View Full Version : Blacktown 40 Blacktown 40-bad reception

john citizen
13-10-2012, 04:18 PM
Went there 3 time to see tiffany and all 3 time reception told me she is all book for the day, so I try calling the shop when I left to see if she is available and what do you know he said she will be in 15min. Now why would he lied about this? I even try calling ahead 1 time and he said she is working, when I arrive I found out that she is not working. I think the reception is ruining the shop reputation by doing stupid things like this. I haven't been to this shop almost a year now, and this is the reason why I stop in the first place.
Who ever is the owner, I feel sorry for him/her for hiring a reception this bad.

john citizen
13-10-2012, 04:26 PM
On thursday just past she is working and when I rang just now he said she is on holiday. What kind of bullshit is this guy playing?

13-10-2012, 04:55 PM
When i was in the last time, on tuesday i think someone was asking whereabouts she was and they said she was on holidays as well. I don't think i've ever seen her in the past year lol

13-10-2012, 05:26 PM
I called them last time to see Sarah, they told me she is on, I've drove an hour down to the shop, and they told me that she's not working, and they have more than one Sarah, I didn't confirm which Sarah.

13-10-2012, 05:41 PM
Well thats the culture of this place, its unfortunate that this happens regularly but its been like this for as long as I can remember...

john citizen
13-10-2012, 05:46 PM
Tiffany is working on thursday, he just want me to choose someone else.
I saw her walk past a fortnight ago, but she was busy with someone.
Yeah, I think the only one I would see is tiffany. If she leave I would never go back.
It never pays to lie

the wizard
13-10-2012, 07:33 PM
try her at 64 when she returns- that's what I'll be doing!!!
Hopefully you shouldn't have a issue with Sophie ( owner) there.

13-10-2012, 07:37 PM
You haven't experience bad phone reception til you've been on Vodaphone.

13-10-2012, 08:43 PM
Went there 3 time to see tiffany and all 3 time reception told me she is all book for the day, so I try calling the shop when I left to see if she is available and what do you know he said she will be in 15min. Now why would he lied about this? I even try calling ahead 1 time and he said she is working, when I arrive I found out that she is not working. I think the reception is ruining the shop reputation by doing stupid things like this. I haven't been to this shop almost a year now, and this is the reason why I stop in the first place.
Who ever is the owner, I feel sorry for him/her for hiring a reception this bad.

this is normally happen when the receptionist hasn't got a pay increase from the boss for a long time :)

13-10-2012, 10:51 PM
You haven't experience bad phone reception til you've been on Vodaphone.

tpg is running on thin ice too

14-10-2012, 02:18 AM
You haven't experience bad phone reception til you've been on Vodaphone.

thats why they are called VodaFail on the other forums especially Whirlpool

15-10-2012, 01:38 PM
blacktown 40 is known for that problem many years, I've posted a few times about it in the old forum. that's why i don't go there anymore, heaps of quality shops around, no need to take lies and attitudes from receptionist. The owner obviously doesn't care about the business....

By the way, there's a new shop just a few meters away from 40, maybe number 18 or something, but I've never tried.

15-10-2012, 06:04 PM
At 40 Blacktown prices you want a good receptionist???

26-10-2012, 08:08 PM
Firstly, we apologized for making our customers disappointed because we didn't do our services properly.

Secondly, we have to mention again, our management do care about the business, and do care about every single customer come into our shop. Every business do exist issues, we are so happy that we still have customers care about us, pointed those issues to us, helping us find our problems. Of course, all the issues can not be remove quickly, but we will do our best to follow up those complaints, try to change it, make it better.

Thirdly, due to a number of complaints about our receptionists, our management have already changed our team, some new receptionists have been hired, hope we can improve our service level to make everybody satisfied after visit our business. :smile:

27-10-2012, 02:25 PM
Good to see Mgt that you have changed the team but now you must monitor their perfomance; get some of your competent staff or friends to make phone calls to see how they are treated and cross check.

Secondly send a some of your mates in who are not known to the staff and check the girl's performance.

27-10-2012, 02:36 PM
blacktown 40 is known for that problem many years, I've posted a few times about it in the old forum. that's why i don't go there anymore, heaps of quality shops around, no need to take lies and attitudes from receptionist. The owner obviously doesn't care about the business....

By the way, there's a new shop just a few meters away from 40, maybe number 18 or something, but I've never tried.

It is true that 18 Blacktown is not very far away, a totally new fitout which was very well done. I have visited there only twice, had a fantastic experience the first time so went a second time when I had been in the area again and had an absolute dud. I contacted the owner who was very thankful of the feedback and he has taken action. He also mentioned the shop is doing well. 533 is an example of a well run shop because they are constantly seeking feedback on the girls and other issues and dud are sacked.

We need to voice our concerns to owners so that they have the opportunity to set thing right. This is a win-win situation to the owners as well as us punters. There is a lot of competion around with over suppy of shops, especially in Blacktown, so with the economy going south and significant unemployment in areas like that an owner is mad not to try to improve their business.

27-10-2012, 11:23 PM
to be honest bro john citize, the owner is quite nice and does care about business, as i got shit attitude from one WL,and the owner apologised to me, and she said reception report to her straight away after that, and she offered me another one , and that WL was a bit scared when serving me, kept asking me happy with her or not,
sometimes one WL got too many jobs one day, and reception tried to balance up with others , it does happen, so what you can do, just call and wait outside, until wl is ready then go inside if you really wanna the one, but i have to say most girls there are good, i can have more than 10 names in my head, of course Tiffany is one the the best, but sasa, jenny, bella, sarah, lina, ..... heaps of them are good, so give others a try , you would not regret
blacktown 40 is the one i support all the time, never got shit from there, and will go again

Mad Punter
01-11-2012, 11:42 AM
to be honest bro john citize, the owner is quite nice and does care about business...

ppp i have to say most girls there are good, i can have more than 10 names in my head, of course Tiffany is one the the best, but sasa, jenny, bella, sarah, lina, ..... heaps of them are good, so give others a try , you would not regret
blacktown 40 is the one i support all the time, never got shit from there, and will go again

I'd have to agree. They must be doing something right as they have got in a lot of excellent girls over a number of years. I have never met a girl there who has complained about the management or the way they are treated. You only have to be at the front door between 10 and 11 to see how the girls arrive there with a smile on their faces. Sometimes the reception guys can be a bit weird but never aggressive.

22-11-2012, 02:59 PM
Firstly, we apologized for making our customers disappointed because we didn't do our services properly.

Secondly, we have to mention again, our management do care about the business, and do care about every single customer come into our shop. Every business do exist issues, we are so happy that we still have customers care about us, pointed those issues to us, helping us find our problems. Of course, all the issues can not be remove quickly, but we will do our best to follow up those complaints, try to change it, make it better.

Thirdly, due to a number of complaints about our receptionists, our management have already changed our team, some new receptionists have been hired, hope we can improve our service level to make everybody satisfied after visit our business. :smile:

I went to the shop after getting a confirmation from the receptionist (scott) for a booking with bella. I had to wait 15 minutes and Scott kept telling me she was in the shower. turns out bella was not working and he showed me some other girl. Pathetic service!

john citizen
22-11-2012, 10:54 PM
This happen to me a few time or time they tell me that the girl got extension from customer and want to show me different girl that provide better service.
1 time he even recommend a girl and guarantee she is good, guess what happen?
It was pretty bad, you can't touch this and can't do that.
Stick to your choice and if they want to show you another , just walk.

23-11-2012, 06:37 AM
The receptionist at this place is unreliable, I have phoned up and been told a girl is in and booked her drove the hour to get there to find she is not available these days I have my favourite phone number so if I want to go to Blacktown to see her I phone her and make the arrangement dont bother with reception they tell you anything to get you in the door.

23-11-2012, 07:29 PM
not sure who was the receptionist you referred to but lately they have a new receptionist called Ben who is quite reliable, if a particular girl I am after not in, went home early or having a red flag on that day, he will just tell me but eventually never forget to say "we have many other nice girls, come in and try"

24-11-2012, 06:36 AM
not sure who was the receptionist you referred to but lately they have a new receptionist called Ben who is quite reliable, if a particular girl I am after not in, went home early or having a red flag on that day, he will just tell me but eventually never forget to say "we have many other nice girls, come in and try"

Yes it wasnt Ben he is usually there on a Friday I am not sure what other days but I dont give him or anyone else there the chance to bull shit to me as I always ring the girls and make my own arrangements.

the wizard
24-11-2012, 06:40 AM
Littlewonder do you have the "batphone" directly to the girls and establishment doesn't mind or maybe they don't know.

24-11-2012, 10:57 AM
not sure who was the receptionist you referred to but lately they have a new receptionist called Ben who is quite reliable, if a particular girl I am after not in, went home early or having a red flag on that day, he will just tell me but eventually never forget to say "we have many other nice girls, come in and try"

Yep Ben's a really nice guy haha, happend on a few occasions where he gave me a heads up before I came in as some rostered girls that i wanted to see weren't there

24-11-2012, 11:57 AM
I know a few reception, they look mean and cool, but once they get to know you... everything is just fine

24-11-2012, 07:57 PM
Littlewonder do you have the "batphone" directly to the girls and establishment doesn't mind or maybe they don't know.

All the shops I go to know I have the girls that I see all the time phone numbers, its none of their business they get business they wouldn't get otherwise because I phone one of my favourites and go and see her. Lets face it I only go to Blacktown to see on girl I have seen others there but its too far to go on the off chance you will get a good girl if you dont know her you could get a dud.

And the same applies to the other shops If one of my favourites rings me and says I miss you are you going to see me today I am working at ........ Then I find it hard to say NO and if I was thinking of seeing someone new at a different shop then it works for their shop. To be fair I supose it works out even on the round about.

24-11-2012, 07:59 PM
Lets face it! Its in the receptionist interest to get as many customers through the door as possible and most of them will do what ever it takes to get you in as a customer.

24-11-2012, 08:46 PM
The receptionist should have more consideration for the client's time. Good business practice does not consist of disregarding bookings; lying about girls' availability; keeping clients waiting with repeated false claims that girls will be available in 5 or 10 minutes; or showing girls according to lowest desirability and keeping the best back until the client decides to leave. For these reasons, I go to Forge St., less often than I would otherwise.