View Full Version : Complaint Members beware of spam PM from "verobi"

13-12-2012, 01:09 PM
God bless you I am Miss. Veronica the director of bill furthermore at the foreign remittance department of SG-SSB Bank Limited, board of administrator en route for my bank mandated me to look for least known relative of our late client he deposited in our bank sum of fourteen million five hundred thousand dollars, send a mail to my private email address (loveveronica17@gmail.com or asareveronica35@yahoo.com) so that I can explain more details to you, please acknowledge my mail, Best regards, Miss.Veronica

Hi Guys,

Just received the above via PM, standard Nigeria spam I suppose, already forward to Admin, so please be aware. There is no place in the forum for this sort of things, these users shall be deleted immediately.

But there could be more, so if you get anything, please expose them so that Admin can take action.



13-12-2012, 02:59 PM
I got the same one. Annoying indeed

14-12-2012, 12:12 PM
I also got that alot in my email. I know this is a scam, but has anybody been a victims of this meeting their request? how do they actually do to fraud people? I fear that maybe most newbie that unaware of the Internet security may fall into their traps.

Sergaent Brody
14-12-2012, 12:15 PM
OH NO, I thought I was going to be rich!!!!

YOU RUINED IT, ALUNGOR!!! expect a lawsuit!

14-12-2012, 01:08 PM
OH NO, I thought I was going to be rich!!!!

YOU RUINED IT, ALUNGOR!!! expect a lawsuit!
Yeah ! Not too often we can have a windfall of 14 mils ! Ahlungor better very rich to pay for our damages, class action on the way !!!

14-12-2012, 05:10 PM
Yeah ! Not too often we can have a windfall of 14 mils ! Ahlungor better very rich to pay for our damages, class action on the way !!!

Anybody who are into these Nigerian or Russian millions, please just declare yourself here, next time I come across one of these I will forward one to you via PM ok!
