View Full Version : General talk Up for it guys ? Plea for a hand to break sperm drought. MX

01-11-2012, 07:00 PM
Yeap, that was on the front page on MX Newspaper this afternoon, Sydney IVF clinic are in crisis mode if no increase of donors very shortly.

It was so ironic that billions and billions of perfectly healthy and fertile sperms are wasted in tissues, wet tissues, condoms, and CIM, Swallowing, COT, COF, etc, etc,

Gentlemem, your time has cum and your cum shots should help this great country of ours to secure and build a better tomorrow.

I think IVFs should work with some RnT shops in Sydney such as 501/532 and appoint them as collection agencies. So while you guys are enjoying the free HJ, out come a collection cup and your cum shots will not end up in the rubbish bins.


Max Impact
01-11-2012, 08:07 PM
Most of mine is collected in girls' mouths so it may be a little compromised.

01-11-2012, 09:48 PM
When i Cum , i will forget to get a cup
i just bang and bang,.........till the last drop

01-11-2012, 10:11 PM
I just give off my poison from my boy.

grape fruits juice make taste better you think??

i eat couple Brie every morning, my taste like a salmon between tuna,

my ex girl friend liked my taste,i miss my little penne!!

WL better go to medical centre in kings cross for check the condition every week.

I like fresh Pussy,

Mr Ahlungor, my boy say HI to you^^

02-11-2012, 03:36 AM
The last thing I would want is to copulate and populate 'this great CUNTRY' of ours.....fellow punters, you can now relax kkk

02-11-2012, 09:31 AM
I just give off my poison from my boy.

grape fruits juice make taste better you think??

i eat couple Brie every morning, my taste like a salmon between tuna,

my ex girl friend liked my taste,i miss my little penne!!

WL better go to medical centre in kings cross for check the condition every week.

I like fresh Pussy,

Mr Ahlungor, my boy say HI to you^^

Haha, welcum back Yamada san, you are posting funny good stuff again, just like old times, i like it Sir!!

I am disappointed that so far not one brother is willing to donate your precious DNA !!

No winder the IVF Clinics are running out. I think they need to up the ante and recruit skillful MLs to lend a hand, so that punters can get a free HJ when donating......haha

They should offer a permanent visa to Leng, bring her back from HK, offer her a full time 9-5 job with a $150,000 salary, government super and housing and her job descriptions is simple:

Welcome donor into room, get donor to stripe naked and lay face up on bed, start showing porno on the ceiling LCD TV, clean donor penis and surrounding area thoroughly, get donor's penis fully erected, commence HJ procedures a la "Leng's magical hands" style, jerk off donor, shot cum into cup, squeeze every last drop out from penis, seal cup, label cup, clean donor, wash hands, prepare HJ room for next donor!!

ps. as a reward for the donor's time and valuable sperms, at least 15 min of pleasure should be giving to each donor, therefore, for QA purposes, please ensure the orgasm of each donor occurs between the 16th and the 20th minutes within each half hour session allocated for each donor.

Now guys, would you sign up for that??

Your country has called upon you to serve!! What say you ??


Here are some pictures from a sperm bank in China, rest assured that the local IVF will do a better job, in Leng we trust.......haha!!

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_h21BxFaWQJo/Rz9r1qcRhWI/AAAAAAAAAmk/hHDGJ5wW3XI/s400/sperm1.jpghttp://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTEN2156zNbeSSmtj5L_L7h7LcDdNcX9 N6Z_mgIOgLH8hRAxrdGeMrqH13RRA


02-11-2012, 01:26 PM
u sure they do that in china? does the donor has to pay for donating? they could at least put up some curtains.

02-11-2012, 01:36 PM
u sure they do that in china? does the donor has to pay for donating? they could at least put up some curtains.

Sorry mate, i dont know, but if you google image China sperm bank, these pictures will pop up, could be one of those made believe adult Japanese documentary!!

Max Impact
02-11-2012, 03:03 PM
These are two of the sperm bank pictures I found when I googled:


03-11-2012, 03:11 AM
i don't know about you guys but apparently its not that easy to donate either. You have to FILL a tub about the same size as one of those urine cups... not somethinng I could do off the bat. Maybe take me all day though LOL