View Full Version : Ginza Jasmin - Waltz #2 (XO)

Punter Poontang
27-07-2013, 05:03 AM
Apologies for being a little self-indulgent with the recent spate of reviews, but while writing this I was kicking back with a glass of red and celebrating my first ever repeat at a FS establishment in Sydney. :-) It was interesting reading back through earlier posts, to only a few short weeks ago when Jasmin was nailed on for this most auspicious honour. I chose not to review my first session with her, instead just chiming in with a few nods of agreement in other threads.

Since then I saw Cassie, and as I noted in that review I really get the impression a repeat with her could be other-worldly .... but attempts at booking her again failed after Wilson volunteered that bookings might not be honoured as Cassie's period was imminent. Not wanting to risk a disappointment, that week I instead booked Moē and then thought SHE was destined to be the girl after stealing a little piece of my heart .... but she hasn't yet done another shift after coming down with the sniffles and I feared I would miss her return due to an O/S trip.

So in the end, we come full circle and the honour of the first repeat ended up going to Jasmin after all. Absolutely zero regrets, but how could there be with this girl?? Her "honour", a term I use in the most jovial manner, is honestly NOTHING compared to the absolutely genuine honour I had of welcoming her back to Sydney. There's been some very good-natured banter and posturing for control of the official Syd99 JFC (Jasmin Fan Club) of late, so while everyone else was distracting each other, I pounced. First customer on her first shift back after an 8 day absence, and for a 90 minute session at that, I just knew it was going to be sensational!! :-)

Right now I'm struggling to think of an appropriate superlative that will do it justice. Jasmin greeted me in THAT black dress at reception, and what a jaw-dropping sight it is. She'd been in that Amadeus inspired corset thingy in our first session, so I was secretly wishing to see her in "the" dress and it did not disappoint. Up to the spa room for the first time (it's fucking huge!!), we reacquainted ourselves and I handed Jasmin a very small gift which she was most appreciative of.

Instantly at ease, and it can't be said enough just how warm and friendly and fun Jasmin is. Within minutes, you feel like you've known her for years, and there are loads of laughs throughout the session. Yet another epic shower scene ensues, and it's clear Jasmin is in her element here. We kiss, we grope, we probe and then it's just like all hell breaks loose .... knowing about her extended break and banking on her being extra horny I waste little time sitting down in the shower so Jas can straddle my face, and that delivers the first two of her umpteen orgasms. Those who have seen her will know that's not boasting, I reckon the punter is 100% interchangeable and Jas has just gotta be the horniest girl you'll ever tangle with. She just can't get enough DATY and it's not at all hard to hit a spot that will send her off on some epic roller coaster of ecstasy.

I'm rewarded with two subsequent bouts of BBBJ from Jas on her knees, and my first load is away before even thinking about getting her to the bed. Her technique is amazing, and it is matched by her enthusiasm, literally had to grab her by the arms and lift her up to prise her off my cock. And that wicked glint in her eyes .... fucking hell she is sex on a stick.

We dry off and I lift Jas onto the bed with surprising ease. Much has been said about her shape before, I still have no idea how all those goodies are packed into what is still overall a small frame. She's not really toned, nor is she anywhere near overweight, just has all the right sexy curves in all the right places and the softest tits. She is so ridiculously fuckable, it's like a carnal instinct takes over you. Anyways, loads more DATY, I just can't get enough of Jas not getting enough, but this time my face is riding that roller coaster as she's bucking all over the bed uncontrollably. The second I come up for air Jas is all over me with more BBBJ, and it's at this point I really notice all of the little things that make the Jas experience so amazing. She's genuinely horny, loves to cum, and it's like she NEEDS to reciprocate in appreciation. It just means there's no downtime, the second you stop doing something, she takes the initiative to kiss or lick or suck or grind or rub whatever's within her reach.

I lie back and enjoy for a few selfish minutes, but it's not long and doesn't take any effort at all to coax her on top for a 69. This is where we spend the vast majority of the session, and frankly, where I could spend all of eternity. In another recent review from nothype it emerged how it's possible to get carried away and have an entirely oral session with Jas, forgoing FS. I forced myself to fuck her for a measly 10 minutes or so out of this 90 minute session, in between rounds 2 and 3, it was intense but all I could muster before flagging in dire need of a break. Jas had kept me rock hard for a solid hour up until then with no downtime, just a quick dry off in between the first 2 shots. That's an absolute rarity these days, usually need a break, so it speaks volumes of just how amazing this session was that I was on the verge of a 3rd straight load without stopping. Although I threw in the towel and so didn't blow during FS, I didn't miss it, and it didn't stop Jasmin from riding herself to another crazy crescendo or two in that time. She is so damn cute and sexy when she cums, figuratively speaking Jas wouldn't just "stop traffic", I reckon she could stop a Mardi Gras float half-way down Oxford Street and have the occupants facing some inner turmoil.

After a much needed (and officially signalled) "timeout" by me, we curled up and chatted for maybe two minutes before our lips were locked again. Jas is just an amazing kisser, even the deepest of DFK's is still so remarkably sweet and soft. Then we resume the 69'ing to an absolutely amazing finale .... Jas sets her own alarm on her phone which is like a 10 minute warning, it goes off 10 mins before the first bell from downstairs. When that went off, I thought there was ZERO chance of me blowing a 3rd time, but Jas just made it her mission. She went above and beyond, did things to me which I've only ever read about and are possibly still illegal in the Midwest, and in the end I think made my cock dry-wretch .... got over the line and it felt fucking amazing, though I doubt there were more than a few tiny drops of jism for her efforts, she'd literally sucked me dry. All the while that alarm on her phone had been going off and it was just completely ignored.

Just then the first bell from Yuki went off, "oh, thank god" I sighed before we both burst out laughing and I explained to Jas that I needed that buzzer to go off before she killed me. Jas hopped up to start the shower, but even then when returning to grab me by the arm and drag me in there with her, she couldn't resist dropping to her knees and giving me another few deep long sucks .... as she looked up at me with that wicked glint again, I responded by looking over to the intercom and calling out "Yukiiiiii" for help, in much the same way you'll hear the girls call out "Wilsssooonn", and again we both burst into laughter.

Another fun soapy shower session to finish off, a few more sweet kisses until the second bell, then Jas walks me downstairs. Outside, in reality, it was cold, dark and drizzly, but all I saw was sunshine and lollipops and rainbows while smiling like a total dumbarse. I'm still wearing that smile now, maido ohkini Jasmin, you truly are a gem. :-)

Punter Poontang
27-07-2013, 05:20 AM
This completes my backlog of reviews over the last three weeks or so. Moē was withheld because I'm a selfish bastard, the others because I can't add new threads through Forum Runner which is a pain in the arse .... so all three reviews were written after the sessions but just posted now using Safari combined with the powers of jetlag.

Since then I saw Cassie, and as I noted in that review I really get the impression a repeat with her could be other-worldly ....

I've since done a repeat with Cassie too, which I noted briefly still under post-coital haze in that thread. Won't be doing a review of the repeat session now as a weeks worth of travelling chaos has taken place since, but it was indeed "other worldly". I'd go as far as saying the two repeats have been the two best sessions I've ever had, and only a few days apart too, fucking hell that was a good week!! :-P

the wizard
27-07-2013, 08:48 AM
Brilliant absolutely brilliant review of my favorite girl.
Im getting very envious and missing her badly.
Service, personality , sexiness and cutness you can never beat Jass I think. .....

Last time i saw her we shared a coffee and italian canolli's in the room, feeding each other like little kids or horny lovers .
She would go from the choc custard straight to my bro
God I love this girl.....

Ps .I'm upto waltz no.5 with Jass , starting to creep up to Cass....

27-07-2013, 11:25 AM
Nice play by the president of the MFC to come and sabotage the JFC, to keep all attention away from your girl and lock it on to my Jas... or should I say OUR Jasmin just to be a little less selfish :P

I have to say you are making me regret not booking a session with her today, need to see her in THAT dress right now (or anything else for that matter) and indulge in the sweetest and softest DFK the world has ever known!

Ps .I'm upto waltz no.5 with Jass , starting to creep up to Cass....

Thought you were still on #4, looks like I need to do some more catching up :P

Punter Poontang
27-07-2013, 06:28 PM
president of the MFC

Thanks for my new sig Hoshi. :-)

As for the title, trying to keep the indie rock vibe going with musical references, so although being the second session with Jas it's also a nod to the tune by Elliot Smith. ;-)

Facing my own inner turmoil now over who I see for a third time first .... might need to consult the wisdom of a magic 8-ball to decide.

27-07-2013, 11:31 PM
great bloody AR mate! Jas seems to have an endless supply of energy. She has more energy than a case of red bulls. I mean she is rostered on a bit and she must be constantly booked back to back. I hope she's ok.

Mental Note: I must book to see Jas again pronto regardless! hehe

the wizard
27-07-2013, 11:40 PM
great bloody AR mate! Jas seems to have an endless supply of energy. She has more energy than a case of red bulls. I mean she is rostered on a bit and she must be constantly booked back to back. I hope she's ok.

Mental Note: I must book to see Jas again pronto regardless! hehe

Actually Hoshimooney and I were genuinely concerned when she was rostered for 12hrs straight once or twice
I'am confidently sure that Wilson would have ensured proper breaks for her.

Punter Poontang
12-08-2013, 11:50 PM
Apologies for another gratuitous bump of an old AR, but once again I don't intend to write another full one for a repeat session.

In the OP here I boasted about being the lucky bastard who got to welcome Jasmin back to Ginza after a break, that session was so good that when the opportunity arose I just had to recreate the entire scenario. So a few shifty enquiries later and I managed to jag the first slot for Jas's first shift in nearly two weeks, again!! I had hoped for another 90 minute session, but a late change to the roster saw a later starting time, and unfortunately other commitments meant an hour was the most I could manage .... not to worry, there was no way I was going to pass up this opportunity. ;-)

As for the session itself, I don't know what more can be said about this girl. She is amazing in absolutely every single way, and hands down the most fun I have ever had with a sexual partner. And although we started with an absolute whirlwind of DATY, BBBJ and intense passionate sex, because Jas doesn't really allow "downtime" I was flagging and in dire need of a break at about the half way point.

Cue a solid 20 minutes of chatting in each others arms, in which I got to know a whole lot more about Jasmin, all of which only succeeded in making me find her even more adorable. Then once again that pesky 10 minute warning went off on her phone, but to Jasmin, that just signals the start of another challenge!! A challenge in which she once again excelled, and managed to coax another round out of me when I was sincerely doubting it would be possible.

Even though we pleasured the bejesus out of each other, once again we just shared so many laughs and once again I just smiled like a dumbarse all the way home, even through the snarls on Parramatta Road. Thank you Jasmin, you are beyond amazing, and I cannot wait to do it all over again. :-)

12-08-2013, 11:56 PM
I hate you! So jealous right now! I miss Jas to bits and just didn't have the time today or no chance tomorrow (despite her all day presence on the roster)
I can imagine how horny she must have been after her 2 week break :p I'm sure you gave it to her real good mate. She would've loved it too.
Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself though Punter Poontang. I think you need to change your signature though :p

Punter Poontang
13-08-2013, 12:03 AM
I did tell you in the Cassie thread that I'd reveal just how lucky I am today. :-P

Hard to gauge with Jas, every time I've seen her I've been first up for the day at least. I really get the impression that she gives her all in every single session anyways, but yeah, she was likely that bit extra horny in these two sessions.

As for changing my sig, no chance, I quite like flying under the radar of JFC officialdom. ;-)

Punter Poontang
29-08-2013, 01:51 AM
No apologies for this bump, I write reviews as much for my own benefit as I do to give back tips under the bro code. They're great fun to re-read months down the track, helping to recall the sessions in more detail, so I treat this as somewhat of an external cyber spank-bank .... better to keep it detailed here than where it could become incriminating down the line ....

So I saw Jas again last week. I'd had the immense fortune to literally bump into her in the Ginza laundry a few days prior. I had wanted to book her again that day but it was her day off, so somewhat reluctantly I booked another girl (who, long story, sussed I'm on here and requested to remain un-reviewed) .... but the highlight of that day was Jasmin. She looked nothing short of radiant that day, just rocking a simple little sundress, and we had a series of laughs about the whole thing. Especially about her busting me downing my now customary pre-session Red Bull.

For the next few days I was thinking about it, about her, so at the next possible timeslot that suited I booked in. Had the immense fortune of being her first customer of the day again, and whilst at the desk settling the finances with Wilson, who strolls past on her way to that laundry again?? The look on her face as she rounded that corner and saw me, burst into laughter and playfully slapped me on her way past was just hilarious. Today she was wearing THE dress, per her Ginza photos, just a jaw-dropping sight. Then, doing my also customary pre-session piss stop, who's in the laundry again?? Fucking hilarious, just had to tell her to stop stalking me. Oh, and the sight of her OUTSIDE, in THE dress, lugging towels around ..... amazing, would love to know what the neighbours would think!!

The session itself was just as amazing as always. Started by telling Jas about the laundry story, she was genuinely blushing when I told her how gorgeous she had looked in her own dress, and how I was actually disappointed to be seeing another girl afterwards. Into the shower for some SSSE (super sexy shower experience), taking a leaf out of the wizards playbook while at it. ;-)

In previous sessions we'd spent the vast majority of time locked in the 69 position, so today I focused on more FS. Had probably the most passionate and intense cowgirl session of this lifetime, and one exceptional Kodak moment as Jas arched back while our hands were inter-locked .... the way her hair cascaded down, and the shape of her breasts and all those sexy curves, it was just as perfect as the female form can get. An outstanding joint finish ensued before I busted out another Red Bull just for Jas, we'd shared one previously so thought it was the considerate thing to do to bring her one of her own.

Rested up and chatted, which tbh is a challenge with Jas, as she always seems to want more fun. God bless her she tried to resurrect me for a third round, but I knew it was unlikely and so decided to have some fun with her. I reminded Jas about our previous sessions, and how she'd tried to "kill me" with 10 minutes to go when that phone goes off .... today, it's my turn to go to town on her in that last 10 minutes. Her laughter was only broken by the sound of her phone going off at JUST that moment, so down I went and succeeded where Jas herself usually excels.

More laughs and tender sweet kisses in the shower and all the way to the bell, before promising to be back as many times as possible before her hiatus. What a girl, thanks again Jasmin. :-)

29-08-2013, 09:43 AM
damn damn f*ck. I don't think I'll get a chance to see her again before she leaves. :(

then again.... the roster says 2 month holiday. by my calculations thats November. .. sounds like an early xmas pressie to me!!!!!

Punter Poontang
29-08-2013, 08:13 PM
damn damn f*ck. I don't think I'll get a chance to see her again before she leaves. :(

Just in after a farewell session today .... it doesn't say "last day" on the roster, but from what I understand it is. So yeah, you've likely missed her this time around by now, fingers crossed for that early Xmas pressie!!

the wizard
29-08-2013, 09:13 PM
If i had my way, i would have seen her every day this week.
I was gonna take a sickie just to spend more time with her today.

crazy eh....

Punter Poontang
29-08-2013, 09:44 PM
crazy eh....

Understandable, not crazy. :-)

When I booked I was told she would not be on Fridays roster, but if she made an appearance on Sat I'd be going back for more too .... sounds like that won't be the case, but the sudden exit seems to have caught us all on the hop, really thought she'd be here for at least another month. :-(

30-08-2013, 11:02 AM
Understandable, not crazy. :-)

When I booked I was told she would not be on Fridays roster, but if she made an appearance on Sat I'd be going back for more too .... sounds like that won't be the case, but the sudden exit seems to have caught us all on the hop, really thought she'd be here for at least another month. :-(
Absence makes the heart grow fonder;
Fondness makes the absence longer

30-08-2013, 11:04 AM
Absence makes the heart grow fonder;
Fondness makes the absence longer

Heard the first part of this many times but can't say i've heard the second part and couldn't agree with this more!

31-08-2013, 03:43 AM
If i had my way, i would have seen her every day this week.
I was gonna take a sickie just to spend more time with her today.

crazy eh....

I would have too... if I wasn't interstate half the time I would have seriously seen her every day haha.

Punter Poontang
03-09-2013, 05:04 PM
So, last week the most horrible news broke that Jasmin would be leaving Ginza on an extended absence. It wasn't entirely unexpected, but the timing of it caught JFC members and founders alike by surprise, as it was assumed she'd be around for another month or so before visa issues forced her temporary return to the land of the rise-inducing hotties. Kudos to bro Utamaro for bringing this sad news to our attention, immense thanks to Yuki for assisting my booking which was made a little further in advance than normal (due to these exceptional circumstances), and a big fuck-off sized THANK YOU to bro hoshimoony who also assisted via a series of PM's which led to us swapping our booking times and resulted in sessions that suited us both much better.

En route to Ginza I was tinged with such sadness, already knowing just how much Jas would be missed, but was uplifted when the title song of this post randomly hit the iPod. That fucking Tim Wheeler, I swear he has written a song for every girl you've ever met .... anyways, this pilgrimage began a good few hours before the session as I had a lengthy checklist of items to collect on the way. Hit the front desk right on time, Wilson looking bemused at the bags of goodies I had with me, though it's not the first time I've been there with luggage ..... Jas pops out to meet me and I present her with a single red rose, then hand another to Wilson and ask him to pass it on to Yuki for me, I never forget my mamasan. ;-)

Up to the room and I hand Jas just a few other small bits and pieces, and instantly any tinge of sadness is gone as it's just impossible not to smile in the company of this girl. Into the shower, god I will miss them with her, but I deliberately cut it short so as to move onto other stuff .... we had an out-standing 69, ticking that off the bucket list, but I just couldn't think of anyone more fun who'd be up for it. Sensational stuff, at least once the laughter subsided, and that view in the mirror will be burned into my brain forever more.

Curled up, then so many sweet kisses before treating Jas to a round of DATY or five, then one brief attempt to resurrect me that I curtailed when noticing the spa was just about to overflow. I'd ponied up for 90 mins here, no plan as to the amount of fun to be had, just going with the flow. We just spent aaages in the spa chatting and canoodling while sipping red bull from the wine glasses I'd brought along, Jas found that just as hilarious as I thought she would, then relaxing with a bath bomb I'd also packed .... it's a particular type that resembles a flower that blossoms as it dissolves, the look of wonder on her face and her cries of "sugoi!!" are equally burned into my memory.

With time winding down we were due for one final romp, a regular 69 to commence, then dommed up for FS. I'd thought about a solid round of doggie at some stage, but as often happens to me lately, just didn't get there. Physically could not bring myself to pull away from those sweet kisses, or to take my eyes off her facial expressions as we went. However it all once again led to an amazingly passionate joint finale, almost had to call the fire brigade to wrench me outta there afterwards, and a post-orgasmic embrace that I wish could've lasted a lifetime.

We still had some time on the clock so I made sure to decipher the little farewell card I'd written her, my hand writing sucks, and to wish her well with her travels & visa applications. Quick shower as soon as the bell went, then one last enormous hug before walking her down the stairs and handing her over to hoshi like a proud father would do on a wedding day. ;-)

To say I wish to see Jasmin again is one hell of an understatement, but you never know what the future will bring and there's actually a chance we may pass each other "in transit", in that by the time she returns I may be off to Japan myself. So if events conspire and I never have the pleasure of her company again, all I can honestly say is that she's not like any girl I've ever met before and I will never ever forget her. She is such a beautiful person, so much more than "just a WL", and I feel like a better bloke for having met her and that infectious personality.

Sayounara Jasmin, and once again, maido ōhkini. For everything. <3

the wizard
03-09-2013, 05:32 PM
Hard not to get emotional reading this Poontang..a great send off for our Jasmin.
My only regret was I didnt see her on the last day or extend my previous days shift, but I was happy
to have been able to say good bye.....
Jasmin even thanked me for coming to see her..cute !
The most exceptional girl I have ever met there....just love her..

Punter Poontang
03-09-2013, 06:05 PM
Cheers wiz. I wrote it almost immediately after the session, just held off until now before posting it up. My only "regret" as such was not seeing her a few more times, I had some great ideas of things to try in future sessions after the previous week, but then "boom" .... she's leaving us and it's straight into a "romantic" farewell in the spa. :-(

The most exceptional the girl I have ever met there....just love this girl....

Have to agree with this*. Hands down the most fun I've ever had with a girl in or out of the bed. I'm not the emotional type, but the last few days have involved immense sadness at missing her company, followed by overwhelming happiness while remembering all the laughs I've been fortunate enough to share with her. Think she's made me bi-polar or something. :-P

* Not to detract from Jas and this thread one iota, but just as a post-script .... fucking god bless Wilson. I told him on the way out there's only one thing that could cheer me up, and boy has he come through with the goods .... :-)

the wizard
03-09-2013, 06:32 PM
So its official then Poontang....
I will let u have the first welcome session then.....

04-09-2013, 05:42 AM
My thanks go to you too for that swap, and for warming her up yet again :)
Now I know why she was a bit exhausted. A standing 69, wish I was strong enough to do something like that haha.

I'm just missing her deeply. Sigh... I don't think anything can possibly cheer me up at the moment.

the wizard
04-09-2013, 08:30 AM
Hoshi it was a outstanding 69 not a standing 69....
Im sure that is what Poon was saying.

Don't think im strong enough for one of those.

04-09-2013, 09:11 AM
When I saw Jasmin on her first day I wrote an AR with the subject line:
JASMIN : so Beautiful, so Busty, so Delicious, so FUCKING SEXY !!
It may have seemed a bit too enthusiastic or over the top at the time, but it turned out to be an understatement.
She is all that x10 ... and so much more !
I could have added so FUNNY, so WILD, so WARM, so FRIENDLY, so PASSIONATE etc etc ... and that would still not be enough.
Its a bit hypocritical for me to say I will miss her because I had plenty of chances to see her while she was here and didn't take them, but as they say in the classics "you don't know what you've got til it's gone"

Punter Poontang
04-09-2013, 01:06 PM
Nah wiz, hoshi was right. :-P She's not the first girl you'd normally think of for something like that, but I just had to give it a crack due to her sense of fun and adventure, and I'd been able to lift her to the bed easily enough in previous sessions so .... once in place it's quite easy, as your shoulders bear pretty much all the weight.

Nice summation too rooter. Probably just as well you kept dodging that 3rd session with her, if ever there was a girl that could change your ever rooting ways, surely she is it??

In my time on this forum I've not seen any girl generate the same kind of fervour as Jasmin. I've referred to her as "everyone's favourite girl" as she is simply that. She's able to connect with every bloke that sees her on some level, inspired her own Fan Club on here (which contains about 1,000 splinter groups or sub-branches), and I know there are a stack of others on here who adore her but chose to do so "under the radar".

I'll certainly miss her more than most, but today, I've already got a skip in my step at what is to come. :-)

Punter Poontang
04-09-2013, 05:34 PM
So its official then Poontang....
I will let u have the first welcome session then.....

Roster is up and ..... BOOM ..... it's official.

One very, VERY happy Punter right here. :-)

the wizard
04-09-2013, 06:15 PM
Is it a letter starting with........
This persons name is part of a trio of comedians.
You have 30 seconds.....time starts Now......

Punter Poontang
04-09-2013, 06:37 PM
This persons name is part of a trio of comedians.

That's not quite the right pronunciation though. ;-)

Although Wilson & Yuki refer to her as Mo-Wee, I've chosen to write it as Moē (Nihongo style) as she said it to me herself as Mo-Way.

She stole a little piece of my heart last time, so tomorrow I'm going to go all Rabo Direct on her and steal it back. <3