View Full Version : Ginza HOSHI - A rendezvous written in the stars

10-07-2013, 10:11 PM
Back in May when I joined the forum, my all time favourite girl was a girl named Hoshi, which means “star” in Japanese. At that time, the list of girls that I had seen included girls in the calibre of Cassie, Toshika and Chika, as well as some girls from 5 star - all really amazing girls as many of you know. And as much as I absolutely love all these girls, Hoshi left the biggest mark in my heart. Big enough to become a part of my username on this forum.

Let me just go back right to the beginning briefly as I have never written about my session with her. Hoshi is a girl from Japan that I met back in January after reading rooter (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?3810-Hoshi-a-beautiful-Japanese-beach-babe-and-total-GFE-!)’s and the wizard (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?4488-Hoshi-Ginza-s-Brightest-Star)’s reviews, and is responsible for me becoming addicted to Ginza. She was unlike anything I had ever experienced before in my life. Maybe part of it was because it was my first ever one hour session with any girl, and that added to the connection I felt with her. But it is probably because of her service oriented attitude with plenty of GFE, and the way that she smiles, kisses, licks, fucks, moans. The epic shower scene and the way that she rode me in cowgirl to the tune of Bruno Mars’ “Locked out of Heaven” is to this date one of the most memorable in my short punting career.

And the way that she DFKs - to me is beyond this world. To this date, the only other girl who I had such an intense DFK session with is Jasmin. That is not to say any of the other girls can’t kiss - in fact all the girls that I have seen in the all-star lineup at Ginza have been amazing kissers, and I’ve had the most wonderful DFKs with many of them. It’s just that I like a certain style more than others, and Hoshi can replicate it better than anybody else.

After my first visit to Hoshi, I was constantly thinking about her - after all she left me starstruck after our session, and I really wanted to see her again. So when I saw the words “Hoshi last day Saturday” on the roster a few weeks later on a Friday in mid February, I rang up Ginza without hesitation - only to be told by Yuki that I saw the phrase a week late, and her last day was in fact the week before! A double punch of embarrassment and grief came through me - a blow so heavy that I was seeing stars for a few seconds. My heart sank rock bottom. Of course at that time, I was only a casual lurker to this forum only ever visiting every few weeks, so I didn’t realise that this particular phrase was there for a whole week! Pulling myself up after the initial shock, I booked the other girl that I was interested in at that time - Cassie. Everyone who’s seen her knows how amazing she is so I won’t go there. I just wish I saw Cassie on a different day - because my heart was still with Hoshi when I went to see her.

So as disappointed as I was at the prospect of not ever meeting with Hoshi again especially after getting myself into a mindset that I was going to see her, it is a sad fact that last day usually means last day, so I pulled myself together in the search for more amazing girls - which isn’t that hard when the place you go to is Ginza. I mean the girls that I have seen since then - Cassie, Toshika, Barbie, Mini, Jasmin, Sue, Yukana, Snow, Lemon. That has got to be a dream list of girls for many punters especially if you’re after GFE, and I’m thankful to all the guys that have written the ARs and other snippets of info that have prompted me to see these girls. But even after seeing all these wonderful girls, Hoshi has always remained near the top - only to be ever surpassed by one girl albeit by the tiniest of margins. So you can imagine my jubilation when I heard that Hoshi was coming back. The wishes I hastily made to the heavens every time I saw a star shooting across the sky had finally been answered.

It is really quite fitting that Hoshi has come back during the week of the star festival “tanabata” in Japan, held on the 7th of July. Traditionally it was held on this day according to the lunar calendar, but Japan now follows the Gregorian calendar and the date has moved in many regions accordingly. The festival commemorates the ancient myth involving the love story of princess Orihime (represented in the sky by the star Vega - the brightest star in the constellation Lyra or harp in the Greek mythology) and Hikoboshi (represented in the sky by the star Altair - brightest star in the constellation Aquila or eagle in the Greek mythology). The two lovers were separated to the either side of the river Amanogawa (Milky Way) after they angered the king by abandoning their jobs after they got married and instead talked and played with each other all day. The king was not completely cold hearted - after all Orihime was his daughter. So the two were allowed to meet one day per year on 7th July - if they worked hard for the rest of the year like they used to do before they got married. This was on the proviso that it did not rain on that day - if it rained, it was not possible to cross the Milky Way and they had to wait another year for the next opportunity.

As the self proclaimed real world equivalent of Hikoboshi, I have worked really hard after being separated from my Orihime Hoshi, and was destined and determined to meet her again. I just hoped that the equivalent of rain did not surface on my quest to be with Hoshi - it would be such a devastation to me if I had to wait another few months for the next opportunity, that is if there was ever going to be one!

To help secure my chances of making this meeting a reality, I turned to the fact that the Japanese celebrate the star festival by writing wishes on small pieces of paper called “tanzaku” and hanging them on bamboo branches - it is said that these wishes come true. So whilst the rest of the nation was mourning the end to a period of drought - in a certain country’s losing streak in several sporting events, I was secretly wishing to the stars - please, please be nice to me and let me meet my Hoshi without any obstacles! Just as well that Jas was out of town for the week - I would have been in big trouble if she saw me like this after I pledged my everlasting faithfulness to her!

A day or two passed, and finally came a roster with an impact equivalent to a meteorite crashing into Earth. It was arguably one of the hottest rosters in recent memory - 3 hot new girls (surely that’s enough to keep rooter busy and away from Hoshi today!), some of my favourites Mini, Snow, Lemon amongst many other fantastic girls. And as if that was not hot enough already, Victoria’s name was added to the epic roster when morning came. And of course, Hoshi. If it was any other day I would have been pulling hairs as to who to see - but on this day it was crystal clear what I wanted to do. Unfortunately, some punters just seem to have hands that move at speed of light, so the only timeslot that I could make it to Ginza on this day was already taken by the time I contacted Wilson. But bless my lucky stars that the Gods of punting apparently saw my recent good behaviour favourably - because the most incredible thing happened next. I just want to say a big big thank you to wizard for generously agreeing to shuffle our timeslots so that I can squeeze in - if it was not for you I would still be mourning by the banks of the Milky Way. (Well seems you got a few more shuffles after that to your preferred spot so all worked out in the end! :P) And of course to Wilson - thank you, you are the best.

So the stars have now aligned, and a restless night followed where I spent imagining my upcoming rendezvous with a long lost love. Unfortunately it was not time to relax yet, as obstacle after obstacle continued to throw themselves at me, right up to the doorsteps of Ginza. The boss giving last minute jobs at the last hour. The phone calls from clients as I was about to leave work. The lifts that stopped functioning as I was exiting the building - meaning the other lift made a stop on every single level on the way down. The heavy traffic going towards the city. Taxis that do not seem to understand road rules and being a nuisance. Usual parking spots being all taken. It was like trying to go through a maze of asteroids without being hit! But I managed to make it in one piece, and yes, I guess in the end our fate to meet again were written in the stars after all.

Hoshi greeted me at the door and was as beautiful as ever wearing a sexy pink lingerie which seemed familiar from our previous rendezvous - or maybe it was new, I can never tell. We started kissing like long lost lovers. All was right with the world again - this was what I had been dreaming of for a long, long time. I was feeling really emotional. We slowly undressed each other whilst continuing to kiss. One of the things I love about Hoshi is that she does not rush things, and that she lets me undress her at my own timing. The pre shower moments are one of my favourite scenes when I’m with a girl, and Hoshi just makes it so memorable.

After a few minutes, we hopped into shower. We lathered each other up, and continued to DFK whilst her body was rubbing against mine occasionally. After a few minutes in the shower, she dried me up and it was time for some real love making. There’s one thing I miss in the new set up - as great as it is to have the shower in each room, I kinda miss the runs we used to make to the shower. They were so fun with Hoshi.

More DFK ensued on the bed - you can tell I just love kissing this girl. After a while, Hoshi started to give me a catbath. I nearly forgot how good her catbath was. She goes at it nice and slow, and I can really feel the warmth of her mouth. Just love it when a girl takes her time. After teasing me with her mouth on my upper and lower body for a while, came the time for an epic BBBJ. I have to say that the previous time I was with her, I was only a newbie to the world of BBBJ - most girls that I was previously with weren’t really a fan of oral. So I didn’t really have a reference point as to how good a girl gives head. Now that I’ve had a bit more experience, I can say one thing - no pressure to Hoshi, but to me, that was the best BBBJ of my life. I could let her do that all day without getting bored or tired of it. She just seemed to know my weakest spots, and gave the perfect amount of suction - not too intense, and not too weak either. All at the same time I could feel the warmth of her mouth, nice and wet. It felt so good that I made a request which I don’t normally make - and her responding smile was priceless.

More DFK and sex followed. I’ve been a doggie fan for a while, but mish felt more appropriate with Hoshi - and before long, I was in heaven, twice. After a few more kisses, we talked about her travels and upcoming plans, and unfortunately the time came for the inevitable goodbye.

The evening star or Venus is the first “star” to rise in the evening sky, and is also the brightest object in the night sky. It is also the goddess of love and beauty in the Roman mythology. Hoshi is just like that to me - she was the first star to rise in my heart, and has been shining so brightly ever since. And it is now shining brighter than ever. And I would not hesitate to say that to me, she is the goddess of love and beauty at Ginza - her GFE is so divine that I would love to put it into a portrait and display it in the Ginza Club waiting room. Such a sweet and wonderful girl. I hope to see her again before she goes away to a galaxy far, far away... it won’t be long before she's … well let’s not say that yet. Thank you Hoshi, I hope we get a chance to meet again soon!

the wizard
10-07-2013, 10:57 PM
Hoshi- your Ar is like a poem

Glad you were able to see her today, just as I was.
I agree I miss those rabbit runs too as they were quite fun.
I also remember how she saved the day when all the dividers started to fall
domino style in the old set up as I was leaving- she quickly got out of her room and caught them
I just wanted to go back in there with her.....

I think you naming yourself HoshiMooney was a prophecy foretold as she has returned.
I Like all the National Geographic stuff- really feel educated.......

Such a sweet and wonderful girl. I hope to see her again before she goes away to a galaxy far, far away... it won’t be long before she's … well let’s not say that yet. Thank you Hoshi, I hope we get a chance to meet again soon!
And no- Darth Vader is taking her away this time....

Punter Poontang
10-07-2013, 11:10 PM

Epic report mate, it's been made pretty clear already that Hoshi is a very special girl to you, but this masterpiece perfectly encapsulates it. Well done!!

the wizard
11-07-2013, 08:19 AM
I originally saw Hoshi on Ginza"s last day before breaking for Xmas.
It all happened by accident as I was was Booked to see Cassie the Friday before.
When something had happened and I couldn't see Cassie I booked Hoshi the nxr day.
Four sessions later she is still as sweet and gorgeous as the first day- Actually even better now...

11-07-2013, 11:08 AM
Epic heartfelt report bro Hoshi. You really made me want to tear up reading this.

I can really tell that Hoshi is a very special girl and I'm glad that the God and stars are with you throughout your journey.

Like your feelings for Hoshi, my heart is also set only at someone at the moment. And like your experience with Hoshi when she left I must also admit that I felt the same way towards her...

I sincerely wish Hoshi and your journey will always find its way back together...

Thank you for sharing this.

11-07-2013, 05:42 PM
Nice ar hoshimoony

I am going to do try this star later.

Hopefully she shines fore as she did for you.

11-07-2013, 08:33 PM
Haha thanks guys, I was in a bit of a poetic and sentimental mood after seeing Hoshi. She's such an inspiration!

And no- Darth Vader is taking her away this time....

No, hoshimoony the Jedi knight will not let that happen! Hang on... you don't happen to be from the dark side, would you? :P

Glad you couldn't see Cassie that day - because without your report on Hoshi, I probably would have ended up somewhere else and who knows where my loyalty would have ended up then!

Like your feelings for Hoshi, my heart is also set only at someone at the moment. And like your experience with Hoshi when she left I must also admit that I felt the same way towards her...

Well... as much as I would like to say my heart is only set on Hoshi, there is another girl that has been lighting up my heart in recent days :cool2:
I just hope we don't get into a war over her, I know you belong to her fan club too :P

Mr. Who
11-07-2013, 08:58 PM
Well... as much as I would like to say my heart is only set on Hoshi, there is another girl that has been lighting up my heart in recent days :cool2:

Is that Jasmin or Snow :question:

11-07-2013, 09:13 PM
Well... as much as I would like to say my heart is only set on Hoshi, there is another girl that has been lighting up my heart in recent days :cool2:
I just hope we don't get into a war over her, I know you belong to her fan club too :P

Is it that obvious??? Lol then you'd know who I was going to see next.

Don't do that Jedi mind trick on me... I claim innocent! I am not telling you... :) haha

Is that Jasmin or Snow :question:

I was wondering the same thing... Lol

11-07-2013, 09:29 PM
Haha thanks guys, I was in a bit of a poetic and sentimental mood after seeing Hoshi. She's such an inspiration!

No, hoshimoony the Jedi knight will not let that happen! Hang on... you don't happen to be from the dark side, would you? :P

Glad you couldn't see Cassie that day - because without your report on Hoshi, I probably would have ended up somewhere else and who knows where my loyalty would have ended up then!

Well... as much as I would like to say my heart is only set on Hoshi, there is another girl that has been lighting up my heart in recent days :cool2:
I just hope we don't get into a war over her, I know you belong to her fan club too :P

this is just simpily an epic AR!The devotion. The lust. could there even be love!

the wizard
11-07-2013, 09:53 PM
Is it that obvious??? Lol then you'd know who I was going to see next.

Don't do that Jedi mind trick on me... I claim innocent! I am not telling you... :) haha

I was wondering the same thing... Lol

Only the Wizard knows the real story here- and he wont tell.....

Well... as much as I would like to say my heart is only set on Hoshi, there is another girl that has been lighting up my heart in recent days
I just hope we don't get into a war over her, I know you belong to her fan club too :P

Hoshimooney make up your mind- its either...... or..........and you can't have both....
that privilege goes to me !!!

11-07-2013, 10:08 PM
Is that Jasmin or Snow :question:

lol... ok, you've got me. In all honesty, if Jas, Snow and Hoshi is on the roster at the same time, I would not be able to choose - I've probably spent more time with these three girls than all the other girls at Ginza put together! But let's just say that I've spent five times more time with one over the other, so that's the girl I had in mind :P

Is it that obvious??? Lol then you'd know who I was going to see next.

Don't do that Jedi mind trick on me... I claim innocent! I am not telling you... :) haha

Oh yes thanks for the idea, I should try to influence and control your mind way from my girl(s) hahaha

well you don't have to be a Jedi to know that you're the wizard's apprentice and that you're in two particular fan clubs of interest, just have to work out your intentions before I unleash the force upon you :D

Hoshimooney make up your mind- its either...... or..........and you can't have both....
that privilege goes to me !!!

haha nice try, the privileges are mine to keep, and they're both mine! :cool2:

11-07-2013, 10:57 PM
Oh yes thanks for the idea, I should try to influence and control your mind way from my girl(s) hahaha

well you don't have to be a Jedi to know that you're the wizard's apprentice and that you're in two particular fan clubs of interest, just have to work out your intentions before I unleash the force upon you

Nooooo pls don't take the princess away from me kind Jedi master... :)

Oh wait I am the wizard apprentice and I shall soon become the great Merlin. I will be able to resist your Jedi force! :)

Haha you are right! I need to work my list to see at Ginza... It's stuck at the moment lol.

13-07-2013, 12:04 AM
Nooooo pls don't take the princess away from me kind Jedi master... :)

Oh wait I am the wizard apprentice and I shall soon become the great Merlin. I will be able to resist your Jedi force! :)

Haha you are right! I need to work my list to see at Ginza... It's stuck at the moment lol.

Haha Merlins are no match to the Jedi knights!
But since I believe in the good of the people even those from the dark side,
just like the great Luke Skywalker was with Darth, I shall let you go... for now :D

Yeah you need to seriously work your list!
And if you are truly the wizard's apprentice, your next stop has to be with Hoshi.
There's a reason why he's written THREE reviews on one girl!
She won't be here for long, and you cannot afford to miss her,
especially since you have the language skills to possibly make your session even better!

14-07-2013, 01:44 AM
I was just listening to the song Galaxy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGwm5vIYKDY) and was thinking how appropriate it is for me and Hoshi - any of those lines could fit into the AR and would not feel out of place :)

There's been some truly memorable musical moments with the girls...

Bed (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd_ZF4E8kiM) with Barbie

Feel this moment (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jlI4uzZGjU) with Snow

Die Young (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOubzHCUt48) with Hoshi

the list goes on...

Some girls really have great musical tastes, their playlists makes the session that much better!

the wizard
14-07-2013, 08:24 AM
Have you been listening to the Wizard's dance Mix Hoshimooney ?

14-07-2013, 11:03 AM
You actually pay attention to the music ???
I couldn't even tell you what was playing during a session.
Could be Mozart, Dean Martin or Niki Minaj or Sistar for all I know ;)
I don't really care about the music. Whatever makes the girl happy or gets her in the right mood is fine with me.
My punting soundtrack is moans, groans, whimpers, slapping and pounding, multilingual exclamations, bed squeaks, running water, wet pussy sounds - all good!

15-07-2013, 12:24 AM
Have you been listening to the Wizard's dance Mix Hoshimooney ?

I dunno, depends on whether the Wizard's dance mix with Cassie exclusively or is it kept in one of the rooms - what songs are on there? :P

You actually pay attention to the music ???
I couldn't even tell you what was playing during a session.
Could be Mozart, Dean Martin or Niki Minaj or Sistar for all I know ;)
I don't really care about the music. Whatever makes the girl happy or gets her in the right mood is fine with me.
My punting soundtrack is moans, groans, whimpers, slapping and pounding, multilingual exclamations, bed squeaks, running water, wet pussy sounds - all good!

Yeah of course, music is practically my life! Part of the reason why I want to meet Melissa :)
Only time I haven't noticed music is when I'm with Jas - I don't really care what else is going on when I'm with her;
and also when the music stopped at the end of a playlist during the session with some of the girls.
True, the girls are your instruments and they become the main soundtrack of the session,
but I think music adds to the ambience, especially if it's their favourite tracks!

It's a subconscious thing anyway, and I can multitask :P

P.S. I'm pretty sure I haven't heard Mozart in any of my sessions! :cool2:

18-07-2013, 12:55 AM
I dunno, depends on whether the Wizard's dance mix with Cassie exclusively or is it kept in one of the rooms - what songs are on there? :P

Yeah of course, music is practically my life! Part of the reason why I want to meet Melissa :)
Only time I haven't noticed music is when I'm with Jas - I don't really care what else is going on when I'm with her;
and also when the music stopped at the end of a playlist during the session with some of the girls.
True, the girls are your instruments and they become the main soundtrack of the session,
but I think music adds to the ambience, especially if it's their favourite tracks!

It's a subconscious thing anyway, and I can multitask :P

P.S. I'm pretty sure I haven't heard Mozart in any of my sessions! :cool2:

strangely speaking... I rather like music with my RnT session. It was fun listening to KPOP last time when I was in M8....almost like the kpop queen giving me a bit of body slide! must be half alseep and the subconscious talking.

12-08-2013, 11:17 PM
Hoshi, have you seen the roster?
Hoshi's last day (again) is tomorrow! Is it for good? Who knows! But you have to surely say goodbye one last time right?
Time to MSG your boss now and let him know you won't be in tomorrow because of fake reason XYZ :)

Mr. Who
13-08-2013, 08:45 AM
Don't worry HengDai, I'm sure Hoshi has it under control...

the wizard
13-08-2013, 08:22 PM
Don't worry HengDai, I'm sure Hoshi has it under control...
Yes pretty sure Hoshimooney had it under control today, just as I had too....

14-08-2013, 09:41 PM
Haha thanks for your concerns HD, I had it all under control :D

Honestly nearly didn't have enough left in the tank when I jumped on the Jas wagon the day before, but this is just something that cannot be missed especially after what happened last time! Been busy with overtime work due to having to slip out to say farewell to Hoshi... the prices we have to pay sometimes.

Hoshi was just awesome as usual. She's probably the only girl I've had three one hour sessions with, she's just that special to me. And she didn't disappoint yet again. Hope there's another one again some day, at least there was something she said that gives the HFC some hope even if the chances are slim :D

black knight
07-11-2013, 07:17 PM
Just noticed for all you Hoshi fans she is back at Ginza.

07-11-2013, 08:23 PM
Yup she was saying she'll probably be back for a bit in Nov, would've jumped in straight away if it wasn't a Friday :p Just hoping I can catch her before she goes on...