View Full Version : Other Return of the Space Cowboy

04-08-2013, 12:58 AM
Hmmm, where do I even put this? I'm in two minds about writing this. I'm going to warn you guys now, some of you dislike my writing style and some of you don't like long AR's. This is full-blown Jellyshots stuff so if you don't want to read it then you've been warned... I pulled a few James Bond tricks during the session.

This happened as part of my punting comeback but I was asked not to reveal which ML it was so I'm calling her Nikki. After it was over, I told her I would be writing this but not using her name and she will be reading this too. It was as memorable for her as it was for me. Anyway, onto the meandering AR of mine...

So, I opened an office near UTS and Ultimo TAFE. I have to say, it's pretty cool walking from the train station, checking out the talent walking around.

Anyway, I was headed in the general vicinity of Kyoto to do a drop in. I hate booking. I'm here to punt - to find that gem or to get that mind-blowing service from an ML or WL that you wouldn't expect it from. Or to find a stunning whole package kind of girl.

I get a call from the office - fark, I have to head back. I need to put the hard word on a client who is very happy with our work, is cashed up but their accounts decide to piss us about. Grrr. One thing I hate is being interrupted on a punting mission. So, back to the office, a longish conference call between some bitchy accounts girl, her boss, me and my accounts... Invoice paid and I turn to my team and say, "Guys, I've been non-stop for two weeks. I need to clear my head. I may not be back in today. I'm turning my phone off - not to silent but to off until tomorrow morning. I trust everyone here. Make decisions, even if they turn out to be bad ones. I'll fix whatever I have to fix, if I have to fix it in the morning." And with that, I'm off!

So I head up Harris Street past the Uni and the TAFE. It's 11am and there are still hotties walking around. I'm checking out this stunning tall brunette wearing these painted on jeans with her equally hot friend who is like a mini-me version of her. The tall one is lean, tall (about 180cm tall) and the short one is about 150cm tall and lean. It's like watching Twins with Danny Devito and big Arnie. They head right and without even thinking, I'm following them, still surreptitiously checking out their hot butts. I look up now and I'm standing near Broadway Shopping Centre. I'm telling you, sometimes it's just fate... Do I go into Kings? Do I turn around and try Kyoto? Has Kova gone back to work there? Stuff it. One place is as good as another right now. My nuts are so blue from my self-imposed abstinence - who knows what will happen.

Kings it is! I go through my pre-ritual. Into Broadway to do a last minute check-up on how I look. Jelly, you are not you any more - you are PuntZilla, the classy, arsey cheeky m*farker. You have no filter right now - you'll ask any question, charm the pants of the ladies, convince the the guys to want to buy you the beers...

Up to the aftershave vendor to ask for a sample of his finest. I tell him I'm going to test it out on the chicks having lunch and if all's good, I'll be back to buy. He sees that twinkle in my eye and he chuckles. "If I give you a tester, you may not come back." I stare him straight in the eye, smile and say, "Mate, my word is my bond. If the chicks dig it, I'll be back." He looks me up and down, turns, grabs a bottle and hands it to me. Monte Blanc - Legend. Too funny...

I duck down to the bottle shop - Bowen Estate Shiraz it is. Then I'm making my way up the back staircase to the land of gold and honey...

I'm greeted at reception by my favourite managers, big grins on their faces. Nikki will lead you to the lounge area. I peek around them to check out who Nikki is. Holy Sh*t. Tight black dress, tall, lean and just my thing right now. I thought the chicks on the street were hot. Wow. Anyway, I follow her in and she has that classy, womanly sway. Yum, I'm in heaven. She hasn't said anything yet so I'm praying that she hasn't got some hideous westie ocker accent.

Hi, I'm Nikki and I'm new and she looks me in the eyes with this hunger I haven't seen in a little while. Yep, she's eastern european - I can't pick if it's Poland, Czech Republic, Estonian, Lithuanian or whatever but right now, I like it. 3 hour private booking then. I'm going to enjoy this one... Incidentally, no-one had booked her at this point, she was the only girl available.

So downstairs we go and funny, she picks room 7. Today IS my lucky day...

We start slowly, sipping on the wine in the spa, generally enjoying each other's company. She's funny, witty and can carry a conversation. We talk travel, work and after I tell her a few things I've done, I can see that I totally have her.

Then she hits me with it...

"So, are you married? Living with a girlfriend?" Hmmm. This can go plenty of ways but I'm way ahead of her.
"I recently broke up with someone who I thought was the one. I'm here because at some point, I have to move on..."

She tells me that she broke up with her boyfriend because of this job. Well, this one's going to be easy. So I run her through the deal...

"If he was sleeping with other women, would she be jealous?"
"Maybe" she says.
"Well, that means yes" I say.
"Do you enjoy the job" I ask.
"Yes," she says. "I get to talk to people and the end part is not too bad."
"Not too bad? Don't sell yourself short but be open to trying new things too."
"What do you mean?"
"You may get some weird requests in here and you can make a lot of tips if you don't find them too distasteful. But learn your limits and by all means, you're single now so have fun."
"And what kind of weird request are you going to ask me?"
"Nothing. We don't even have to get out of the spa if you don't want to". So we didn't...
"You know you're not a slut if you enjoy sex."
"Nope, you're a slut if you enjoy it then lie about it to someone."
"Wow. So it's my fault my boyfriend broke up with me?"
"No. If he was dumb enough to let a hot girlfriend go because she liked sex, then he doesn't deserve you."
"Thanks, I think..."
"Did you stop having sex with him?"
"No. I tried a few things on him."
"Yep, he didn't deserve you..."

We're about 45 mins in now and we're sitting across from each other. It's about time for a break so we both take a time-out. Bea is in the hallway and she gives me this huge grin and has a little chat. She's such a cute Spanish chick.

Seriously one pretty girl - nicest C cups I've seen in a while and tight little body. She's a ballet instructor by day... Anyway, Nikki rounds the corner and Bea looks at her and says in her perfect latin accent, "Hey Nikki, he's a really nice guy. Take care of him."

Nikki looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "No, she has a boyfriend and I respect that." Time to amp things up a bit. We get back in the spa and she sits across from me again.

"You seem like a cool guy. Why haven't you gone clubbing to pick up?"
"I meet people all the time. I was out on a date a few days ago with a cute French girl."
"Oh and now you're here?" she says a little indignantly.
"Hey, it was just dinner. She was cute, intelligent and pleasant company but there was no sexual attraction between us."
"How do you know?"
"I took her to look at the bridge and the Opera House after dinner and we were walking hand in hand. It was pleasant and she was into me but I told her that maybe I wasn't over Kova yet."

Nikki looks at me now, peering... "So romantic and a little tragic. Very sweet."
"Bittersweet," I say. I explain it to her...

I move up to her. "Bittersweet," I say. "Is when your heart loves someone but when your body yearns for someone, to feel a sensation of touch that you haven't felt for a little while..."

"What kind of touch?" she whispers to me.
"Close your eyes," I say. "Let's not think about anything. Let's just feel, explore. Touch. If we don't like what we feel, we can stop."

Nikki closes her eyes. I run my fingers over her eyebrows, lightly down her cheek and cup her face in my hands. I rub her jawline softly and she leans her face towards my hand. I rub down her neck and shoulders. She lets out a small sigh and her shoulders relax. I brush my fingers up to her face again before abruptly stopping. I look at her with her eyes closed, a look of gorgeous bliss on her face.

I hold off. Nikki opens her eyes and says, "Hey, you stopp-..."

I interrupt her by moving forward and holding her face in my hands then moving in for a kiss. I stop short. "My head is telling me to stop, that Kova will be upset if she finds out. But my body wants you. Wants to feel you close to me."

I am literally millimetres away from her mouth. "Please... Kiss me she whispers..." And I plant one on her, hard. My hand is in her hair and she has her hands around my neck, pulling me in close. Our tongues are thrusting hard in each other's mouths. We pull away to catch our breath. Wow. Our hearts are pounding. She has a little tear on her cheek. I brush it off with my finger. I move in slowly this time, softly kissing her neck, her shoulders. Her eyes close and her head is tipping back. I kiss her face, her eyelids, hold her face in my hands and I plant one on her again. Soft, sensual kissing.

We drive each other nuts, alternating between soft, gentle kisses and hard deep kisses. I push her back against the spa, a little hard... I apologise but she just has this glazed look in her eyes so I kiss down her chest and start flicking her nipples with my tongue, sucking and massaging her tits with my mouth. She gasps at me and she starts rubbing herself. All inhibitions gone, she is just enjoying herself. I smile before I kiss her and her breathing starts to quicken. Stuff it, I move my hand over hers and while she rubs her clit, I tongue f*ck her while I slip a finger inside her. She pushes against me as I wiggle and curl back my finger. She is flicking her clit faster now so I slip a second finger in, timing my thrusts with her rubbing. She's close and she leans forward and gives me a bite on the shoulder. I feel her start to cum so I curl my fingers towards her g-spot and wiggle my fingers.

Nikki bites down on my shoulder and cums hard, her whole body shakes and tears are streaming down her face. I slowly pull my fingers out of her and sit back, raging hard on. I grab a bottle of water and drink deep, catching my breath.

Nikki is looking at me, huge grin on her face. She's even hotter smiling, if that's even possible.

She chases me now. She takes my hands and intertwines her fingers with mine as she kisses me. Nikki pushes forward not too sure if it's intentional but she slides over me and we're kissing each other hard as my cock slips into her pussy.

I stop and ask her if she wants to stop. She responds by tonguing me hard and we start to f*ck, fast and hard. I'm lifting her out of the water and she's bouncing on me. We dip down again and she grabs my butt, grinding hard against me.

Nikki cums again, she goes very still this time and just buries her face in my neck.

I lift her off me. Big grin on my face. She is looking at me with a wry smile on her face. "You are still ready?" she asks.

"Yes, my body likes your body..." She cups her hands on my face and I take her hand and kiss her palms. I lick up her fingers and stick her fingers in my mouth and swirl my tongue over her fingertips. She guides me inside her and we grind again. I put my hand on her face now and she takes my thumb and sucks on it, grinding on me. She sucks on my thumb and I get this totally horny porn feeling washing over me, like she's sucking on a cock while f*cking me. I place my right hand on her arse and slowly rub the outside of her arse. Nikki reaches back and pushes my finger slowly into her arse about an inch. "Please," she says, "please..."

I start to pound her this time, slipping my finger out all the way and thrusting it shallowly into her butt, left thumb in her mouth... She throws her head back and arches, shuddering as she cums again. Her face and neck are red. She moves back and grabs some water. All over I guess. Nope. She leans back, puring water over herself and me. Back to me. Wow. She has a really sexy butt and back. Sinuous. F*ck just like Kova. My cock is still hard as a rock. I push into her from behind, she loves it, grinding back against me. Nikki reaches down and starts to rub my balls as I thrust inside her.

The buzzer goes off. We're out of time... Nikki keeps me inside her. "Don't stop, please, don't stop..." I f*ck her hard and fast. Nikki cums for the last time with a shudder, hoping to get me over the line. But nope, I'm in that mood, the insatiable f*ck monster mood and I grin at her. "It's ok, maybe another time but I had a lot of fun. Thankyou..."

"No, thankyou" she says. "Our little secret. Next time, we do oral. I will make you cum."
"I'd like to see that. Maybe I will just enjoy tasting you" I chuckle.
"You are beautiful man" she says.
"No, beautiful man. We will do this again, darling..."
"You know it's not full service in here?"
"I know, I know... Can I call you?"
"Sure". We exchange numbers. F*ark! Well, I never know when I want a late night booty call...

The phone goes off and we're way over. "He was having a little nap while I cleaned up the room," she lies. I can hear the manager in the background, "Oh, next time just tell us. If it's Jelly, just leave him, he's ok but other people tell us straight away."

Nikki puts the phone down and we chuckle. We quickly get dressed and she sits me at the bar with a coffee. The managers come over, chatty, asking where I've been. Jade, another chatty girl comes over and sits with me. "Finished for the day?"
"Yep. A good finish too."
"Yeah, what did you do to Nikki? She's bumping into things and can't get the stupid grin off her face".
I shrug. She's a nice girl.
"Hon, your ex is upstairs."
"What ex?"
"Everyone knows. We just don't say anything coz you're a mate."
"Kova is about to come down. She and Nikki know each other."
"Kova started up again a couple of days ago. She wasn't totally herself. She seemed sad. What did you do to her?"
"Nothing. I still have feelings for her but I'm a free man so Nikki and I had a good time."
"Cool, when are you booking me next?"
"Hahaha. Nice one..."
"I know the look Nikki has..."
"What look?"
"She can't walk. I'm not stupid..."
I shrug again, "You know me..."
"You haven't done that with me."
"No, but you know I dig foreign chicks".

We chuckle, we flirt and we chat for a little while. She's a funny girl. Tattoos everywhere and a little westie but sweet and funny nevertheless. I'd shout her a night out - she's a barrel of laughs. And down the stairs sashays Kova. Our eyes lock and it's so weird. I'm instantly hard. Man, I was wrong about Nikki. Kova's easily still the one that does it for me...

Kova comes over and places her hand on my arm. She leans in, "Sorry love. So many problems with me. But I still care for you. I still want you. I think you make Nikki fall in love with you. I miss you inside me. Text me later..." She kisses me on the cheek. She's skirting the line. Man, everyone's skirting the line today.

Kova goes to the bar. "Coffee, love? chocolate?" She does the hospitality thing. Pump me full of caffeine before going to her next booking. "I am thinking about you..." She says as she walks away. Another punter walks in. Older guy. I can clearly hear him announce to every girl that he likes giving a massage. Kova declines. He sits for a while and Big John comes in. He starts to try to talk to John who is polite but the managers are giving him some hand signals. The guy is so deaf he's telling everyone that they have to speak louder because his hearing isn't that good. Wow, comedy of errors. Kova goes to a booking.

I stand, ready to leave. "Can I have a word before you go?" John asks. Fuck, am I going to get the talk about Kova, Nikki, Belinda, Jade or some other chick I've seen in there?

"You look really happy every time you'r here. What's your secret."
I grin. "A constant supply of hot young women."
He grins. "Yeah, the girls and the managers like you too... Carla tells me you've been to Japan..."
We chat away for about half an hour. What a funny day.

Jellyshots is back... oh, and btw, I'm the proud owner of a bottle of Mont Blanc.

I still don't get women. I really don't care though. I'm going to keep punting, take the freebies when I can, pay when I can't...

04-08-2013, 01:26 AM
Welcome back... the spa adventures of jellyshots and the eastern bloc femmes... I think this may be the most you have ever written... !!! can't wait to hear your next adventure...

04-08-2013, 03:06 AM
Well I like your writing style, and so thanks for sharing this. It was really heartfelt :)
Good to see you back in action!

04-08-2013, 08:13 AM
Welcome back champ.
If you're going to make a comeback, that's how to do it.
But the question must be asked, will you be going back to Kova?

04-08-2013, 11:09 AM
Welcome back champ.
If you're going to make a comeback, that's how to do it.
But the question must be asked, will you be going back to Kova?
She hit me up for dinner last night, lol... The short answer is, no. When we were seeing each other she was under a lot of financial pressure because she has a child. Whilst I am pretty successful, I don't quite have enough to have her move in with me, put her through English classes, then Uni or TAFE since she does want to go back to a normal job like in Russia. Now I've studied with a few overseas students when I re-skilled post deployment. It costs a local $500 per semester and an overseas student $5000 per semester. A two year diploma turns into $20k for them. You've got to really know the girl well and want them to stay before blowing that kind of cash...

04-08-2013, 11:11 AM
made a hell of a sunday morning read; thanks jellyshots!

04-08-2013, 11:21 AM
The longer answer is yes, we're exploring each other's bodies again. It's so weird. ML's don't get shitty when other ML's sleep with guys like me. They get shitty when girls charge punters cash to f*ck them. They recognise that girls and guys have needs but they don't like it when giving extras becomes an unfair advantage.

Either way, Kova just asked me to make her forget all her troubles for a night. And f*ck me, I'll happily line up a few of them if I can with the same deal...

04-08-2013, 11:27 AM
She hit me up for dinner last night, lol... The short answer is, no. When we were seeing each other she was under a lot of financial pressure because she has a child. Whilst I am pretty successful, I don't quite have enough to have her move in with me, put her through English classes, then Uni or TAFE since she does want to go back to a normal job like in Russia. Now I've studied with a few overseas students when I re-skilled post deployment. It costs a local $500 per semester and an overseas student $5000 per semester. A two year diploma turns into $20k for them. You've got to really know the girl well and want them to stay before blowing that kind of cash...

Very true...

04-08-2013, 11:37 AM
The longer answer is yes, we're exploring each other's bodies again. It's so weird. ML's don't get shitty when other ML's sleep with guys like me. They get shitty when girls charge punters cash to f*ck them. They recognise that girls and guys have needs but they don't like it when giving extras becomes an unfair advantage.

Either way, Kova just asked me to make her forget all her troubles for a night. And f*ck me, I'll happily line up a few of them if I can with the same deal...

As long as ground rules are set and adhered to it usually works well. Good luck with it mate.

Punter Poontang
04-08-2013, 12:46 PM
Epic AR, welcome back!

Either way, Kova just asked me to make her forget all her troubles for a night. And f*ck me, I'll happily line up a few of them if I can with the same deal...

Best of luck with it, but tread very carefully here.

04-08-2013, 01:23 PM
phark mate.... whether she realises it or not. ... she's messing with your head. if its one thing a girl know how to do intrinsically is how to mess with a guy's head. .... and sometimes all it takes (at least for me) is for pretty girl to walk past me....

04-08-2013, 02:44 PM
no wonders so many girls fall for you jelly..

04-08-2013, 02:59 PM
phark mate.... whether she realises it or not. ... she's messing with your head. if its one thing a girl know how to do intrinsically is how to mess with a guy's head. .... and sometimes all it takes (at least for me) is for pretty girl to walk past me....

Most women like drama in their life. Women are by nature self centred. They want to have their cake and eat it. When you understand and accept that dealing with them is easier as you can see bullshit coming a mile off.
My ex, let's call her Dragonarse, was never satisfied. I work hard I'm never home. I ease off I'm not earning enough. You get the idea. I figured out she married hoping she could change me, I married hoping she would stay as she was when we dated. We both were wrong. Now whenever she is about to re enter my life I see signs first, dogs forming in to packs, blood streaming down walls, that kind of thing. My mistake was not calling her mind fucking and drama early on and putting an end to it. Her mistake was not seeing me die a little inside day by day..

Being mind fucked isn't always a bad thing. I can think of one ml who left me a dribbling mess every session but I would have it no other way. She never did it maliciously, she used her exquisite femininity to great effect...

05-08-2013, 01:03 AM
Yeah, it was about time I figured out how to leverage the girls off each other. There's a whole stable of new girls in there and I do have a certain reputation to maintain, lol...