View Full Version : Working ladies using Crystal Meth (ICE)

15-09-2012, 07:54 PM
Guys I dont want to upset or offend anyone in this topic as most people hate drugs. But lets not ignore this as some punters dont care or don't want to know just as long as they get their bang. But the reality is that you could be banging your regular WL who is a ICE user and you wouldn't have the faintest idea. It seems very common now that WL's are using Crystal Meth (ICE). How do I know all this........My ex GF who was also a Tawain WL in various Asian shops was addicted to this drug and also sold to the WL's. She would buy big batches and then sell them in small quantities to the other girls at the shops she worked at. When I first met her she was already a user/pusher and I did try helping her to stop but it was useless, I have an occassional smoke but I'm not addicted. Often when we were at home her mobile phone would ring & of course she would talk in Chinese, then she would say oh such n such girl is coming over to buy some ICE before they start work. So her friends would pop over & hang around for a while smoking before they go to work at the shop. As I knew a few of the WL's from my GF I was shocked who was buying the drug. I remember once 2 WL's from Vixens called my GF at 6am asked if they could come over as they had just finished their shift and they had ran out of ICE and needed more. So they came over around 7am talking and smoking, at around 8am I left for work wnen I returned that afternoon around 5pm they were still there in my lougeroom (one of the gilrs was sleeping on my sofa). Most of the girls smoke it at work in the ladies room or in the toilets. The girls wouldn't bring it with them in the room unless they knew their client was an ICE user. Some shop owners know their girls take drugs but keep a blind eye cause if it makes them work harder & longer they are happy. And with clients if they are ICE users even better cause the shop owners know they would stay for hours & hours.

15-09-2012, 08:30 PM
I guess the best advice you could give is how to identify them, such as tell-tale signs to look out for. Even then, what can we do about it?

15-09-2012, 08:50 PM
My ex GF was so addicted you couldn't notice any signs, you could say she was immune to it. One sign you could try is looking in their eyes for any redness. Some WL's skin might break out with pimples or scars on arms or legs. But the best method in my opinion is try looking at her fingers for lighter burns as lots of ICE users accidently burn their finger tips from touching hot glass pipe.

15-09-2012, 09:17 PM
Yeah i heard about it cause one of the WL that i knew she told me that her boy friend was a big drug dealer and they are living together, but nothing i can do.. I just dont care, its her own life and she looked happy with that kind of life

15-09-2012, 10:41 PM
Well, perhaps there are shops that deliberately give the girls ICE to keep them happy and positive for the punter. What would you do if it were true?

15-09-2012, 10:50 PM
in my position,..nothing i can do , i will keep bang her and then go home

15-09-2012, 11:44 PM
Tiger I do know one shop that does it deliberately in Surry Hills, so the boss can get his girls working 12 hours plus and work consecutive days. I guess if you choose a girl who is high and if she performs to your liking then there is no complaints. Right?
I recall recently seeing a HK girl at 18 Hargrave (SWL) I asked her what days she works so I could see her again, she replied every day. Like WTF every day so I said to her you must be on something to work 7 days. She says no,no nothing. What then Red Bull....
After a week I thought I would see her again this time I decided to bring some stuff with me. In the room I take out the ICE her eyes lit up. I said ok we have together ? she said yeah ok no problem. Wow you shoud've seen her going for it. I then said to her you seem experienced in taking this and last week you told me you don't take drugs. She just smiled at me. Later in the hour she goes downstairs to get me a drink she comes back up and say to me " is ok my friend come in room and smoke a little ". I said ok. Damn her freind was hot from China. She says thankyou and leaves. The WL I was with then says to me you like doubles because my friend when she smoke she get real horny. She's lucky I didn't have enough cash or else I would've taken that offer. Next time I guess....

16-09-2012, 01:09 AM
Wow, the underground scoop sure is scary. A lot of my friends did meth in high school.... and coke, and herion, and ecstasy and weed... but I never touched the stuff even when I was offered. Well maybe a little weed. But it's so surprising people have so little resistance with how much we know. Like some friends of mine started smoking AFTER high school, which I find dumbfounding, because you should be over that stage by now. I'm able to resist, drugs, alcohol, gambling.... almost all temptations in life - except for the internet, pr0n and punting.

Fucking a meth chick doesn't affect me... but I does make me a little sad. Choosing to be a WL shows signs of independence... then doing meth is like they're held in shackles all over again.

Sorry, I just have a little grinding attitude towards drug users because I've always been belittled by everyone else who did and made me feel like an inferior, calling me a pussy and little bitch because I refused to inhale, snort, or swallow something.

16-09-2012, 01:33 AM
Tiger I do know one shop that does it deliberately in Surry Hills, so the boss can get his girls working 12 hours plus and work consecutive days. I guess if you choose a girl who is high and if she performs to your liking then there is no complaints. Right?
I recall recently seeing a HK girl at 18 Hargrave (SWL) I asked her what days she works so I could see her again, she replied every day. Like WTF every day so I said to her you must be on something to work 7 days. She says no,no nothing. What then Red Bull....
After a week I thought I would see her again this time I decided to bring some stuff with me. In the room I take out the ICE her eyes lit up. I said ok we have together ? she said yeah ok no problem. Wow you shoud've seen her going for it. I then said to her you seem experienced in taking this and last week you told me you don't take drugs. She just smiled at me. Later in the hour she goes downstairs to get me a drink she comes back up and say to me " is ok my friend come in room and smoke a little ". I said ok. Damn her freind was hot from China. She says thankyou and leaves. The WL I was with then says to me you like doubles because my friend when she smoke she get real horny. She's lucky I didn't have enough cash or else I would've taken that offer. Next time I guess....

Whats the name of the shop bro? Or you can pm me , i want to try a girl who's on high of ice...it will be a good sex then

16-09-2012, 07:05 PM
Cisco not sure if I should name shops name on forum but I tell you something funny that happened to me 2 years ago. I used to go to this particular shop at surry hills very often that I go to know the owners and become good friends. For example the boss & I would go out dinners and even come over my place on few occassions. Anyway once on a Saturday nite I went to the shop to spend few hours the boss was out with his girlfriend. Mind due majority of the girls knew me very well from being a client & also being friends with the boss. This saturday nite was very quiet I was probably the only client in the room. Anyway me & the WL was smoking away until one of her friends knock on the door and asked if she could join us. Since it was a quiet nite the receptionist who was an old lady was bored and i think fell asleep. In a matter of 10 minutes I had 5 WL in my room sitting on the bed smoking away getting high. One girl says to me lie down relax and mind you I was naked,she starts giving me BBBJ for 10 minutes then leaves and says thanks for the smoke. After a few hours in room joking around & chatting one girls says to me you do doggie ok. I said yep no probs in the room the other girls are there watching while doing doggie. After a few minutes the frigging door bell rings - finally a customer had arrived. What a nite...

17-09-2012, 02:16 AM
Gives more meaning to fire and ice.....

17-09-2012, 02:40 AM
Cisco not sure if I should name shops name on forum but I tell you something funny that happened to me 2 years ago. I used to go to this particular shop at surry hills very often that I go to know the owners and become good friends. For example the boss & I would go out dinners and even come over my place on few occassions. Anyway once on a Saturday nite I went to the shop to spend few hours the boss was out with his girlfriend. Mind due majority of the girls knew me very well from being a client & also being friends with the boss. This saturday nite was very quiet I was probably the only client in the room. Anyway me & the WL was smoking away until one of her friends knock on the door and asked if she could join us. Since it was a quiet nite the receptionist who was an old lady was bored and i think fell asleep. In a matter of 10 minutes I had 5 WL in my room sitting on the bed smoking away getting high. One girl says to me lie down relax and mind you I was naked,she starts giving me BBBJ for 10 minutes then leaves and says thanks for the smoke. After a few hours in room joking around & chatting one girls says to me you do doggie ok. I said yep no probs in the room the other girls are there watching while doing doggie. After a few minutes the frigging door bell rings - finally a customer had arrived. What a nite...

i want to get the experience like that,...:miao:

17-09-2012, 03:44 AM
Gives more meaning to fire and ice.....

The girl gives you a BBBJ with a mouthfull of hot water followed by a mouthfull of icy water !

17-09-2012, 10:32 AM
If you dont want your gf and her shop get in trouble you should keep your mouth shut on this very open forum. There are a lot of cops checking around here. And you cant stop if there are other competitive shops try to get your Gf's shop into trouble by telling police to investigate this thread or sth.

17-09-2012, 12:08 PM
I read a news story once about how common it is for WL to use ice as it helps them work 24 hour shifts and stay horny the entire time. I personally think it's wrong and quite sad that these girls resort to doing this.

17-09-2012, 03:51 PM
If you dont want your gf and her shop get in trouble you should keep your mouth shut on this very open forum. There are a lot of cops checking around here. And you cant stop if there are other competitive shops try to get your Gf's shop into trouble by telling police to investigate this thread or sth.
This is so true,...

17-09-2012, 09:25 PM
I met one HK WL at a known place over the shore that I now see outside her work as she likes me. She invited me to her house one day and and I stayed over. She told me she does not sleep the day before her regular weekly shift which I found a bit odd. As I was staying the day before her weekly shift I crashed about 3am but when I woke up the next morining I was surprised that she had not gone to bed and was getting ready for work. I saw her next weekend and at her house and took some beers. Her girlfriend was also there so I subtly hinted that I have some ganja I could bring around to enjoy the night, not knowing how she would react to that offer. To my surprise she mentions ICE, I smoke ice she says in broken English and goes and comes back with a glass pipe inviting me to have some. I have only smoked ice in a very small quantity before but we had a decent quantity this night and I was awake for 2 days. I only fully recovered my sleep cycle a few days later so I won't be doing that again!

It turns out she has been smoking for a while but more so when she has a shift. She told me it is the only way she can relax and put up with the physical and mental strains of working more than 12 hours. I always wondered how a girl can do it, screwing around 15-18 times a shift with different types.
Recalling when I last saw her at her shop, she went wild as soon as she entered the room, kissing and undressing me and the whole session was awesome. It was the ice that made her this wild. I since know that her friend, also a WL is also on it. So next time a WL gives you this totally awesome experience it could be she is on it.
As she has been a user for a while there was no real signs to tell except they get horny and of course regular user will have some scars in various parts of the body from constant scratching from paranoia. Acne and broken skin is also a sign.

17-09-2012, 09:31 PM
Cheech you are sooooooo spot on dude.

Sydney Sin
17-09-2012, 11:35 PM
I never knew so many asian girls used Ice.

18-09-2012, 12:03 AM
Thats why in asia there is a word , Crouching tiger Hidden dragon

18-09-2012, 12:48 AM
I think it's none of our business..
We are not committing any crime or against anything by having paid sex with crystal methampethamine users.

If you meant to voice your concern, this isn't the right place.
You ain't no helping nobody by posting this topic on the forum.

If you are truly interested in helping, what you can do is telling the one who is addicted about crystal methampethamine.
And take my words, they'll laugh it off and regard you as a smart ass.

But at least you've done something.

And, also tell them about crystal meth anonymous.
That's a great group to help them to stop, but that's if they are interested of course.

If they aren't, nothing you can do. You are just a customer. You aren't their husband or boyfriend.
If you think you have the power to stop them, then think again. Who are you so you can meddle in their personal life?

This is not cold hearted.
I'm just saying, most of us are nobody to the WL. No different to the next Joe standing beside you.
You feel special because the lady send you a text saying she miss you, she's horny, et
Get real. That's most probably is customer service. That doesn't mean you are someone special so you can meddle in their personal life.

By posting in this thread. You are helping nobody. In fact, you are making them more disadvantaged.

18-09-2012, 12:57 AM
I think it's none of our business..
We are not committing any crime or against anything by having paid sex with crystal methampethamine users.

If you meant to voice your concern, this isn't the right place.
You ain't no helping nobody by posting this topic on the forum.

If you are truly interested in helping, what you can do is telling the one who is addicted about crystal methampethamine.
And take my words, they'll laugh it off and regard you as a smart ass.

But at least you've done something.

And, also tell them about crystal meth anonymous.
That's a great group to help them to stop, but that's if they are interested of course.

If they aren't, nothing you can do. You are just a customer. You aren't their husband or boyfriend.
If you think you have the power to stop them, then think again. Who are you so you can meddle in their personal life?

This is not cold hearted.
I'm just saying, most of us are nobody to the WL. No different to the next Joe standing beside you.
You feel special because the lady send you a text saying she miss you, she's horny, et
Get real. That's most probably is customer service. That doesn't mean you are someone special so you can meddle in their personal life.

By posting in this thread. You are helping nobody. In fact, you are making them more disadvantaged.

Take it easy Bro, he didn't say he was trying to help by posting this thread, he even brought some of the stuff in to enjoy with the girls ! So just take it as some reading material, it's none of our business either ! :miao:

18-09-2012, 01:33 AM
i wish i was young enough to be experimenting with drugs again, after u get a bit older u worry about whether your heart can take it or not and too many responsibilities to be staying awake 3 days in a row

18-09-2012, 01:40 AM
i had a friend addited to ice and now attitude had changed become a easy angry and sensitive man
and even if you take it for longer time your hair will loss and become a baldy guy
i don`t know what the effect will happen to the girl maybe become a temperament person or something else

but at this past 1 month i stick with viagra or cialis so ?:shout::shout:
i don`t know the side effect of this ...

18-09-2012, 01:46 AM
i'm lucky i do not get addicted to anything easily except for sex because my body is weak and cannot take too much alcohol and other drugs without feeling like i will die soon

18-09-2012, 10:49 AM
Like I said in my first sentence I don't want to upset or offend anyone. WL have been taking things well before I started punting so what has changed. If I wanted to I could list all the WL's that I l ow take it and the shops but I decide not to for privacy of others. But I tell u what if I did it would be a huge list. You be shocked. Some people have their heads in the ground. Truth hurts!!!!!

Sydney Sin
18-09-2012, 02:27 PM
i wish i was young enough to be experimenting with drugs again, after u get a bit older u worry about whether your heart can take it or not and too many responsibilities to be staying awake 3 days in a row

I am young and i don't experiment with drugs cos i am scared i might die from a bad reaction. lol It Doesn't matter how old you are. I've heard plenty of 20 yr olds who passed away by taking "E" or other drugs. I don't want Drug overdose on my death certificate. lol

18-09-2012, 04:09 PM
I am young and i don't experiment with drugs cos i am scared i might die from a bad reaction. lol It Doesn't matter how old you are. I've heard plenty of 20 yr olds who passed away by taking "E" or other drugs. I don't want Drug overdose on my death certificate. lol

For most of us, I do not believe we need to enhance performance any further.

This may be a different story for the workers

18-09-2012, 05:26 PM
Yes, I've had a number of girls tell me of a shop in that area that has the girls on ICE. I don't visit that shop, so its only heresay.

hell no
18-09-2012, 05:52 PM
I am young and i don't experiment with drugs cos i am scared i might die from a bad reaction. lol It Doesn't matter how old you are. I've heard plenty of 20 yr olds who passed away by taking "E" or other drugs. I don't want Drug overdose on my death certificate. lol

Also Miss Sydney Sin, just don't choke yourself out while gobbling on a higher grade cock.... We gotta look after ya man!!... I've heard you're a half-cast, if you want more chinese in you, cum see papa in melbourne..... I'm Lord from the dark side sinner..... LOL.

19-09-2012, 01:27 AM
Man this is pretty interesting, I not really paid much attention to it but after reading this yeah it makes sense to see the girl roster on everyday of the week.

I probably wouldn't want to see a girl that is on ice or spend my money on her but if there is no proper signs to tell they are using then it sounds like a large percentage are users.

Serious about ice making girl horny?

19-09-2012, 01:35 AM
I am young and i don't experiment with drugs cos i am scared i might die from a bad reaction. lol It Doesn't matter how old you are. I've heard plenty of 20 yr olds who passed away by taking "E" or other drugs. I don't want Drug overdose on my death certificate. lol

Drugs is good when you know how to control it,..cause it heavenly feeling expecially ** E **:shout::shout:

19-09-2012, 01:36 AM
Man this is pretty interesting, I not really paid much attention to it but after reading this yeah it makes sense to see the girl roster on everyday of the week.

I probably wouldn't want to see a girl that is on ice or spend my money on her but if there is no proper signs to tell they are using then it sounds like a large percentage are users.

Serious about ice making girl horny?
Ice make the girl horny as Hell bro,..

19-09-2012, 09:11 AM
Man this is pretty interesting, I not really paid much attention to it but after reading this yeah it makes sense to see the girl roster on everyday of the week.

I probably wouldn't want to see a girl that is on ice or spend my money on her but if there is no proper signs to tell they are using then it sounds like a large percentage are users.

Serious about ice making girl horny?

They work everyday because they need money.
And it's not because of Ice. Well, maybe some.
But that doesn't mean girls who work almost everyday is able to do it because of ice.

When you really close to them, you'll know why they don't need ice to able to work everyday. Their reason for working is stronger than a mere ice.

Ice indeed makes girl horny. That's true. But they work not because they are horny. Because they need money.
Being horny does not really help. Because if the girl experience orgasm, that would make them tired. So most of the time, they fake it to make the customer cum faster.
They can control their orgasm.
If they are too horny, that makes it harder to control it.
So if you are finding a WL act like she's really enjoying and feeling high or having orgasm.
Sorry, bro. I would have better chance betting on Milwaukee Bucks to win the NBA Championship than betting that it was real orgasm.

Hey Milwaukee Bucks are not that bad you know.:grimace: Probably you'd get odds like 90 to 1. And considering the bookie margin, you'd probably end up with real chance of around 1%.

I wouldn't dispute the possibility that some might use it.
However, that definitely DOES NOT mean if a girl work almost everyday then big chance she's an ice user
It DOES NOT mean she's able to do it because of ice.

19-09-2012, 10:19 AM
Let's put this way if your bound to see a Hong Kong WL most likely they have touched it in Hong Kong followed by Thai girls next would be Tawain. The least girls that I found that are not really into ice would be the Korean girls.

19-09-2012, 10:48 AM
Yeah we know WL work coz of money and everything is an act.

I don't know much about ice apart from keeping you awake but not other effects, so a little curious but wouldn't touch it, just interesting to know about it.

There is a lot of stuff that happens in the WL world and as customers don't see it and when you hear things it kind of brings a bit of dark into the light.

19-09-2012, 11:10 AM
interesting read about street workers....

19-09-2012, 12:57 PM
I must admit I've made big mistakes in life and being introduced ice from a working lady many years ago is the biggest mistake I could've done. Going bareback with so many WL's is the outcome of this drug. Might feel great then but you come out your senses thinking - what the fuck have I done. I can confess that I've slept with at least half a dozen WL's bareback using ice.

19-09-2012, 05:07 PM
Ice and WL = Hot Fuck. nothing wrong with that

hell no
19-09-2012, 06:32 PM
Drugs is good when you know how to control it,..cause it heavenly feeling expecially ** E **:shout::shout:

LOL, Ok bro, i'll give you some of my "E" for you to try on, will give you the best heavenly feeling, knock you right out... When you wake up the next morning if you do happen to find your ass being creampied and a condom hanging out from your ass, wouldchu tell anyone?? :startle::startle:

19-09-2012, 10:59 PM
Let's put this way if your bound to see a Hong Kong WL most likely they have touched it in Hong Kong followed by Thai girls next would be Tawain. The least girls that I found that are not really into ice would be the Korean girls.

That might be true.
I'm not into investigating that stuff.

But one thing I can tell you.
It's just an excuse when they say they need ice to work everyday.
That thing doesn't help.

They take ice just because the depression they are experiencing.
And that source of depression, is the one who makes them able to work almost everyday.
Because I know somewhere in Asia, which I wouldn't say where unless I want to give hint of my identity, there are WLs who can work everyday get 10++ customer daily, and takes nothing.
And they are working out of their own choice not by force.

And trust me, I know the deepest depth of sex industry.
And mere ice won't help. That thing is nothing compared to the reason they are working.

19-09-2012, 11:11 PM
We, men, sometimes are not thinking about their reason.

Do you think girl would be happy to have sex with strangers?

How about if a man, working as male entertainer, then get booked by 50yrs old lady?
How's that? Think you can get excited with that?

And if we consider that they are a girl. Their feelings are more delicate than us.

Even if you don't really know their reason for working, and just guessing wildly after considering those things above, don't you think It would be stronger than a mere ice to make them able to work almost everyday?

20-09-2012, 01:10 AM
LOL, Ok bro, i'll give you some of my "E" for you to try on, will give you the best heavenly feeling, knock you right out... When you wake up the next morning if you do happen to find your ass being creampied and a condom hanging out from your ass, wouldchu tell anyone?? :startle::startle:

ha ha ha,..:shout::shout: A BIG NO and NO bro,..
The only thing will happen is I BANG a girl then she CUM many times and she ASK FOR MORE....

and that girl told me to NOT TO TELL ANYONE that she just Cum many times:miao:

20-09-2012, 01:23 AM
hahaha... she cannot lie if she is wet everywhere with no KY

20-09-2012, 01:33 AM
Ok lets think like this, they used ice because at the begining just for fun cause they got plenty money and then get used to it and become addicted ,.. Its almost same with us , on Man position when we have more money we go for fun which is we go for punt and become addited...

20-09-2012, 01:40 AM
Ok lets think like this, they used ice because at the begining just for fun cause they got plenty money and then get used to it and become addicted ,.. Its almost same with us , on Man position when we have more money we go for fun which is we go for punt and become addited...

welll...... true!!