04-05-2013, 12:14 AM
Some Korean girls are absolute stunners but unfortunately the bad attitude more than offset that

04-05-2013, 12:15 AM
I haven't had bad service from any of the K-girls in Romeo's. And Amy from Kings is very friendly. I guess it's because, unlike some other punters, I haven't asked which ML K-girls' arseholes I could lick.

04-05-2013, 12:21 AM
PopAsia in half an hour.

Wall to wall K-girls.

Have a book handy for the boy groups...

04-05-2013, 12:47 AM
Ahlungor, i reckon you are spot on, money is the primary reason.

Nevertheless, K-girls are hot!

There are some shops that seem to pick em better, such as Narwee.

04-05-2013, 02:10 AM
I haven't had bad service from any of the K-girls in Romeo's. And Amy from Kings is very friendly. I guess it's because, unlike some other punters, I haven't asked which ML K-girls' arseholes I could lick.
same here.. ive never really had really bad service that i could recall.. and most of all my punts are at k-places

04-05-2013, 05:39 AM
hang on, I think all korean girls are coming here for money to afford their plastic surgery operations at first stage. Once they have enough money, they can buy a house and become a shop owner. That means they will stop being a WL at a later stage. However, all Korean girls are born in an UGLY appearance. They all need surgical operations to get more confident in their life. Please look at this video to show plastic surgery Before and After: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrqc-VYaMTg

04-05-2013, 11:22 AM
. However, all Korean girls are born in an UGLY appearance. They all need surgical operations to get more confident in their life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrqc-VYaMTg
That's a ridiculous statement !

All girls like to look better even if they're already beautiful !

04-05-2013, 12:09 PM
Finally, the truth comes out. Most of the Korean WL were actually pretty ugly (or 'average') before their plastic surgery, so you are actually paying $$$ for a girl who is ugly underneath. Even the Korean beauty contestants all have had surgery and end up looking the same:


And yes, there are a lot of Korean WLs because of debt contracts. If you get acquainted with one close enough, she will tell you how much she needs to earn before she can finish her job.

04-05-2013, 12:35 PM
Finally, the truth comes out. Most of the Korean WL were actually pretty ugly (or 'average') before their plastic surgery, so you are actually paying $$$ for a girl who is ugly underneath. Even the Korean beauty contestants all have had surgery and end up looking the same:

That's the truth ? Hahaha !

04-05-2013, 12:51 PM
Replying to the OP's question, I think it's because of two things.
First reason was because there was a massive crackdown on prostitution in S Korea some years back that had a "splash" effect. A lot of WLs were forced to go overseas in order to continue plying their trade.
The second reason is the high Aussie dollar. The high exchange rate has resulted in a lot of foreign products that would previously never have made it here, coming to Australia. It's effecting not just the sex trade. ... Have a look at Zara, Mazda Infinity, Moochi yogurt restaurants, Meet Fresh desert place, etc.
It's great to be earning Aussie dollars at the moment!

04-05-2013, 09:26 PM
I haven't had bad service from any of the K-girls in Romeo's. And Amy from Kings is very friendly. I guess it's because, unlike some other punters, I haven't asked which ML K-girls' arseholes I could lick.

I guess it also helps that you are 'easy on the eye' for the girls too... hehehe...:miao:

04-05-2013, 09:32 PM
That's the truth ? Hahaha !

This reminded me of a story out of China when a man married a beautiful girl and had a baby together. as the baby was growing up, the man wondered why were the facial features of the baby were somewhat nothing like the parents. He had even pointed out that he thought that the baby was a little 'ugly'. The confronted the wife about whether the baby was his, only to have her confess that she had extensive plastic surgery prior to meeting him. He has since filed for divorce and suing her...

04-05-2013, 09:42 PM
this is not plastic surgery, this is makeup, there is an article about this on the web.

04-05-2013, 10:18 PM
While we think this must be hard job for a young innocent K-girl to do (let multiple guys fuck them everyday), they seem so easy and comfortable(cause sometimes we come quick and no time to have second shot), some are really enjoying the job with handsome and nice guys as well, so why not.. and surely good money! WIth the good money, they can go back Korean open a yoga studio, make up shop, clothes shop. Totally new life, and end up marrying a rich Korean MAN =P That is also a good life!

Just that, they have to be careful when answering questions like this:" Oh.. you been to Australia before? That is cool.. Do you know where is Newtown?" :miao: hahaha

04-05-2013, 10:19 PM
While we think this must be hard job for a young innocent K-girl to do (let multiple guys fuck them everyday), they seem so easy and comfortable(cause sometimes we come quick and no time to have second shot), some are really enjoying the job with handsome and nice guys as well, so why not.. and surely good money! WIth the good money, they can go back Korean open a yoga studio, make up shop, clothes shop. Totally new life, and end up marrying a rich Korean MAN =P That is also a good life!

Just that, they have to be careful when answering questions like this:" Oh.. you been to Korean before? That is cool.. Do you know where is Newtown?" :miao: hahaha

SORRY, correction above "Oh.. you been to Sydney before? ...."

04-05-2013, 11:42 PM
While we think this must be hard job for a young innocent K-girl to do (let multiple guys fuck them everyday), they seem so easy and comfortable(cause sometimes we come quick and no time to have second shot), some are really enjoying the job with handsome and nice guys as well, so why not.. and surely good money! WIth the good money, they can go back Korean open a yoga studio, make up shop, clothes shop. Totally new life, and end up marrying a rich Korean MAN =P That is also a good life!

Just that, they have to be careful when answering questions like this:" Oh.. you been to Australia before? That is cool.. Do you know where is Newtown?" :miao: hahaha

don't try and sugar coat a shitty job. they are banging desperates, old farts and uglies day in and day out. do people on this forum seriouly think any wl enjoys doing it? they're there to make you happy that's why there's the "gf experience" , "compliments" "fake moaning" etc... you could say they are acting. if you ask any wl if they could choose between this job and different job with the same easy money.... guess which one they would choose?

05-05-2013, 12:24 AM
Well, this thread has a Korean theme, which is always a popular one. We like nothing better than to grizzle about the service from Korean princesses, and to praise the occasional exceptions.

Here is Tommy "Banana" Johnson, from Viz magazine. He has appeared occasionally in the last 25 years since his first appearance, and he always has exactly the same plot, with themed variations only. This is the latest variation - a vastly amusing (to me anyway) Gangnam style theme.

The Korean text would be exactly the same plotline as the English version of the plot, so I'm probably the only one that knows what is going on. But it always ends with him getting his big banana shoved right up his arse! :shout: And as a bonus, there are K-GIRLS in this!

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-1_zps9dd4b207.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-1_zps9dd4b207.jpg.html)
http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-2_zps3cdb5b44.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-2_zps3cdb5b44.jpg.html)http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-3_zps3eafd5a2.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-3_zps3eafd5a2.jpg.html)http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-4_zpsef98c9db.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-4_zpsef98c9db.jpg.html)http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-5_zps9e822bb7.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-5_zps9e822bb7.jpg.html)http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-6_zps6a117ab7.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-6_zps6a117ab7.jpg.html)http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-7_zps9b4c7132.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-7_zps9b4c7132.jpg.html)http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-8_zpse91f65ab.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-8_zpse91f65ab.jpg.html)http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-9_zpsf5374456.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/Tommy-Banana-Johnson-9_zpsf5374456.jpg.html)

05-05-2013, 01:05 AM
don't try and sugar coat a shitty job. they are banging desperates, old farts and uglies day in and day out. do people on this forum seriouly think any wl enjoys doing it? they're there to make you happy that's why there's the "gf experience" , "compliments" "fake moaning" etc... you could say they are acting. if you ask any wl if they could choose between this job and different job with the same easy money.... guess which one they would choose?

And I thought all my good GFE WL experiences were genuine!
Seriously not everyone enjoys their job, and usually the reason they stay is for the money ...
I don't think all the customers are as you describe. I have been doing this for years and whenever I accidently run into another customer I take note. I can tell you that alot of customers are above average looking. If you read the forum you will see there are many and varied reasons for paying for ML/WLs. Being desperate, an old fart and ugly are not the only ones.

I also think some WL/MLs enjoy their jobs with the right customers, again read the forum and you may learn why.

05-05-2013, 01:18 AM
don't try and sugar coat a shitty job. they are banging desperates, old farts and uglies day in and day out. do people on this forum seriouly think any wl enjoys doing it? they're there to make you happy that's why there's the "gf experience" , "compliments" "fake moaning" etc... you could say they are acting. if you ask any wl if they could choose between this job and different job with the same easy money.... guess which one they would choose?

I just read all your posts, are you Fred Nile :)

05-05-2013, 02:00 AM
And I thought all my good GFE WL experiences were genuine!
Seriously not everyone enjoys their job, and usually the reason they stay is for the money ...
I don't think all the customers are as you describe. I have been doing this for years and whenever I accidently run into another customer I take note. I can tell you that alot of customers are above average looking. If you read the forum you will see there are many and varied reasons for paying for ML/WLs. Being desperate, an old fart and ugly are not the only ones.

I also think some WL/MLs enjoy their jobs with the right customers, again read the forum and you may learn why.

Couldn't have said It better myself.

I known a couple of regulars that enjoy their job and the money and some nice punters.

05-05-2013, 02:02 AM
I just read all your posts, are you Fred Nile :)

Freddy is not doing too badly himself.

Marrying a much younger Milf,

All thanks to the big V


05-05-2013, 12:45 PM
Freddy is not doing too badly himself.

Marrying a much younger Milf,

All thanks to the big V


From here (http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/second-coming-of-love-for-fred-nile/story-e6freuy9-1226634965297):

At 78, the Christian Democratic Party leader and morals crusader has just announced his engagement to teacher Silvana Nero, 55, a single mother of three from Sydney's northern beaches.

I wonder if this has eroded his support base as a morals crusader :)

05-05-2013, 01:00 PM
From here (http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/second-coming-of-love-for-fred-nile/story-e6freuy9-1226634965297):

I wonder if this has eroded his support base as a morals crusader :)

I don't think so!

Man has needs mate! Nothing wrong if you can still do it!!

And at 78! I take my hat off to him, I wish I could still do what he does at that age !!

Go Fredddy boy !! Go Tame the cougar !!

05-05-2013, 04:18 PM
Seems this is the question de jour. This is from last week's International Business Times

South Korea, a wealthy, powerful Asian super-state, technology hub and stalwart U.S. ally, has a deep, dark secret. Prostitution and the sex trade flourish in South Korea just under the country’s shiny surface.

Despite its illegality, prostitution and the sex trade is so huge that the government once admitted it accounts for as much as 4 percent of South Korea’s annual Gross Domestic Product -- about the size of the fishing and agriculture industries combined.

Indeed, paid sex is available all over South Korea – in coffee shops, motels, hotels, shopping malls, the barber shop, as well as the so-called juicy bars frequented by American soldiers and the red-light districts which operate openly. Internet chat rooms and cell phones have opened up whole new streams of business for ambitious prostitutes and pimps.

The South Korean government’s Ministry for Gender Equality estimates that about 500,000 women work in the national sex industry, though, according to the Korean Feminist Association, the actual number may exceed 1 million. This means that 1 out of every 25 women in the country might be selling their bodies for sex -- despite the passage of tough anti-sex-trafficking legislation in recent years. (For women between the ages of 15 and 29, up to one-fifth have worked in the sex industry at one time or another, according to estimates.)

Indeed, the sex industry (in the face of laws criminalizing and stigmatizing it) is so open that prostitutes periodically stage public protest demonstrations to express their anger over anti-prostitution laws. Bizarrely, like Tibetan monks protesting China’s brutal rule of their homeland, some Korean prostitutes even set themselves on fire to promote their cause.

Naturally, demand is high.

According to the government-run Korean Institute of Criminology, one-fifth of men in their 20s buy sex at least four times a month, creating an endless customer base for prostitutes.

Even worse, child and teen prostitution are also prevalent in South Korea.

Al-Jazeera reported that some 200,000 South Korean youths run away from home annually, with many of them descending into the business of sex, according to a report by Seoul’s municipal government. A separate survey suggested that half of female runaways become prostitutes.

All these statistics fly in the face of South Korea’s stellar image as a society that consistently produces brilliant, hard-working, motivated students and technocrats. However, it is exactly that academic pressure (along with other family issues) that drives many of these teens onto the streets.

"No one ever told me it was wrong to prostitute myself, including my schoolteachers,” a runaway named Yu-ja told Al-Jazeera.

“I wish someone had told me. Girls should be taught that from an early age in class here in South Korea, but they aren't."

Not only is South Korea home to child and teen prostitution, but South Korean men are also driving such illicit trade in foreign countries, particularly in Southeast Asia, according to the Korean Institute of Criminology, based on surveys conducted in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and the Philippines.

“If the testimony from many underage prostitutes, police officers and human rights groups is true, South Koreans are the biggest customers of the child sex industry in the region,” their report stated, reported the Korea Times newspaper.

“That’s very shameful for [South Korea].”

Yun Hee-jun, a Seoul-based anti-sex trafficker, told the Times: “On online community websites, you can easily find information about prices for sex with minors and the best places to go. If you visit any brothel in Vietnam or Cambodia, you can see … fliers written in Korean.”

The U.S. State Department, in the 2008 “Trafficking in Persons Report, ”also blamed South Korean tourists for significantly driving the demand for underage sex in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands.

The document also indicated that large numbers of South Korean girls and women have been trafficked to Japan, the U.S. and as far away as Western Europe.

On the flip-side, many women from poorer Asian countries, particularly The Philippines, flock to South Korea to work as prostitutes and "bar girls" (lured by the promises of legitimate work as waitresses or entertainers).

For the record, the U.S. government prohibits American servicemen from patronizing bars and other establishments in South Korea served by prostitutes.

Park Je-Sun, a blogger, wrote on Threewisemonkeys, that in Seoul, South Korea’s largest city, prostitution is widespread and peculiarly civilized – and a central component of the local business culture.

“The majority of top-end, that is, rich, businessmen in Seoul are more familiar with sex industry culture than in a number of other countries,” Park wrote.

“Sex and power are closely linked in this city.”

As an illustration of how widespread prostitution is in South Korea, consider that in January 2012 police raided a nine-story brothel in the upscale Gangnam neighborhood in Seoul. Police discovered no less than 100 prostitutes working there, ostensibly as "hostesses," who charged at least $300 for sex. This complex generated more than $200,000 every day, according to local media reports.

“It’s not common for a hostess bar and a hotel to be located in the same building,” a policeman told the Korea Times.

In late 2006, the South Korean government took an unusual step to stamp out prostitution -- the Ministry for Gender Equality offered a cash incentive to companies whose male employees refrained from buying sex at office parties and business trips – an ingrained part of Korean corporate culture.

The prevalence of prostitution in contemporary South Korea provides an ironic counterpoint to the passionate political activism of elderly Korean women who relentlessly criticize Japan for their servitude as prostitutes and comfort women during Tokyo’s brutal occupation of their country.

Prostitution has a long history in South Korea going back to the medieval period, when the “kisaeng,” female entertainers, were officially sanctioned by the ruling elite to perform all kinds of services, including sex.

Prostitution as a way of life continued in one form or another over the centuries, including during Japan’s occupation of Korea in the first half of the 20th century.

After World War II and the Korea War, the United States changed the face of prostitution.

Park Chung-hee, who ruled the country for most of the 1960s and 1970s, actually encouraged the sex trade in order to generate much-needed revenue, particularly at the expense of the thousands of U.S. troops stationed in the country.

“Our government was one big pimp for the U.S. military,” Kim Ae-ran, a former South Korean prostitute forced to work at an American military base, told the International Herald Tribune.

“They urged us to sell as much as possible to the G.I.’s, praising us as ‘dollar-earning patriots.'”

Another ex-prostitute lamented: “The more I think about my life, the more I think women like me were the biggest sacrifice for my country’s alliance with the Americans. Looking back, I think my body was not mine, but the [South Korean] government’s and the U.S. military’s.”

In the 21st century, another source of prostitution comes from South Korea’s impoverished northern neighbor, North Korea.

Female defectors from North Korea – who typically reach South Korea after an arduous journey through a third country -- also sometimes descend into prostitution to survive.

Reportedly, many female North Korean defectors are forced into prostitution, not only to pay the exorbitant fees charged by people-smugglers, but to earn a living in South Korea -- sometimes this scenario leads to tragic consequences.

In March 2013, South Korean media reported on the case of a North Korean woman who was murdered while toiling as a sex worker in the city of Hwaseong, southwest of Seoul.

The killer, who turned himself in to police, confessed that he strangled the woman to death in a fit of anger when she refused to perform a “perverted” sex act. Compounding this tragedy of a desperate woman who fled repression and starvation in North Korea, it later emerged that her killer had no fewer than 16 previous convictions on his lengthy criminal record.

Now, in 2013, Korean courts are reportedly considering the constitutionality of the 2004 Special Law on Prostitution, which increased the penalties for both prostitution and pimping.

“It will be of great interest to see how the Special Law plays out in the courts and in the media,” wrote the blog, idleworship.net.

“It’s a $13 billion a year reality … and it’s not going anywhere.”

05-05-2013, 11:53 PM
whenever I accidently run into another customer I take note. I can tell you that alot of customers are above average looking.
seriously... who really believes this? just walk down to the nearest pub and tell me how many old, fat and ugly guys you see... and its all acting dude... that's why its called a "gf experience" its an experience... they are pretending. the more money you give them the more bs they'll say and do, give a wl an extra $10 and they'll tell you your gods gift to woman.
girls looking for easy money <--------> guy looking for easy girls.... its a win win situation.

06-05-2013, 12:11 AM
just came back from juliet.. the girls apparantly get 50%, more like 45% she said.. i actually thought these girls get more! like 70%.

06-05-2013, 12:12 AM
seriously... who really believes this? just walk down to the nearest pub and tell me how many old, fat and ugly guys you see... and its all acting dude... that's why its called a "gf experience" its an experience... they are pretending. the more money you give them the more bs they'll say and do, give a wl an extra $10 and they'll tell you your gods gift to woman.
girls looking for easy money <--------> guy looking for easy girls.... its a win win situation.

Ahh I believe it cos I wrote it ?
There is no reason for me to lie about it.
Not everyone that sees a WL is an old ugly loser that can't pickup girls.
At the risk of wasting my time I will give you some reasons:
- guy too shy to get a GF but wants to fuck
- guy wants to do kinky stuff that his partner won't do
- guy just fought with partner and wants to fuck a WL
- guy just wants to fuck a pretty girl without any strings
None of the above require you to be an old ugly fat dude.
Now I am not saying that old ugly farts don't see hookers, of course they do, but don't think that all punters are in this category.

Ahh der, we all know a GFE is acting, but it is fun and that is why we pay for it.
Would you prefer to punt with a starfish ?

I'm getting the feeling that you are missing the point of this forum, and that maybe you are a bit naive, or maybe you are a troll ?

06-05-2013, 01:19 AM
seriously... who really believes this? just walk down to the nearest pub and tell me how many old, fat and ugly guys you see... and its all acting dude... that's why its called a "gf experience" its an experience... they are pretending. the more money you give them the more bs they'll say and do, give a wl an extra $10 and they'll tell you your gods gift to woman.
girls looking for easy money <--------> guy looking for easy girls.... its a win win situation.

Hi Bro

I don't know about you, but personally it seems that I could be the only fat old ugly guy visiting MS all the times!!

Honestly, lots of times while I was chatting to some of my Mamasan friends, I saw lots of punters come and go, and I'll say most of them would have no problem picking up girls!!

May be they really needed a strong massage just like me or it was for the convenient or no strings attach or whatever. So I won't be surprised if some MLs would develope some liking and friendship with some of them. And it's not always about extra tips and gifts and stuff.

Why not , MLs are normal girls too!! And they also need friendship and companions.

Just my two cents


06-05-2013, 01:54 AM
Ahh I believe it cos I wrote it ?
There is no reason for me to lie about it.
Not everyone that sees a WL is an old ugly loser that can't pickup girls.
At the risk of wasting my time I will give you some reasons:
- guy too shy to get a GF but wants to fuck
- guy wants to do kinky stuff that his partner won't do
- guy just fought with partner and wants to fuck a WL
- guy just wants to fuck a pretty girl without any strings
None of the above require you to be an old ugly fat dude.
Now I am not saying that old ugly farts don't see hookers, of course they do, but don't think that all punters are in this category.

Ahh der, we all know a GFE is acting, but it is fun and that is why we pay for it.
Would you prefer your to punt with a starfish ?

I'm getting the feeling that you are missing the point of this forum, and that maybe you are a bit naive, or maybe you are a troll ?

You are correct also da1 is just a bit harsh with his point not enough love from WL :)

06-05-2013, 07:45 AM
seriously... who really believes this? just walk down to the nearest pub and tell me how many old, fat and ugly guys you see... and its all acting dude... that's why its called a "gf experience" its an experience... they are pretending. the more money you give them the more bs they'll say and do, give a wl an extra $10 and they'll tell you your gods gift to woman.
girls looking for easy money <--------> guy looking for easy girls.... its a win win situation.

From my observations, I agree with you that most punters are old, fat and ugly.

06-05-2013, 09:36 AM
From my observations, I agree with you that most punters are old, fat and ugly.

Hi rage_face, or is it da1andonly ?
I noticed you only recently joined the forum and have 2 posts, which don't add much value to the forum.
You seem to be the only one pushing this argument.
Your words
From my observations, ... carry zero weight as you have not written any ARs, so why waste your time even posting ?
Are you doing a school assignment or something, or on a religious crusade ?
Or are you just a troll ?

06-05-2013, 09:38 AM
Quote Originally Posted by CunningLinguist View Post
whenever I accidently run into another customer I take note. I can tell you that alot of customers are above average looking.


50% of our customers are YOUNG and GOOD Looking

10% are Bret Pitt / Jay Chow / Chow Yuen Fatt type

Ok, that is good to know, thanks for sharing that info with us!

06-05-2013, 12:50 PM
If you punt at a place and/or time when/where statistically, most punters would be of a certain description, no shit you're going to see more people of that description.

06-05-2013, 07:01 PM
If you punt at a place and/or time when/where statistically, most punters would be of a certain description, no shit you're going to see more people of that description.

Not sure what point you are making, can you elaborate ?
My observations are based on lots of different times and places, over many years.

06-05-2013, 07:26 PM
Not sure what point you are making, can you elaborate ?
My observations are based on lots of different times and places, over many years.

My point is that the silly bugger saying "all punters are old/fat/ugly" probably should stop showing up where only old/fat/ugly punters would go.

06-05-2013, 07:31 PM
My point is that the silly bugger saying "all punters are old/fat/ugly" probably should stop showing up where only old/fat/ugly punters would go.
Then he's got nowhere to go if he believes in what he said !

06-05-2013, 08:32 PM
Then he's got nowhere to go if he believes in what he said !

And in a puff of logic he disappears, poof da one and only troll is gone, if only we should be so lucky!

06-05-2013, 10:05 PM
And in a puff of logic he disappears, poof da one and only troll is gone, if only we should be so lucky!

lol we need some different kind of people sometimes cant be all the same :) we just dont have to bite to hard on the bait.

I noticed 5* have many young punters and 64 have more middle ages could be coincidence

Moc have both.

06-05-2013, 10:33 PM
Yes we do have lots of new young customers

The older ones are our loyal supporters because 5* been in business for 25yrs lol:surprise:

Yes 5* just keep getting girls and the Korean as well :) keep them coming one day I will be back :)

06-05-2013, 11:37 PM
Then he's got nowhere to go if he believes in what he said !

What a shame.

07-05-2013, 12:14 AM
- guy too shy to get a GF but wants to fuck
- guy wants to do kinky stuff that his partner won't do
- guy just fought with partner and wants to fuck a WL
- guy just wants to fuck a pretty girl without any strings

ahmmm....... everything you said there belongs in the desperate loser category......
i see things as it is and say it straight up. im not going sugar coat it, say some bs stories or pretend the sex industry is a nice and dandy place. even society says its shit, it's not very open about it. hell...blood and gore is more socially acceptable than sex. like i said before, a wl job is shit and degrading, and paying for sex wreaks desperation with a big fat L on your forehead.
don't get me wrong though i like punting too but i see what i see.... and yes I'm a hypocrite and desperate loser for saying that, if i was able to get the girls without the need for money i certainly wouldn't be here.
btw im not trying to troll. hey everyone answer me this question.... would you let your daughter(or if u had one) become a wl? and why.

07-05-2013, 12:27 AM
ahmmm....... everything you said there belongs in the desperate loser category......
i see things as it is and say it straight up. im not going sugar coat it, say some bs stories or pretend the sex industry is a nice and dandy place. even society says its shit, it's not very open about it. hell...blood and gore is more socially acceptable than sex. like i said before, a wl job is shit and degrading, and paying for sex wreaks desperation with a big fat L on your forehead.
don't get me wrong though i like punting too but i see what i see.... and yes I'm a hypocrite and desperate loser for saying that, if i was able to get the girls without the need for money i certainly wouldn't be here.
btw im not trying to troll. hey everyone answer me this question.... would you let your daughter(or if u had one) become a wl? and why.
If that's the way you think, what the hell are you on this forum for ?

07-05-2013, 12:47 AM
ahmmm....... everything you said there belongs in the desperate loser category......
i see things as it is and say it straight up. im not going sugar coat it, say some bs stories or pretend the sex industry is a nice and dandy place. even society says its shit, it's not very open about it. hell...blood and gore is more socially acceptable than sex. like i said before, a wl job is shit and degrading, and paying for sex wreaks desperation with a big fat L on your forehead.
don't get me wrong though i like punting too but i see what i see.... and yes I'm a hypocrite and desperate loser for saying that, if i was able to get the girls without the need for money i certainly wouldn't be here.
btw im not trying to troll. hey everyone answer me this question.... would you let your daughter(or if u had one) become a wl? and why.

You have a point and CL also have a point not all punters are old, fat and Ugly :) we will never know the % and but if you go to 5* around 7pm mostly I see are late 20s to mid 30s and some others and there nothing wrong with older,uglier, fatter punters they need loving too :) lets just leave it at that shall we.

07-05-2013, 01:18 AM
So much bad. I'm sorry, but I have to do this.

ahmmm....... everything you said there belongs in the desperate loser category......

No. The first, maybe, if you're a judgmental prick, but the other three range from pragmatic to vindictive, and if either of those things is "desperate loser" territory, then I would imagine most people who aren't otherwise desperate losers... are. In your opinion.

i see things as it is and say it straight up. im not going sugar coat it, say some bs stories or pretend the sex industry is a nice and dandy place.

Nobody said it was a lovely industry. But it's lovely that you think you're telling it like it is.

even society says its shit, it's not very open about it.

Ha ha, okay buddy. Please forward me the address of this magical society you've found that has a unanimous opinion about the sex industry.

hell...blood and gore is more socially acceptable than sex.

This... doesn't mean anything.

like i said before, a wl job is shit and degrading

Please tell me how you managed to get the authority to speak for the women working in the industry and make blanket value judgments about their work, because there are people (http://www.empowerfoundation.org/index_en.html) out (http://myweb.dal.ca/mgoodyea/Documents/Philosophy%20and%20morality/What's%20wrong%20with%20prostitution%20What's%20ri ght%20with%20sex%20work%20Berstein%201999%20Hastin gs%20Women's%20Law%20Journal%2010.pdf) there (http://msmagazine.com/blog/2012/03/15/future-of-feminism-sex-workers-deserve-dignity-and-care/) who don't think so.

and paying for sex wreaks desperation with a big fat L on your forehead.

If you want to project your insecurities on other people, you're welcome to it, I guess.

don't get me wrong though i like punting too but i see what i see.... and yes I'm a hypocrite and desperate loser for saying that, if i was able to get the girls without the need for money i certainly wouldn't be here.

Well... that's lovely, but what about the people who can get the girls without the money but punt anyway?

Or will you keep sticking your fingers in your ears and yell "LA LA LA I DON'T BELIEVE IT"?

btw im not trying to troll. hey everyone answer me this question.... would you let your daughter(or if u had one) become a wl? and why.

I wouldn't, but luckily for us, that sort of thing isn't relevant.

I wouldn't let my daughter make a living shooting people in the head, but that doesn't stop me believing that the army needs snipers.

07-05-2013, 01:30 AM
I noticed 5* have many young punters and 64 have more middle ages

Well there could well be something to that IExperiment, because I am definitely

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages8_zps902f21b5.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages8_zps902f21b5.jpg.html)

and a regular at 64. And here's more proof! -

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages1_zps9bf36d8a.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages1_zps9bf36d8a.jpg.html)

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages2_zps1f7b34f7.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages2_zps1f7b34f7.jpg.html)

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages4_zps07dc2918.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages4_zps07dc2918.jpg.html)

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages5_zps1a8e85a0.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages5_zps1a8e85a0.jpg.html)

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages7_zps30336300.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages7_zps30336300.jpg.html)

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages6_zps2d05f791.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages6_zps2d05f791.jpg.html)

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages9_zps2937e833.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages9_zps2937e833.jpg.html)

07-05-2013, 01:57 AM
ahmmm....... everything you said there belongs in the desperate loser category......

That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it, but you certainly seem to be in the minority. What purpose do you have in mind when you continue to labour a point such as this (flog a dead horse ?) on a punting forum ? You are sounding exactly like what you are accusing others on this forum to be.
How do you think this is going to end, are you hoping we all see the error of our ways and stop punting ?

i see things as it is and say it straight up.

Well I think everyone sees things through their own eyes and unless they are joking or trolls generally say things "straight up".
So you have just stated the obvious, or used a truism. In other words you are padding your argument with guff to make it sound better. Best to leave this sort of stuff out and try and make your point logically, and without guff.

im not going sugar coat it, say some bs stories or pretend the sex industry is a nice and dandy place.

Déjà vu ...

even society says its shit, it's not very open about it. hell...blood and gore is more socially acceptable than sex. like i said before, a wl job is shit and degrading, and paying for sex wreaks desperation with a big fat L on your forehead.

I think Uber has covered this point very well, if I may add:
You seem to have some negative feedback going on here, you think punting is bad, therefore you have bad experiences, you sound depressed.
Seriously bro you need to expand your mind and do some travelling and gain some more wordly experience. I suggest you spend some time in Europe, maybe visit Amsterdam.

don't get me wrong though i like punting too but i see what i see.... and yes I'm a hypocrite and desperate loser for saying that,

I don't think I could improve upon what you just said here :)

if i was able to get the girls without the need for money i certainly wouldn't be here.

Okay! Now we know, you are a loser and you want everyone else to be one so you don't feel so bad.

btw im not trying to troll. hey everyone answer me this question.... would you let your daughter(or if u had one) become a wl? and why.

Have a read of the Wiki definition for internet troll (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29)
Again I think Uber has covered your question.

07-05-2013, 11:33 AM
boy people are getting so worked up at what i am saying. ok ive been too harsh ill rephrase it.
instead of saying losers, old farts and uglies ill say:
majority of guy are sophisticated, mature and challenging. does that sound better?
and of course there are exceptions to the rules in everything but the majority rule.
and instead of a wl job is shit and degrading ill say its and "challenging and superlative". sound better?

I wouldn't, but luckily for us, that sort of thing isn't relevant
you still haven't answered my question... why?
i understand that you don't want your daughter to be a sniper because you kill people, that's fine.

07-05-2013, 01:37 PM
boy people are getting so worked up at what i am saying. ok ive been too harsh ill rephrase it.
instead of saying losers, old farts and uglies ill say:
majority of guy are sophisticated, mature and challenging. does that sound better?
and of course there are exceptions to the rules in everything but the majority rule.
and instead of a wl job is shit and degrading ill say its and "challenging and superlative". sound better?

you still haven't answered my question... why?
i understand that you don't want your daughter to be a sniper because you kill people, that's fine.

wouldn't worry about it da1andonly, troll is hurled pejoratively around these parts as much as greenie on a 2GB talkback program. I agree with you, I wouldn't want my daughter shagging strangers for a living. But, getting back to topic, South Korean men don't seem to mind. $13 billion a year turnover in their sex industry; one in 20 women selling their bodies. This is a nation fuelled by testosterone if ever there was. No wonder the place has been either at war, or on the brink of it, for the last century.

07-05-2013, 07:15 PM
ahmmm....... everything you said there belongs in the desperate loser category......
i see things as it is and say it straight up. im not going sugar coat it, say some bs stories or pretend the sex industry is a nice and dandy place. even society says its shit, it's not very open about it. hell...blood and gore is more socially acceptable than sex. like i said before, a wl job is shit and degrading, and paying for sex wreaks desperation with a big fat L on your forehead.
don't get me wrong though i like punting too but i see what i see.... and yes I'm a hypocrite and desperate loser for saying that, if i was able to get the girls without the need for money i certainly wouldn't be here.
btw im not trying to troll. hey everyone answer me this question.... would you let your daughter(or if u had one) become a wl? and why.

I agree with you 100%. That is the truth of it. People who disagree are either blinded by their own lust/stupidity or have a vested interest in the industry.

07-05-2013, 07:20 PM
I agree with you 100%. That is the truth of it. People who disagree are either blinded by their own lust/stupidity or have a vested interest in the industry.

Some of us disagree because his argument is shit.

07-05-2013, 07:41 PM
boy people are getting so worked up at what i am saying. ok ive been too harsh ill rephrase it.
instead of saying losers, old farts and uglies ill say:
majority of guy are sophisticated, mature and challenging. does that sound better?
and of course there are exceptions to the rules in everything but the majority rule.
and instead of a wl job is shit and degrading ill say its and "challenging and superlative". sound better?

Time to look up facetious (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/facetious) :)
I think if someone makes sweeping generalisations such as you did then people are entitled to respond with their point of view.
Also you used deliberately provocative language so you should expect some barbs in the responses (hence the troll suggestion).
I am fine with discussing your topic and certainly not worked up.

07-05-2013, 07:47 PM
I agree with you 100%. That is the truth of it. People who disagree are either blinded by their own lust/stupidity or have a vested interest in the industry.

Assuming you are not a troll: What is your purpose for being on this forum ?
If you are a troll: ...
I wonder if you are da1andonly ? If you are then did you know that admin can tell as you will have the same IP address ?

Punter Poontang
07-05-2013, 10:23 PM
Some of us disagree because his argument is shit.

Oh, yeah, there's that too ..... :shout:

08-05-2013, 09:43 AM
(hence the troll suggestion)
ahmmm.... do you know the term "internet troll" is slang and up for interpretation? also its not actually a real dictionary term....

if u consider me a troll then i have to consider u trolling me..

you sound depressed

Time to look up facetious (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/facetious)

and do you really think im making "sweeping statements"? i know you're making sweeping statements about me....
what i also recommend you do is goto work tommorrow and tell your boss and everyone in the workplace including the females, that you just had banged 2 young 20 y.o. asian girls for $200 yesterday.... and then ask them what you think of me.... try it. tell us what answer they will give you.

08-05-2013, 10:04 AM
Well there could well be something to that IExperiment, because I am definitely

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages8_zps902f21b5.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages8_zps902f21b5.jpg.html)

and a regular at 64. And here's more proof! -

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages1_zps9bf36d8a.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages1_zps9bf36d8a.jpg.html)

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages2_zps1f7b34f7.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages2_zps1f7b34f7.jpg.html)

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages4_zps07dc2918.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages4_zps07dc2918.jpg.html)

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages5_zps1a8e85a0.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages5_zps1a8e85a0.jpg.html)

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages7_zps30336300.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages7_zps30336300.jpg.html)

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages6_zps2d05f791.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages6_zps2d05f791.jpg.html)

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/middleages9_zps2937e833.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/middleages9_zps2937e833.jpg.html)

Hi Sextus
I still like some of the music, and some fav of mine like Hotel California used to listen to it 20 years ago and still chill to it and there nothing wrong with it.

08-05-2013, 10:18 AM
ahmmm.... do you know the term "internet troll" is slang and up for interpretation? also its not actually a real dictionary term....

I never said it was a dictionary term, I just provided a reference to Wiki.
This seems a bit off topic and nit picking, are you trying to score points on the side and side step the main argument ?

if u consider me a troll then i have to consider u trolling me..
Isn't that how juveniles think, I call you somethng so you call me the same thing ?

and do you really think im making "sweeping statements"?
Yes, go back and read your posts.

i know you're making sweeping statements about me....

Déjà vu ...

what i also recommend you do is goto work tommorrow and tell your boss and everyone in the workplace including the females, that you just had banged 2 young 20 y.o. asian girls for $200 yesterday.... and then ask them what you think of me.... try it. tell us what answer they will give you.

Ho hum, what a ridiculous suggestion.

Now I have responded to all your points, but you have conveniently ignored many direct questions and seem to be clutching at straws.
Maybe it is time we end this argument and move on ?

08-05-2013, 10:53 AM
what i also recommend you do is goto work tommorrow and tell your boss and everyone in the workplace including the females, that you just had banged 2 young 20 y.o. asian girls for $200 yesterday.... and then ask them what you think of me.... try it. tell us what answer they will give you.

Just to indulge you, I think you may be able to do this in certain workplaces and countries with no ill effects.
I don't want to offend but I reckon if you were a builders labourer in a rough area saying this might increase your standing :)
Also some european and asian countries would be very matter of fact with someone saying something ike this.
In oz and the US this sort of thing generally doesn't go down well in public.
I find the public/private life sex dichotomy in oz and the US quite strange, after having been to Europe and Japan.

08-05-2013, 10:58 AM
what im trying to say is you're calling me a troll and saying that im making sweeping statements...... but by what your saying you're doing the samething to me.
not only that.... you say i don't answer your questions when you dont even answer all my questions.

08-05-2013, 08:58 PM
what im trying to say is you're calling me a troll and saying that im making sweeping statements...... but by what your saying you're doing the samething to me.
not only that.... you say i don't answer your questions when you dont even answer all my questions.

I don't think you have been reading/understanding my posts.
Your first comments on this thread:

don't try and sugar coat a shitty job. they are banging desperates, old farts and uglies day in and day out. do people on this forum seriouly think any wl enjoys doing it?
I count 5 sweeping statements in that sentence alone.

Remember when I said:

Isn't that how juveniles think, I call you something so you call me the same thing ?
Did you understand that ?
I am responding to your sweeping statments.

you say i don't answer your questions when you dont even answer all my questions.
Aa far as I can see I have answered all your questions, except this one:

would you let your daughter(or if u had one) become a wl? and why.
I didn't bother answering this because it is syllogistic in relation to your point, as uber explained.

I humbly suggest you try to make your point next time without insulting the entire forum community.

08-05-2013, 10:12 PM
ahmmm... i asked you a question and u did not answer it.... i consider it related to my point, so why should i answer your pointless questions if u consider my questions pointless?

and with my suggestion did you tell your boss, work colleges, female colleges that u pay money to have sex with girls? what was their answer? it's not a ridiculous request, i want to prove my point.

08-05-2013, 10:19 PM
ahmmm... .

I feel like I am talking to a primary school kid ...
Sorry mate signing off from this thread and putting you on my ignore list.
Good luck proving your point on this forum.
One last parting remark, have you wondered why no one else has bothered to respond to you lately ...

08-05-2013, 10:53 PM
One last parting remark, have you wondered why no one else has bothered to respond to you lately ...
ummm... go back through this thread and see how many people here are in support of my argument...
seriously.... its like talking to a brick wall....

08-05-2013, 11:33 PM
ummm... go back through this thread and see how many people here are in support of my argument...
seriously.... its like talking to a brick wall....

Literally one other person, all of whose posting history exists only in this thread.

That sure is a lot of people agreeing with you.

09-05-2013, 12:44 AM
the previous pages have been pages full of arguments and are out of topic :(
let get on with the topic shall we ?????

i might as well share something here that is on topic ....
my friend just recently went for a trip to korea and he shared to me all the experience he had in korea
one thing that caught me is that in korea they have this kinds of love hotel but its actually a brothel. everything is like the usual except for you get to order food in your room and also you can stay in your room and have a nap or sleep and then wakes up to the delight of fucking the girl again. its like having these bitches which will entertain you for your whole day stay in the hotel . Oh and 1 more thing, as soon as you pick a girl and otw to the room, you will get a BBBJ from the girl inside the lift :D
what could be better ???

09-05-2013, 12:48 AM
the previous pages have been pages full of arguments and are out of topic :(
let get on with the topic shall we ?????

i might as well share something here that is on topic ....
my friend just recently went for a trip to korea and he shared to me all the experience he had in korea
one thing that caught me is that in korea they have this kinds of love hotel but its actually a brothel. everything is like the usual except for you get to order food in your room and also you can stay in your room and have a nap or sleep and then wakes up to the delight of fucking the girl again. its like having these bitches which will entertain you for your whole day stay in the hotel . Oh and 1 more thing, as soon as you pick a girl and otw to the room, you will get a BBBJ from the girl inside the lift :D
what could be better ???

What the cost ?? more info please ??

09-05-2013, 01:00 AM
What the cost ?? more info please ??

i dont quite remember but the price range is 200-400AUD/ stay not per hour

09-05-2013, 01:10 AM
Oh and 1 more thing, as soon as you pick a girl and otw to the room, you will get a BBBJ from the girl inside the lift :D
what could be better ???

Most lifts are fitted with CCTV cameras ! :miao:

09-05-2013, 01:20 AM
i dont quite remember but the price range is 200-400AUD/ stay not per hour

Thats a good price, very cheap for O/N.

09-05-2013, 03:09 AM
Most lifts are fitted with CCTV cameras ! :miao:

well lets hope not but who cares im not the one getting filmed :P

Thats a good price, very cheap for O/N.

well 1 tips you gotta bring 1 local with you...
my friend didnt spend the night there but almost half a day so yea figure its a good price :D

09-05-2013, 09:03 PM
Most lifts are fitted with CCTV cameras ! :miao:

From an exhibitionist's point of view: "what could be better ???" :burn:

12-05-2013, 02:43 AM
Keep in mind there's less Korean girls here than you think. A lot of advertisers like to falsely advertise their girls as "Korean Student. So Young!" to entice males who lose their shit over K-dolls, when they're really just Chinese etc..

Koreans in general are highly nationalistic. They would much rather work in their home country were they speak the language than make their bones abroad. One would have to be in a situation where they are literally forced to sell their pussy overseas in order to do it.

I have a buddy in South Korea who tells me that the girls that work overseas are usually in debt with loan sharks, paying off credit card, trafficked, or just can't compete in the South Korean sex market.

12-05-2013, 06:22 AM
Keep in mind there's less Korean girls here than you think. A lot of advertisers like to falsely advertise their girls as "Korean Student. So Young!" to entice males who lose their shit over K-dolls, when they're really just Chinese etc..

But you could tell by the accent yeah? I mean most of the girls working there wouldn't be able to produce the accent during conversation (unless they play the ice cold K-princess and don't talk at all).

I have a buddy in South Korea who tells me that the girls that work overseas are usually in debt with loan sharks, paying off credit card, trafficked, or just can't compete in the South Korean sex market.

What? So we're gettings the dregs of the South Korean sex market?

12-05-2013, 09:36 AM
Keep in mind there's less Korean girls here than you think. A lot of advertisers like to falsely advertise their girls as "Korean Student. So Young!" to entice males who lose their shit over K-dolls, when they're really just Chinese etc..

Koreans in general are highly nationalistic. They would much rather work in their home country were they speak the language than make their bones abroad. One would have to be in a situation where they are literally forced to sell their pussy overseas in order to do it.

I have a buddy in South Korea who tells me that the girls that work overseas are usually in debt with loan sharks, paying off credit card, trafficked, or just can't compete in the South Korean sex market.

I have never seen a Chinese girl tried to pretend she is Korean, and if they do I think I can tell, don't ask me how, I just know, harder if they are half and half mix, like Foxy but she is definitely more K gal feel than Chinese except when she speaks Mandarin .

This will bring back the debates about Chinese gal advertised as Japanese! Chinese gal as Hong Kong gal and Malaysian gal as Singapore gal etc.

I wonder why, I always feel it's the gal and her services I want not where is she from!

Although I do feel closer and usually click right away if the girl can speak Cantonese like Sophie, Maggie, Coco, Mia (SL), sister Tiff and most recently Jojo !!

Just my two cents


12-05-2013, 10:32 AM
I have a buddy in South Korea who tells me that the girls that work overseas are usually in debt with loan sharks, paying off credit card, trafficked

I think we all know this but turn a blind eye and contribute to the suffering of these girls anyway.

12-05-2013, 04:24 PM
What? So we're gettings the dregs of the South Korean sex market?

Most rational explanation for a regularly reported experience, from a South Korean local source too.

12-05-2013, 05:08 PM
There are so many sweeping statements, so many untrue statements, so many offensive statements, so many cliches, and just so much plain rubbish on this thread that i really don't know where to start.
So I just won't bother.
I think I will just book a session with a Korean girl instead ;)

12-05-2013, 05:14 PM
There are so many sweeping statements, so many untrue statements, so many offensive statements, so many cliches, and just so much plain rubbish on this thread that i really don't know where to start.
So I just won't bother.
I think I will just book a session with a Korean girl instead ;)
+1 ditto !

12-05-2013, 05:40 PM
But you could tell by the accent yeah? I mean most of the girls working there wouldn't be able to produce the accent during conversation (unless they play the ice cold K-princess and don't talk at all).

"I am from Korea"
"Ok, say something in Korean."

Its a marketing strategy. It's the Asian sex industries version of Italian made handbags.

I will stress, however, that I am not saying that none of the Korean girls are authentic. Not bashing on Korean girls either. But theres a handful of 'fake Koreans' (by fault of the shop owners) giving the illusion that there are more Koreans than you might think, directly answering the OP's question.

The best session I've had were with Malaysian, Thai, Chinese, Indonesian, Singaporean (still uncertain) and Egyptian ladies. So I personally don't see how which country they came from is any indication of how good they are.

What? So we're gettings the dregs of the South Korean sex market?

Looks like it. None of my experiences or the experience of others reported resonated with my buddy's experience in the local market. He told me that those girls usually don't last long in the SK sex circuit because they're competing with some top-notch service providers.
Of course there are exceptions like in massage parlours like Romeo's (based on their AR).

12-05-2013, 05:47 PM
Man, the real scumbags are the ones that participate in sexual services with North Korean WL's in while touring Pyongyang. Any twat with half a brain will know they they're subjugated by the NK government as sex slaves. Fuck those cunts.

12-05-2013, 06:06 PM
There are so many sweeping statements, so many untrue statements, so many offensive statements, so many cliches, and just so much plain rubbish on this thread that i really don't know where to start.
So I just won't bother.
I think I will just book a session with a Korean girl instead ;)

I would like to say "+1 ditto !" too, but instead I'll make two points.

Firstly, I don't know what the appearance of punters or the dignity of sex work has got to do with the amount of Korean WG's. I guess I will never know, not at least explained by the person who brought these issues into this thread.

Secondly, I think the OP's question "Why are there so many korean WG's?" is flawed as such.
In my view it should rather be "Are there many Korean WG's in Sydney?"
And again in my view, I don't think there are that many.

When asking a question "Why are there so many korean WG's?", I would hope that you would have some numbers stating that there are many Korean WG's, before asking why.

Let's see, how many are there? Does anyone know?
Let's assume 100 (if anyone says that there's more, then better come up with some numbers and where you got them).
Is that a lot??? In a City of 5 million people?

As a comparison, how many Chinese or Thai girls are there? I suspect a lot more... if so then why the OP's question?

13-05-2013, 08:44 PM
No need to wonder why, just enjoy the show :)

03-07-2013, 11:59 PM
Funding plastic Surgery - that's a common reason.

29-10-2013, 09:56 AM
I wonder if the numbers have decreased given the South Korean government 'crack down' last year. Or was it just all talk? Anyone know of any girls that were deported because of that?