View Full Version : Other KYOTO : “Yolanda” Dead punt

12-07-2013, 05:17 PM
I have been reading mixed comments in “General Talk” about “Kyoto” but decided to give it a try today. The list of girls looked quite impressive & together with incentive of 20 bucks voucher from Q, I ventured to Kyoto with lots of expectations and excited.

There were 3 girls available at 11:45 am but was told that only one is available i.e. “Yolanda” from “Taiwan”. Formalities were completed for 1 hour FS and got led in a room upstairs. Came face to face with another punter who was leaving. May be from our forum who knows 
It was quite cold and aircon was not exactly set up correctly. Nevertheless with hot Yolanda in room I thought cold should not be deterrent.
Trouble started, when we both were in shower. She ensured to clean me up completely which is good and very hygienic. But did not allow me to touch her or let me clean her.
In bed, the initial foreplay was pretty ordinary& extremely short. Soon went for CBJ after just 10 mins with bare minimum oral pleasure. CBJ was extremely mechanical. In fact, I was getting more turned on with the voices coming from other room then sucking my little bro.

Was offered DATY which looked promising. The bush made me quite excited and it was quite warm, moist and clean. But must say, I had to spread the legs after every minute as was almost got choked. She refused to part her legs and kept complaining of pain. I got over the line and was offered some massage.
I refused and asked for some breasts fondling. There was a high resistance and was kept pushed away from breasts. Every kiss from me was folloed by cleaning of her chest with tissues. She kept rubbing her chest to clean some saliva and kept smelling it making faces.
And suddenly she said she is low on sugar and blamed me for not able to eat anything since morning. She also blamed receptionist Andy for pushing her to do this job. Was told abruptly that she needs to go and eat something. I was so shocked that did not know what’s & why it’s happening with me . She suddenly tells me that she has changed her mind and I can get refund from Andy. I was pretty up to the point where this has become a joke WTF!!! Ihave just spend a nightmare of 30 mins. So just walked out dressed.
Discussed with Andy, who apologized and gave partial refund and a 40 bucks voucher. So ended up spending 100 bucks for a dead punt.

I had high hopes for this place with experience from Yolanda things can go downhill and it was a waste of time & expectations.

12-07-2013, 06:10 PM
Thanks for the warning!

12-07-2013, 07:33 PM
Thanks for sharing deep123, sorry you had to put up with that.
Looks like the girl doesn't want to be there, they must be really desperate for talent if they have girls that don't want to be there ...
Also I thought they had heaps of girls according to the posts, I think I have seen this "movie" before ...

I can't stand girls that do these things:
- say it hurts (when clearly it doesn't)
- pushing you away from breasts
- won't open legs for DATY
- cough and splutter to make them seem infectious so you stay away

12-07-2013, 08:07 PM
And suddenly she said she is low on sugar and blamed me for not able to eat anything since morning. She also blamed receptionist Andy for pushing her to do this job. Was told abruptly that she needs to go and eat something. I was so shocked that did not know what’s & why it’s happening with me.

The moral of the story is to always take along a small bottle of fruit juice, a fruit, or a sandwich to a punt. You never know when you will come across (or in this case not cum across) a hypoglycaemic WL.
Preparation! Preparation! Preparation!
Let this be a lesson for all of us!

12-07-2013, 08:17 PM
I'm not sure how serious you are about that, but a small bottle of orange juice does sound like a good idea.

I'm wondering when and how much wl's eat. Soon after a nice asian meal anyone would feel a bit too sluggish for sex. Just before, they'd be distracted by hunger.

(Brother Rooter, living vicariously by reading deep123's experience is the closest you ever come to a punt like that! I also hope never to have another like it myself.)

13-07-2013, 12:14 AM
I'm not sure how serious you are about that, but a small bottle of orange juice does sound like a good idea.

Boiled lollies are the best ...

13-07-2013, 12:15 AM
I'm wondering when and how much wl's eat.

WLs eat alot of meat and special sauce ...

13-07-2013, 01:17 AM
WLs eat alot of meat and special sauce ...

Most of them eat a lot of pedestrian food my dear :)

13-07-2013, 01:20 AM
The moral of the story is to always take along a small bottle of fruit juice, a fruit, or a sandwich to a punt. You never know when you will come across (or in this case not cum across) a hypoglycaemic WL.
Preparation! Preparation! Preparation!
Let this be a lesson for all of us!

Hooter :) You might be right but it would be funny for anyone to bring a little OJ/ sandwich to a punt as it is a nice gesture and a few gulp wont disturb their performance but most likely improved it :)

13-07-2013, 05:27 PM
Thanks for sharing deep123, sorry you had to put up with that.
Looks like the girl doesn't want to be there, they must be really desperate for talent if they have girls that don't want to be there ...
Also I thought they had heaps of girls according to the posts, I think I have seen this "movie" before ...

I can't stand girls that do these things:
- say it hurts (when clearly it doesn't)
- pushing you away from breasts
- won't open legs for DATY
- cough and splutter to make them seem infectious so you stay away

Hey guys,

She was just having a rough morning, normally she is in better spirits. We had a long talk with her after deep123's complaint; she apologized and said was dealing with some personal issues from home coupled with the fact that she skipped breakfast. Don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch ;)


13-07-2013, 07:41 PM
Thanks for sharing deep123, sorry you had to put up with that.
Looks like the girl doesn't want to be there, they must be really desperate for talent if they have girls that don't want to be there ...
Also I thought they had heaps of girls according to the posts, I think I have seen this "movie" before ...

I can't stand girls that do these things:
- say it hurts (when clearly it doesn't)
- pushing you away from breasts
- won't open legs for DATY
- cough and splutter to make them seem infectious so you stay away

Totally agree and really wonder why they go in for that type of job when they "do not like" everything. Ok they want the m,oney but do not give the service.

14-07-2013, 02:18 AM
Hooter :) You might be right but it would be funny for anyone to bring a little OJ/ sandwich to a punt as it is a nice gesture and a few gulp wont disturb their performance but most likely improved it :)

Agree. I actually did this a few times with a WL whom I saw regularly in the past. She kept asking me to buy her sustainance almost every other visit.
Sometimes we'd share a meal before going at each other like rabbits. Needless to say, the service I got was nothing short of mind-blowing.

14-07-2013, 02:25 AM
Agree. I actually did this a few times with a WL whom I saw regularly in the past. She kept asking me to buy her sustainance almost every other visit.
Sometimes we'd share a meal before going at each other like rabbits. Needless to say, the service I got was nothing short of mind-blowing.

I always feed my WLs meat, and I usually offer my MLs meat as well, they are not always hungry for it though ...

14-07-2013, 02:28 AM
Well, when offering meat, you must have presentation. If the meat has questionable size, then some David-Copperfielding may be in order.

14-07-2013, 02:45 AM
Well, when offering meat, you must have presentation. If the meat has questionable size, then some David-Copperfielding may be in order.

I like to offer a balanced meal, so always serve with a two vegetable side dish ...

14-07-2013, 03:19 AM
I like to offer a balanced meal, so always serve with a two vegetable side dish ...

Nuts are not considered vegetables...


...but are healthy nonetheless.

14-07-2013, 11:41 AM
Nuts are not considered vegetables...


...but are healthy nonetheless.

Who said anything about nuts, I serve them baked potatoes, still in their skin ...

14-07-2013, 01:44 PM
i will offer her a sausage and eggs, with the skin too...:slobber:

14-07-2013, 02:24 PM
None of you guys seem to know basic first aid!
You are all offering the girl high fat high protein snacks or meals.
That won't help.
I hypoglycaemic attack requires the immediate consumption of a high carbohydrate/starch/sugar snack ;)

14-07-2013, 03:17 PM
None of you guys seem to know basic first aid!
You are all offering the girl high fat high protein snacks or meals.
That won't help.
I hypoglycaemic attack requires the immediate consumption of a high carbohydrate/starch/sugar snack ;)

Yes I am guilty of offering a fat!
I always offer the special high carb sauce though to keep it balanced ...