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View Full Version : MyGirlsDorm Happy Hour deals, $20-30 off for every bookings before 10pm

17-11-2012, 01:32 PM

17-11-2012, 01:54 PM

Well, it's always good to see agent gives a discount. But if the way this Happy Hour deals is promoted is a true reflection on how seriously the agent wants your business, then good luck to you.

Surely, a little bit more details will be good, to start with, is the discount $20 off or $30 off, and who gets what??

They put the web link there and I follow through to have a look but no info about the promotions.

Please explain ??


18-11-2012, 11:47 AM
Happy Hours start from 12pm to 10pm every day.

18-11-2012, 01:04 PM
Happy Hours start from 12pm to 10pm every day.

Who decides whether customer get $20 or $30 off??

19-11-2012, 01:02 AM
Check their website, it depends on the girl basically.

20-11-2012, 01:49 PM
Party is on, we have everybody's types.

20-11-2012, 02:07 PM
Check their website, it depends on the girl basically.

I did and it was still not too clear !!

There is a Nana @$320/hr, there is a $20 off

April @$350, $30 off

Cici @$380, no discount

Paris @$600, no discount

And these are the girls on the home page top left hand corner, but if you move down to the other girls, none of them shows a discount (I only checked a few), so you don't know that if they are no discount or the Admin forgot to change.

It would have been much easier if they just say $20 off the $320/hr girl and $30 off the $350/hr across the board and that is it and I would have been happy with the information.
