View Full Version : Punt alone or with mates?

10-09-2012, 01:47 PM
Hi guys

I m not so sure if i m normal but i love to punt in a small group, bit hard for me to make booking when ta group size gets to 4 (max) specially i m only ML now a few mates only FS, i like the feeling that all sit together for a meal after and share info, whats ur say there?

10-09-2012, 06:50 PM
well i normally go punt alone especially fs, but sometimes it happens to me when i go with 2 or 3 mates with me to m8 or other massage parlours then afterwards we would go to the pub sit down and have a drink while discussing the sessions. it is quite normal if u ask me to go punt in a group in massage parlours. I never tried go punting in group in fs coz all my mates r into massages.

10-09-2012, 08:53 PM
Punt by yourself is the best to avoid big argue with your friend when it comes to choose the same girl bro

or Booked your lady first if you want to go with your friend , so you already got your ACE CARD without wondering one of your friend will take it over from you

10-09-2012, 09:05 PM
Gone with mates and myself

Better to go yourself, more choices of girls and if you want to stay longer it won't inconvenience your mates.

10-09-2012, 09:44 PM
i got a group for ML and a group for FS^^. it makes it easier but me personally i go to ML more often then fs, and when i got to ml me and my boys know who i choose and usually the one planing it as they know that im well loved at Juliets^^ as in last yr i would go a few times a wk lol with the same ML. usually we talk about our ML after but not in detail. but when i go with my FS group we go into big details and sometimes organize a party for 2-4 of us vs 3-6 of them!:miao:

10-09-2012, 09:51 PM
Gone with mates and myself

Better to go yourself, more choices of girls and if you want to stay longer it won't inconvenience your mates.

Used to go myself until I convinced my best mate to take the plunge. Now I always go with him. It feels more like just hanging out with a mate, and we just happen to 'accidentally stumble' into a brothel. Going by myself feels a little seedy, lol!

10-09-2012, 10:06 PM
For me its easy, my friends all know what type of girls i like - which is the best kept secret in the forum, so once the line up is out he or they will just leave the girl with the biggest talents to yours truly, simple and easy, never any arguement..........haha

Just my 36 cents

11-09-2012, 01:50 AM
I prefer punting by myself or with one of my best mate. We have problems when punting in group of 3 or more. First most shop may not have all girls available at the same time and also crashes when two mates were over the same girl. Many time we ended up leaving or unhappy ending for some. So when either punting or gambling, it better do it alone.

11-09-2012, 09:48 AM
I prefer punting by myself or with one of my best mate. We have problems when punting in group of 3 or more. First most shop may not have all girls available at the same time and also crashes when two mates were over the same girl. Many time we ended up leaving or unhappy ending for some. So when either punting or gambling, it better do it alone.

I agree with you brother luigi!!

There was an old Chinese saying that you should always go alone in punting and gambling!!

11-09-2012, 10:18 AM
I agree with you brother luigi!!

There was an old Chinese saying that you should always go alone in punting and gambling!!

It does not matter if group is not too big. Better be very good friends

11-09-2012, 10:24 AM
It does not matter if group is not too big. Better be very good friends

Haha, brother Mate,

I think it will be OK if you and I ever go out punting together! Since you like them B-C and i like them D Cups+

So we shouldnt have any issue with choices.......lol


11-09-2012, 12:39 PM
Haha, brother Mate,

I think it will be OK if you and I ever go out punting together! Since you like them B-C and i like them D Cups+

So we shouldnt have any issue with choices.......lol


agree!!! I like the sweet young B/C ... absolutely no conflcit.
In terms of gambling, it is very disipline. So we can punt together as well. No worries.

How about a beer !??? haha