View Full Version : Taren Point 64 Tried to post

14-10-2012, 11:50 AM
post not there - why?

14-10-2012, 12:37 PM
post not there - why?
Haha, what do you mean ? Can you read this ? ;)

14-10-2012, 05:31 PM
as Pauline Hanson says - please explain? lol

14-10-2012, 05:34 PM
as Pauline Hanson says - please explain? lol
It's alright ! I think he has worked that out and posted a report already !

15-10-2012, 12:45 AM
lol haha, this is a post right now =)

15-10-2012, 02:43 PM
Just thought I'd clear this up. I should have said that it was my previous post that failed to post. That was my first ever one, and I made some kind of technical mistake in uploading it. Wilisno guessed this correctly. That second message about "failing to post" was just a test post to see if the second one worked. Sorry to cause any confusion about this out there guys. My first post disappeared forever, and I had to type it out again the next day from memory.

Incidentally, I referred to "guys" and "fellas" quite a few times in my few contributions to date. Let me know if I'm wrong that there any femmes that read these after reports.Those from the general public I mean. The girls we refer to must read them. I'll ask the next one I see. I mean, I'd be pretty curious myself to read after reports about me, though I very much doubt if I'd deserve to have any. Maybe your own posted after report adventures may inspire me to lift my game!

15-10-2012, 06:25 PM
Just thought I'd clear this up. I should have said that it was my previous post that failed to post. That was my first ever one, and I made some kind of technical mistake in uploading it. Wilisno guessed this correctly. That second message about "failing to post" was just a test post to see if the second one worked. Sorry to cause any confusion about this out there guys. My first post disappeared forever, and I had to type it out again the next day from memory.

Incidentally, I referred to "guys" and "fellas" quite a few times in my few contributions to date. Let me know if I'm wrong that there any femmes that read these after reports.Those from the general public I mean. The girls we refer to must read them. I'll ask the next one I see. I mean, I'd be pretty curious myself to read after reports about me, though I very much doubt if I'd deserve to have any. Maybe your own posted after report adventures may inspire me to lift my game!
Haha, I guess "guys" is acceptable for both sexes ! ;)

19-10-2012, 08:21 PM
Sorry once more about starting this post. I did explain why that happened, but as I have noticed the views of it growing, so does my conscience become more sensitive about leading people who are in search of some entertainment / interesting information, to such a dull dead end. So I am going to try to make it a little bit more entertaining for those who find themselves clicking on a weird "failed to post" title out of a sense of curiosty as to what it is doing in the "after report" section. I'll do this by relating a single episode from a previous vist to 64.

This occured about six weeks ago, and the full details of my session there have faded. I wasn't on the forum at the time, and I think it only works to write reports immediately after, while the details of it are still fresh in your mind.

It was a busy night at 64, with quite a lot of clad and semi-clad girl traffic in the halls, and Sophie led me through this appealingly sexy chaos to a room where I sat down on one of those red leather poufe's to wait. She disappeared for a minute or two, and then came back to say that a girl is almost ready and to enquire as to how long I wished to stay. As I thought about this, a girl appeared wearing only a towel, and squeezed past us both into the room, and went over to the small table. The towel she was wearing nevertheless seemed to be tightly held on and up by a full set of jugs, and I'm sure Sophie forgave me the fact that my attention was swiftly diverted from answering her question and over to the full figured girl encased in the towel. In any case, she told me that that was Yoyo (who I had never seen before) and then began talking with her in - I don't know which chinese dialect.

Yoyo must have come straight from another booking, because as she squeezed past us again, she went over to the shower and stripped off her red towel in one fluent and graceful action, almost like the motion of a bullfighter with his cape. This was the second time that my attention was suddenly diverted from Sophie, and once more I'm sure she forgave me it, because Yoyo had suddenly become very, very nude before my eyes. One moment she was almost fully clad, and the next instant she completely nude. And God did I like that sudden transition. Her voluptuous promise, that the towel had previously concealed, was revealed to me in all its soft, feminine glory.

It was only a brief glimpse sure, because she then stepped into the shower, and I resumed talking to Sophie. But I remained very aware of that lovely nude girl through the blurred outline of the steamy glass. I confess to glancing now and then over there as Sophie resumed our casual conversation, and there seemd to be no end to Sophie's forgiveness of my chronic inattention to her.

What I liked about this scenario was that Yoyo was happy to do all these nude things while two people, fully clothed themselves and discussing everyday things, where in the same room, and that the door to the room was well and truly open to passing glances too. It made me think of Yoyo as brazen, exhibitionist and hot - and that turned me on, as much as the glimpses of her nakedness did.

In the meantime, I handed Sophie the money while Yoyo exited the shower. The two of them began another Chinese conversation that continued as Yoyo dried herself, and then Sophie exited, and Yoyo started to close the door with the towel still loosely wrapped around her body. The door wasn't quite closed though when Sophie thought of something else to say, and Yoyo was left with the door open just enough to accommodate her face as she talked to Sophie out in the hall.

This, of course, left the rest of Yoyo's body inside the room. Which is where I happened to be too, fortuitously. So, conversation she was having with someone else or not, I was quick to take advantage of this turn of events. I moved my left hand up her smooth thigh while my right hand and fingers went down and began playing with her pussy under the towel. To my big surprise, she was already quite wet with pussy juices - she must have been still quite hot from the session she'd just had a few minutes before. An hot cock had not long before been right up her, and she was still hot from it. And maybe she had enjoyed showering in front of us both with the door open as well. A couple of my fingers therefore slipped easily into her. Meanwhile Sophie, out in the hall, was continuing to ask her questions, one of which Yoyo was in th process of answering when an involuntary "Ooh" came out of her as my fingers probed into her wetness and must have hit a certain spot.

I mean, to me this was great! I hadn't even introduced myself to the girl yet, but my fingers were already inside her wet, warm pussy. I don't know what her expression was as I fingered her sweet innards, only Sophie out in the hall could see that, but I get the feeling she was trying to conceal as much as possible what was going on on my side of the door. From the occasional interruption to her flow of conversation to Sophie, I'm not sure she was doing the best job of this! I was enjoying it all very much though, not only the feeling of her sexy wet pussy while I was violating it, but enjoying the poor girl trying her best to carry on a normal conversation with someone else outside the room. And I was enjoying the devilish, subversive anonymity of it all too.

I still don't know if Sophie had guessed what was going on. Maybe she had. She is undoubtedly wise to the world, broadminded, as anyone in her position has to be. (As all of us are too.) From my point of view though, her presence out in the hall talking to a girl I was at the same time fingering intimately was just great. As far as I was concerned Sophie could have stayed there talking to Yoyo for the next quarter of an hour while I proceeded to fuck Yoyo hard from behind on my side of the door. Lord knows, she was already well and truly wet enough for me to do this. (No dom was within handy reach though :- (

In any event, Sophie did finally leave, and Yoyo then quickly shut the door, turned around and virtually attacked me sexually. The towel, forgotten, had fallen to the floor and I grabbed at her soft perfumed nakedness, her hips and arse pulling her cheeks apart, and squeezed her soft rounded tits against my chest.She reached down for my groin and rubbed at my hard cock through the jeans, and reaching up, thrust her tongue into my mouth. I remained fully clothed, of course, and this contrast between this slight voluptuous girl, fully sexually accessible in her complete nakedness, and my being fully clothed, did appeal to me.

The anonymity of my actions on her side of the door had turned Yoyo on too, and the novelty of the situation she had found herself in, so she could finally let go of her restraint, of trying to quell the closet sexual heat I had been giving her.

And didn't I remain clothed for very long, you can be sure of that. I had one of the world's quickest showers, because we were both very turned on by the novel way this session had began. So thanks for that Sophie, and even if you didn't know about it at the time! You do now! By some definitions, it was a threesome!

Ps. I do remember then having a very good sex session - Yoyo mouth clamped on my cock is a vivid memory, the head she gives is first class, I do remember that detail - but as this occurred about six weeks ago the rest of the details are now hazy I'm afraid. so you'll have to wait for my next visit down there, maybe one to Yoyo herself. She is a horny honey.