View Full Version : Other Asia BoBo - Chelsea - "Dud Fuck 2012" nominee

10-09-2012, 01:16 PM
I was finishing up at work about a week ago and getting ready for a night in town with some mates, when I remembered an agency called Asia BoBo, that I hadn’t been to for a year or more. I called them up and made a booking. It turned out to be a disaster, but I took one for the team. Here’s the report:

Girl Summary:
Name: Chelsea
Shop: Asia BoBo
Age: over 50 (I’m not kidding ... must have left the walking frame in the other room)
Nat: HK Chinese
Stats: 34D/28/36(fake D titties bouncing around inside bags of floppy skin)
Face: 4/10
Body: 2/10 (Floppy and fuggly)
DFK: No – no kissing on face at all
BBBJ: No – CBJ mechanical and ordinary
Anal: No
69: No
COB: Didn’t ask
COF: Didn’t ask
CIM: Didn’t ask
Sex: 2/10 heading for the “Dud punt of 2012” award
Massage: 2/10 felt like she was poking me with a stick
Room: 5/10
Damage: $160 (30m), $220 (60m) I went for 30m
Note: If you ever consider visiting this place just … don’t go !!!

Well, I used to fuck some young PRC girls at Asia BoBo and they were pretty good. I just expected the same. On arrival I was told that the girl was still on her way and that I should pay and shower. I was a little suspicious, but had always had pretty good service here. Besides, I was a few minutes early, meaning I could also get to another shop for round 2 if things didn’t work out. I shortened my booking to 30m, just in case I didn't like the look of the girl, and paid and jumped into the shower. If I was wrong I could always extend.

The girl, I use the term loosely, arrived just as I got out of the shower. She was dressed in black, about 50 years old and looked saggy and tired. She spoke to the mamasan in Cantonese as I entered the room. Fuck it! I should have left, but I just needed to unload so I stayed, hoping that experience might count for something. Besides, I was already naked.

On entering the room, the old duck introduced herself as “Chelsea”. As she stripped off bits of her fell everywhere. I mean, it was her clothes that held her together in any sort of “shape”. She was like a walking bowl of porridge. I quickly discovered there was no kissing above the shoulders. I just wanted to root her, unload, and get the fuck out of there. But I wanted my massage too. After doing the deed I asked her for a massage. She said “No massage for 30m booking!”. WTF? I said, “Ok, we play again”, and I started to play with her saggy, baggy tits. Then she said, “OK massage!” It was the worst massage ever. After about 10 minutes she started complaining about being tired, about me shortening the booking, and she called me a “Stingy bitch who shorten time”. So, I decided that was enough. I got dressed without further discussion. Then on the way out this slut actually had the gall to ask me to come back next time. WTF? So I told her what I thought of her and I said I’d rather fuck a bag of pet food.

There is a moral to this report, brothers. Never pay before you see the girl and never take of your clothes before paying. I should have just turned and walked out. I would have, if I could make a clean get-away, but I just didn’t want the argument about showering already, etc.

I no sooner got out of the building when I was on the phone to Ginza. I was praying they weren’t busy, and as luck would have it, Eli was just finishing up with one of you fuckers. So, I grabbed a coffee for 10 minutes and then headed to Ginza and another session with Eli … report to follow soon.

Brothers, do not waste your time and money with Asia BoBo … it is not the same as it used to be.



10-09-2012, 07:58 PM
lol!! very bad ratings, and over 50 years of age!! must've been a terrible punt, you are very brave for punting her thetiger.

10-09-2012, 10:36 PM
the girl,...too bad too bad

thanx for let us know bro

11-09-2012, 02:17 AM

Sex: 2/10 heading for the “Dud punt of 2012” award

Very disturbing...I genuinely hope nothing comes close to pipping this walking bowl of porridge at the post, to take your dud punt of 2012, that sounds horrendous. By the way why did u try to kiss her.... WTF is up with that.

11-09-2012, 02:42 AM
This is the first AR that Make me scare

11-09-2012, 09:42 AM
oh god.. have mercy

11-09-2012, 10:18 AM
Yeah ... I tried to kiss her ... fuck! It's a power thing ... not a passion thing. I wanted control.
As I often say, I pay my best earned money and the girl should turn it into her best earned money.

11-09-2012, 04:21 PM
oh dear oh dear, how can you waste money and your precious sperm on a 50 yr old? money is one thing which can earn back but your little descendent is irreplacable. I wont do it even you give me $1000. feel sorry for you mate

11-09-2012, 05:30 PM
things can only get better from now on for you.

11-09-2012, 09:33 PM

I had a similar experiences with out call to my hotel last week!

I was waiting in my room and a knock on the door and I saw two girls, one young and one older one. So I handed over $200 to the older one thinking she was the mamasan! But she gave the money to the younger one and them the younger one left! I was dumbfounded!!!

Anyways I was too horny to think much more and just wanted to unload. Man the rating the tiger gave above is similar to what I would give but I would like to add in one more! Fuck her breath stinks of ciggies an she hasn't brushed her teeth since thy invented the tooth brush ! I kicked her out after 20 mins when I am done doggie with her as I can't bear to look and smell her. She wants to cuddle etc!!!

One of my worse mistakes about punting.

Don't pay until u see or in this case know the goods. Wasted 200!

12-09-2012, 10:06 AM

If the younger one was about 30, short and a squarish face with quite a nice smile then we hit the same target. Just thinking about it has me reaching for the Listerine ... no more Asia BoBo .... ever !!!

12-09-2012, 10:32 PM
Excellent review Tiger even if the girl/old lady wasn't.

13-09-2012, 03:07 AM
Then the Acedemy Wards for the Worst WL 2012 goes to Mrs. Chelsea from Asian Bobo

13-09-2012, 12:53 PM
Not yet cisco ... there's still 4 months to go ... someone might fess up to rooting one of the tarts at Bellevue St.

18-09-2012, 05:42 PM
Just a reminder to avoid this place ... I'm still rinsing my mouth out ...

19-09-2012, 06:06 AM
In your best Seinfeld voice.

"So BoBo... is a No No".

19-09-2012, 04:12 PM
ROFL ... yes, that is correct.

19-09-2012, 04:53 PM
Tiger firstly commiserations on your extermely bad experience. I hope you made your feelings known to the management. Moral is never pay before seeing and even then there is no guarantee.