View Full Version : interesting read on Crikey

13-11-2012, 01:57 PM
Sex workers: porn killing prostitution, says ex-call girl | Crikey


Porn is everywhere on the internet, giving people access to all sorts of different fetishes. Annika Cleeve, a sex worker with 18 years experience, says
this is having a marked effect on people’s sexpectations.

I started working in the sex industry in the early ’80s, at age 15, and retired in the early 2000s. During that time I have seen many changes, some good
and some bad — namely changes to welfare policy, gender roles, public perceptions of sexuality and sex workers. The most glaring change has been
what I refer to as client sexpectations.

I like to draw the analogy of ice cream for sexual mores. In the 1980s, clients were vanilla in their requests and expectations. Occasionally they would
want a few toppings, here and there, perhaps some nuts or sprinkles, maybe hot fudge to tickle the taste buds. But in general most gentlemen preferred
the standard flavours: caramel, strawberry or vanilla.

From the late ’90s on, pornography became a free click away. LubeTube is free and available 24/7, a veritable Baskins and Robins of sexual
availability. It was not just the access that changed during my working life but the content itself dramatically altered.

Vanilla had become a foreign flavour. In the same vein, why would I go out for ice cream when I have a freezer full of the stuff? It used to be that clients
sought sex workers for what they couldn’t get at home, or couldn’t be bothered chasing.

Porn no longer has a loose story seductive story attached — pool boy seduced by hot house wife or delivery men assisting a frustrated lonely house-sitter 
— now it is just straight up hardcore. Videos that commence upon penetration and only last seven minutes. Apparently seduction is passé. Eroticism has
been exchanged for sexual aggression, evident in the language as well as the lack of scenario.

Over the years I saw this first-hand, the changing proclivities of the young buck. In the ’80s he was out to please himself, come the ’90s he was desperate
to please me and by the 2000s, if he visited at all, he was determined to dominate with a firm hand.

Modern porn feeds a totally unrealistic idea of what women enjoy sexually. As I say in my book: It is $10 extra for lessons, young man. Because the
amount of young men who came in wanting to replicate the latest movie they saw drove me insane. They truly believe that there should be no difference
from porn stars to the girls they meet locally, all women are the same with their clothes off.

Normal has shifted, as it did years ago thanks to Kinsey, but I will argue that we have shifted from vanilla desires towards a much darker flavour. Dare I
say 50 Shades darker?

The internet killed the sex worker. The 2012 reality is that they don’t need to learn from your local sex worker or older woman the ABCs of sex. All that’s
needed is to type their chosen peccadillo into a dating website search engine and find a sexual partner who will fit their momentary desires. Gone are the
days of phoning twenty sex workers to see who offers this service and at what exorbitant rate she will charge. Or even worse still, having to wear a
condom and dental dam.

Erotic fiction is currently the highest selling genre, but it used to be Mills & Boon. Now it has to be beatings, bondage and sex toys to grab the reader. The
storyline is irrelevant or implausible (20-year-old virgin, super good looking billionaire).

As a former sex worker, if Christian Grey had walked into my establishment I would tell him to take his misogynistic routine elsewhere. That 50 Shades of
Grey is such a good seller is not an indication that the modern woman craves a good beating and a dominant man. If Grey was a part-time brick layer
living in the western suburbs, with an ex-wife and two children, would you still date him? Would the book be as popular?

It used to be that anonymous sex would cost you. Someone once said: “you don’t pay a sex worker for sex, you pay her to leave straight afterwards.”
In the second decade of the 21st century anonymous sex has become abundant. Thousands of websites and apps are available for free. There seems to
be no end to the number of sites beckoning horny punters with the promise of casual sexual encounters with like-minded people. These sites offer what
no sex worker can offer: mutual arousal.

Clients who visit a sex worker are under no delusion that their desire is mirrored. But when they click on “horny housewife seeks anonymous sex”, there is
a sense the service is equally appreciated and needed. The rendezvous suits all parties, it’s a symbiotic relationship.

In the past the client/sex worker relationship was also symbiotic, he needed sex and I needed cash, no ego stroking, just physical relief. But in this brave
new world there is a rush obtained in the knowledge that cash is no longer required.

This anonymous vixen is just like me, she too wants sex without entanglement. This is in stark contrast to the reality that the mattress actress craves my
cash and not my masterful, horizontal calisthenics.

I am glad that I retired when I did, when a profit could still be made from chocolate chip, cookies and cream, and rocky road. God help the girls out there
plying their trade in the era of double scoop with a smattering of abuse on top, please.

*Annika Cleeve’s book The Mattress Actress details her life as a sex worker and is available through Momentum Publishing

13-11-2012, 02:16 PM
what an interesting read. But i disagree, I have tasted many a porn but still class myself as "vanilla".

13-11-2012, 02:58 PM
"These sites offer what
no sex worker can offer: mutual arousal."

Maybe she first should have had a read of my recent review of "Cici - the horny little ball drainer" where I describe her plastering her wet female sex all over my face, rubbing her wet, slippery pussy hard all over my mouth as she sat on it and started gasping in pleasure as she came. Maybe she then wouldn't make such stupid, inaccurate generalisations. She is only qualified to speak for herself, and thank Christ I never found myself with that attitudinal cauc, with the lousy vanilla service who seems like she isn't passionate enough about anything - except maybe a dislike of men - to ever get aroused about anything.

"Clients who visit a sex worker are under no delusion that their desire is mirrored."

And now she is privy to the head space and thinking of every man that has ever gone to see a horny little Asian working lady. Amazing that she is able to manage that. It seems she at least has psychic, telepathic powers to make up for her lack of sexual passion and her years of vanilla starfish service she conned men into.

"I am glad that I retired when I did."

I'm much more glad about that than you are.

Forum friends, this is typical of the reporting you will see in the mainstream media. If you want to know the truth about things, you will read it here on the forum. You will read it in the honest observations and reporting we punters make and our real world experiences that we share with each other.

14-11-2012, 12:24 PM
[QUOTE=Sextus;71691]"These sites offer what
no sex worker can offer: mutual arousal."

"Clients who visit a sex worker are under no delusion that their desire is mirrored."

Perfect description of fucking a Korean W/L. Had my worst punt ever with a Korean a few days ago-- report coming when i calm down

14-11-2012, 12:43 PM
Bring it on numberonebigsize! Share your annoyance and pissed-offedness with all of us! Because we are sympathetic to you, and also it helps us to avoid having similar experiences.

14-11-2012, 01:16 PM
I can't wait ... the suspense is killing me ...

Mr Crash and Burn
14-11-2012, 11:22 PM
porn make me want to punt more

16-11-2012, 08:10 AM
Yes, but until this month I thought $350 for an hour with a girl was reasonable. Now I've discovered Aus99 and some of the shops promoted here. Not only are the prices better but the service I've been getting from Asian girls is 10 times better than most western girls. I was thinking of going back to Penthouse last night but changed my mind because, for the first time ever, I thought it would end in disappointment.

The problem is western girls think they are much better than they really are. They are also double what I think is a reasonable price - $160 - $200 per hour.

16-11-2012, 10:32 AM
KickAss, you'll never go back to caucs. I never did. Your hesitation to is completely understandable - and permanent.

A 10 to one value ratio in favour of Asians, with their cascading hair and dedication to men? Mate, you've made up your own mind already.

16-11-2012, 04:05 PM
Sextus, at the moment I still find western girls more beautiful. Fuck, some of those girls are so hot. It is in the provision of service where the Asians are winning me over. I'd prefer taller, slimmer Asian girls ... read: Michelle Leslie ... now there's a good fuck, if I ever had the chance. The few Asian girls I've seen aren't so tall and beautiful ... but they fuck like there's no tomorrow, kiss like I'm the last man alive ... and suck like a Dyson. So now, everytime I want a root I think: western ... fucking hot ... eeer ... but the service ... and the price ... maybe I'll be disappointed ... and I won't have any money to punt again for another week ... maybe two ... maybe I'll try another Asian ... they just aren't as tall or sexy ... oh ... but the service ... I'm gonna have a great time ... I'll fall in love again .... and so I go Asian.

16-11-2012, 04:59 PM
The problem is western girls think they are much better than they really are. They are also double what I think is a reasonable price - $160 - $200 per hour.

kickass, you can get Caucasians (mix of Australian and European) at 219 Elizabeth St Croydon 9799 5856 for $190 per hour who give good service too. Also have Indian subcontinent girls too.

However I tend to agree with you that it is hard to better Asian girls for commitment to good service.

16-11-2012, 09:33 PM
"So now, everytime I want a root I think: western ... fucking hot ... eeer ... but the service ... and the price ... maybe I'll be disappointed ... and I won't have any money to punt again for another week ... maybe two ... maybe I'll try another Asian ... they just aren't as tall or sexy ... oh ... but the service ... I'm gonna have a great time ... I'll fall in love again .... and so I go Asian. "

Like I said. You already made up your mind. I'd rather have sex twice as often for the same monetary investment. But maybe you want to have sex half as often with unpredictable non-service oriented caucs? Maybe you do, but I doubt it.

There is a thread going on tall Asian girls at the moment which was useful, and could be for you too. I've already made some notes from it. I agree that a nice long limbed girl is a great alternative experience. Folding back those long legs is a pleasure, there is more weight to them.

My sense of aesthetics has changed over the years, and I now find Asian girls to be the benchmark for beauty and appeal. It must be mixed up with my experience of their devotion to men, a product of thousands of years of their culture, that is much harder to find in western indoctrinated girl.

It doesn't pay to be too dogmatic though. Maybe I'll see another white girl - but it is going to have to be on the basis of a first class review of her.

20-11-2012, 05:18 PM
Yup ... got Yellow Fever now Sextus ... but I've gotta do more reviews.