View Full Version : Girl info Looking For a Girl name "Mina" [Blacktown 40]

19-11-2012, 01:42 PM

Mina (Korean girl) used to work at Blacktown 40. I liked her company. Its bin 1 month now she is not coming there anymore. They are saying she is on holidays. If any knows any thing please let me know.


19-11-2012, 03:04 PM
Sometimes I wonder if there are some sorts of WL agents who supply and contract Korean WLs to these shops and they move the girls around, the only problem is, the girls usually use different name in different shop,.

So I found out long time ago, if you ever run into a really top girl, go back to see her as quickly and as often as possible, or until you got her phone number to maintain contact. Otherwise, we will be forever seeing these sort of threads asking for missing persons.

Good luck with the search brother,


19-11-2012, 10:32 PM
Maybe they are right and she is on holidays and will return soon enough. Don't get too obsessed with the one girl or you will miss an even better one.