View Full Version : Girl info Mattemeiser's Korean Gril "Rock Sta"r satndard of service

24-08-2013, 09:14 PM
A majority of Korean girls would become rockstars if their service standards were increased. In my opinion, they have the best bodies of Asians, with perky larger cup size breasts, white porcelain skin, legs to die for and ample asses.

I was in the city on Friday evening and, passing by a Korean restaurant (in Castlereagh st I think) I walked into it on the pretext of studying one of their menus. My real reason, of course, was to take note of girls in real life (in a non-obvious way) that were identifiably Korean. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, as celebrated by mattemeiser above, and by countless others of you too. I wanted to see how the thousands of years of peninsula isolation had given them a classic Korean look, just as the island isolation of Japan had given them their own look too, in a general sense.

I enjoyed the experience, especially when one stunningly beautiful girl smiled at me in a friendly, if only polite fashion. (I later repeated the experience at a Japanese restaurant up the road.)

Well, look, I've never seen a Korean girl in a shop in my life, never, that is, mated with one, but after my restaurant haunting last night, mattemeiser's comment has me very interested now. I am into experiencing firsts, as many of you may know. And I am happy to invest more in obtaining firsts than I am in repeat experiences.

So who are the K-Girl (s) that fit mattemeiser's description very closely? Having white skin and all the rest he talks about, especially a great white ass? And with the Rock Star service he talks of? Are they truly as rare as rocking horse shit?

I'll take it under advisement.

Ps. Sorry that this is a boring "know any girls?" thread.

24-08-2013, 09:25 PM
There are K-Dolls at 5 Star who offer the Malay/Singaporean 6 Star service. I can't recall the name of who I saw there ages ago, but she was the typical K-Doll look and she did it ALL :) I'd start your search at 5 Star mate.

I'm sure other bros who frequent 5 Star more than me can throw a few names, I just haven't been there for ages (well ever since I discovered Ginza :p hehe)

24-08-2013, 11:58 PM
Here it is bro: JSY-A-Korean-Princess-without-the-Syndrome
