View Full Version : Ginza yui. its not just insurance. ...

05-08-2013, 08:40 PM
no full ar here. rooter said it all in his ar.

rooter is right. .... she is a gem. cute too.

note that there is a house policy it seems that cim is $20.

she is very responsive and wets well. The gfe you can believe is given freely as if you really are her bf.

I am concerned for her though. She's rostered on for the entire day.... just over 12 hours. she had a break but as we were cuddling poor thing fell asleep latched on to my leg like a made in Japan life sized souvenir jdoll.

perhaps I should really stop starting my intro with a bout of daty.

There was mention in rooters ar of a laser smooth mound. what I found still had a rug though. Didn't see her before though so maybe she stopped short of getting everything smooth.

only bummer was being told that's another 20 for cim after it happened. Could do with a bit more technique with cim... as in don't stop while its happening.

all up shes a sweetie. and I think she's cute. especially cuddled up against you. Damn I love those ceiling mirrors

05-08-2013, 09:03 PM
Yo has the lazered pussy.
Yui has a triangle

Punter Poontang
05-08-2013, 11:28 PM
note that there is a house policy it seems that cim is $20.

only bummer was being told that's another 20 for cim after it happened.

Not so much "house policy", but definitely the "going rate". It's a little bit awkward, but I always ask nicely before-hand if it's ok. Of those that agree to it, I'd say half have quoted me the $20 up front .... the other half have not quoted a price but I always make sure to slip them that lobster on the way out as a thank you anyways. It's well deserved and the girls really appreciate it.

06-08-2013, 09:41 AM
to yui's credit the cim wasnt something that I was after.... It kinda just happened because the bj was just so good. the whole session was great even though we didn't actually have sex.

the wizard
10-09-2013, 01:19 PM
Usagi type curves....me like. ....

10-01-2014, 12:58 AM
damn now i really want to check her out when i head to sydney

10-01-2014, 08:51 AM
I'd totally forgot I'd seen her and put her back on the todo list.... but then again the new years resolution is to give up punting..... yet again..... lol