View Full Version : General talk The end is near

15-08-2013, 12:47 PM
You are born into this world with nothing and leave with nothing the old saying goes
So as i have nothing i do not have a life i only have a existance with nothing too show for it for my age only a few close friends none female i dont blame them my own nieces run away from me and will not go near me which upsets me deeply as i love them so much.
I know by the end of this weekend if i still feel like a piece of shit on the ground that has nothing too offer this world i will end it all only be a memory for a select few.

15-08-2013, 01:12 PM
You are born into this world with nothing and leave with nothing the old saying goes
So as i have nothing i do not have a life i only have a existance with nothing too show for it for my age only a few close friends none female i dont blame them my own nieces run away from me and will not go near me which upsets me deeply as i love them so much.
I know by the end of this weekend if i still feel like a piece of shit on the ground that has nothing too offer this world i will end it all only be a memory for a select few.

Sounds like you need to take a new lease on life bro.

My nieces are the same with me what I find is just let them go and be there for them when they are ready they will come to you. If you try and force it or take the lead it probably will not work and so they will reject you.

Be your self man, please yourself do what you want and at least one person will be happy don't expect too much and don't put your self down and you will even surprise yourself.

Enjoy life it can be fun but in the end its what you make of it.

15-08-2013, 01:44 PM
Mate I agree it is a hard life but you have to keep battling away to the finish line.

Set little goals and have little treats for yourself to earn.
I've never been in the depths but I imagine it must be a slow and arduous process to work youself out of.Bit like giving up fags.

My neice was a bit hot and cold to me.One day I was canned piss and if she found someone better I was "see you later".
Her daughter is the same but I love them heaps.

Good luck with your journey especially short term.

15-08-2013, 01:59 PM
I feel the same bro. Ive done so much wrong in my life, so many bad things.

Where did i go wrong? I cry so much

15-08-2013, 02:05 PM
Call beyondblue, black dog institute or lifeline please.

Punter Poontang
15-08-2013, 02:23 PM
Hi mate, sounds like you need help.

Please find someone to talk to about your problems as I think it will ease the burden somewhat.

+1. Today is the birthday of a relative who took his own life some years ago ..... not a day goes by that I don't think about it and what we could have done differently to help. Everyone has problems in life, but that is never the answer, the pain and anguish that it causes those left behind is just unimaginable.

I do think it's fucking fantastic that you posted here, that's just a little sign that you are reaching out for help. But I strongly suggest you give the folks at Beyond Blue a call on 1300 22 4636, as they are far more qualified to help you than us on here. Hang in there mate, and pick up that phone.

15-08-2013, 03:19 PM
You are born into this world with nothing and leave with nothing the old saying goes
So as i have nothing i do not have a life i only have a existance with nothing too show for it for my age only a few close friends none female i dont blame them my own nieces run away from me and will not go near me which upsets me deeply as i love them so much.
I know by the end of this weekend if i still feel like a piece of shit on the ground that has nothing too offer this world i will end it all only be a memory for a select few.

Hi Mate,

Sorry to hear you are in the state that you are in now, sounds really low, but did something just happened in the past week or 10 days, because prior to that, your life seems to be OK :

on 04/08/13, you posted:

Had the pleasure of hollys company two weeks ago had a great session easy going good conversation only downside for me no daty/dfk but her cbj was sensational so easy too forget about not getting extra service

on 05/08/13, you posted:

Dont normally have money for a punt on a monday but this week was different and had my eye on jessica for a while so went today as she only works mondays/ wednesdays.
Arrived without a booking at 5 30pm and asked the papasan if jessica was available needed too wait fifteen minutes and said ill wait well the wait was worth it i was in the shower when jessica entered the room and as described in other ars very hot lady.
Will defineately be back for a return session,
Cheers fisher

on 06/08/13 you posted this on Isis:

Nice ar glad i have made time this week for a visit

on 07/08/13, you started this thread on : Woman in public do you wonder what you would pay if they are mls/wls

Just got home from the gym that has a high asian membership and there was some stunners in attendance just wanted too ask if other bros ask themselves like i do if a woman of any age or race that appeals to them how much would you pay too have a session with the woman if they were a ml/wl or am i alone in this thinkin?

And most recently on the 13/08/13, you posted:

Bad pussy sorry there is no such thing

You all sounding OK there, just wondering,

Hope you feel better,

May be you need to go see Isis again ??

Good luck mate,

All the best



15-08-2013, 04:44 PM
You are born into this world with nothing and leave with nothing the old saying goes
So as i have nothing i do not have a life i only have a existance with nothing too show for it for my age only a few close friends none female i dont blame them my own nieces run away from me and will not go near me which upsets me deeply as i love them so much.
I know by the end of this weekend if i still feel like a piece of shit on the ground that has nothing too offer this world i will end it all only be a memory for a select few.

Ahhh Fisher, one step in front of the other dear friend...don't look to the past, nor the future. Just moment by moment...in the here and now.

You've got amazing support on here, and I personally know what a good man you are :-).

Take yourself for a nice drive or a fish if you can, I remember you expressed that this is a good remedy for you.

And when you hear that little voice in your head telling you lies take a deep breath, and know that they have no power over you.

My thoughts are with you and in no time you will find your inner peace again,

After all, with out the dark times we would not appreciate the light.

Much Love

Isis x

15-08-2013, 06:10 PM
Ahhh Fisher, one step in front of the other dear friend...don't look to the past, nor the future. Just moment by moment...in the here and now.

You've got amazing support on here, and I personally know what a good man you are :-).

Take yourself for a nice drive or a fish if you can, I remember you expressed that this is a good remedy for you.

And when you hear that little voice in your head telling you lies take a deep breath, and know that they have no power over you.

My thoughts are with you and in no time you will find your inner peace again,

After all, with out the dark times we would not appreciate the light.

Much Love

Isis x

Dear Fisher,
Do me a favour ....
1) read Miss Isis comments please - they are not only caring comments ... but spot on ...
2) go have a coffee or tea - no alcohol - then read it again..
3) then .. take Poontangs advice and make a phone call ... many people have been where you are - they can help - its just a chat ... So don't put it off -- just do IT mate !!
Best Wishes

16-08-2013, 01:05 AM
Fisher.. you are not the only one who has a problem in life. Everybody do.. including me. I know how you feeling depressed, it is the same way as me at times I just feel alone and bored. The only place that can cure me to is going to RnT or fs shop but that doesnt last long... for me it takes few hours happiness memory then depression starts again. I dont know where do I start finding happiness, finding a great friend doesnt do much of remedy but I truely wish to get married and live a happy life to start a family.

btw, Isis are you able to speak indonesian still?

16-08-2013, 09:01 AM
Fisher.. you are not the only one who has a problem in life. Everybody do.. including me. I know how you feeling depressed, it is the same way as me at times I just feel alone and bored. The only place that can cure me to is going to RnT or fs shop but that doesnt last long... for me it takes few hours happiness memory then depression starts again. I dont know where do I start finding happiness, finding a great friend doesnt do much of remedy but I truely wish to get married and live a happy life to start a family.

btw, Isis are you able to speak indonesian still?

Hi Suka02,

No I don't speak any Indo as I came out to Australia at a very young age with my Australian/New Zealand parents. I have it on my list to learn though, as it is now a top priority!! :smile:

Also, you wrote: "I dont know where do I start finding happiness, finding a great friend doesnt do much of remedy but I truely wish to get married and live a happy life to start a family"...

.... I can also relate as I have battled on and off with depression all my life, and also witnessed my adopted mum suffer manic depression.

From my own experience, happiness is something which grows from within. Sure, external influences can make us feel "good" or "bad" (but these feelings can be temporary and even in some cases a bit superficial). How we view the world and our reactions in certain situations comes down to how we feel about ourselves deep down. This also has a huge impact on the people and experience we attract into our lives.

I know life is complex & not at all "black and white", we can be our own worst enemies and trick ourselves to thinking the worst about ourselves and our life......and in turn we unconsciously start to manifest and attract into our lives more of this darkness..

It takes a lot of personal work and courage on a daily basis to re-program old negative ways of thinking and feeling, especially if others have drummed this into u at some stage of life, but slowly things can start to change for the better...you just have to believe in yourself and open your heart to the "good" things in life. Don't feed the internal fears with negative thoughts but instead start finding a focal point on the positive, and feed and water this like it is a sacred jewel! It is scientifically proven that our body and mind can re-shape, heal, even start to release "happy" chemicals - we just need to remind ourselves that we do have the strength & power with in us to make this change...and our lives will start to change for the better. "Every positive thought propels us in the right direction"

Know the importance of good friends, even if only a very few, it's better to have one friend who cares and understands you than an army of friends who don't really care.

And dont be afraid to make use of professional services out there that can give u the tools to make the changes you need to be happy...

After all it's our life and our right as sentient beings to experience happiness with in ourselves and in turn, the world around us.

Xx Isis xX

" A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because his trust is not on the branch but on its own wings. Always believe in yourself"

"Every time u r tempted to react in the same old way ask if u want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future"
- Deepak Chopra

"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself." a Zen Proverb

Xx Isis xX

the wizard
16-08-2013, 09:13 AM
Fisher mate -we all go through ruts and feel we are at out lowest ebb, that's part of our existence.
The fact that you acknowledge this here tells me that you really want to talk to someone.
I don't know you But can tell you that you are not alone here.
You have some great resource and contacts here - so please use them, talk it over with them, they are professionals.
Get out and see the beauty of this new dayand don't let this be a permanent solution for a temporary problem.
You are special, and so is life. You have so much to live for.
I don't know what your religious denomination is, but substitute your God and but have a read of this

Footsteps in the Sand (http://www.progsoc.uts.edu.au/~wonj/me/ftstps.html)

Thanks Guys for your assurances to Fisher and thank you Isis for for contributing here as well.

16-08-2013, 09:27 AM
Hi Suka02,

No I don't speak any Indo as I came out to Australia at a very young age with my Australian/New Zealand parents. I have it on my list to learn though, as it is now a top priority!! :smile:

Also, you wrote: "I dont know where do I start finding happiness, finding a great friend doesnt do much of remedy but I truely wish to get married and live a happy life to start a family"...

.... I can also relate as I have battled on and off with depression all my life, and also witnessed my adopted mum suffer manic depression.

From my own experience, happiness is something which grows from within. Sure, external influences can make us feel "good" or "bad" (but these feelings can be temporary and even in some cases a bit superficial). How we view the world and our reactions in certain situations comes down to how we feel about ourselves deep down. This also has a huge impact on the people and experience we attract into our lives.

I know life is complex & not at all "black and white", we can be our own worst enemies and trick ourselves to thinking the worst about ourselves and our life......and in turn we unconsciously start to manifest and attract into our lives more of this darkness..

It takes a lot of personal work and courage on a daily basis to re-program old negative ways of thinking and feeling, especially if others have drummed this into u at some stage of life, but slowly things can start to change for the better...you just have to believe in yourself and open your heart to the "good" things in life. Don't feed the internal fears with negative thoughts but instead start finding a focal point on the positive, and feed and water this like it is a sacred jewel! It is scientifically proven that our body and mind can re-shape, heal, even start to release "happy" chemicals - we just need to remind ourselves that we do have the strength & power with in us to make this change...and our lives will start to change for the better. "Every positive thought propels us in the right direction"

Know the importance of good friends, even if only a very few, it's better to have one friend who cares and understands you than an army of friends who don't really care.

And dont be afraid to make use of professional services out there that can give u the tools to make the changes you need to be happy...

After all it's our life and our right as sentient beings to experience happiness with in ourselves and in turn, the world around us.

Xx Isis xX

" A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because his trust is not on the branch but on its own wings. Always believe in yourself"

"Every time u r tempted to react in the same old way ask if u want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future"
- Deepak Chopra

"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself." a Zen Proverb

Xx Isis xX

Hey sister Isis,

You are one very special lady!


16-08-2013, 09:49 AM
Hey mate, I think we've all been down in the dumps at some point in our lives. It seems that for guys, our problem is either money or women - or both. I find sometimes it's just good to not care about any of them, just appreciate all the little things in life. For example, sometimes I might get really down thinking about my future (on a contract that ends in April, won't know what to do after that), but then I see someone in a wheelchair, and I am grateful that I can at least walk. What that person wouldn't give to have what I have!

Cheer up bro!

16-08-2013, 10:18 AM
Brother Fisher has a detailed profile:

He's based in Liverpool, he is a transport co-ordinator, he like fishing, golf and motor transport. He has a naked woman as his avatar so we know his taste of woman, his last post was this thread, he was last on line last night 8pm but didn't responded to any of the well wishes!!

I think people in the forum all have a good heart and offering a friendly helping hand, it's up to brother Fisher to move forward and help himself!

One thing I guess is in his favour, he should be in pretty good shape as in health! That's more than half the battle won already mate! You have good health, you can do it !!

After losing so many love ones and close relatives in recent years , it is very clear to me and my family now that health is most important, it's a personal treasure that money can't buy.

If you have good health, you are very lucky and blessed man, you are streets ahead of so many families out there suffering and battling sickness and injuries !!

Nothing else really matter that much !

Just my one cent

All the best !


old fat man
16-08-2013, 10:29 AM
The support here has been good from all, look at sharing your problems outside the forum as well with some professional help. I have had problems with depression in the past and sought treatment with great results and if that is what is happening to you I send you my support and encouragement.

16-08-2013, 11:18 AM
Apologies if i offended any one i needed too vent and have taken steps too help my situation i have been at st vincents hospital overnight and have spent time with there counsellors which has helped alot and have a action plan in place just
need to stick with it now and move on it is a horrible feeling having suicidal thoughts and in hindsight i should not have posted on here but i greatly appreciate members concerns and hopt to be back on track soon

16-08-2013, 11:19 AM
One more real story to share with brother Fisher:

One of the girl working in my office told me last month that her mother is in the hospital and in pretty bad shape, she's got asbestosis cancer !! And the cancer is inside her left lung and spreading, the only way she can survive this is to have the left lung removed and just live with one lung, until now, I don't even know you can survive with just 1 lung !! And this is a typical well off Aussie family, the father is a doctor and the mother has her own business before she felt sick, the girl who works for me is a lovely lady, just finished Uni and is bright and cheerful, beautiful girl too - but not any more, she tried to be positive and concentrate on work but it's very hard. They live in a nice address in the Eastern suburb but I guess the house will be a really sad place and pretty empty as they will be spending most of their times at St Vincent's Private.

Hi mate, I am not making this up, this is a true story and I have been trying to help the young girl to cope by sharing some of my own struggles in the past few years. All I am trying to say is, there are people out there who has money, career, a loving and well established family and it can all be lost overnight when the bad news knock on the door. And I am sure they will give up everything just to have the health back for the mother.

So, if you are fit and healthy and just going through a bit of a tough time, there are plenty of families out there who are doing it much tougher than you. You have good health, feel good about it and be grateful. The tide will turn, and your situation will change for the better.

There are plenty of fishes in the ocean my friend,



16-08-2013, 11:22 AM
Apologies if i offended any one i needed too vent and have taken steps too help my situation i have been at st vincents hospital overnight and have spent time with there counsellors which has helped alot and have a action plan in place just
need to stick with it now and move on it is a horrible feeling having suicidal thoughts and in hindsight i should not have posted on here but i greatly appreciate members concerns and hopt to be back on track soon

Good stuff mate,

Very positive steps

I am sure there are plenty of us here who will be cheering for you.

If you ever need any really good RnT tips..................haha

Have a nice day brother



16-08-2013, 11:24 AM
Apologies if i offended any one i needed too vent and have taken steps too help my situation i have been at st vincents hospital overnight and have spent time with there counsellors which has helped alot and have a action plan in place just
need to stick with it now and move on it is a horrible feeling having suicidal thoughts and in hindsight i should not have posted on here but i greatly appreciate members concerns and hopt to be back on track soon

Good on you, you have shown strength by seeking help, best of wishes.
If I were you I would stay away from the forum for a while ...

16-08-2013, 11:25 AM

CBD Posh
16-08-2013, 12:13 PM
Apologies if i offended any one i needed too vent and have taken steps too help my situation i have been at st vincents hospital overnight and have spent time with there counsellors which has helped alot and have a action plan in place just
need to stick with it now and move on it is a horrible feeling having suicidal thoughts and in hindsight i should not have posted on here but i greatly appreciate members concerns and hopt to be back on track soon

I think We all have times like this, feeling overwhelmed by life and everything seems to go wrong.. you did the very right thing by venting it out and seeking profedsional help and taking steps to make changes. Taking action and keep yourself busy is a strong antidote for depession, even if your beloved nieces no longer talk to you now, give a bit more time be patient and they will come around. The funny thing is when we need less, we'll recieve more! Don't misjudge your self worth by the treatment of others, bro, to be great is too misunderstood.
Have yourself an action packed day, Bro fisher, and savor the moments!!

Punter Poontang
16-08-2013, 01:18 PM
Thanks for checking in with us Fisher.

Agree with CL that it showed a lot of strength to ask for help, really glad that you took the steps to post here (even if only venting, it's always good to get it off your chest!) and then to engage the help of those counsellors. Great stuff.

I wish you all the best and hope that you manage to get back on track as soon as possible.

16-08-2013, 04:40 PM
Brother Fisher has a detailed profile:

He's based in Liverpool, he is a transport co-ordinator, he like fishing, golf and motor transport. He has a naked woman as his avatar so we know his taste of woman, his last post was this thread, he was last on line last night 8pm but didn't responded to any of the well wishes!!

I think people in the forum all have a good heart and offering a friendly helping hand, it's up to brother Fisher to move forward and help himself!

One thing I guess is in his favour, he should be in pretty good shape as in health! That's more than half the battle won already mate! You have good health, you can do it !!

After losing so many love ones and close relatives in recent years , it is very clear to me and my family now that health is most important, it's a personal treasure that money can't buy.

If you have good health, you are very lucky and blessed man, you are streets ahead of so many families out there suffering and battling sickness and injuries !!

Nothing else really matter that much !

Just my one cent

All the best !

Ahlungor thats the thing about my health i have trashed my body did my back in barefooting 17 yrs ago never been the same since was within 2mm of breaking my spinal cord playing footy in 2001 had two surgeries on my right hand and one on my left hand as im getting older i have rejoined the gym too manage my weight and get my cardio system in order.
Today has been a good day theuroputic wise as i have got alot of my chest and told a few people around me there bullshit and company will no longer be needed in my life for me too move forward

16-08-2013, 05:38 PM
Ahlungor thats the thing about my health i have trashed my body did my back in barefooting 17 yrs ago never been the same since was within 2mm of breaking my spinal cord playing footy in 2001 had two surgeries on my right hand and one on my left hand as im getting older i have rejoined the gym too manage my weight and get my cardio system in order.
Today has been a good day theuroputic wise as i have got alot of my chest and told a few people around me there bullshit and company will no longer be needed in my life for me too move forward

OK, brother, now we know a bit more about you. Sorry to hear that you have had your fair share of bad luck and injury, keep up with your working out and you can win this. As you were so close to hurting your spine, you should be very thankful and pray to your own shinning star above, it could have been much worst, you are still alive, still mobile, still working, still can have sex, you are doing OK mate, take it that you have been gaining from that point onwards and enjoy life and make the most out of everything you have and build on it.



16-08-2013, 08:26 PM
I have. loved ones who have been in hospital for major surgeries this year and a loved one going through chemo.

I have spent a lot of time in icu as a carer and have seen a lot of sick people in the wards.

I see really ill people in the cancer wards getting knocked about so badly that they look like skeletons.

but they are all trying to fight it and trying to live.

When I see them,I see how trivial my own problems are and that there are many going through much much worse.

all those times that I spent in the hospital,I noticed a lot of people who had very little to no visitor. their iv machines could be beeping for whatever reason and due to understaffung no one comes to help them for some time.I started to chat to some of these people and they have a story to tell and they are most appreciative to have some company and someone to talk to.

It is good that you have sought help.