View Full Version : Long or Short AR's?

29-09-2012, 07:27 PM
Do bros here prefer long and detailed after reports with a rating system?
Or do you prefer a short, succinct and to the point kind of report?

Example of a long report: http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?828-Yuki-The-Sexy-Bomb

Example of a short report: http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?2295-Ivy-647-Elizabeth-St-CIM-with-swallow-specialist

As a side dish, what kind of reports do you keep your eye out for?
Me personally I'm actually more interesting in seeing more reports of local brothels, and seeing brothers being adventurous with their choices, good or bad, and discovering hidden gems as opposed to outcalls and TMC. I think it makes out for far more interesting stories with a good mixture of curiosity.

That's just me though.

29-09-2012, 08:52 PM
I prefer long reports but it takes bloody big effort to write them.
In da end long or short any report is good!!!
Oh i tend read the shop i go to as well- e.g hardly read 64 taren point due to location, but always read 533 and massage shops

30-09-2012, 12:15 AM
I agree it takes ages to write! Which is why I'm asking if it worth the effort.
I'm the opposite, I don't read 533 - too far. And I do go to massage shops.

30-09-2012, 03:23 AM
Do bros here prefer long and detailed after reports with a rating system?
Or do you prefer a short, succinct and to the point kind of report?

So what would you think about the one I just posted?
Too short or long?

Miyu (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?2385-Miyu&p=44304#post44304)

30-09-2012, 05:44 AM

I think people actually making the effort to write up a report is a start.
Maybe we should have some form of template, so its a bit easier to start.

30-09-2012, 02:38 PM
Well, I just posted my first ever report. I have been a long time lurker and have appreciated the long reports by some of the bros here. I am not that creative so was just going to be basic but after recalling the experience I just seemed to flow with my writing and ended up being a detailed report which took me a good half hour to write. Somethin back to the bros!!!

30-09-2012, 03:21 PM
So what would you think about the one I just posted?
Too short or long?

Miyu (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?2385-Miyu&p=44304#post44304)

Bro Licker, you had a prologue about the sequence of events that led you to make the visit, your impressions, your reactions, your state of mind, your thoughts, your opinion and your final verdict. I would consider that a long report. But by no means TOO long. I actually think it's spot on in the middle. Good work.

30-09-2012, 03:30 PM
doesn t really matter as long as it is unbiased.

Non-bias should be fundamental, definitely.


I think people actually making the effort to write up a report is a start.
Maybe we should have some form of template, so its a bit easier to start.

Perhaps this could be something. A lot of people punt, but I reckon only a tiny fraction report. Having templates could invigorate new comers to have a try at writing reports which would help both businesses and punters.

30-09-2012, 03:34 PM
Well, I just posted my first ever report. I have been a long time lurker and have appreciated the long reports by some of the bros here. I am not that creative so was just going to be basic but after recalling the experience I just seemed to flow with my writing and ended up being a detailed report which took me a good half hour to write. Somethin back to the bros!!!

Getting started is the biggest hurdle for sure. Creativity is not so much needed, as we are not a novelist club, but more about getting to the bones of the experience. Good, bad, recommended, suggestions... etc.

30-09-2012, 04:03 PM
Doesn't matter how long or short it is.

The most important thing is the quality of the review and the details :)

It also depends on you if you want to fit everything in a short and detailed review or just go for broke i guess/write up a long one.

Hey as long as i can listen to other bros talk about their sex experiences and it points me to the right direction in choosing the best girl or shop, haha couldn't care less

30-09-2012, 04:15 PM
yeah i agree

30-09-2012, 06:45 PM
Doesn't matter how long or short it is.

The most important thing is the quality of the review and the details :)

It also depends on you if you want to fit everything in a short and detailed review or just go for broke i guess/write up a long one.

Hey as long as i can listen to other bros talk about their sex experiences and it points me to the right direction in choosing the best girl or shop, haha couldn't care less

Solid point. In terms of practicability, then yes, this is a must.

02-10-2012, 11:59 PM
I enjoy reading ARs about MLs/WLs that i have visited, so i can compare the report against my own experience.

I also tend to pay more attention to negative ARs, as think these are more likely to be true accounts. Many of the extremely positive reports written by the same people about the same shops have little credibility in my eyes and i dont usually bother reading them.

03-10-2012, 12:44 AM
I can name a few that I think hold very little credibility, but I won't :) Ultimately it's up to the reader to decide which ones are legit or not.

Max Impact
03-10-2012, 09:13 AM
I can name a few that I think hold very little credibility, but I won't :) Ultimately it's up to the reader to decide which ones are legit or not.

Mannykay, I write a few reports for TMC as well as others on the few occasions that I get time to try elsewhere. I don't know if I am one of those that you refer to as being incredible in my reviews. As has been mentioned before, it often takes longer to write reviews than it does to see the girl. It's a hobby, that's all. What other motive would a reviewer have to lie unless they were employed by the shop? I pay my full way for each girl that I review. That I am available at short notice and have the ability to write about the experience are why I get to see new girls early.

Others have always concurred with my reviews except on one occasion (that punter has since disappeared). A flurry of reports from other punters backed my report when that happened.

If I have a bad experience I tend to not write about the girl at all. I don't want to write a girl off just because she's not my cup of tea.

It's a bit rough to suggest that the only honest review is a negative review.

03-10-2012, 10:02 AM
Haha, the starter of this thread asked a very simple question: long or short and thats exactly what he got back, some very short and some very long replies.

For me is simple, if i am on my PC, i tend to write more and like right now, typing on my iPhone, then just the essentials.

Talking about bias, well i guess we all do, i do most of my massage and punting among three to four shops and i got friendly with all the mamasans so most of my reviews are probably being viewed as advertising materials and for some small part they probably are but one thing for sure, if they are good, they are good and i wont try to make them briliant, and if they are bad, i either dont say much or never recommend them, and for those i said they are very good, i am usually very spot on especially when it comes to strong massage, and most brothers who follow my suggestions would have benefited.

Since i have to pay my way to try different girls, you will notice that i have not seen most of the girls i help posted their rosters and week in and week out i kept going back to see the same girls! Like Lisa, Shelley, Coco, Vicky and Yuki and these experiences would have stood the test of times!!

And then you have Leng ! Enough said, how about everybody's favourite Tiffany (well almost everybody!) after all these times when she is taking a break, still so many brothers openly asking about her or PM'd me and asked about her! Funny thing is, i have never had a session with Tiff !! Crazy right ??

I guess my reviews are most trust worthy when i occasionally visited some FS shops such as 5 Star, Eden, 22 etc i guess thats mainly because i can write anything with all the details because they are FS shops where i cant with MS.....haha

But then you guys all know that by now, right!!


03-10-2012, 03:11 PM
Mannykay, I write a few reports for TMC as well as others on the few occasions that I get time to try elsewhere. I don't know if I am one of those that you refer to as being incredible in my reviews.

Nope, I haven't read yours to be perfectly honest as I tend to skip TMC reports (too expensive, don't want to get tempted... hah)
I'm talking more in general, by which I mean - take everything on the internet with a pinch of salt. So no, I was in no way suggesting that only negative reviews are honest.

For me is simple, if i am on my PC, i tend to write more and like right now, typing on my iPhone, then just the essentials.

Clear cut to the answer. Cheers.

03-10-2012, 04:02 PM
It was me that made comment re negative reviews.

I did not mean to say that the only honest reviews are negative reviews, but rather the most credible reviews are negative reviews.

If someone consistently posts positive reviews about a shop i tend to take little notice. However, if someone contribute a combination of positive, negative and mixed reviews of the same or different shops ill read that content with interest and pay more attention to their recommendations

03-10-2012, 04:17 PM
Negative and positive posts are welcome, that's why we have forums, but to indicate that negative ones are more noticeable than positive ones, not quite sure about that. All the bros here have no reason to lie about their experiences and likes, what's there to gain??? So positive reviews are always meaningful to some degree.

03-10-2012, 05:13 PM
Why would someone be dishonest about their experiences with WLs? Why would they exagerrate the beauty or sexual performance of a WL? possibly because they are the owner of the shop in question, or have some other commercial relationship with the business. You would be naive to think this does not happen on this forum.

03-10-2012, 06:53 PM
It was me that made comment re negative reviews.

I did not mean to say that the only honest reviews are negative reviews, but rather the most credible reviews are negative reviews.

If someone consistently posts positive reviews about a shop i tend to take little notice. However, if someone contribute a combination of positive, negative and mixed reviews of the same or different shops ill read that content with interest and pay more attention to their recommendations

Yeah ? A reviewer with multiple good reviews for the same shop is considered fishy ? Like this hypocrite here ?


I counted six reviews of girls from the same shop, plus a great number of other recommendations for the same shop in question ! Is he the owner of that shop, or does he have some other commercial interest with that shop in question ?

I've written reviews of more girls in more shops than anybody in this thread, how many shops have you written reports for ?

Like some bros on this forum, I avoid writing bad things about any girl. If a girl didn't perform to my liking, I just wouldn't write a report for her, otherwise my report directory would have been 30% bigger than what it is !

Most of my reports were for girls from 5* because 5* has more new arrivals than any other shop, and the girls are more of my type. At the end of the day, it's my punting money, I'd like to choose how I want to spend it ! Unless you want to pay for my next punt, then you can nominate a shop or a girl and I'll consider it !

And on top of that, like many bros here, we have loyalty to certain shops, we frequent our favourite shops and you want to pick on that ? Although you're doing exactly the same thing ?

But of course, if someone wants to find fault with anybody, he can always find something to talk about, and not realizes that he had exposed himself as a hypocrite ! If your intention is to pick a fight, although I'm tempted, but I don't think the forum rules will allow it to happen !

03-10-2012, 11:13 PM
Mannykay, I write a few reports for TMC as well as others on the few occasions that I get time to try elsewhere. I don't know if I am one of those that you refer to as being incredible in my reviews. As has been mentioned before, it often takes longer to write reviews than it does to see the girl. It's a hobby, that's all. What other motive would a reviewer have to lie unless they were employed by the shop? I pay my full way for each girl that I review. That I am available at short notice and have the ability to write about the experience are why I get to see new girls early.

Others have always concurred with my reviews except on one occasion (that punter has since disappeared). A flurry of reports from other punters backed my report when that happened.

If I have a bad experience I tend to not write about the girl at all. I don't want to write a girl off just because she's not my cup of tea.

It's a bit rough to suggest that the only honest review is a negative review.

Bro Max Impact,

I agree with what you say about writing reports, it takes a lot of time to do and after a while it gets harder to describe what is essentially the same thing differently, so it's hard to be critical of other Bro's writing reports because each individuals writing style is not going to change that much from report to report.

One thing though, I assume that what you mean is that you write reports about TMC, not for TMC as mentioned because that's a big difference Bro, a very big difference.

Max Impact
03-10-2012, 11:48 PM
As I stated, I pay my full way for each visit so whether I write reports for TMC or about TMC girls is just semantics. Clearly, I get told about girls early on. This is because I can arrange to see them at short notice, can hopefully put a few words together in a review and treat the girls with great respect.

I truly can't remember the last time any girl from any of the shops mentioned in these forums didn't try her hardest to please me as a customer. I think we're very lucky in Sydney.

Cynicism is rife in Australian society so I guess we have to expect it will appear in the forum.

04-10-2012, 12:02 AM
Can this stop? I didn't point any fingers or questioned anyones credibility, I just wanted to start a discussion about how we could write better and more informative reports for people to read.

If you're gonna make a post anything to do with credibility or authenticity, then don't. Let's move forward, not look back.

04-10-2012, 12:05 AM
Can this stop? I didn't point any fingers or questioned anyones credibility, I just wanted to start a discussion about how we could write better and more informative reports for people to read.

If you're gonna make a post anything to do with credibility or authenticity, then don't. Let's move forward, not look back.

You're not the problem bro, someone else is !