View Full Version : General talk Supporting a drug habit

04-05-2013, 04:25 PM
This is something i have wondered about for a long time...

When I was younger, people I knew with life experience would say that women don't actually enjoy being WL's/ML's, but did so purely through the desperation to get good amounts of cash to support drug addictions. The idea that they love cock is reportedly an illusion, as is working purely to support 'study'.

Through experience, I suspect this is more true of Caucasian workers, wheras Asian workers from Korea etc not so much though it is still the case with a lot. Some say a lot of Thai WL/ML have habits.

Then again, it is a bit of a mystery because you cant always ask the workers if they have an addiction!

What do you guys think?

Is there a cultural difference here? Are drugs the key driver behind ladies wanting to work in this area?

04-05-2013, 04:42 PM
I think this is true of low end hookers. Higher end hookers want max money with minimum effort.

Asian hookers are addicted to LV

04-05-2013, 05:07 PM
Alot of generalizations here, higher end hookers just use more expensive drugs, but don't kid yourself its only cauc's, because thats just not true, far from it actually.. At the end of the day not all WL's have drug habits but its not mainly a cauc thing, totally ridiculous assertion.

04-05-2013, 05:32 PM
Alot of generalizations here, higher end hookers just use more expensive drugs, but don't kid yourself its only cauc's, because thats just not true, far from it actually.. At the end of the day not all WL's have drug habits but its not mainly a cauc thing, totally ridiculous assertion.

I have no intention to be offensive through generalizing people. It is a genuine question of curiosity brought about by hearsay, other peoples experiences, my own experiences.

04-05-2013, 05:35 PM
Over time, and across cultures, the attitude towards prostitution has changed.

What has never changed is the driving force behind prostitution - money.

So whether it is to fund a drug habit, education, or a higher standard if living, prostitution is one method that can be used to earn money.

What has changed, in my opinion, is the financial reason that a women uses to justify work in this industry. 20 years ago, it would have taken a lot of financial stress (like a drug habit) to drive a Caucasian to work as a WL. Today the attitudes are different, and there are now Caucasian WL who choose to work not because of financial stress, but for higher standard of living.

Of course the attitude and laws of any culture towards prostitution make the decision to work in the industry easy or difficult. Even changes in technology impact the industry, For example, years ago in sydney there were far less brothels and more street prostitution. In my mind, a street walker would only do that for a drug habit, whereas today, with the Internet available to find brothels and private girls, the street walkers have disappeared.

04-05-2013, 05:49 PM
Years ago a caucy ML told me she only worked to pay her house off sooner.

Alot of asian students work so they can afford a better lifestyle, clothes, etc.

I reckon drug using ML/WLs would be a fairly low percentage these days for the girls I see.
Maybe if you picked up a street walker in the cross or redfern you would get a druggie, but who does that anymore anyway...

04-05-2013, 07:31 PM
Over time, and across cultures, the attitude towards prostitution has changed.
What has never changed is the driving force behind prostitution - money.

Stating the obvious here, are we?
As the definition of the word prostitution is:
"Prostitution is the business or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment."

So whether it is to fund a drug habit, education, or a higher standard if living, prostitution is one method that can be used to earn money.

What has changed, in my opinion, is the financial reason that a women uses to justify work in this industry. 20 years ago, it would have taken a lot of financial stress (like a drug habit) to drive a Caucasian to work as a WL. Today the attitudes are different, and there are now Caucasian WL who choose to work not because of financial stress, but for higher standard of living.

I agree with your opinion though... I think that is very true.

Of course the attitude and laws of any culture towards prostitution make the decision to work in the industry easy or difficult. Even changes in technology impact the industry, For example, years ago in sydney there were far less brothels and more street prostitution. In my mind, a street walker would only do that for a drug habit, whereas today, with the Internet available to find brothels and private girls, the street walkers have disappeared.

In my opinion, your assessment as to why prostitution has moved from the streets to brothels is incorrect though.
It's really not the internet (while it does make advertising easier), the major change came with the change in legislation.

"The legalisation of brothels in NSW commenced with the passing of the Disorderly Houses Amendment Act 1995, which legalised brothels and living off the earnings of a prostitute."

This has also affected the attitudes towards both prostitution and brothels.
Since it's legal, it can't be that bad, can it?

05-05-2013, 09:32 AM
Legalised brothels is such an intelligent way for the government to deal with this. There's a strong need for it so instead of putting resources, time and money fighting it, tax it... You'd think such a capitalist society like the USA has would drop their pretenses and legalize sex over there.

With the drug side of things. They're easier to get now, people have more variety and the attitudes are more relaxed. From my observations, the motivators at the moment are - sending money home to family or buy property, studying (still very valid since TAFE charges overseas students $5k per semester and local unemployed $50 per semester for the same course), taking care of family here, taking care of sad sack bf/husband, living a lifestyle that they really can't afford.

05-05-2013, 10:33 AM
The ones that I know are doing it for the money to save for later.

05-05-2013, 11:07 AM
Wrong thread, just woke up ! ;)

05-05-2013, 11:10 AM
I have had asian WL's asked me if I was into certain drugs, I told them no and asked why, I was told by them because they like to take the drugs with the punters and have fun..

06-05-2013, 06:06 AM
They ask coz they know if you do drugs with them, the punter is more likely to stay longer, spend more time just chatting and less having sex...easy work for them.