View Full Version : Dreaming Paradise Massage Yummy Yumiko & A Few Impressive Moments For Me...

25-05-2013, 11:51 PM
3.00 pee emm 25 May 2013

All girls were busy today. Eva, Abby, Angela and Yumiko literally had their hands full, tending to the customer’s wants and needs. Poor Yumiko was literally running in and out her booking to tend to calls and answer the door as well…

She suggested a few girls that would be out next. Eva was on my list, but had her next booking at 3. So Angela or Abby would be a possibility. During the whole conversation, I wondered why she had not offered her services yet to me. I have seen both these girls, so would like to continue sampling the girls that Coco keeps popping out.

I spent the last half hour waiting, watching the girls come and go. I made myself comfortable, half lying on the couch and having a little shut eye… I was later woken up by a lovely sight in pink… introducing herself as Angela, and asking if she was ok? I smiled and thought that she looked cute, official and somewhat sexy too… I declined politely and said that I would wait for Yumiko… She pops back behind the screens and has a little snack… I don't think she remembered me, so I didn't say a thing...

Finally, a glimpse of Eva… and yes, she is quite a hot little number, very petite and very attractive (in my eyes), but seemed preoccupied with her routine. She noticed me on the couch briefly, and casually let out a ha-llooo before disappearing into the corner to prepare her hair for her next booking…

Abby waltzes in and begins teasing Eva and starts having a little fun while Angela munches away in her little quarter.

(I was observing the interaction between the 2, and they could be mistaken for being siblings. Both were dressed in their casual street clothes, looking like your everyday pretty young things on the street)

Yumiko finishes her booking and comes back out and tends to me again. With that warm smile, she offers again if I would like to see Eva, I said that I would prefer to see her instead. Seeing that I have built a rapport with her in our conversation, my instincts tell me that I would get better attention from Yumiko, as oppose to the ever popular Eva.

My hour session spent with Yumiko went by rather quickly. Her attentive hands worked from the back of my heels all the way up towards the back of my hands and fingers. It was a polished form of shopping centre massage that was precise. In short, I had no complaints regarding her technique. The timing was right, the chatter was flowing, and we were both quite lively.

I loved my interaction with this girl. Right from her meeting me at the door, to seeing me out the door, Yumiko is very personable, friendly and very attractive in her overall character. She caught my eye and my attention with her charming personality, smile and open attitude. From her excitable laugh, right to her expert hands, she was a total surprise for me.

Yumiko is solid built, voluptuous, robust, womanly and endearingly sweet! Well, she was towards me anyway! She is a whole lot of fun, a whole lot of laughs and a whole lot of woman! Not for those who prefer the likes of Eva, Mena and Miranda. To be appreciated by true gentlemen as opposed to horny wolves...!

26-05-2013, 12:12 AM
Thanks Bro

There better be a more juicer part II of this review........lol


old fat man
29-05-2013, 08:34 AM
I agree with all cmk76 has reported. I was the punter that Yumiko was running backwards and forwards from, she was very busy indeed, this initially put me off considerably, then i figured just lay back relax and anticipate her return, she was very attentive and apologetic when she was not answering the door or phone. She gave me extra time to make up for the interuptions, this also extended cmk76's wait. I will return to see Yumiko as she is all that has been described and even though there were many interuptions and even the goodbye was interupted by a phone call, Yumiko gave great service, at one stage she was caressing me with one hand and speaking on the phone simultaneously which was more than a little bit sexy as I could not understand what was being said so I let my imagination run. She is a bright and friendly lady gives good massage and I would love to have an uninterupted session with her.

29-05-2013, 07:40 PM
I agree with all cmk76 has reported. I was the punter that Yumiko was running backwards and forwards from, she was very busy indeed, this initially put me off considerably, then i figured just lay back relax and anticipate her return, she was very attentive and apologetic when she was not answering the door or phone. She gave me extra time to make up for the interuptions, this also extended cmk76's wait. I will return to see Yumiko as she is all that has been described and even though there were many interuptions and even the goodbye was interupted by a phone call, Yumiko gave great service, at one stage she was caressing me with one hand and speaking on the phone simultaneously which was more than a little bit sexy as I could not understand what was being said so I let my imagination run. She is a bright and friendly lady gives good massage and I would love to have an uninterupted session with her.

hehehe... Yumiko was literally multitasking that day... i think she spoke to Coco briefly on the phone... reporting that it was a very busy day... maybe i should have answered the phone or fold the towels to help them out...

30-05-2013, 01:56 PM
hehehe... Yumiko was literally multitasking that day... i think she spoke to Coco briefly on the phone... reporting that it was a very busy day... maybe i should have answered the phone or fold the towels to help them out...

Coco will be there today to take care of things, so how about an uninterrupted session with Yumiko to make up for last time ??



old fat man
03-06-2013, 12:40 PM
I will be back Ahlungor, I live in a regional area so can,t just pop in at will, I do look forward to an uninterrupted session on my next trip to Stanmore.

04-06-2013, 10:55 AM
I will be back Ahlungor, I live in a regional area so can,t just pop in at will, I do look forward to an uninterrupted session on my next trip to Stanmore.

I work reception today, no interruption mr man, come see Yumiko again


06-06-2013, 02:06 PM
Yumiko, taiwan, big white ball ball very good service

work today

06-06-2013, 06:36 PM
I agree with all cmk76 has reported. I was the punter that Yumiko was running backwards and forwards from, she was very busy indeed, this initially put me off considerably, then i figured just lay back relax and anticipate her return, she was very attentive and apologetic when she was not answering the door or phone. She gave me extra time to make up for the interuptions, this also extended cmk76's wait. I will return to see Yumiko as she is all that has been described and even though there were many interuptions and even the goodbye was interupted by a phone call, Yumiko gave great service, at one stage she was caressing me with one hand and speaking on the phone simultaneously which was more than a little bit sexy as I could not understand what was being said so I let my imagination run. She is a bright and friendly lady gives good massage and I would love to have an uninterupted session with her.

I always get put off if the ML one hand massage my 'bit' and other hand talking on phone loudly in chinese telling customer to come, job will be finish in 15 minutes, while all girls just start their sessions.

06-06-2013, 08:33 PM
I always get put off if the ML one hand massage my 'bit' and other hand talking on phone loudly in chinese telling customer to come, job will be finish in 15 minutes, while all girls just start their sessions.

good feed back!
as I'm sure every punter hates the half service half phone answering job and it's a big turn off!!
Mamasans and shop promoters take note!

old fat man
09-06-2013, 05:30 PM
Does Mimi still work at Stanmore and will she be working Wed 12/06/2013

09-06-2013, 06:08 PM
Does Mimi still work at Stanmore and will she be working Wed 12/06/2013

Mimi works at Stanmore on Monday, Wednesday and Friday


11-06-2013, 12:14 PM
Yumiko working today

04-07-2013, 03:21 PM
Yumiko getting better and better

thank you

old fat man
31-07-2013, 02:24 PM
Thank you Coco for making good your promise to look after me after my visit to Yumiko was interrupted but still very good. You gave me a terrific warm up massage before my beautiful interruption free 2 hour session with Mimi. You have proven to be an honest reliable friendly host and I enjoy visiting your establishment immensely. Thank you again