View Full Version : 533 Willoughby Road Jessica

05-10-2012, 09:20 AM
Had one meeting with her a while back on a saturday night, unfortunately on that occasion like most other occasions for me, being the lazy bastard i am, i did fuck all, lying down was pretty much all i did. Looking forward to have a proper exercise with this girl in the near future.

I think some of the bros here mentioned that she works at 64 as Barbie on the thursday.

Do any bro know if she works anywhere on sundays as it's generally the day for me.

Also, wondering if she provides cim?

05-10-2012, 09:36 AM
She works at Pymble too but don't think on a Sunday.

Not sure how accurate it is but she told me she no longer does CIM. Maybe for her good regulars. Its not the be all and end all, she's a lovely girl whatever she provides you with.

05-10-2012, 11:23 AM
I'm a first timer saw her this week. Got CIM and unloaded twice in 45 minutes