View Full Version : Ginza Jasmin - My Dream Girl, Forever

31-08-2013, 04:32 AM
Three months ago when I was putting together the Ultimate Index on Ginza girls, little did I know that the girl I would end up seeing next would make such a large impact on me. Or that I would end up seeing this girl for more than eight hours in total. I would not be joking if I say that she literally changed my life. As I've mentioned previously, the purpose of the Index was really so that I could jump to the relevant info as quickly as possible when necessarily. Time was and still is the biggest enemy when it comes to booking Ginza girls and anything that made it easier to make timely decisions was what I needed. But also in the process of putting it together I was also trying to prioritise on who to see based on my preferences, as the 'list' of girls to see had grown beyond control. In the end, Jasmin ended up right at the top of this list, along with another girl whose last minute absence essentially led me to see Jasmin in her place two days later. In hindsight, I believe it was just meant to happen. Destiny brought us together.

I have to thank bro Utamaro specifically for what he wrote on Jas back in May, as his comments is what sealed the deal for me. Well of course rooter, garfield and timtam had their parts in shaping my thoughts but your contribution was the final push that I needed, so thank you. And also again thank you for alerting us that her final week is this week. Apologies guys that I pretty much stayed away from commenting on anything Jas related for a while - as selfish as it is, I knew better than to contribute to drawing even more attention to her when I already have very little leeway in the times I can visit Ginza. I have to admit that I've known for over a month that she would be having a two month 'holiday' before October when her visa expired, but didn't dare to dream that the timing would come so fast. And as far as I know and as some others have already commented, this 'two month holiday' could end up being forever depending on what she decides to do about her future. We can only hope.

I'm probably one of the very few people that have had pretty much every possible combination of times with the same girl - I've ended up having her in various combinations of 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 min sessions, and she was just amazing in each and every one of them. Not that it was planned that way. I would have preferred to see her for 60+ mins every time but financial and time constraints dictated otherwise. I just had to see her as often and as long as possible given my circumstances, it was a constant internal battle on whether to see her as often as possible or to see her for longer instead.

But yes, most of you would be smart enough to know that the shorter time periods are just not enough when it comes to Jas. One time I've essentially spent almost all the 30 mins kissing her in the shower in a 30 min session, and was pretty much happy to leave it at that. Jasmin had other ideas, and gave me one of the best experiences ever in the little time that was left. Gotta love that enthusiasm. After this session, we started jumping to the other extreme by skipping the initial shower completely and straight into action - absolutely loved how raw the GFE became. The only other time since then that we included an initial shower was when we decided to go for some extra steamy action in the shower. Let's just say that some of the things that happened in there I've only ever fantasised about. Actually across the eight amazing sessions, she pretty much have made all my fantasies come true. However even though with Jasmin the sex and everything that comes with it is great, for me it always came back to that kiss. Her kiss melted me every time, it stole my heart along with her warm, fun personality. I sometimes didn't care about some of the other things that happened, as long as I got to experience that kiss once again. Conversation was also special with Jas - and as time went on, we started talking over some drinks mid-session and many of the things we talked cannot possibly be shared, very personal and private.

I could have finished at seven sessions as the number 7 has lucky connotations, but figured eight is still auspicious. I know that symbols don't mean much but at this stage I'm clinging onto anything that can act as a lucky charm so that I can see her again. And well, tbh just could not resist seeing her again one last time before the 'holiday'. Session number eight was extra special, I finally got to experience the famous Ginza spa with the girl that is truly the most special to me. And also had the fortune to see her in casual clothing afterwards, she was just sooooo cute. I just wanted to take her home at that point, well I still have that plan in place around taking her away out from reach of all of you, but of course couldn't do this in front of Wilson and Yuki :P

I've said when I first wrote my AR on Jasmin that she was my dream girl. She still is the ultimate dream girl for me. I have literally fallen in love with her, even though I knew that if I did it would one day end up destroying me. But it doesn't matter, because it reminded me how wonderful it feels to really love a girl again. Thank you Jasmin, wishing you all the best, and I hope I get to see you again soon.

As an aside, I need a bit of an hiatus after Hoshi and Jasmin cleaned me out in every way possible over the last month or two. However names like Love, Kiki, Alice, Angel, Nikki, Catherine, etc are just screaming out at me… looks like I probably can't do that just yet haha.

the wizard
31-08-2013, 08:24 AM
Hoshi, great wrap up for a great girl.
Exactly how I felt with Jass and I have been feeling meloncholy since seeing her on Wed.
I really could have seen her for just one more time, or extended my time or even booked the spa
but i really stuffed up and it was not to be...
Still no regrets, you just don't have them with Jass.
I did tell her that she was my favorite past and.present of all the girls there....she just blushed.
Time to seek new favorites and try new girls....and not to dwell on the past, just savour those memories and think to the future......

Mr. Who
31-08-2013, 12:48 PM
Oh Hoshi please, I'm not ready for this today :cry::cry::cry:

04-09-2013, 05:49 AM
Only been a few days and I'm just missing her greatly. There is no one that can possibly match her.

And even though I know it's best to think about the future, I think I just want dwell on her for a bit longer, she's so special...

Punter Poontang
04-09-2013, 12:44 PM
Chin up brother hoshi.

Great AR by the way, I didn't comment on it after the first read (you know why :-)), so thanks for the bump which just prompted me to re-read it.

Jas is certainly a very, very special girl. Count yourself lucky for having met her and being able to share so much time together, but if thinking of all those good times doesn't put a smile on your dial, then Dr Poontang still prescribes a heavy dose of Love for you .... bound to cure any heart-break. ;-)

the wizard
04-09-2013, 05:47 PM
Yeh hoshi you will be ok...
I recommend a dose of love as a start.
I think i should be feeling a little worse than you
And only you know why....