View Full Version : Recruitment Ads for sydney

20-11-2012, 11:22 PM
Here's a link below recruiting girls from china, promising big bucks. If you know chinese you can see what it saids.

Links include ads from:


21-11-2012, 10:09 AM
Hi Brother Garfield,

Excellent works, well, they are all there, so that's where they got all these young girls, very interesting..............

Here is the sample Ads from SEXSYD who is in the front page:

Sexsyd.com we never close!

悉尼最具人气!任意打听!本公司敢说出是富二代富商顶级政客聚集地!敢说出大工同行业中无人不知不人不晓! 敢说出50%以上大工市场尽在本公司!
请货比三家,在行业鱼龙混杂的现在,不经意你就会被忽悠。找此类工作,必须深度研究,既但无不看了你多少时 间,也是对自己负责。如果仔细观察也不难发现真与伪。


本公司是澳洲境内规模最大,实力最为雄厚,加盟女生人数最多,口碑最好的省内外伴游出钟包养为一体的合法公 司,公司总部设在North Sydney,Sydney CBD 设有办公地.自运营以来,帮助很多女孩赚取生活费,学费 ,帮他们解决任何生活上的一切困难,女孩子对我们都是非常满意,长期合作者居多,我们坚持着,“我们承诺的 就要做到"这个原则。详情请见我们的网站,我们的优点在于客人的数量和质量!无论你是想了解,还是想应聘,有任何问题 都可以问我们,我们很高兴为你解答任何问题。

因本店繁忙,爆满,现急聘女孩儿多名!条件“顶级者”周保过10000以上,每周保多个overnight 。短期内给予包养机会! 与其他不同,见人少,长钟多! 薪酬高。(不会让你每周见几十个不同人,这就是许多有过行业经验的女孩子选择我们的原因,欢迎有无经验者随 时加入我们)做工要选合适的公司,本店长期长时间工种,保证不累赚钱快速!
客人见得越少 你的隐私就越受到保护

Key point is your weekly income will be over $10,000 for the top shelf girl !!

PS: 拒绝接受盼望周入过万条件一般者(条件姣好或职业人员除外)
(7days*how many customers or how many hours=$10000? $10000*52weeks=520000AUD=3500000 RMB per year) reasonable?

Key point is, they try to give an example where the girl can earn AUD$520,000 a year, yeah right !!



经典案例,都是因为 SEXSYD,不断地人气积累,
客户的积累 1. JXXXica(悉尼最顶级无人不知无人不晓!) 月入近30000 以包养出 6个月已久 固定一个包养对象!
2. SXXXon 杂志签约中俄混血模特 长期包养 月17000收入!
3. MXXXXe 当红女孩儿,每周至少五个overnight!
4.Candice 175cm ,富二代超模,名媛类型! 现正在洽谈包养!
5.6...... 等等!






对会保证是悉尼最高薪水,公司分为两个层次,如果你形象气质佳!高端自拿300/H 到800/H以上起









Sexsyd is a large-scale outcall company around sydney, We offer the highest wages,
the most effcient staff and the most protection of your privacy. We have drivers to
deliver you between work place and home, most safety and convenience.If your age
is between 18-30 and have some financial diffculities, just feel free to contact us. We
would love to help you to solve the problem. Also we have many rich business men
are interest in being your "sugar daddy"! So dont be hesitate to join us!


And one from Ginza :

CITY 超级知名繁忙店 ——GINZA
喵喵~~~Attention !! 漂亮的美眉们

现在物价飞速上涨,任何消费都在飞速上涨,在高额的房租,巨额的学费下,而且我们有时候也会想买点漂亮的衣 衣,也会想能拥有自己喜欢的名牌宝贝,但是又不可以麻烦自己的爹地妈咪,怎么办呢? 不用担心美眉们,快来加入知名品牌公司GINZA这个大家庭吧,在这里美眉们可以实现自己所有的理想和愿望 ,在最短时间里解决经济问题, 请相信我们,我们说到就可以做到!!!

首先呢,公司经营多年,我们有最高端的高原和大批忠实顾客,纯西人大方豪客OFFICE为主,其中有CEO , DIRETOR, GENERAL MANAGER等,ABC, 中国富二代等等等等,高素质涵养的顾客让美眉们在赚钱的同时也不会觉得辛苦,而且因为公司超级超级繁忙,所 以希望有更多漂亮美眉们加入,这样在快乐赚钱的同时也可以更快的提高自己的生活品质,另外我们也会保证美眉 们在工作的时候避免熟人困扰,保证美眉们的隐私和绝对的安全,

然后呢,一经聘用的美眉们日薪能获得$1500--$2000(这里是包括小费的呦),在GINZA上班是全日制的,不用每天上班守工,那样既浪费时间又消耗 心智,在GINZA呢,每周只需工作一天或者两天,其余时间都为自己的私人时间,在每周工作的一天到两天时 间里你可以获得的薪金为$2000-$4000. 我们的薪金是有根据的,不是瞎掰的,下面举例:GINZA的美眉们账面平均日薪为$1100,当然喽,有时 候账面会出现$1200 ,$1300的时候,然后美眉们平均日均小费为$300-$500。2009年—2011年间GINZA其中一位红牌美眉共赚取78万多澳币,2012年初回到中国 加盟了大型超市,现在正甜蜜蜜呢,美眉们实现你们上流社会的生活并不是梦,GINZA承诺会实现所有加盟美 眉们的人生梦想,我们是在每天用事实说话的。

The key point here is the daily income averaging at $1,100 and the average tips is $300 - $500 !! and one top Ginza girl earned AUD$780,000 between 2009 - 2011 !!

然后呢,在GINZA,管理者严谨的管理和认真的工作态度也是让美眉们放心毫无顾虑MAKE $$$的保障,另外我们是当日结算薪金的,美眉们的小费是全部自理,在GINZA,无论从管理还是到贴心小 助理都会真心而且真诚的给美眉们最大的帮助,热诚诚聘年轻貌美身材好,有责任心的美眉们加盟性感可爱的猫咪 军团,GINZA愿意做女孩子们实现人生理想和愿望的平台。

EMAIL: japangel1@hotmail.com

Thanks for sharing

21-11-2012, 10:22 AM
This is always the interesting part about agencies and how genuine the descriptions are when they say she is a student here etc but in reality they are probably here on a short stay visa that's why the girls aren't available for long. That's not really the issue but it's more so that they might be a current KTV girl in China and been a WL since she was 18, so just because she is 20 now doesn't mean she is 'new to the industry'.

They certainly cast the net far and wide to get new girls that they can keep turning over. There is nothing like new girls to attract attention and get business.

21-11-2012, 10:50 AM
This is always the interesting part about agencies and how genuine the descriptions are when they say she is a student here etc but in reality they are probably here on a short stay visa that's why the girls aren't available for long. That's not really the issue but it's more so that they might be a current KTV girl in China and been a WL since she was 18, so just because she is 20 now doesn't mean she is 'new to the industry'.

They certainly cast the net far and wide to get new girls that they can keep turning over. There is nothing like new girls to attract attention and get business.

The part I found interesting is the way they advertise about the income the girl can get, forget about SEXSYD for the $10,000 a week (mostly for overnight jobs) but take the one from Ginza, they said average daily income $1,100 plus $300-$500 tips a day!!

Now based on the rates at Ginza: $100/30 min and $160/hr, how many jobs a girl there need to do a day to make $1,100 ?? and the tips, to be honest, I am a really tight ass and I had never tipped a FS girl in Australia ( I did tip some back in HK and China but they were a lot cheaper punt to start with), even massage girls tip was few and far between. Do you brothers who visit Ginza usually tip??

Just wondering



21-11-2012, 10:51 AM
Mate... This is all about highlighting the key message only in advertising and marketing

ATO (Tax Office) is doing the same

There may be a girl earning $6000 taxable income for 1 week only.

and not working for the rest of 51 weeks in the year.

But we can always say that, POTENTIALLY this girl is making $6000 x 52 = $312,000 per year.

21-11-2012, 11:37 AM
The part I found interesting is the way they advertise about the income the girl can get, forget about SEXSYD for the $10,000 a week (mostly for overnight jobs) but take the one from Ginza, they said average daily income $1,100 plus $300-$500 tips a day!!

Now based on the rates at Ginza: $100/30 min and $160/hr, how many jobs a girl there need to do a day to make $1,100 ?? and the tips, to be honest, I am a really tight ass and I had never tipped a FS girl in Australia ( I did tip some back in HK and China but they were a lot cheaper punt to start with), even massage girls tip was few and far between. Do you brothers who visit Ginza usually tip??

Just wondering



What was the interesting part, that a mainly Japanese agency advertises in China, haha - just kidding Ginza lovers. It doesn't really matter about the money they quote anyway because once the girl is here and she isn't earning that money then they might say it's because she isn't making the customers happy enough and she should try harder because the girl before her was getting lots of tips or the economy has gone bad etc - the girls not going to do anything about it.

21-11-2012, 12:01 PM
What was the interesting part, that a mainly Japanese agency advertises in China, haha - just kidding Ginza lovers. It doesn't really matter about the money they quote anyway because once the girl is here and she isn't earning that money then they might say it's because she isn't making the customers happy enough and she should try harder because the girl before her was getting lots of tips or the economy has gone bad etc - the girls not going to do anything about it.
What can the girl do anything about what anyway !

21-11-2012, 12:27 PM
What can the girl do anything about what anyway !

About the money promised versus the money paid if there is a difference. When I took a job there was a contract and I was paid that money. If the money was not paid then I would do something about it. That's up to the girl to decide what she is going to do about it if there is a difference, if she is smart enough there are options for her.

21-11-2012, 12:29 PM
About the money promised versus the money paid if there is a difference. When I took a job there was a contract and I was paid that money. If the money was not paid then I would do something about it. That's up to the girl to decide what she is going to do about it if there is a difference, if she is smart enough there are options for her.
What promise ? You think there will be a legal contract ?

21-11-2012, 12:30 PM
I would say if you are working for a FS shop with a 160/hr rate if you are having the one-hour session quite often, then you could expect an average of $600 per day (probably serving 5-6 customers).

$90/30min, WL usually gets 60 and $160/hr, WL gets 110 approx.

21-11-2012, 02:40 PM
The girls are doing about 15 jobs a day say half are one hour $100 X 7 +700 Plus say 8 X $60 = $480 thats $1180 per shift (day) admittadly the split could be slightly different and they might do some 45 minute jobs as well but at a busy shop like 64 and 533 they would be earning $1000 without much trouble and lets face it thats the reason they work there. I think that most of the girls at these shops are not happy if they go home with less than $1000 as for tax I dont think too many of them are paying tax but I dont know for sure and would never ask.

21-11-2012, 02:46 PM
The thing is no guarantee they can do 15 ppl a day

21-11-2012, 02:53 PM
The girls are doing about 15 jobs a day say half are one hour $100 X 7 +700 Plus say 8 X $60 = $480 thats $1180 per shift (day) admittadly the split could be slightly different and they might do some 45 minute jobs as well but at a busy shop like 64 and 533 they would be earning $1000 without much trouble and lets face it thats the reason they work there. I think that most of the girls at these shops are not happy if they go home with less than $1000 as for tax I dont think too many of them are paying tax but I dont know for sure and would never ask.

Well, Brother LW has spoken and we should all listen,

15 jobs a day in a FS shop, that's a lot of cock suck and pounding, really feel sorry for those sisters!! especially those hot ones as they will be getting picked non-stopped. It's a tough life and the money, well, didn't they earn it!!


21-11-2012, 03:06 PM
Don't forget the shops will take between a third and half of all income before tips. And that's before they even consider what the ATO may be interested in.

21-11-2012, 03:58 PM
Remember - recruiters may well fib.

That said I had lunch after my session the other day with a lovely young WL, who will for that reasons will remain nameless. She'd done 12 hour sessions the day before.

I advised her she'd kill herself if she kept it up

21-11-2012, 05:10 PM
Remember - recruiters may well fib.

That said I had lunch after my session the other day with a lovely young WL, who will for that reasons will remain nameless. She'd done 12 hour sessions the day before.

I advised her she'd kill herself if she kept it up

You won't want to be her client on the 11th hour that's for sure !!

21-11-2012, 05:38 PM
Well, Brother LW has spoken and we should all listen,

15 jobs a day in a FS shop, that's a lot of cock suck and pounding, really feel sorry for those sisters!! especially those hot ones as they will be getting picked non-stopped. It's a tough life and the money, well, didn't they earn it!!


well, i think only those top hotties or extremely busy shop, the WL can expect 15 ppl a day, normally less than 10. I asked CiCi at Taren Point 64, she said if not busy, maybe 7 or 8

21-11-2012, 05:39 PM
Remember - recruiters may well fib.

That said I had lunch after my session the other day with a lovely young WL, who will for that reasons will remain nameless. She'd done 12 hour sessions the day before.

I advised her she'd kill herself if she kept it up

Is it like 12 hr, non-stop pounding?? sounds scary

21-11-2012, 05:53 PM
She did mention that some customers just liked to talk or perhaps just have BBBBJ so not as physical as it sounds but bloody hard work early till late.

Her management kept a high proportion of fees but she wasn't cheap so she'd do well.

21-11-2012, 06:12 PM
She did mention that some customers just liked to talk or perhaps just have BBBBJ so not as physical as it sounds but bloody hard work early till late.

Her management kept a high proportion of fees but she wasn't cheap so she'd do well.

Some young outcall girls became red and raw, and nearly cried in pain, but most of the time it's their own choice, they want to make as much money as they can in a short time then disappear !

$10,000 a week is not impossible !

21-11-2012, 10:47 PM
What was the interesting part, that a mainly Japanese agency advertises in China, haha - just kidding Ginza lovers. ...Just because they're advertising in China doesn't mean that they're not advertising in Japanese forums also. A Japanese private WL told me a while back that there's a weekly Japanese publication in Sydney that has plenty of ads. I'm sure there are Ginza ads around in Japanese-language forums/publications.

... The key point here is the daily income averaging at $1,100 and the average tips is $300 - $500 !! and one top Ginza girl earned AUD$780,000 between 2009 - 2011 !! ...A Ginza (Tokyo Cats) girl returning to China in early 2012 after two years could only be Yoko. It would be fantastic if she really did get $780,000, but that precise-sounding amount equates suspiciously to 2years x 52weeks/year x $7,500/week.

21-11-2012, 11:36 PM
Is it like 12 hr, non-stop pounding?? sounds scary

12 hours session, does not mean 12 hours non-stop

22-11-2012, 01:09 AM
This is good reading keep going gents after a long day :) oopps I did more than 14 hours too today of honest work :) but damn I did not pump anything, as I have to cancel my hotel for tonight :) I got the raw end of the deal I guess.

22-11-2012, 02:14 AM
The girls are doing about 15 jobs a day say half are one hour $100 X 7 +700 Plus say 8 X $60 = $480 thats $1180 per shift (day) admittadly the split could be slightly different and they might do some 45 minute jobs as well but at a busy shop like 64 and 533 they would be earning $1000 without much trouble and lets face it thats the reason they work there. I think that most of the girls at these shops are not happy if they go home with less than $1000 as for tax I dont think too many of them are paying tax but I dont know for sure and would never ask.

Maybe my calculator is wrong.
Or maybe I just don't get it..

Most of the girls at 64 and 533 aren't happy if they go home with less than $1000.

So, I checked their rates.
$150 1hour
$130 45min
$85 30min
$55 10min

From that. I guess the cut would be around 60/40.

So the girls get
$78 45min
$51 30min
$33 10min

I don't take into accounts any agents or any advertisers, or anything involved, so all the girls is walk-in girls.
So just think everyone is a student here, then they rang the shop, and work there. Or they moved from other shop.
That's a normal cut.

I never imagined 10min session unless a customer extend.
So to earn $1000. A girl has to work ELEVEN 1Hour sessions.
Or Twenty 30minutes session.

Or a combination of any of those. Which amount to at the very least 11 sessions (11 1Hour).
I am really sorry. But taking into account wasted time when girls walk from room to waiting room, showing herself in lineup.

Getting $1000 a day seems like a pretty hard stuff to do there bro.

Unless every customer tip $50. Which I guess pretty impossible. Getting $200/day tip is pretty damn good amount of tips.

So if what are you saying is true, I can imagine 64TP top girls never stop having customer.
12 hours shift, is crazy.
And with non-stop customer... Well.. Errr..
I'm saying non stop, because the amount of time you waste from going to room to waiting room, etc. will amount roughly one hour from getting that much customers.

I'm not doubting you. Maybe you just need to recalculate again.
Because even with your cut. $100 for the girl for the hour. I'd say it is still pretty damn hard to do.

22-11-2012, 02:19 AM
But if you say. Only 1 or 2 girls are like that. Probably that could happen.
If most girls are like that. I'd say it's very difficult.

22-11-2012, 02:22 AM
Wmmmm, probably one phrase to describte the whole scenario "Sad Movie, makes ???? CRY"

Some young outcall girls became red and raw, and nearly cried in pain, but most of the time it's their own choice, they want to make as much money as they can in a short time then disappear !

$10,000 a week is not impossible !

22-11-2012, 02:28 AM
12 hours session, does not mean 12 hours non-stop

"one top Ginza girl earned AUD$780,000 between 2009 - 2011 !! ..."
12 hours non stop daily ... doubt how AUD780K can help "phiycial consequence" may follow -- Sad Movie.. :(((

22-11-2012, 02:45 AM
A Ginza (Tokyo Cats) girl returning to China in early 2012 after two years could only be Yoko. It would be fantastic if she really did get $780,000, but that precise-sounding amount equates suspiciously to 2years x 52weeks/year x $7,500/week.

That's like you see ads on the net.
"Win lotto easily with this system.
This guy, John, win lotto twice a year with this system"

So for that ads. The one saying $780,000.
Now you have to ask yourself.
So that girls never stop working? Then how about period?
Maybe they eat pills to control it, so every 2 months they will be on period leave for 1 week.
That equates to 12 week.

And she works everyday for 2 year? That's just..

Even the most hardworking girl I know. Once she gets enough money. She'd go back to her country for holiday for at least 3weeks.

I'd imagine that girl (if she actually earn $780,000), is some kind of robot. Or if not, after she finished working, retired, she would have some kind of psychological damage.

22-11-2012, 09:56 AM
Some young outcall girls became red and raw, and nearly cried in pain, but most of the time it's their own choice, they want to make as much money as they can in a short time then disappear !

$10,000 a week is not impossible !

wanna share some stories about you out call girls "cried in pain"? lol

22-11-2012, 09:59 AM
I just thought I throw something different into the ring here, lots of brothers have jointed in the discussion on WL making $1,000 a day in an average FS shop and how tough or hard work it must be for the WLs especially if she got some very big guns and hard pounding along the way. You all have good points and I will agree that in general, it's very hard but not impossible but then even if she can do it all in one day, probably not 7 days in a row or 30 days straight!!

But that is not my point, my point is how about a massage girl, how much she can earn potentially??

I think Brother Mate posted something about some MLs in 501 long time ago, but lets just look an average RnT shop charging $40/30 and $60/hr for massage only.

We have to assume that this is a very busy shop and always have customers waiting. I know for a fact that in a busy day, a ML can do between 15 to 20 jobs over a 12 hr shift.

Let's say 16 jobs is the result and just for a nude HJ @$50 a shot = $800! The girl's cut in the massage fees is $20 = $320!

Great majority of the jobs are 30 min, give or take a couple 60 min sessions. On my calculation that's $1,120 already without any tips! If the ML would do a few blow jobs or FS just for her regulars, there is easily a couple hundred dollars more to be made and she can even pick and choose who to fuck and which cock to suck!

And yes, massaging for 12 hr shifts will be dead tired, but the top girls will know how to make the 30 min a really sensual and erotic session where she only has to massage for 5 min and leave 15/20 min just for play and that is not very tiring.

And by the way, for MLs you can still do it during periods (just can't do FS) and more possible to work 7 days as your pussy is not in pain!

Just my two cents



22-11-2012, 09:59 AM
Maybe my calculator is wrong.
Or maybe I just don't get it..

Most of the girls at 64 and 533 aren't happy if they go home with less than $1000.

So, I checked their rates.
$150 1hour
$130 45min
$85 30min
$55 10min

From that. I guess the cut would be around 60/40.

So the girls get
$78 45min
$51 30min
$33 10min

I don't take into accounts any agents or any advertisers, or anything involved, so all the girls is walk-in girls.
So just think everyone is a student here, then they rang the shop, and work there. Or they moved from other shop.
That's a normal cut.

I never imagined 10min session unless a customer extend.
So to earn $1000. A girl has to work ELEVEN 1Hour sessions.
Or Twenty 30minutes session.

Or a combination of any of those. Which amount to at the very least 11 sessions (11 1Hour).
I am really sorry. But taking into account wasted time when girls walk from room to waiting room, showing herself in lineup.

Getting $1000 a day seems like a pretty hard stuff to do there bro.

Unless every customer tip $50. Which I guess pretty impossible. Getting $200/day tip is pretty damn good amount of tips.

So if what are you saying is true, I can imagine 64TP top girls never stop having customer.
12 hours shift, is crazy.
And with non-stop customer... Well.. Errr..
I'm saying non stop, because the amount of time you waste from going to room to waiting room, etc. will amount roughly one hour from getting that much customers.

I'm not doubting you. Maybe you just need to recalculate again.
Because even with your cut. $100 for the girl for the hour. I'd say it is still pretty damn hard to do.

I agree, most walk-in girls may expect 400-800/day, those outcall girls are of a different story

22-11-2012, 10:19 AM
We also need to separate walk-in girl and outcall girls since their price models are different.

Let us assume an Asian escort girl does a overnight+1 hr session x 2+2 hr session x 1 during a single day, the hourly rate is 350/hr, 650/2hr and 1000/overnight. the split is 70/30, so the what the girl can get is 700+490+450=1,640.

Let us assume an Asian escort girl does a 1 hr session x 3 during a single day (which is very ordinary), 300/hr, she can get 630, which is pretty good , given the workload.

Let us assume an Asian walk-in girl work 30min session x5, and 1 hr session x 5, the hourly rate is 170/hr and 90/30mins, split is 70/30, what she can ear a day is around 910. More hard work than escort girls in a price of more stable customer base.

In summary, escort girl has a higher earning potential, but a much shorter career life, which diminishes the long term earning potentials

I think what AHLUNGOR bro try to discuss here is the upper limit a WL can potentially earn and what we have been discussing so far is how much a WL can possibly earn....

22-11-2012, 11:17 AM
I just thought I throw something different into the ring here, lots of brothers have jointed in the discussion on WL making $1,000 a day in an average FS shop and how tough or hard work it must be for the WLs especially if she got some very big guns and hard pounding along the way. You all have good points and I will agree that in general, it's very hard but not impossible but then even if she can do it all in one day, probably not 7 days in a row or 30 days straight!!

But that is not my point, my point is how about a massage girl, how much she can earn potentially??

I think Brother Mate posted something about some MLs in 501 long time ago, but lets just look an average RnT shop charging $40/30 and $60/hr for massage only.

We have to assume that this is a very busy shop and always have customers waiting. I know for a fact that in a busy day, a ML can do between 15 to 20 jobs over a 12 hr shift.

Let's say 16 jobs is the result and just for a nude HJ @$50 a shot = $800! The girl's cut in the massage fees is $20 = $320!

Great majority of the jobs are 30 min, give or take a couple 60 min sessions. On my calculation that's $1,120 already without any tips! If the ML would do a few blow jobs or FS just for her regulars, there is easily a couple hundred dollars more to be made and she can even pick and choose who to fuck and which cock to suck!

And yes, massaging for 12 hr shifts will be dead tired, but the top girls will know how to make the 30 min a really sensual and erotic session where she only has to massage for 5 min and leave 15/20 min just for play and that is not very tiring.

And by the way, for MLs you can still do it during periods (just can't do FS) and more possible to work 7 days as your pussy is not in pain!

Just my two cents


Well, for an ML to make $1,120 per day everyday is just wistful thinking I must say ! Although it's not impossible once in a while.

Your calculation of $800 a day for nude HJ is extremely questionable. Firstly, the ML has to have 16 jobs a day everyday, which is impossible even with the most popular girl ! Because if she's popular, and the hourly rate is so cheap, a lot of her bookings will be multiple hours like 4-5 hours ... so 16 jobs a day is impossible, and if she's not popular ... haha, would she get more jobs ? Lol

And to say that the majority of bookings are 1/2 hour one is also questionable. Because a frequent punter to massage shops must be a lover of massage, not sex, so even if he wants sex, in this case, nude HJ, he would want a one hour booking to make it worth the while, 5min of massage as you suggest is simply not good enough for him. If he's not a massage lover, then he would go to an FS shop for that price, $35+$50=$85 for 1/2 hour he can get it from a lot of FS shops !

So $800 for HJ a day is almost impossible, because an ML simply can't have 16 jobs a day based on the above analysis, moreover, you have to add tea breaks, meal breaks, and brief breaks between jobs too. But it's not impossible, she might get lucky and get a big tipper, a girl told me she got a $200 tip from a single customer on her first day as an ML, but you can't rely on tips to make a calculation !

Whereas an outcall girl can fetch up to $200 cut for a one hour job. MOC told me BlackSwan got 12 bookings in her first day ! As a matter of fact, a few girls who turn from ML to WL told me there's no comparison in earning between the two jobs, the majority of MLs makes $500 or less a day !

22-11-2012, 11:23 AM
There are a lot of calculations done here and it will also depend on the down time for the girl because let's face it if all girls in every shop were always occupied that would mean there could never be a line up whereas we all know there usually is in most shops and sometimes it can be quite a few girls which of course means they are just waiting for a customer. Some businesses will also pay particular girls just to be there on top of what they earn from customers because they know the good girls attract more customers for the other girls as well, so everyone benefits.

22-11-2012, 11:54 AM
Well, for an ML to make $1,120 per day everyday is just wistful thinking I must say ! Although it's not impossible once in a while.

Your calculation of $800 a day for nude HJ is extremely questionable. Firstly, the ML has to have 16 jobs a day everyday, which is impossible even with the most popular girl ! Because if she's popular, and the hourly rate is so cheap, a lot of her bookings will be multiple hours like 4-5 hours ... so 16 jobs a day is impossible, and if she's not popular ... haha, would she get more jobs ? Lol

And to say that the majority of bookings are 1/2 hour one is also questionable. Because a frequent punter to massage shops must be a lover of massage, not sex, so even if he wants sex, in this case, nude HJ, he would want a one hour booking to make it worth the while, 5min of massage as you suggest is simply not good enough for him. If he's not a massage lover, then he would go to an FS shop for that price, $35+$50=$85 for 1/2 hour he can get it from a lot of FS shops !

So $800 for HJ a day is almost impossible, because an ML simply can't have 16 jobs a day based on the above analysis, moreover, you have to add tea breaks, meal breaks, and brief breaks between jobs too. But it's not impossible, she might get lucky and get a big tipper, a girl told me she got a $200 tip from a single customer on her first day as an ML, but you can't rely on tips to make a calculation !

Whereas an outcall girl can fetch up to $200 cut for a one hour job. MOC told me BlackSwan got 12 bookings in her first day ! As a matter of fact, a few girls who turn from ML to WL told me there's no comparison in earning between the two jobs, the majority of MLs makes $500 or less a day !

HI brother Wil,

All valid points, and we are all talking about what is possible and what is impossible, the case I used before, of course it's an extreme case, and everything has to go her way, like the majority of the sessions being 30 min !! sure, for an average MLs, it's more likely the booking hours will be splitted between 30min and hourly and you are right, lots of people will booking 90 min or multiple hours too (like brother Charlie, I think he is always 2 hours whether she was Maggie or Michelle, haha the magic of M ). But as a matter of facts, the session time of a very popular and top skills ML can be managed to maximise her earnings with some professional help from the mamasan/receptionist. when people ring up to book, whether it was the day before or on the same day, if the ML is very popular, the shop can help by pushing most bookings to 30 min, for the regulars who may want a two hour booking, if the ML knows the client and knows he will tip well, then the booking will be accepted to worth her while, if the customer is a massage only and only pay $20 for the HJ, the booking may not be accepted or past to other less popular girl. This is very different in a FS shop or out call agencies as the price structure is so different that the long the booking the better. Most MLs have told me the best customers they like (apart from the big tippers) are the 30 min clients who also pay $50 for nude HJ, they can do them all day everyday.

Brother Wil, you certainly have a lot of inside informations and I probably know a few things about massage shops too. The case I used, it definitely can happen and it had happened all the time, but one thing i can tell is that, these girls will not be working 7 days a week, may be 4 days max! and probably not everyday she will get 16 jobs. Once again, we are talking about extreme but certainly possible case here.

One girl I knew, her name is Mico (23, averarge in massage, natural C Cups, only do nude HJ ) and she did 15 jobs one Sunday in an average shop by herself (the other girl didn't turn up). And she didn't do any extras and worked from 10am to 8pm, and took home $1,100 but it only happened once. And she was a very happy girl that day!!..........haha

So we can agree and disagree, and it's all about the earning "potential". And yes, a popular FS WL will probably out earn a ML most of the times.



22-11-2012, 04:55 PM
I cannot read Chinese but wonder whether this is a mainland China paper or a local ethnic paper in Chinese.

The source site translated by Google can be seen here http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=zh-CN&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ozchinese.com%2F2007%2F.

If it were a local paper it would mainly target locals, mainly students and maybe MILFS. I have been told by some of the student girls I have met that advertisements are put on notice boards in Universities and other education places for such type of work.

Maybe Chinese members of the forum could clarify if this is a local paper or a Mainland one?

Students are allowed to work legally for about 20 hrs per week so if they worked a couple of days per week to fund studies could claim their tuition fees as self education and "uniforms, make up and sundries" as tax deductions. The tax bracket is determined over the full financial year so even non students who were "fly ins" could not pay a high amount of tax even if it were declared.

I would not doubt that good palour girls could earn $1,000 per day. The more expensive overnighters could earn a lot more.

22-11-2012, 07:20 PM
The operator in Ginza are Chinese, they do have Chinese girls so this is probably one of their avenue.
Some of the Japanese girl there I can tell are for real, just the way they talk I can tell it is Japanese because it was exactly like my Japanese friend, so they must have other ads advertised in Japan.

22-11-2012, 07:28 PM
I know of a WL who earns around $1000 a day in a FS shop charging 150 per hr, and she sees on average 10 to 13 customer a day. But she works just one or 2 days as she can't do this often.
For another ML that I know, because the shops not too busy, she said she will be happy to earn 200 a day. She has a customer who regularly book her for 2 hour massage, 1 hour to do HJ for him, and another hour for massage, Tuesdays has to be just on the back so no variation and she said it was very tiring.

22-11-2012, 07:38 PM
There's simply no contest in earnings between a WL and a ML. Decent WL can do $1000+ per day whilst a ML averages around $300-$500 pending tips and what she may offer as extras.

22-11-2012, 08:44 PM
I know of a WL who earns around $1000 a day in a FS shop charging 150 per hr, and she sees on average 10 to 13 customer a day. But she works just one or 2 days as she can't do this often.
For another ML that I know, because the shops not too busy, she said she will be happy to earn 200 a day. She has a customer who regularly book her for 2 hour massage, 1 hour to do HJ for him, and another hour for massage, Tuesdays has to be just on the back so no variation and she said it was very tiring.

And once she starts doing at least 5days/week, you'd see her average daily income decrease dramatically.

23-11-2012, 01:48 AM
Poor blackswan, get fucked more than 12 times on the first day lol

24-11-2012, 07:08 PM
She has a customer who regularly book her for 2 hour massage, 1 hour to do HJ for him, and another hour for massage,

1 hour HJ? That's a long time...

24-11-2012, 07:18 PM
And once she starts doing at least 5days/week, you'd see her average daily income decrease dramatically.

If she works for 2 - 3 different shop... it may get more per day than working in the same shop.

There is always exception which some girls are just too popular ... it really does not matter to them

25-11-2012, 11:25 AM
... Just because they're advertising in China doesn't mean that they're not advertising in Japanese forums also. A Japanese private WL told me a while back that there's a weekly Japanese publication in Sydney that has plenty of ads. I'm sure there are Ginza ads around in Japanese-language forums/publications.
I don't speak Japanese, but a little searching has turned up this Japanese-language website (http://cheers.com.au/cls/job/list/op=area:Sydney/) in Sydney that has job ads. If you scroll down, you can see an ad from Vogue, which is Tokyo Model Co., and two from Ginza, advertising for girls. You can cut and paste the text into Google Translate (http://translate.google.com/) to see a Jinglish translation.

25-11-2012, 12:12 PM
We really need a good one in Sydney.
I dont mind to blow my weekly budget a bit... may be double my $30 budget! haha

25-11-2012, 11:14 PM
I don't speak Japanese, but a little searching has turned up this Japanese-language website (http://cheers.com.au/cls/job/list/op=area:Sydney/) in Sydney that has job ads. If you scroll down, you can see an ad from Vogue, which is Tokyo Model Co., and two from Ginza, advertising for girls. You can cut and paste the text into Google Translate (http://translate.google.com/) to see a Jinglish translation.

Good job, the rate TMC promise is 200 per hr. Looking for both experienced AV or inexperienced girls.

Mr Crash and Burn
26-11-2012, 07:15 PM
I know most $150/hr shops, the cut is $50 to the shop and $100 to the girl. I think for the $85/30 mins it is $25 shop and $60/girl. They prefer the hour bookings as they can relax more, whereas the 30mins when consectutive tend to wear them out more.

26-11-2012, 11:02 PM
I know most $150/hr shops, the cut is $50 to the shop and $100 to the girl. I think for the $85/30 mins it is $25 shop and $60/girl. They prefer the hour bookings as they can relax more, whereas the 30mins when consectutive tend to wear them out more.

of course!! ....but some girls are very hungry on cash ... and they dont mind

27-11-2012, 08:40 AM
I know most $150/hr shops, the cut is $50 to the shop and $100 to the girl. I think for the $85/30 mins it is $25 shop and $60/girl. They prefer the hour bookings as they can relax more, whereas the 30mins when consectutive tend to wear them out more.

Hi brother C&B,

Your sample is based on FS shop right? That's probably true, it will be the opposite for massage shop though!

I think nearly all MLs I spoke to prefer the 30 min session especially the RnT, quick HJ fast turn over, not much hard massage in a 30 min session anyway, mostly just soft touching and then clothes off and jerk off, easy $50 tips!

The one hr booking or longer are more likely require strong massage and if no extras at the end of the 90 min, the ML will be very tired and upset !!

27-11-2012, 08:50 AM
The one hr booking or longer are more likely require strong massage and if no extras at the end of the 90 min, the ML will be very tired and upset !!

Goodness me, a massage lady having to do a massage... it's a hard life :sweat:
How would anyone survive such a job. :cry:

27-11-2012, 09:38 AM
Goodness me, a massage lady having to do a massage... it's a hard life :sweat:
How would anyone survive such a job. :cry:

Sorry to point out the obvious here, but that's just a fact. And one of the reasons why more and more MLs from shopping centre legit shops are joining the RnT.

Sure, even in RnT shops you would expect a decent massage from most MLs but I am Not saying they can't massage, my point was they would prefer a 30 min quickie with a $50 tip, five or six of those a day plus the massage fees will be good money without much hard works. IN comparison with back to back hour or 90 min session and not much tips. They are there to make money and a living, if you can choose between really hard works vs easy money, it's a no brainer right?

And there are also some very professional masseurs who will give a very strong massage everytime regardless: Coco, Shelley, Yuki, Lisa, Joey.......etc just to name a few............haha

