View Full Version : Ginza Love:- If Love is the drug, then I want to OD

Punter Poontang
05-08-2013, 12:50 AM
After partly hijacking rooters exceptional review of this girl, thought it only fair I also do my own. Sometimes shit just works out for you and this was definitely one of those weeks. I'd booked a session with Thai Angel, who is herself a total sweetie, but on arriving for that session I saw the next days roster was up and the elusive Love was on it. I'd tried to book her based on her description alone during her first shift, but "quality control" is clearly a prized gig at Ginza and she was booked solid days in advance .... this time I saw it as a sign and locked in 90 minutes sight unseen (this was prior to reading rooters glowing review too), but when Wilson & Yuki both talk a girl up as having a great body AND giving great service, you just gotta trust them.

Love's physical description is imo on the money. I've described her as a genetically mutated dwarf Jasmin, that's the best I got. Seeing her open the door with an ever so cute smile was one thing, breaking the ice over a good chat was another, but once that modest black dress came off for shower time .... fucking hell, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Her proportions are just outrageous, she's so tiny, slightly toned, yet still soft and curvy in all the right places, and just how you pack that much serious TnA into a frame that small will be debated in the next millennium like we presently debate Stonehenge and the pyramids ... like, how the fuck did they make THAT??

A super fun shower scene ensued, just giving me a taste of what was to come as Love thoroughly enjoyed every little bit of attention to her body. Carried her to the bed (you just have to lift girls this small!!) and laid her down for some serious DATY .... if I'm ever on death row in Kerobokan, I know exactly what I'm requesting for my last meal. Love appreciated the efforts, she's soooo fucking cute when warmed up and on the edge, and to say I enjoyed it too would be beyond an understatement. I went into this session with empty balls already (thanks Angel!!), so only ever intended 2 shots max. during the 90 minutes. While going downtown on this perfect little minx I was sporting an absolute diamond cutter and actually dripping pre-cum all over the place, nearly needed a mop to the end of the bed, and when I shot up to join her on the bed I swear I saw a wad fly off somewhere.

My turn for some pleasure, just an amazing BBBJ, so soft and gentle and loving .... took me back to the days of real-life 19yo girlfriends worshipping my cock. But, feeling selfish I dragged Love on top for a bout of 69 which will be firmly etched into the spank bank until the end of my days. Just phenomenal stuff.

Both satisfied and we just curled up together for an age. The joy of a 90 minute session here was no rush, and being truly able to appreciate the beauty of the girl laid out next to me. The sight of her curled up on my chest with her eyes closed (just resting ever so peacefully, not sleeping) is a memory I'll cherish forever. But then panning down I just couldn't keep my hands off her, slowly caressing every perfect little curve, and Love really appreciated all the attention too.

Another bout of amazing tender loving BBBJ, though I must say, even after a decent rest I was struggling to really get going for round 2 (put it down to the exertion of a third punt in 4 days, which is mental by my usual standards). However Love took every little request on board and did exactly what I knew was necessary to get me firing again, so full marks for her effort and enthusiasm. Once ready, quickly dommed up and away in slow tender mish. Tried a bunch of variations, bit of sideways etc, but rather than flip Love over for my standard pounding to the line in doggy, I just had to have her right back where we started in slow gentle mish with tender kisses and caressing ..... she's such a little sweetheart that I just had to cherish her like this, choosing to "make Love" to her rather than "fuck" her. The ending was simply sublime, and we continued to gently kiss and caress each other long after most WL's would see you outstaying your welcome, I was still spasming away inside her minutes afterwards, yet Love was in no hurry for me to pull out.

Curled up again, made a series of promises to return, then jumped into the shower together one more time to clean up. It was only then we noticed I was still half wearing that used franger, we'd been so engrossed in each other that we'd completely forgotten to do a clean up before jumping in there. Another few parting sweet kisses, and I was out the door with such mixed feelings .... so sad to hear that Moē has found a day job and may be lost to the industry, yet so happy for her to have achieved a goal. So sad to be leaving Love, yet another of the sweetest, cutest, youngest and most beautiful girls I've ever had the pleasure of meeting .... but bearing in mind how fleeting these things can be, at the same time I was so deliriously happy to have had the opportunity of Love's company even if events conspire and it turns out to be just this once. That's clearly not at all the intention, I'll be back for more of this girl for as long as she remains on the roster, and hopefully that next session will be much sooner rather than later.

05-08-2013, 01:00 AM
I'm trying to OD tomorrow if Wilson replies to my text messages! I need me some pocket rocket LOVE.

Sounds like you've been very busy mate. 3 in 4 days? Looking forward to the rest of your great ARs Poontang!

the wizard
05-08-2013, 02:14 PM
O-M-G Love has redefined Gfe. and cute with a capital C
I still can't think straight after falling for her today....

Punter Poontang
05-08-2013, 02:31 PM
Well in Wizard, now you understand. :-) I was SO tempted to go back for more today, Mondays are just pretty much impossible. :-(

She's so kawaii, so sweet, so adorable, and just that hint of blossoming sexiness ..... kampeki. <3

05-08-2013, 02:33 PM
Well when there's a seal of approval from you two, there's no way I can resist any longer.
What you describe is just too good to be true!

Might just need to take some sick leave when she's on next...

the wizard
05-08-2013, 02:47 PM
She reminds me of Mini but when I say cute-I mean you just don't want to leave her.
I promised I would return- if she wanted me to-"of course" she said smiling, I will be
bringing her something I had promised her....

05-08-2013, 08:35 PM
She reminds me of Mini but when I say cute-I mean you just don't want to leave her.
I promised I would return- if she wanted me to-"of course" she said smiling, I will be
bringing her something I had promised her....

Poontang mentioned "genetically mutated dwarf Jasmin" and now you mention that she reminds you of Mini's cuteness.
Seriously, how am I supposed to resist that! :P

Punter Poontang
05-08-2013, 11:20 PM
Resistance is futile. Do whatever you have to do mate, just book her. :-)

05-08-2013, 11:41 PM
Finally got to see Love today :)



Sorry I can't get the smile off my face!

Punter Poontang
05-08-2013, 11:58 PM
Great stuff HengDai. :-)

I predict you'll still be smiling in 3 days time like I still am ..... feel free to do your own AR or add in further thoughts to one of the existing ones once you're able to compose yourself and manage a coherent thought process. Love takes that away from you in the immediate aftermath of a session. ;-)

06-08-2013, 02:19 AM
Resistance is futile. Do whatever you have to do mate, just book her. :-)

lol ok I will. I'll make up a specialist appointment or sick leave or whatever it takes to get out of work for a mere two hours.
Dear Love. Please come back on the roster soon, you're killing me even before I've met you!

the wizard
06-08-2013, 08:00 AM
And I cant wait for your Ar hoshi.
Im already imagining there will be stars, the moon, waterfalls
Sunsets and other descriptions in your review once you see her....

Punter Poontang
29-08-2013, 02:33 AM
Busy week for me, busy month tbh, think I've easily surpassed all PB's for number of sessions and dollars spent, every single cent of it being at Ginza. Not intending to add to it, but again one of those instances of being in the right place at the right time ..... was actually seated behind the famous dividers at the very instant Wilson finalised the roster, and the ever so elusive and ever so cute Love was back on it. How the fuck there were already two names on the booking sheet is a mystery, but I wasted no time in adding my name down as a 3rd, you gotta be quick lads!!

Hectic morning full of shit meetings, on hardly any sleep, but arrive on time all suited up for my session grinning like a toddler on Christmas morning. Up to the room, the door swings open ..... pan down ..... ahh, there she is, still as unbelievably cute as I remember. She remembered me from ~3 weeks prior, so had a good catch-up chat about what we've been up to .... I noted she was wearing the same dress and apparently she has dibs on it as it's the only one in the Ginza wardrobe that fits her. lol :-)

Slip her out of it, into the shower and I was sporting a diamond-cutter within seconds of her soaping me up. Spent an eternity in there, just didn't want my hands to ever leave that perfect little torso of Love's .... eventually onto the bed for some DATY, then dommed up and away. Once again choosing to be ever so gentle and just cherish this gorgeous little creature laid out before me, but picking things up ever so slightly and finding something that she quite liked took things to a new level, and I mean Felix Baumgartner levels. Had an absolutely unbelievable joint climax, not entirely intentional, but once little Love started spasming away on me I was gooooone.

Rested up, and similar to last time, she is just soooo cute post-orgasm. Eyes closed, cheeks flushed, curling up against me, you'd have to be one very hard bastard for a girl like this not to worm her way inside your heart in mere seconds. Eventually my hands started to wander, followed by my lips, and I just about kissed every square inch of her (not that there's that much of her, lol). Went for a second round and got right to the brink before being thwarted by a badly timed position change, and an even worse buzzer from downstairs. Damn you Wilson and Yuki, just 3 more minutes!!

So, I left ever so slightly frustrated, but no-one's fault but my own for the poor timing. Well, maybe partly Jasmin's fault too, I was still drained from seeing her the previous day! But I knew that going in and took the risk due to the elusiveness of Love, she's just not rostered on that often. Would I do it again?? Abso-fucking-lutely!! It might be a cliche, but just holding this little sweetie in your arms is worth the price of admission in my book. <3

the wizard
29-08-2013, 09:34 AM
Damn how can i retire... with tosh coming back and off course Love
God give me strength... i promise just these two...

29-08-2013, 11:13 AM
I missed her again :sweat:

I love elusive girls, but she is so hard to book

The roster was published at 5.33 pm; i called Wilson at 6.15 pm and she was already booked out!

I begged Wilson to let me know if any slot would became available, but no luck

Come on guys don't be greedy, let others the opportunity to savour her; after all LOVE is about sharing
I am going overseas for 2 months and i am afraid she won't be working anymore after i am back
I have already lost Yuna, i hope this doesn't happen with Love as well

31-08-2013, 03:30 AM
Now that Jas is gone I can finally concentrate my energy on Love. Just need to figure out how to get to Ginza during her hours... hope she doesn't stay this elusive, you guys are still killing me haha.