View Full Version : General talk Repetition of General thread

08-05-2013, 02:50 PM
Viewing the threads for a a long time,
i noticed that there are few topics that comes out repeatedly over time.

I notice that once in every 5 month we will guarantee to have;

A newbie worried about his STI status and seeking answers anxiously

A newbie thinking he is cool ask about a relationship with a WL
and all the exprerienced telling their previous story
(Despite this thread coming out ever 2month, there is always popular response)

A newbie asking the obivous question such as " i live or staying at *****, aany good place"?

A question of why there are so many Korean WL
(I think this is a one man's hatred of the country and always looking to bring the issue up every few month, so
everyone discuss how slutty koreans are)

A suggestion from long time member about a get together or a event night with WL
e.g. x-mas party, mahjong night, brothel crawl etc etc

What you guys think.

08-05-2013, 02:59 PM
Viewing the threads for a a long time,
i noticed that there are few topics that comes out repeatedly over time.

I notice that once in every 5 month we will guarantee to have;

A newbie worried about his STI status and seeking answers anxiously

A newbie thinking he is cool ask about a relationship with a WL
and all the exprerienced telling their previous story
(Despite this thread coming out ever 2month, there is always popular response)

A newbie asking the obivous question such as " i live or staying at *****, aany good place"?

A question of why there are so many Korean WL
(I think this is a one man's hatred of the country and always looking to bring the issue up every few month, so
everyone discuss how slutty koreans are)

A suggestion from long time member about a get together or a event night with WL
e.g. x-mas party, mahjong night, brothel crawl etc etc

What you guys think.

Hi Mitch,

If you don't want to read repetitive threads, may be look at the OP, like Cunninglinguist, he is a dynamic poster and his topics are usually heading different new directions, so they all worth a look. Or you can look at mine, but I do repeat myself a bit when the viewing number of the site hit a new record, as I will usually start a new thread for that, or everytime a new advertiser comes on board and the Admin is too busy to do the usual introduction.

Just my two cents.

And most of my posts are concentrated on a few threads. So you can easily either follow or avoid !!



08-05-2013, 03:03 PM
Hey Alungor~
Nah i'm not saying i have a problem of repetitive thread, its just some observation I made on in the few years here.
I know your thread are cool~


08-05-2013, 03:20 PM
Even this thread is a repetition of many previous threads !

08-05-2013, 03:41 PM
Lol it so true! Even this thread is a repetition. Maybe Mitch2 u can bring something new to here

08-05-2013, 03:52 PM
I think project manager is now gone or banned so there has been less of these threads recently

08-05-2013, 09:17 PM
I don't mind if threads repeat, I think this is a natural part of a forum such as this.
New members will invariably come up with similar questions, and if they don't know their way around the site very well or don't think to search to see if it has already been asked then it can't really be avoided. If you wanted to avoid this then you would need moderators, and I don't think that would be a good way to go.
If you see a repeat thread you can either ignore it (costs nothing, there is much more noise on the forum than repeating threads) or provide a link to the thread it is repeating.

08-05-2013, 09:33 PM
I don't mind if threads repeat, I think this is a natural part of a forum such as this.
New members will invariably come up with similar questions, and if they don't know their way around the site very well or don't think to search to see if it has already been asked then it can't really be avoided. If you wanted to avoid this then you would need moderators, and I don't think that would be a good way to go.
If you see a repeat thread you can either ignore it (costs nothing, there is much more noise on the forum than repeating threads) or provide a link to the thread it is repeating.
Repetition threads are not the problem, the problem is repetition threads that create controversy.

08-05-2013, 10:07 PM
Unless every post is a new AR then there is bound to be topics that will get repeated over and over again but nothing wrong with that. With new members will come new thoughts and views

09-05-2013, 12:56 AM
repitition of general thread only occur if there is a newbie who is likely lazy to search around the forums
well at least that is what i think :P

09-05-2013, 01:15 AM
Unless every post is a new AR then there is bound to be topics that will get repeated over and over again but nothing wrong with that. With new members will come new thoughts and views

This is correct new people will always bring new idea's and some new views.

09-05-2013, 01:27 AM
If there is a repetition of winners on Travelmates winning tips thread then I am all for it!

13-05-2013, 10:28 PM
I think I'd rather read and comment on repetitive threads than advertiser spam.

16-05-2013, 10:28 PM
Why not sticky a thread to the top with the best answers. Then just lock every time a repeat arrives and direct them to sticky?

17-05-2013, 02:43 AM
I understand this entire section is for general content, but it would be useful to have one actual thread for posts that might not necessary warrant a new thread but may still have interest for some of the community.