View Full Version : Natalie - 19 yr old Indonesian

27-10-2012, 11:31 AM
Note: This review of Natalie is NOT from "The Hunt Club", it is from a different place when she was working under a different name, but it is the same girl
She can now be found at "The Hunt Club" 22a Hunters Street Parramatta

Have spent quite a bit of time with her now and can say definitely that Natalie is not a 'night owl' so if she tickles your fancy its best to go see her in the afternoon or earlier evening (not really late).

Anyway, here is the review

Today I was feeling twitchy, I resisted it but eventually I gave in and went out looking for someone to scratch that itch.

Suddenly appeared this young girl, done up in heels, french corset, thigh high stockings with bows, g-string and to top it all, plush cats ear's perched on top of her head.


A pearl

Natalie - 19, Indonesian and with conversational level English - my choice was very easily made. (By conversational I mean she struggles with unfamiliar words such as trying to explain what happened when her brother trod on the cat's - umm - what is that word in English - ah 'TAIL'! but apart from that was able to converse quite well with a slight American accent)

I enjoy ladies who are enthusiastic, energetic, sexual powerhouses.

This one was different

Very inexperienced, no routine, she didn't seem to know what to do after I had showered.

So I told her my three rules

1) If I do anything you don't like, tell me so I can stop
2) If I do anything you do like, tell me so I can do more
3) Feel free to make suggestions

and set out to relax her.

She responded slowly, but she responded - and how !

She twitched as I massaged her legs, her back, her neck - she wriggled in a pleasant "that tickles but please don't stop" way as I kissed her arms and her shoulders, she started to seriously squirm as I kissed, licked and nibbled on her pert teenage 'C' cup breasts.

She started to breath deeply as I stroked, and kissed and licked her thighs - avoiding her clit but moving around and around it - jumping over it to work on one side then jumping over it again to work on the other.
Then I stuck my tongue gently onto her clit and at she just about jumped off the bed before putting her legs over my back and surrendering to the gently stroking tongue.

Now she was seriously responding - not in the artificial, pretend way of the professional hooker, but in the natural, uncoordinated, losing herself in the moment way of a young woman wallowing in the pleasure of sex.

It was simply delightful. It is so rare to be able to play the part of the older lover, showing a young, inexperienced and enthusiastic partner just what a pleasure sex can be.

It was totally different what I normally seek, but extremely pleasurable - to have a young unspoilt woman in my arms and have the pleasure of giving her a lesson in the Joy of Sex.

I am not going to describe any more of the session - it was unique to that encounter between she and I - other than to say I took the initiative throughout and she simply responded.

But it was magnificent.

She had that freshness of youth, without the cynicism of experience and I left there feeling on cloud 9.

Natalie has the failings a teenage sex worker - no experience and no technique - but she also had the great virtue of youth - enthusiasm and a willingness to experience.

Don't go to her to be serviced by a sexual dynamo - don't go to her to be serviced at all. Go if you are an experienced lover who would take pleasure in teaching an enthusiastic novice.

Go to give - for the pleasure of being the one who gives.

With this girl it was a pleasure indeed.


27-10-2012, 05:42 PM
Any info of where else this girl's working? :) Might dig into Indonesian chicks.

27-10-2012, 10:42 PM
where is this?

27-10-2012, 11:39 PM
22a Hunter Street, Parramatta
See: http://www.aus99.com.au/cgi/getShopHome.pl?productId=2121