View Full Version : General talk One in four men admit to rape in the Asia Pacific region.

12-09-2013, 10:39 PM
From here (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-09-11/one-in-four-men-admit-to-rape/4952518)

Some quotes:

The UN surveyed 10,000 men, discovering that one in four admitted to raping a woman

From 2010 to 2013, 10,000 men from Indonesia, Cambodia, Bangladesh, China, Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka were quizzed on their views on a range of gender and violence issues. They were candid in their responses. Almost half of them said they had engaged in physical or sexual violence against women. About a quarter of them admitted to rape, saying they had forced or coerced women to have sex with them.

Women in Papua New Guinea were at greatest risk. More than 80 per cent of men in Bougainville said they had hurt or sexually violated their partners or a stranger. More than one in five PNG survey participants admitted to gang rape.

In China, there appears to be a low tolerance for the argument that women deserve to be beaten by their partners, yet Chinese men were more likely to pay for sex than other participants.

12-09-2013, 10:45 PM
There is no justification to rape anyone imo.
Rapists and pedoes should be castrated and locked up for life again my own opinion.
Woman and kids are human beings and regardless of background or culture should be treated with respect like all humans should expect.

13-09-2013, 03:30 PM
That's just all kinds of fucked up! It's clearly a cultural thing, and I can understand why lots of MLs/WLs have prejudice against seeing customers from some racial backgrounds.

13-09-2013, 04:04 PM
I don't think rape is so common in China, other countries from that list I am not so sure though. Maybe this is an attempt from some western men to put down asian men again? China is very different from that list of countries in a lot of things.

13-09-2013, 04:09 PM
I don't think rape is so common in China, other countries from that list I am not so sure though. Maybe this is an attempt from some western men to put down asian men again? China is very different from that list of countries in a lot of things.

Yeap, I can't agree more.

With so much sexual outlets, so much varieties and so cheap, I don't think there is much need for Chinese horny man to have to rape to get a release. Don't get me wrong, sexual crimes and attacks probably still very common in China especially with the vast populations, but 1 in 4 is a bit too ridiculus .

I would rather believe 1 in 4 men in China will be a punter though !!

Just my 4 cents



13-09-2013, 06:00 PM
I cant understand how any man can force himself on a woman?

For me the best part of having sex is making love to the lady, and sure even if you pay for it at least the lady is with your cause she wants to be, cant understand how you can get any satisfaction if the lady doesn't want to partake.

I love women and love to make love to them and watch them enjoy themselves! That is what sex is all about.

13-09-2013, 06:57 PM
As I always said, negative comments always attract a lot more attention than positive ones, and there are no shortage of people believing in those !