View Full Version : General talk What is your PWR ?

17-05-2013, 09:16 PM
When I was young my PWR was quite low around 10%, but these days it is quite high, something like 1000%.
What is your PWR ?
Hint: the 'R' stands for Ratio!

17-05-2013, 09:22 PM
What does PWR stand for? I've never heard of this ratio??

17-05-2013, 09:51 PM
What does PWR stand for? I've never heard of this ratio??

Punting to Wanking Ratio :)
So if you punt once for each wank you are at 100%!

17-05-2013, 10:37 PM
I think on average my wanking to fucking ratio is always 2 : 1.
So even if I have a good week and get 10 fucks in, I will still get in 20 wanks.
On average though my weekly figures are more modest at around 5 fucks and 10 wanks,

17-05-2013, 10:43 PM
I think on average my wanking to fucking ratio is always 2 : 1.
So even if I have a good week and get 10 fucks in, I will still get in 20 wanks.
On average though my weekly figures are more modest at around 5 fucks and 10 wanks,

Ok so your PWR is 50%!
I thought it would be higher because you always seem to be fucking someone, and I didn't think you would have time to wank :)
But I didn't realise how insatiable you are ... :)

I think as you get older, and more experienced, and have more spare cash your ratio goes up, as you want the real thing more and don't settle for less as much.

17-05-2013, 10:43 PM
PWR is maybe 1:4 or 1:5. My budget only allows me to punt once a week!