View Full Version : Do Asian girls prefer Asian or white guys?

15-10-2012, 08:23 PM
No doubt, I've seen an increasing number of Asian girls with white guys, however, I have also come across many Asian girls who say they prefer Asian guys.

Do you think in general, Asian girls prefer Asian or white guys?

I'm talking about normal dating, not WL.

15-10-2012, 08:32 PM
60 % will go for asian

guān liáo
15-10-2012, 08:38 PM
In australia i'd say asian girls generally prefer asian guys, particularly the newly arrived asian ladies who have not yet assimilated into anglo australian culture. I think second and third gen ABCs probably have a predominantly anglo peer network and are therefore more exposed to anglo australian symbols of beauty (on tv, in magazines) so probably prefer white australians more.

For the record, i recently got back from thailand and i can tell you for sure and certain that caucasian dudes are top of the pyramid over there.

Oh, i know you didnt ask about MLs, but when i visit i always ask the question about which races/cultures they prefer as customers (chinese MLs are apparently very rascist and always have a response to this question) .. chinese gents and anglo australians up top ... Indians and arabs down bottom ... other nationalities jumbled up in the middle

15-10-2012, 08:39 PM
Asian girls from Asia I would imagine prefer Asian guys. It's just what they're accustomed to, nothing racist.

Asian girls who grew up in western countries are a different story.

For the record, i recently got back from thailand and i can tell you for sure and certain that caucasian dudes are top of the pyramid over there.

Yeah, because white men = $$$$$ and green card. Nothing to do with physical preference.

guān liáo
15-10-2012, 08:58 PM
No manny

Its true that the average caucasian dude is generally far wealthier than the average thai man... but its so much more than that.

For their entire lives thai women have been viewing TV, watching movies and reading magazines where the white anglo standard of beauty has reigned supreme. All of the beautiful models, the handsome actors, have been caucasian. As a result they associate blue eyes, fair hair and pale skin as characteristic of beauty.

Dont get me wrong, im NOT saying anglo men are inherently or necessarily more handsome than thai men (the truth is im an anglo dude who is solely attracted to asian women) - but the fact is that global media exports are dominated by US and europe, and as a result many people associate the physical features of these people with beauty.

15-10-2012, 09:08 PM
The most interesting thing is that a few years ago the ABS released a report that showed that more Australian born females were married to someone that was born overseas then men born in Australia that were then married to girls that were born overseas. I never thought that would be the case.

Max Impact
15-10-2012, 09:16 PM
I'd say the girls will answer the question differently depending on who is asking them.

15-10-2012, 09:21 PM
The most interesting thing is that a few years ago the ABS released a report that showed that more Australian born females were married to someone that was born overseas then men born in Australia that were then married to girls that were born overseas. I never thought that would be the case.

That's because men born in Australia aren't dumb enough to get married anymore :)

15-10-2012, 09:22 PM
I'd say the girls will answer the question differently depending on who is asking them.

Agree. I never listen to what a woman says.

15-10-2012, 09:24 PM
I'd say the girls will answer the question differently depending on who is asking them.

Agree. I never listen to what a woman says.

15-10-2012, 09:44 PM
That's because men born in Australia aren't dumb enough to get married anymore :)

Haha that's a good one.

It might also depend on which guy has the most money. 'I don't like him because he is wealthy' - I am sure that is a seldom used phrase by girls of any nationality

Mr Crash and Burn
15-10-2012, 09:54 PM
Asian girls who work at Esplanade Ashfield like Asian guys...or at least thats what they are told to do.

15-10-2012, 10:27 PM
old Irish saying "it is just as easy to love a rich man as a poor man".

"Or maybe a little bit easier."

15-10-2012, 10:59 PM
I think most White guys hang out in the Kings Cross area. That's why most Asian girls don't get as many white guys as Asians

16-10-2012, 02:10 AM
No manny

Its true that the average caucasian dude is generally far wealthier than the average thai man... but its so much more than that.

For their entire lives thai women have been viewing TV, watching movies and reading magazines where the white anglo standard of beauty has reigned supreme. All of the beautiful models, the handsome actors, have been caucasian. As a result they associate blue eyes, fair hair and pale skin as characteristic of beauty.

Dont get me wrong, im NOT saying anglo men are inherently or necessarily more handsome than thai men (the truth is im an anglo dude who is solely attracted to asian women) - but the fact is that global media exports are dominated by US and europe, and as a result many people associate the physical features of these people with beauty.

I'm an Asian dude, and have spoken to Asian people (regular girls and WL), and I can tell you this is most definitely not the case.

Yes, European media exports all over the world, but it only extends so far in Asia. For instance, in Singapore, quite possibly one of the most westernised Asian nation/state, there's a sizable amount of western media. But every Singaporean girl I've spoken to and met prefer Asian men and do not find caucasians attractive. Of course it was to varying degrees - one girl vehemently stood by the fact that caucasians are repugnant even going so far as to say she doesn't find Brad Pitt attractive (oh the sin!), to the other end of the spectrum saying that "they're magazine and TV good looking, but I wouldn't date one... unless he had money". Those were her words.

All girls I spoke to in Vietnam (my native language) say the same thing, as well as Thailand.

In Asia, their fashion model has been, and is, South Korea and Japan. To them, these two countries has been the fashion trenders much like the USA and French is to the rest of the caucasian world. The guys dress and style themselves to look like K-pop stars and the girls love it. Their crushes are Korean actors...etc.

Thailand is a little less on this side of the table due to the tourism industry boom, but more-or-less the same for what it's worth. But I can tell you first hand that they prefer Thai/Asian men, and white men for money (most of the time, not saying all the time) and are always, ALWAYS looking for a green card. Of course there are exceptions, but every lady I've asked (yes, I've asked this question before) said the same thing.

Sorry to break it to you. Hope this doesn't come across as arrogant or anything. But this isn't my opinion, it's what I know.

Of course, this is exclusive to Asian girls in Asia. Asian-Australian/American girls are whole heartedly different. Most of my Asian lady-friends would pounce their claws on a white dude because it's a symbol of climbing the social ladder and 'integration into the Aussie community'. The walls are adorned with posters of are Channing Tatum, Beckham, Ronaldo, sexy black dudes... etc. Again, not my opinion.

16-10-2012, 08:18 AM
If you ask a wl she is going to say what ever race you are as she knows who is paying her.

16-10-2012, 08:55 AM
If you ask a wl she is going to say what ever race you are as she knows who is paying her.

race they know, maybe.

But whenever I have asked (not that often) the answer has always been Australian.
Which makes me little sad... I'm not Australian... they don't like me... (LOL)

But I still think that's who they were thinking was paying them.

16-10-2012, 10:16 AM
Ah, racism is alive and well around the world.

16-10-2012, 10:20 AM
in my experience I've found a pretty mixed response. Most Asian girls prefer Asian guys mainly for the cultural similarities. I'm talking fobs here. ABCs can go either way but tend to end up with white dudes.

I've noticed white women are kind of racist and much less likely to date an Asian guy.

16-10-2012, 10:29 AM
They prefer an Asian guy with a black mans cannon!

16-10-2012, 11:13 AM
The Asian WL That I have asked have said they prefer non Asian, as the Asian Men don't treat them as good... I'm sure its not across the board.

I'm not Asian, they sounded candid...

16-10-2012, 12:14 PM
The Asian WL That I have asked have said they prefer non Asian, as the Asian Men don't treat them as good... I'm sure its not across the board.

I'm not Asian, they sounded candid...
Hahaha, they told you so because you are non Asian ! ;) ;) ;)

The truth is it depends on the individuals, can't generalize either way, otherwise why do you think some girls advertised to see Asians only ?

guān liáo
16-10-2012, 01:12 PM
Manny – nope.

I’ve spent a lot of time in Thailand, Vietnam and Japan. I can 100% assure you that Vietnamese and Japanese girl’s sense of aesthetic is largely shaped by western media ‘brain washing’, just like Thai girls.

But at the end of the day our individual experiences don’t count for a lot, right? You mentioned that Japan was considered the beauty standard for a lot of these south east Asian cultures. Well, here’s a link to a research survey that actually measured the viewpoints of Japanese people themselves on this very issue:


<extract> “… the experimenter sat and talked with each of the Japanese women while they looked at Japanese fashion magazines. Caucasian models were presented the most in these magazines and the women who looked at these images all said that Caucasians are simply more attractive than the Japanese. Ergo, 29 Japanese women were studied in depth for eight months and it was determined that they possessed the same ideals of attractiveness that are found in western society. Also, when the women rated themselves, it was discovered that they compared themselves to the western ideal. Most of the women said they wish they were taller and had larger eyes, for example (Darling, 2004). This study highlights the fact that a euro-centric media can have invasive effects on cultures that are geographically and culturally distant from the United States….”

It’s silly to take this personally. Beauty is a social construct, and social constructs are shaped by popular culture and mainstream media. If Eskimos controlled the TV/film industry/Internet/printed media there would be an Inuit Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie!

I'm an Asian dude, and have spoken to Asian people (regular girls and WL), and I can tell you this is most definitely not the case.

Yes, European media exports all over the world, but it only extends so far in Asia. For instance, in Singapore, quite possibly one of the most westernised Asian nation/state, there's a sizable amount of western media. But every Singaporean girl I've spoken to and met prefer Asian men and do not find caucasians attractive. Of course it was to varying degrees - one girl vehemently stood by the fact that caucasians are repugnant even going so far as to say she doesn't find Brad Pitt attractive (oh the sin!), to the other end of the spectrum saying that "they're magazine and TV good looking, but I wouldn't date one... unless he had money". Those were her words.

All girls I spoke to in Vietnam (my native language) say the same thing, as well as Thailand.

In Asia, their fashion model has been, and is, South Korea and Japan. To them, these two countries has been the fashion trenders much like the USA and French is to the rest of the caucasian world. The guys dress and style themselves to look like K-pop stars and the girls love it. Their crushes are Korean actors...etc.

Thailand is a little less on this side of the table due to the tourism industry boom, but more-or-less the same for what it's worth. But I can tell you first hand that they prefer Thai/Asian men, and white men for money (most of the time, not saying all the time) and are always, ALWAYS looking for a green card. Of course there are exceptions, but every lady I've asked (yes, I've asked this question before) said the same thing.

Sorry to break it to you. Hope this doesn't come across as arrogant or anything. But this isn't my opinion, it's what I know.

Of course, this is exclusive to Asian girls in Asia. Asian-Australian/American girls are whole heartedly different. Most of my Asian lady-friends would pounce their claws on a white dude because it's a symbol of climbing the social ladder and 'integration into the Aussie community'. The walls are adorned with posters of are Channing Tatum, Beckham, Ronaldo, sexy black dudes... etc. Again, not my opinion.

16-10-2012, 02:42 PM
Manny – nope.

I’ve spent a lot of time in Thailand, Vietnam and Japan. I can 100% assure you that Vietnamese and Japanese girl’s sense of aesthetic is largely shaped by western media ‘brain washing’, just like Thai girls.

But at the end of the day our individual experiences don’t count for a lot, right? You mentioned that Japan was considered the beauty standard for a lot of these south east Asian cultures. Well, here’s a link to a research survey that actually measured the viewpoints of Japanese people themselves on this very issue:


<extract> “… the experimenter sat and talked with each of the Japanese women while they looked at Japanese fashion magazines. Caucasian models were presented the most in these magazines and the women who looked at these images all said that Caucasians are simply more attractive than the Japanese. Ergo, 29 Japanese women were studied in depth for eight months and it was determined that they possessed the same ideals of attractiveness that are found in western society. Also, when the women rated themselves, it was discovered that they compared themselves to the western ideal. Most of the women said they wish they were taller and had larger eyes, for example (Darling, 2004). This study highlights the fact that a euro-centric media can have invasive effects on cultures that are geographically and culturally distant from the United States….”

It’s silly to take this personally. Beauty is a social construct, and social constructs are shaped by popular culture and mainstream media. If Eskimos controlled the TV/film industry/Internet/printed media there would be an Inuit Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie!

While I agree that certain aspect as features of the Caucasian aesthetics have been integrated into the Asian sense of beauty such as a tall nose, double eyelids, less prominent cheekbones... etc. What I'm trying to get across is that the influence has only reshaped how and what the Asian culture perceives as the standard model of beauty, true, but hasn't shaken whom they prefer on a personal level.

But the OP's question was - do they prefer Asians or Caucasians. It's all based on their culture, environment and upbringing. Growing up in the US and AUS, I perceive all women to be beautiful, I do not have a preference of one race over another, although I tend to lend towards the western demographic slightly more. My cousins living in America are the same. I have cousins living in Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, and Sweden. The Vietnamese, Thai and Japanese cousins all aspire to resemble South Koreans and Japanese. Living with them, they followed K and J pop media, celebrity news etc.. Maybe some Hollywood here and there, but it is generally not something they pay attention to let alone envy. My Swedish cousins on the other hand are very much smitten by taller blonde hair blue eyed men and women.

It all depends where you grew up. To reiterate, I'm trying to create a line of distinction between aesthetic sense of beauty (yes has been influenced by western media, no denying that) and companionship preference. For instance, a Vietnamese WL in Saigon might find certain aspects of western beauty idealistic, but would still prefer a Vietnamese client or boyfriend.

Edit: I should add that this is not a rock solid analysis. Of course there will be exceptions and cases of true love. However, I know first hand that girls from poorer nations are encouraged to seek out white American men as a ticket out of poverty. Cases are true in SE Asia as well as South America.

16-10-2012, 02:48 PM
Perhaps it has to do with personality also. Different cultures may share certain personality traits that may make a person more attractive. Some asian girls I know prefer aussie personalities because they have a different sense of humour. Others I know prefer chinese personaliites because they feel they have more in common in terms of values. I don't think this is completely true but people do have a tendancy to generalize.

16-10-2012, 06:23 PM
There are so many charming guys on here from different nationalities that these girls are missing out of they restrict their choice to just one type of guy. After all how many guys here are restricting themselves to girls of just one race.

16-10-2012, 07:27 PM
There are so many charming guys on here from different nationalities that these girls are missing out of they restrict their choice to just one type of guy.
After all how many guys here are restricting themselves to girls of just one race.

Not me!

After punting on five continents (Europe, North America, South America, SE Asia and Australia) I would say that pretty much anything goes as long as she's pretty and accommodating.

16-10-2012, 08:59 PM
Not me!

After punting on five continents (Europe, North America, South America, SE Asia and Australia) I would say that pretty much anything goes as long as she's pretty and accommodating.

Yeah I am right with you on that one. I wonder if anyone has punted or had a girl on every continent as you have got close - maybe that can go on your to do list.

17-10-2012, 02:51 PM
I think all girls like all men provided they treat them nice. Unfortunately some races have a reputation for treating the girls poorly, and so the girls tend to give them a miss. As for Asian girls some of them are quite small and so prefer asians because the are usually smaller and their is always an advantage of being with someone who speaks the same language as the girls.

For me I like all women but find asian women to give better service and be friendlier than most others so the language problem is a miner set back.

17-10-2012, 06:56 PM
I don't know how you can honestly answer this question as its personal preference but in Australia its quite common to see mixed marriages, in Asia obviously due to the very small Caucasian community your not going to see much intermarriage/relationships. In Russia where Europe borders Asia its very common to see mixed ethnic people of Mongol/Russian heritage, its all depends on where people live, I know 10 or more aussie guys married to Asian women from all over Asia not just thai and Filipina's, I also know asian guys married to caucasians, there is no way to answer this question accurately..

17-10-2012, 10:41 PM
there is no way to answer this question accurately..


Does this question really need to be answered?

Like I said in my previous post about my preference: "anything goes as long as she's pretty and accommodating", similarly i think it is for the girls, they don't really care about the race or ethnicity as long as the guy treats them well.

All people are individuals anyway, so by typecasting people with the question of the OP is racist by default, as it expects all Asian girls to have the same preference.
Sorry to be blunt, but that's just how it is.

18-10-2012, 02:31 PM
even within Asians... there are ranking of prestige..

you have the top tier where:
Tier 1: Metro China, Taiwan, Singapore, Metro Korea, Japan, HK
TIer 2: any Han descendant of South East Asia (Malay, thai, indonesian, etc)
Tier 3: tribal people... sorry to use the term.. indigenous people

guān liáo
18-10-2012, 04:28 PM
In my experience chinese MLs are very rascist (not necessarily in a pejorative sense, but just insofar as they often share similar racial/cultural preferances concerning their customers) Whether you are morally outraged by their preferences does not alter this reality.


Does this question really need to be answered?

Like I said in my previous post about my preference: "anything goes as long as she's pretty and accommodating", similarly i think it is for the girls, they don't really care about the race or ethnicity as long as the guy treats them well.

All people are individuals anyway, so by typecasting people with the question of the OP is racist by default, as it expects all Asian girls to have the same preference.
Sorry to be blunt, but that's just how it is.

19-10-2012, 10:50 AM
I am yet to experience racism when punting, Im white and mainly go to Asian shops but also go to cauc shops too, still yet to have a bad experience because of my race..