View Full Version : General talk Misunderstandings with a WL?

07-09-2013, 03:04 AM
Hey guys,

Recently I had the pleasure of seeing a WL and had a mind blowing 2 hour session with here. At which point she asked me for my number.

After many texts with heaps of language difficulties I managed to meet up with her once for a drink and then the second time I was at her place having the same mind blowing sex and it felt like things were going good. Lovey dovey sorts of texts were being sent after this and I thought that maybe something could happen.

Obviously things like the language barrier was a problem.

Recently, like a couple of days ago her texts have been infrequent and says shes busy with work. I don't have problems with her working as an WL, and whenever I ask when I could meet her again it would always be "I don't know"

I think I've obviously maybe invested a little too much emotion into this, but I'm not sure what's going on. She still calls me from time to time and messages me, but I'm just wondering what you think is going on....
She's not asking for any money or anything, but at the same time feels like theres a distance. And if she wanted it to be over, she'd just stop texting and calling all together right? However, that's not the case...

Just wondering what you guys think.... should I just not give it too much thought?

The joys/troubles of being young maybe....

Punter Poontang
07-09-2013, 03:20 AM
Just sounds like a woman to me, and the fact she's a WL could be incidental.

Chicks ..... :-P

07-09-2013, 08:23 AM
There is only one thing harder to fiqure out than a woman that's a working lady. Just go with the flow and enjoy it while it lasts!

07-09-2013, 10:06 AM
Hey guys,

Recently I had the pleasure of seeing a WL and had a mind blowing 2 hour session with here. At which point she asked me for my number.

After many texts with heaps of language difficulties I managed to meet up with her once for a drink and then the second time I was at her place having the same mind blowing sex and it felt like things were going good. Lovey dovey sorts of texts were being sent after this and I thought that maybe something could happen.

Obviously things like the language barrier was a problem.

Recently, like a couple of days ago her texts have been infrequent and says shes busy with work. I don't have problems with her working as an WL, and whenever I ask when I could meet her again it would always be "I don't know"

I think I've obviously maybe invested a little too much emotion into this, but I'm not sure what's going on. She still calls me from time to time and messages me, but I'm just wondering what you think is going on....
She's not asking for any money or anything, but at the same time feels like theres a distance. And if she wanted it to be over, she'd just stop texting and calling all together right? However, that's not the case...

Just wondering what you guys think.... should I just not give it too much thought?

The joys/troubles of being young maybe....

She probably found another guy and is spending time with him.
She is just keeping you on the backburner in case she needs you again.
Take it while it is available but don't get too involved ...

07-09-2013, 10:11 AM
How many times this has happened to follow punters ??

Don't try to be over analysing the situation, there are several possibilities:

1. She is an adult and enjoy sex outside of work with some nice company, you were there at the right place and the right time, treat it like a one or two nights stand, enjoy it while you can and there may be others !

2. Her situation may have changed, you may be a young fuck buddy, but what she really needs is a sugar daddy - may be she has found one or in the process, so she does not want to be too close to you.

3. She could be really busy with school work or whatever, be patient !

4. She is a player and your use by date is up!

There could be other reasons but you get the picture?

Good luck and move on


07-09-2013, 10:15 AM
Enjoy it while it lasts, when they start getting inconsistent I usually let them go. If they're really into you they'll come after you after you lessen your contact with her. But as ahlungor said there might be a million reasons for her behaviour.

07-09-2013, 10:51 AM
Mate I feel you pain. Been through this a few times.. At the end of the day...she's seeing dude after dude...and someone inevitably comes along that attracts her attention, seems all new and exciting, rich, good-looking, young, fun...etc ...just like you attracted her attention for a while...and someone did before you...loyalty and love aren't strong points for a lot of WLs... (nor punters either! :) )...it hurts yep...but appreciate what you've had and don't get too hung up on her...best therapy is to get out there and see other chicks...Someone will soon attract you attention and she'll be a distant and hopefully pleasant memory!! :D

07-09-2013, 10:55 AM
Thanks for the comments guys,

All makes sense and I'll just lessen contact with her and see how that goes.
I guess at the end of the day she's probably found someone who's new and sparks her interest which makes perfect sense.

Thanks for the advice.