View Full Version : Girl info The dangerous permissive era of "deluded narcissistic pseudo female empowerment".

21-09-2013, 11:35 PM
The dangerous permissive era of "deluded narcissistic pseudo female empowerment".

This era of dangerous delusion is being promoted by almost every part of the media and associated communication & information systems. Many governments are also beginning to toe this line. The delusion is permeating every aspect western democratic culture, resulting in the “feminization” of society and the weakening of western democratic cultural institutions.

The traditional institutions of “the family” and “marriage” have been under attack for decades. This is not happening by accident, it was planned and pre-meditated, commencing in the 60s, and gaining momentum every decade since. The so-called progressive movement emerged after the second world war in Europe, with the noble aims of improved health and education for the general population. It began well, after the very difficult years following the war, and significant legislation was passed to improve health, education & other services. Things were definitely improving for the average population.

However, during the 60s/70s this noble movement was insidiously infiltrated and undermined by the permissive left (the indulgent, tolerant, lenient liberal, bleeding heart do-gooders) and then the slow decline began. The permissive-left hate strong, intelligent heterosexual men, they hate the traditional family unit, and they hate the traditional institution of marriage.

For decades, children have been raised with less and less male influence, due to the break up of the family unit resulting from the prejudicial treatment of men in the law courts. Primary schools have a miniscule number of male teachers. This has compounded the softening of the heterosexual male role in raising the new generations. Thirty to forty years of this unrelenting attack on heterosexual men, the family and marriage, has laid the foundations for the current era of deluded, narcissistic female pseudo-empowerment.

This is further compounded by the global media, which is actively engaged in promoting every social entity, fashion or movement other than the traditional family, the traditional marriage, and intelligent heterosexual men. The “feminization” of western democratic society is weakening modern society, undermining it, and preparing it for the subsequent eras or epochs. They want future times to involve the sub-ordination of a once great western culture & society to all other emerging permissive social movements and media-dominant cultural influences propagated by global propaganda systems, in particular the pervasive, insidious, omni-present internet.

Intelligent, strong heterosexual men must wake-up and unite to effectively counter the continuous and relentless attacks on their great western culture, the culture that made the modern world as we know it. The great western democratic civilization is being eroded bit by bit, year by year, by the ignorant and cognitively simplistic followers of the permissive-left ideology. This doctrine blindly seeks the decline & collapse of traditional western democratic civilization in the name of “progress”, and is seemingly oblivious to the new dark age that will replace it. We must learn the lessons of ancient history, and learn them quickly.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

22-09-2013, 12:09 AM
Are you serious?

" the traditional family, the traditional marriage, and intelligent heterosexual men."
So what are you doing on a punter forum? Shouldn't you be with your family/wife?

Auf Wiedersehen,
or should I say Heil!

22-09-2013, 01:49 AM
It is unfortunate that there are hardly any male primary school teachers anymore. And those few that are have to swim throughout their careers an ocean of oestrogen. Primary school teaching is a matriarchal structure these days and I'll bet that there are quite a few ball breakers in senior positions over the few weedy male teachers left.

22-09-2013, 01:51 AM
1. Beat your women

(oops forgot in this modern world you get imprisoned for beating your own woman)

2. Beat her anyway

3. Dont get married

4. Spead your seed

5. Engage in homosexuality

6. Kill all Jews

22-09-2013, 01:56 AM
Did you actually write all that ? Or did you copy it from somewhere ?

Impressive I must say! But I don't really understand the language !

Can you please translate that to English ?

22-09-2013, 08:52 AM
I think he is just trying to confuse us mere mortals.

22-09-2013, 11:18 AM
It is unfortunate that there are hardly any male primary school teachers anymore. And those few that are have to swim throughout their careers an ocean of oestrogen. Primary school teaching is a matriarchal structure these days and I'll bet that there are quite a few ball breakers in senior positions over the few weedy male teachers left.

It sounds like you understand what's going on Sextus. Keep you powder dry, bang the shit out of them when the mood strikes, but keep yourself strong at all costs. Your energy and strength will be needed.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

22-09-2013, 11:24 AM
I think he is just trying to confuse us mere mortals.

What exactly do you find confusing my friend? I think my article is very clear and concise.
But I'm glad to see you are interested to some extent at least.

If I have implanted a seed of curiosity, your understanding will grow overtime, as you think about it.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

22-09-2013, 11:34 AM
Did you actually write all that ? Or did you copy it from somewhere ?

Impressive I must say! But I don't really understand the language !

Can you please translate that to English ?

Yes indeed, I wrote the article, a brief analysis and assessment of modern times I'd say.
You don't find articles like this too much, that's the problem. It is an accurate and concise summary of the reality of our modern times.
If you're genuinely impressed, I am obviously appreciative. However, I'd rather you spread the good word, if you get my meaning.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

22-09-2013, 11:46 AM
Re the Primary school issue specifically, it is just healthier for the psychological health of society that boys have important male role models in their lives beyond that of their parent - particulary with the high rate of divorces. Footy coaches are good, for example, to help with this - unless they turn out for netball instead. :surprise:

Heinrich Rommel Goring, the rest of your polemic is useful in the free exchange of ideas sense, but don't verbal me entirely into your camp (or should I say mein camp? :shout: )

22-09-2013, 11:51 AM
Re the Primary school issue specifically, it is just healthier for the psychological health of society that boys have important male role models in their lives beyond that of their parent, particulary with the high rate of divorces. Footy coaches are good, for example, to help with this - unless they turn out for netball instead. :surprise:

Heinrich Rommel Goring, the rest of your polemic is useful in the free exchange of ideas sense, but don't verbal me entirely into your camp (or should I say mein camp? :shout: )

Point taken Sextus. I respect your obvious intelligence, even though we might not agree uniformly on the aforementioned matters, at least not at this particular time.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

22-09-2013, 02:12 PM
Did you actually write all that ? Or did you copy it from somewhere ?

Impressive I must say! But I don't really understand the language !

Can you please translate that to English ?

I will try and translate that to you bro Ahlungor.
Please note though, that this is just my interpretation of the gender bias political declaration of Herr Göring (who apparently has fixed the spelling of his name), which looks awfully lot like what the religious right in the US is driving at.

He seems to be missing the good old days of the 50’s (or earlier) when the man (gays kept to their closets at the time) was the king of the family and the woman’s place was between the stove and the fist, and divorce was almost unheard of due to either religious or social pressures.
The majority of people were totally happy about that, and why would they have not been, that was the social norm of the time and all that they had ever heard of. Unfortunately the side effect was that even in situations when living in that family unit was a total hell; there was no way out of it.

He is saying that the gender equality laws passed during the last century and the implementation of education reforms have allowed more educated women to enter the work force in higher paid and more influential professions that used to be the domain reserved for the heterosexual man, like education and politics (not limited to these) and have thus totally changed the social structure of the western countries (this should not come as news to anyone).

As an example of the change in education of women the following example is from the US.
In 1970 only 11% of the women in the labor force had a college degree or higher education, while in 2011 that number was 37%.
So yes, women are now competing of the same jobs that used to be reserved for men.

As for the number of teachers, Herr Göring is right about minuscule number of male teacher in primary school. But what is the reason for that?
Is it just that there are now enough women with the required degree to fill those positions and that the salary of a primary school teacher is so low that now self-respecting heterosexual man will work for such low wages.

The ratio of men teachers is much higher in secondary and tertiary education and so is the salary by the way.

The percentage of men teachers - 2011
Child Care 5.50%
Teacher Assistants 7.80%
Preschool & Kindergarten 2.30%
Elementary & Middle School 18.30%
Secondary School 42.00%

Go to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website to see source data.

So what should we, “the Intelligent, strong heterosexual men do to effectively counter the continuous and relentless attacks on our great western culture”?

One option seems obvious.

We should all as individuals import women, let’s say just as an example from those South-East Asian countries where the gender equality is not so high yet. Because let’s face it, the Australian born women are already past being suited to this great western culture of ours.

Then we tell them to stay at home while we bring in the bread and butter.
To make sure that the situation as a whole is corrected over time, we must then educate our children so that our daughters will learn that their purpose in life is to find a suitable rich husband and stay at home and teach this to their children as well.
Any arising thoughts of our daughters wanting a higher education should be crushed without mercy, as that would just lead to the decline of the strong heterosexual male society we have worked so hard to save.

Could there be any other options available to us?

How can we save “the traditional marriage and the traditional family unit”?
Or is the institution of marriage or the traditional part of it even worth saving?
Should we rather thrive to family unit that ensures that our children have a family to grow up with and that they get the best role models to learn life values from, both male and female?

Are the breakups in marriages really due to liberal laws that allow us to option to a divorce easily or is the reason in the people themselves?
Wouldn't two people who want to stay together, stay together, no matter how easy it is to get separated?

Maybe we strong intellectual heterosexual men should take a long look in the mirror; and before starting to spread the seed employ some self-control and try and find a partner that they are relatively sure they can spend the rest of their life with (or at least until the kids have grown up).

By doing so, can we also maintain the gender equality to make sure everyone (not just the strong heterosexual men) has a meaningful and happy life to look forward?

I don’t know. It’s up to all of us to thrive towards to kind of life we like to lead.

All I know for sure, brothers:
While looking for that perfect partner, keep punting to release your sexual tensions, so that your little bro doesn't drive you to something long term that you might regret later in life.

22-09-2013, 02:39 PM
^ good suggestions

although. i still insist we do each other up the pooper till the circumstances somewhat change

22-09-2013, 04:52 PM
I will try and translate that to you bro Ahlungor.
Please note though, that this is just my interpretation of the gender bias political declaration of Herr Göring (who apparently has fixed the spelling of his name), which looks awfully lot like what the religious right in the US is driving at.

He seems to be missing the good old days of the 50’s (or earlier) when the man (gays kept to their closets at the time) was the king of the family and the woman’s place was between the stove and the fist, and divorce was almost unheard of due to either religious or social pressures.
The majority of people were totally happy about that, and why would they have not been, that was the social norm of the time and all that they had ever heard of. Unfortunately the side effect was that even in situations when living in that family unit was a total hell; there was no way out of it.

He is saying that the gender equality laws passed during the last century and the implementation of education reforms have allowed more educated women to enter the work force in higher paid and more influential professions that used to be the domain reserved for the heterosexual man, like education and politics (not limited to these) and have thus totally changed the social structure of the western countries (this should not come as news to anyone).

As an example of the change in education of women the following example is from the US.
In 1970 only 11% of the women in the labor force had a college degree or higher education, while in 2011 that number was 37%.
So yes, women are now competing of the same jobs that used to be reserved for men.

As for the number of teachers, Herr Göring is right about minuscule number of male teacher in primary school. But what is the reason for that?
Is it just that there are now enough women with the required degree to fill those positions and that the salary of a primary school teacher is so low that now self-respecting heterosexual man will work for such low wages.

The ratio of men teachers is much higher in secondary and tertiary education and so is the salary by the way.

The percentage of men teachers - 2011
Child Care 5.50%
Teacher Assistants 7.80%
Preschool & Kindergarten 2.30%
Elementary & Middle School 18.30%
Secondary School 42.00%

Go to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website to see source data.

So what should we, “the Intelligent, strong heterosexual men do to effectively counter the continuous and relentless attacks on our great western culture”?

One option seems obvious.

We should all as individuals import women, let’s say just as an example from those South-East Asian countries where the gender equality is not so high yet. Because let’s face it, the Australian born women are already past being suited to this great western culture of ours.

Then we tell them to stay at home while we bring in the bread and butter.
To make sure that the situation as a whole is corrected over time, we must then educate our children so that our daughters will learn that their purpose in life is to find a suitable rich husband and stay at home and teach this to their children as well.
Any arising thoughts of our daughters wanting a higher education should be crushed without mercy, as that would just lead to the decline of the strong heterosexual male society we have worked so hard to save.

Could there be any other options available to us?

How can we save “the traditional marriage and the traditional family unit”?
Or is the institution of marriage or the traditional part of it even worth saving?
Should we rather thrive to family unit that ensures that our children have a family to grow up with and that they get the best role models to learn life values from, both male and female?

Are the breakups in marriages really due to liberal laws that allow us to option to a divorce easily or is the reason in the people themselves?
Wouldn't two people who want to stay together, stay together, no matter how easy it is to get separated?

Maybe we strong intellectual heterosexual men should take a long look in the mirror; and before starting to spread the seed employ some self-control and try and find a partner that they are relatively sure they can spend the rest of their life with (or at least until the kids have grown up).

By doing so, can we also maintain the gender equality to make sure everyone (not just the strong heterosexual men) has a meaningful and happy life to look forward?

I don’t know. It’s up to all of us to thrive towards to kind of life we like to lead.

All I know for sure, brothers:
While looking for that perfect partner, keep punting to release your sexual tensions, so that your little bro doesn't drive you to something long term that you might regret later in life.

Thanks for the translation, i couldn't finish reading the original as I just tuned out from boredom.
At least we know what this guy is on about now.
I noticed he hasn't done an AR yet ...

22-09-2013, 05:01 PM
I will try and translate that to you bro Ahlungor.
Please note though, that this is just my interpretation of the gender bias political declaration of Herr Göring (who apparently has fixed the spelling of his name), which looks awfully lot like what the religious right in the US is driving at.

He seems to be missing the good old days of the 50’s (or earlier) when the man (gays kept to their closets at the time) was the king of the family and the woman’s place was between the stove and the fist, and divorce was almost unheard of due to either religious or social pressures.
The majority of people were totally happy about that, and why would they have not been, that was the social norm of the time and all that they had ever heard of. Unfortunately the side effect was that even in situations when living in that family unit was a total hell; there was no way out of it.

He is saying that the gender equality laws passed during the last century and the implementation of education reforms have allowed more educated women to enter the work force in higher paid and more influential professions that used to be the domain reserved for the heterosexual man, like education and politics (not limited to these) and have thus totally changed the social structure of the western countries (this should not come as news to anyone).

As an example of the change in education of women the following example is from the US.
In 1970 only 11% of the women in the labor force had a college degree or higher education, while in 2011 that number was 37%.
So yes, women are now competing of the same jobs that used to be reserved for men.

As for the number of teachers, Herr Göring is right about minuscule number of male teacher in primary school. But what is the reason for that?
Is it just that there are now enough women with the required degree to fill those positions and that the salary of a primary school teacher is so low that now self-respecting heterosexual man will work for such low wages.

The ratio of men teachers is much higher in secondary and tertiary education and so is the salary by the way.

The percentage of men teachers - 2011
Child Care 5.50%
Teacher Assistants 7.80%
Preschool & Kindergarten 2.30%
Elementary & Middle School 18.30%
Secondary School 42.00%

Go to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website to see source data.

So what should we, “the Intelligent, strong heterosexual men do to effectively counter the continuous and relentless attacks on our great western culture”?

One option seems obvious.

We should all as individuals import women, let’s say just as an example from those South-East Asian countries where the gender equality is not so high yet. Because let’s face it, the Australian born women are already past being suited to this great western culture of ours.

Then we tell them to stay at home while we bring in the bread and butter.
To make sure that the situation as a whole is corrected over time, we must then educate our children so that our daughters will learn that their purpose in life is to find a suitable rich husband and stay at home and teach this to their children as well.
Any arising thoughts of our daughters wanting a higher education should be crushed without mercy, as that would just lead to the decline of the strong heterosexual male society we have worked so hard to save.

Could there be any other options available to us?

How can we save “the traditional marriage and the traditional family unit”?
Or is the institution of marriage or the traditional part of it even worth saving?
Should we rather thrive to family unit that ensures that our children have a family to grow up with and that they get the best role models to learn life values from, both male and female?

Are the breakups in marriages really due to liberal laws that allow us to option to a divorce easily or is the reason in the people themselves?
Wouldn't two people who want to stay together, stay together, no matter how easy it is to get separated?

Maybe we strong intellectual heterosexual men should take a long look in the mirror; and before starting to spread the seed employ some self-control and try and find a partner that they are relatively sure they can spend the rest of their life with (or at least until the kids have grown up).

By doing so, can we also maintain the gender equality to make sure everyone (not just the strong heterosexual men) has a meaningful and happy life to look forward?

I don’t know. It’s up to all of us to thrive towards to kind of life we like to lead.

All I know for sure, brothers:
While looking for that perfect partner, keep punting to release your sexual tensions, so that your little bro doesn't drive you to something long term that you might regret later in life.

Well, your response is categorically not a translation, you wrote much more than the original piece. Rather, it is limp and longwinded response by someone who misses the key points. Frankly, I can only assume it was, in fact, written by a woman.

First of all, in actuality, there is no such thing as gender equality, not on any level. The increasing insidious creep of the permissive-left & associated feminist doctrine (one of several doctrines) actively encourages and promotes the idea that women shouldn’t simply share the same rights as men. Rather, they should demand all the rights that men have, and then on top of those shared rights, they should demand a whole collection of specific women’s rights.

This hasn’t happened overnight, it has been slowly creeping along since the 60s, but it has been gathering pace in recent years. The key aspect here is the idea that women are in some way special, deserving, and entitled simply because they are women. This has indeed created the era of deluded, narcissistic, pseudo female empowerment.

Unfortunately, there is a direct inverse linear relationship between the emergence and rise of the permissive left in western civilization, and the decline of family, marriage, and the strong heterosexual male role, with an associated decline in almost every aspect of society.

As information technology/communications/media become the new opiate of the people, the glorious institutions and rich heritage of western civilization are being eroded with the arts, educational standards, cultural identity and social standards all declining hand in hand with each other. Intelligent, strong heterosexual men must wake-up and unite to effectively counter the continuous and relentless attacks on their great western civilization & culture, the culture that made the modern world, as we know it.

The ignorant and cognitively simplistic followers of the permissive-left ideology blindly seek the decline & collapse of traditional western democratic civilization, all in the name of “progress”. Just utter the word “progressive” to the facebook generation, as well as many others, and they jump on board to whatever “cause” or “movement” it may be, with barely a thought. They have little or no discerning judgment due to declining educational standards and the pervasive influence of the internet.

Unfortunately, they also lack any foresight and are entirely oblivious to the new dark-age that will inevitably replace western civilization & culture, should it eventually fall. We must learn the lessons of both ancient & modern history, and learn them quickly.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

22-09-2013, 05:05 PM
I got to the second paragraph this time ...

22-09-2013, 05:17 PM
Thanks for the translation, i couldn't finish reading the original as I just tuned out from boredom.
At least we know what this guy is on about now.
I noticed he hasn't done an AR yet ...

That's the problem with so many folk in modern times, they just "log in and tune out" they don't have any real intelligence anymore, they just want to "absorb" and "consume" like a very dry empty sponge in the bath tub. In fact, they don't even have to log-in to tune out, they are already tuned out - "I'm horny, need fuck", "I'm hungry, need food", "I'm full up, need shit". This materialistic, even animalistic approach to life seems to emanate largely from that wonderful country of.... well, I'm sure you know where.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

22-09-2013, 05:32 PM
That's the problem with so many folk in modern times, they just "log in and tune out" they don't have any real intelligence anymore, they just want to "absorb" and "consume" like a very dry empty sponge in the bath tub. In fact, they don't even have to log-in to tune out, they are already tuned out - "I'm horny, need fuck", "I'm hungry, need food", "I'm full up, need shit". This materialistic, even animalistic approach to life seems to emanate largely from that wonderful country of.... well, I'm sure you know where.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

Did you know this was a sex forum ?
If we want to learn more about your views and agenda is their a website, or a serious forum, we can refer to ...

22-09-2013, 05:36 PM
Did you know this was a sex foum ?
If we want to learn more about your views and agenda is their a website, or a serious forum, we can refer to ...

What is a "sex foum"?

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

22-09-2013, 05:45 PM
Boring.. Waffle.. Self righteous.. Elitist mentality dating back to the 1950s.. Women stay at home and men the bread winners.. you Tony Abbott?.. Messer H?.. Carry on and waffle which the great majority will tune out in 5 seconds.. Move on.. It is a new age and dawn.. Move on and evolve or get left in the waste land reminiscing about the past.. Past is past.. Seem to recall Darwin's theory of evolution..

22-09-2013, 06:21 PM
As information technology/communications/media become the new opiate of the people, the glorious institutions and rich heritage of western civilization are being eroded with the arts, educational standards, cultural identity and social standards all declining hand in hand with each other. Intelligent, strong heterosexual men must wake-up and unite to effectively counter the continuous and relentless attacks on their great western civilization & culture, the culture that made the modern world, as we know it.

Unfortunately, they also lack any foresight and are entirely oblivious to the new dark-age that will inevitably replace western civilization & culture, should it eventually fall. We must learn the lessons of both ancient & modern history, and learn them quickly.

Are you referring to the culture which to a great extent originates from the ancient Greece?

The Intelligent, strong heterosexual men who are learning lessons from ancient history might be shocked to know how many of the Greek philosophers and leaders who crafted the foundations to the western civilization were actually gay or bi.

The ignorant and cognitively simplistic followers of the permissive-left ideology blindly seek the decline & collapse of traditional western democratic civilization, all in the name of “progress”.

So are you talking in just abstracts or do you count yourself as one of those "Intelligent, strong heterosexual men who need to unite to effectively counter the continuous and relentless attacks"?
Are you trying to advocate this cause and if so, what do you propose is the proper cause of action that should be taken? (After waking up and uniting, that is.)

Or are you just trying to find ignorant and cognitively simplistic followers of the non-permissive-right ideology who would blindly seek the decline & collapse of progress of the civilization, all in the name of “tradition”?

I'm not advocating any view or cause (at least not on this forum), I'm just asking you a question.

22-09-2013, 06:25 PM
And I agree with other posters on the fact that this sort of political debate does not belong to this forum.

So I humble apologies to everyone for taking part on this thread.

For Herr Göring my suggestion would be:
Please visit a brothel and write an AR. Maybe someone reads that.

22-09-2013, 06:38 PM
And I agree with other posters on the fact that this sort of political debate does not belong to this forum.

So I humble apologies to everyone for taking part on this thread.

For Herr Göring my suggestion would be:
Please visit a brothel and write an AR. Maybe someone reads that.

I don't accept your apology!
I think your contributions on this thread have been valuable.

22-09-2013, 06:39 PM
And I agree with other posters on the fact that this sort of political debate does not belong to this forum.

So why don't you go and visit a brothel and write an AR?

Like many of the permissive left, you do not believe in freedom of speech, but you are no doubt an advocate of political correctness, a most insidious attempt at the suppression of both thought and speech.

There is change, there is progress, there is regression and there is degeneration. You require wisdom and discerning judgement to differentiate. You appear a little familiar with various eras or epochs in history, so you have surely heard of the Dark Ages. Not all change can be considered progress, we are living in changing times and they are also dangerous times.

You say you are not advocating a view or cause (not even the devil's advocate?) well, that's because you have no courage to do so. You are part of the weak, tolerant, lenient permissive left, you believe in nothing other than yourself - "I, me, mine".

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

22-09-2013, 07:22 PM
Like many of the permissive left, you do not believe in freedom of speech, but you are no doubt an advocate of political correctness, a most insidious attempt at the suppression of both thought and speech.

"an advocate of political correctness", I? Far from it! I just don't think that this is a correct forum for political debate.

I may try and and influence your thoughts, but I leave the suppression of speech to those who have the power to execute that suppression, namely the moderators.

Being permissive and not believing in freedom of speech? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?

There is change, there is progress, there is regression and there is degeneration. You require wisdom and discerning judgement to differentiate. You appear a little familiar with various eras or epochs in history, so you have surely heard of the Dark Ages. Not all change can be considered progress, we are living in changing times and they are also dangerous times.

What do the "Dark Ages" have to do with this debate?
The collapse of the Western Roman Empire left the world with very little historic documents of the era formerly called "the Dark Ages" (a term that dates back to 14th century), but the history scholars are no longer so sure of the darkness of that period of time.

You say you are not advocating a view or cause (not even the devil's advocate?) well, that's because you have no courage to do so. You are part of the weak, tolerant, lenient permissive left, you believe in nothing other than yourself - "I, me, mine".

Weak, tolerant, lenient permissive left, who believe in nothing other than yourself - "I, me, mine".
Isn't that a contradiction in terms again?

"I, me, mine" - to me that sounds more like "The Intelligent, strong heterosexual man".

I don't lack the courage, I just don't think that this is a right place to be advocating political views!

And as for the two totally opposing views that you are talking about, I think the best solution can be found somewhere in the middle.

But yet again, this is not the right place for political views!
There must be a forum where you can discuss those and they would be in line with the forums purpose. Got it?

22-09-2013, 07:30 PM
This is general talk forum guys let him speak.

22-09-2013, 07:38 PM
for freedom of speech, I say we vote him out of big brother house! more annoying than the guys with evenness in both hands :shout:

22-09-2013, 07:46 PM
Everything is political - including gender & sex, and punters nowadays are operating in a very rarified environment, "the era of deluded narcissistic pseudo female empowerment". It is perfectly reasonable to point this out to anyone who wants to consider it. Perhaps you can checkout my other article on the "law of diminishing returns" and "scarcity of resources" in terms of the sex industry. I'm a highly experienced man, I strongly suspect I've had more experience with women than you. I'm not making this stuff up, I know what I'm talking about.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

22-09-2013, 07:53 PM
There has been a great proliferation of massage/full service shops over the last 5 years.
There are way too many, a massive over supply.

When establishments were relatively scarce, they had value and quality, they provided good service and made loads of money.
A scarce resource is a valuable resource.

Now, because of the over supply of establishments, their quality and value has diminished.
They generally provide mediocre service and don't make so much money.
The girls now don't care as much about the quality of their service as they did before,
they just want to pretend they are gorgeous and make some quick cash money.

We are living in an era of the "deluded narcissistic female". Remember that my friends,
don't waste your money and time on heavily over-priced whores. If you are keen on some sensual attention, you should do the following:

Find a massage shop that charges $60 for half hour for massage with happy ending. Alternatively,
Find a full service shop that charges $90 per half hour for sex, blowjob. (e.g Artarmon, Hampden Rd, x 2 very close to station).

Never pay more than $60 for half hour massage/RnT & never pay more than $90-100 for half hour full service.
The law of "diminishing returns" quickly kicks in when you pay too much, or when you start punting too much.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

22-09-2013, 08:41 PM
*yawn* blah blah blah.. Now the discussion turns to quality vs quantity.. Now you want to drink cristal champagne or Louis 13 cognac on a vb budget.. Ain't called punting for nothing.. Yawn.. Boring..

22-09-2013, 09:30 PM
Somehow the original post and the below comment in that other thread reminded me of a marvelous movie I've seen several times.

The real PauL Gallen is talented, strong, and actually quite articulate. Accordingly, he'd be a good man to have on board. And I'm sure he'd look pretty good in the right uniform. Unfortunately, you're not Paul Gallen.

I asked Herr Göring, which kind of uniform he is talking about, but he has not had the guts to answer yet. Is he being politically correct?

Anyway here is a clip from that movie. The theme in the scene is "I hate Illinois Nazis" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv5RXPHEn5c)

22-09-2013, 10:05 PM
Fiddler On The Roof is a decent movie, much better than Yentl......

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

22-09-2013, 10:48 PM
I'm always happy to have a debate with you Herr Göring, but let's end this one now that it's still 1800 views short of the "currently most popular thread".


23-09-2013, 12:59 AM
I'm always happy to have a debate with you Herr Göring, but let's end this one now that it's still 1800 views short of the "currently most popular thread".

I think at this point in time, I'll poke my head out and say that I've contributed a few views to the 1800 there. I've been lurking this thread since it started, but didn't want to contribute anything. All I'll say is that I don't see the world in the way that the OP does, and I don't want to put the effort into sharing my thoughts on the subject. What I will say, looking at Herr Goering's posts, is that this doesn't feel like a debate. Replies have just been dismissed offhand by the OP, with all retorts seeming to boil down to either "you don't get it" or petty insults.

I think this thread is fine where it is

23-09-2013, 01:26 AM
What is a "sex foum"?

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

You are behaving like a troll now.
I suppose it is only a matter of time before you are exposed for what you are and give up once everyone ignores you and move on to the next forum to try and recruit for your "cause" ...

23-09-2013, 08:42 AM
What I will say, looking at Herr Goering's posts, is that this doesn't feel like a debate. Replies have just been dismissed offhand by the OP, with all retorts seeming to boil down to either "you don't get it" or petty insults.

That is why I was reminded of the "currently most popular thread".
Kind of a deja vu moment.

23-09-2013, 09:04 AM
Ha ha ha

Consume, be silent, and die... .

And don't mention the war

23-09-2013, 09:14 AM
So, I booked Cristal at Kings (as she was pronouncing it). She has a tight little bod and I hadn't quite gotten my fill of western, pseudo female empowered pussy so I thought, f*ck it, I'll have a punt. Funnily, everyone else was calling her Crystal which is way more appropriate. It's her first day and as I scan the room, it's full of guys in their 60's and upwards. Awesome, it's pension day.

Crystal is pretty much the embodiment of pseudo female narcissism. I love it. It's so bullsh*t tongue in cheek and completely unsustainable. Reality is, many of these girls put on a brave face, get ultra feminist but in reality don't believe a word of it.

She tells me that she is Columbian in a strange accent. I smile, having known a little hot Columbian in my time… So I say, "Cool. Have you met B?" "No," she says. "Ok, she was rostered on today, Spanish girl. Hot little bod." It still hasn't clicked to her. I fire off some Spanish. "Solíamos jugar juegos traviesos el spa." Blank stare. "You're pretty hot but you had no idea what I just said."

And the facade melts along with the accent. "I was just having fun," she says. "Hey, that's cool," I smile. I lean in close and kiss her on the neck. She turns and gets a close up of my aftershave. "I said, 'We used to have fun in the spa.'" With that, I pull away and pour us some more wine. I have a fairly nice Sémillon Sauvignon Blanc. It's light, refreshingly easy to drink and the girls in the spa have been known to gobble it up without a second's notice.

"Can you smell cinnamon?" she asks. "Why, are you hungry for something more?" I say with a wolfish grin. "No, it's very nice though." "Oh, that's my aftershave. They always smell different when they mix with someone's pheromones." She leans in close to run her nose along my neck. Her eyes are closed and she breathes me in. Muhahaha. I have her. I push her away a little. "So some of the girls say I kiss like a girl. But they also say it's not a bad thing." "What do they mean by that?" she asks. "Come and find out."

With that, Crystal moves in between my legs, face close. I start kissing her neck, sliding my hands up her back. I rub my fingers up alongside her spine, up the back of her neck. She relaxes into me. I grab the back of her neck, pouncing like a lion pounces on its prey. I kiss her with intensity, pulling her face into mine before softening and pulling away. She has this glazed, half drunken vulnerability about her. "Not like a girl, " she croaks. I laugh. "What does your other half think of you working here?" She looks at me, head bowed. "Ugh. I'm married and my husband is a big f*cking asshole." "Really? What does he think you do?" "Real estate." "How did you know I had a husband?" "Yeah, good looking girl like you…" I trail it off and she moves in again, we kiss softly and this goes on for about half an hour as we sip wine, make out and run each other's hands over our bodies.

Crystal stands, "I strip as well." "Ha! Really? I can believe it but it's funny because I used to pick up girls at MG's before picking girls up in here." "So you work in the sex industry and your hubby has no idea?" "He knows I strip but that's it." She bends over the edge of the spa. "Do you like by butt? My husband doesn't." "Sounds like a classy guy," I say sarcastically. "It's nice, but there are a few girls in here with a nice arse." She smiles and moves towards me again, tits in my face. We're chatting and I say, "Crystal, we can't really talk with your tits in my face." "He hates these too. Too small he says." They're firm B-cups, very nice and very firm. "You can touch them if you like." I grin up at her, pull her down and kiss her again. Then as she stands, my mouth is kissing her breasts, flicking her nipples with my tongue. Her head is back, eyes shut and she gasps and moans. She frantically reaches down to hold my c*ck and rub it along her little landing strip of sunshine and happiness, LOL. And then I push her away, just as I feel her tensing against me.

"F*ck," she says, "That was crazy." "We're not going further today," I tell her. "Next time…" We drink a little more. "But I want to finish you off," she purrs. I smile at her with a twinkle in my eye, "Heidi will finish me off. If I let her..." So we spend the rest of the session joking, laughing and her demonstrating her permissive left tit and stoic right tit by motor-boating my face.

Our session ends over time and I walk upstairs with her. She's bustling around coz she's supposed to be going to dinner with her husband and family and now she's smashed, with a stupid grin on her face. "Go, you've got to get out of here. Stop talking to me. I know, I know. F*ck Crystal, you're smashed. Yeah, I know he's nice - he used to book me. Go home!" One of the managers is loudly talking to Crystal in the front room. Crystal goes out the front, blowing me kisses and waving. By this time a few of the other girls I've booked chuckle at her and grin slyly at me. Heidi saunters past and in her best Marilyn Monroe voice says, "Babe, it's ok. I'll take care of him."

The manager on duty walks up to me. "F*ck Jelly. I know, we've all done it before. Gotten hammered in the spa. Everyone does it. She won't stop f*cking talking about you. What the f*ck have you been doing in the spa lately anyway? All the f*cking girls walk out of your bookings saying stupid sh*t." "When are you going to take that horrid uniform off, jump in the spa with me and find out?" She looks at me and the old Alex is back for a moment. "We did have fun, yeah…" she says in a sultry voice. "We sure did," I say, "and when you're ready for a return performance, I'll happily get ourselves reacquainted." "F*ck Jelly, you say that to all the girls…"

And I do. And I mean it. And that's how I deal with bloated, insidious feminist propaganda. You don't change the situation by spouting all sorts of drivel, bitching about how much everything costs or by working out ways to get more out of the WL or ML you are seeing. It's a false notion anyway. To suggest that Western ideals are being eroded by the permissive left through the over abundance of cheap and cheerful massage shops and brothels is quite amusing. Firstly, the shops discussed on the forum that the OP are talking about mainly have girls from the East working there. If you're worried about the breakdown of the family unit - get the f*ck over yourself.

Powerful men marry to increase their power and influence. Very rarely do they marry for money. Why? Because they can afford to keep mistresses. And this pretty much keeps their woman at home, happy because she doesn't have to f*ck someone she married for power and influence either. Hmmm. Could we actually see a paradigm for a working equality-based system?

23-09-2013, 01:18 PM
Well, you do have a sense of humour jellyshots, that’s good to see. I enjoyed your expression “permissive left tit and stoic right tit”. However, you have but a morsel of true wit and you resort to profanities too readily. Most of all, you are terribly long-winded, it felt like you were wallowing a bit to me, both in your activities and text.

Look, the massive proliferation of sex establishments in the last 5-10 has resulted in a gross over supply in the industry. Put simply, the market is flooded. Further, western media in particular, and the permissive left generally, actively encourage and promote female empowerment and entitlement, to the detriment of all else. This has created the “era of the deluded narcissistic empowered female”. It is no accident that this era has coincided with the massive proliferation and over supply of sex shops and solo operators.

The permissive left & media have actively encouraged the commoditization of women. As a result, many women have been seduced by their own increasing vanity and narcissism, and have then responded by diving into the sex industry with both feet. It is an understatement to say the market is flooded, there has in fact been a tsunami of increased activity, a seismic shift.

On the face of it, you might think “great” there is more choice, but choice has not brought better service for clients, or better “value for money” for clients. It has brought thousands of deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered females who are almost visibly salivating at the prospect of ripping men off.

The law of "diminishing returns" quickly kicks in when you pay too much for sexual services, or when you start punting too much in an attempt to quench the abundant supply. Accordingly, don't waste your money and time on heavily over-priced whores. Never pay more than $60 for half-hour massage/RnT & never pay more than $90-100 for half-hour full service. Don’t ever put sex workers on any kind of pedestal, they don’t warrant it, particularly in the current times. Wake up, smell the roses, they just want your money.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

23-09-2013, 01:33 PM

23-09-2013, 02:06 PM
The permissive left & media have actively encouraged the commoditization of women. As a result, many women have been seduced by their own increasing vanity and narcissism, and have then responded by diving into the sex industry with both feet. It is an understatement to say the market is flooded, there has in fact been a tsunami of increased activity, a seismic shift.
Heinrich Rommel Göring

Really, who owns all the local rags - in every suburb of every town in Australia - that are filled with brothel ads? Not to mention the classified in the Tele. It wouldn't be that noted leftist Mr Murdoch would it? There is a clear correlation with the appearance of these ads from the mid 1980s and the social acceptance of prostitution.

This is the main problem with ideologues: you must contradict or deny fact in order to sustain the rationality of your thesis. Some of your points are valid but you manage to totally invalidate your argument with false premises.

23-09-2013, 02:41 PM
I believe I wrote, "The permissive left & media have actively encouraged the commoditization of women".
I think most folk consider Murdoch as a media giant, so you're actually agreeing with me in the course of your critique.
You quite wrongly assume that I consider the permissive left and the media to be the same thing. The media is a conduit.
It's all there in black and white in my article. Better luck next time.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

23-09-2013, 03:19 PM
I believe I wrote, "The permissive left & media have actively encouraged the commoditization of women".
I think most folk consider Murdoch as a media giant, so you're actually agreeing with me in the course of your critique.
You quite wrongly assume that I consider the permissive left and the media to be the same thing. The media is a conduit.
It's all there in black and white in my article. Better luck next time.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

No, I did not make such an assumption. If your meaning is to separate "the permissive left" (whatever that slogan means - please explain) and "the media" then you failed to make this clear through poor grammatical structure. By using a single definitive article you are placing both "permissive left" and "media" into a single, associated category. You can't, logically, claim that you disassociated the two. Which gets to my point of invalidating your overall argument through denials and wilful ignorance of established facts. If you accept Murdoch's role in promoting prostitution, through its advertising in his ubiquitous media interests; then you can't claim the permissive left are responsible. And, please don't verbal me.

23-09-2013, 04:24 PM
Well, you do have a sense of humour jellyshots, that’s good to see. I enjoyed your expression “permissive left tit and stoic right tit”. However, you have but a morsel of true wit and you resort to profanities too readily. Most of all, you are terribly long-winded, it felt like you were wallowing a bit to me, both in your activities and text.

Look, the massive proliferation of sex establishments in the last 5-10 has resulted in a gross over supply in the industry. Put simply, the market is flooded. Further, western media in particular, and the permissive left generally, actively encourage and promote female empowerment and entitlement, to the detriment of all else. This has created the “era of the deluded narcissistic empowered female”. It is no accident that this era has coincided with the massive proliferation and over supply of sex shops and solo operators.

The permissive left & media have actively encouraged the commoditization of women. As a result, many women have been seduced by their own increasing vanity and narcissism, and have then responded by diving into the sex industry with both feet. It is an understatement to say the market is flooded, there has in fact been a tsunami of increased activity, a seismic shift.

On the face of it, you might think “great” there is more choice, but choice has not brought better service for clients, or better “value for money” for clients. It has brought thousands of deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered females who are almost visibly salivating at the prospect of ripping men off.

The law of "diminishing returns" quickly kicks in when you pay too much for sexual services, or when you start punting too much in an attempt to quench the abundant supply. Accordingly, don't waste your money and time on heavily over-priced whores. Never pay more than $60 for half-hour massage/RnT & never pay more than $90-100 for half-hour full service. Don’t ever put sex workers on any kind of pedestal, they don’t warrant it, particularly in the current times. Wake up, smell the roses, they just want your money.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

:haha: I find your response highly amusing. You criticize the permissive left wing using arguments that support left wing politics. Nice :shout:

23-09-2013, 06:55 PM

Many thanks for the applause, much appreciated.
I try relentlessly not to hold myself in too high regard, but I'm bound to say that's a top notch article I wrote.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

23-09-2013, 07:15 PM
No, I did not make such an assumption. If your meaning is to separate "the permissive left" (whatever that slogan means - please explain) and "the media" then you failed to make this clear through poor grammatical structure. By using a single definitive article you are placing both "permissive left" and "media" into a single, associated category. You can't, logically, claim that you disassociated the two. Which gets to my point of invalidating your overall argument through denials and wilful ignorance of established facts. If you accept Murdoch's role in promoting prostitution, through its advertising in his ubiquitous media interests; then you can't claim the permissive left are responsible. And, please don't verbal me.

Your final proposition is completely untenable, balderdash. The fact that Murdoch et al have played a role in the commoditization of women (ie the media has played a role, just like I said originally), does not mean they are responsible to the exclusiuon of the permissive left movement. Quite the contrary. As I said, the media is but a conduit for the transmission of ideas and information. There is both left and right-wing media, and then there is the permissive left movement/ideology, something quite different.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

23-09-2013, 08:15 PM
I try relentlessly not to hold myself in too high regard, but I'm bound to say that's a top notch article I wrote.

You are not trying relentlessly enough.
You are pretty much the only one who thinks that the "article" you "wrote" is top notch.

23-09-2013, 08:17 PM
You are not trying relentlessly enough.
You are pretty much the only one who thinks that the "article" you "wrote" is top notch.

You're wrong ! He's got a fan in Herecticx ! ;) ;) ;)

23-09-2013, 09:51 PM
You are not trying relentlessly enough.
You are pretty much the only one who thinks that the "article" you "wrote" is top notch.

Now now Licker, or Lickerette, learn to lose graciously. Have a chat with Wayne, you can console each other.
But I understand, most people, especially these days, are reluctant to face the reality of the modern world.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

23-09-2013, 10:31 PM
Now now Licker, or Lickerette, learn to lose graciously. Have a chat with Wayne, you can console each other.
But I understand, most people, especially these days, are reluctant to face the reality of the modern world.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

Whom or what have I lost to? And how?

You still haven't answered my questions. But then again, you never have before :)
The only thing you do is repeat the same mantra over and over again.

Maybe you should go and see your doctor. He should check if your dosage is right.

24-09-2013, 12:00 AM
Whom or what have I lost to? And how?

You still haven't answered my questions. But then again, you never have before :)
The only thing you do is repeat the same mantra over and over again.

Maybe you should go and see your doctor. He should check if your dosage is right.

It sounds like your feathers have been ruffled. I detect a distinct lack of civility on your part. Perhaps I have espoused a view of the world you would rather not think about, irrespective of whether or not you agree with it. However, as you unruffle your delicate sensibilities and reflect in a more measured fashion, I do believe you may well agree with much of what I've written, though you will continue to find it irksome to admit it. At the end of the day, I have written two or three brief yet concise articles, which very accurately outline the reasons for the recent historical, and on-going, decline in western culture & civilization. A by-product of this being the current "era of deluded, narcissistic, pseudo female empowerment". And I have related this "era" to the likely impacts for men/punters - a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Clearly, I regard this as a matter for great concern, you, apparently at least, do not.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

24-09-2013, 12:41 AM
No, I did not make such an assumption. If your meaning is to separate "the permissive left" (whatever that slogan means - please explain) and "the media" then you failed to make this clear through poor grammatical structure. By using a single definitive article you are placing both "permissive left" and "media" into a single, associated category. You can't, logically, claim that you disassociated the two. Which gets to my point of invalidating your overall argument through denials and wilful ignorance of established facts. If you accept Murdoch's role in promoting prostitution, through its advertising in his ubiquitous media interests; then you can't claim the permissive left are responsible. And, please don't verbal me.

Hey HRG I think Wayne just *ucked you right up the arse, time to go and lick your wounds perhaps ...

24-09-2013, 12:43 AM
Well, you do have a sense of humour jellyshots, that’s good to see. I enjoyed your expression “permissive left tit and stoic right tit”. However, you have but a morsel of true wit and you resort to profanities too readily. Most of all, you are terribly long-winded, it felt like you were wallowing a bit to me, both in your activities and text.

blah blah blah
Heinrich Rommel Göring

Geez that is a bit rich coming from you!

24-09-2013, 12:46 AM
You're wrong ! He's got a fan in Herecticx ! ;) ;) ;)

He is obviously on a recruitment drive, I wonder if he is sending Herectixc private messages now trying to cement his position and get a follower ...

24-09-2013, 12:58 AM
Now now Licker, or Lickerette, learn to lose graciously. Have a chat with Wayne, you can console each other.
But I understand, most people, especially these days, are reluctant to face the reality of the modern world.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

I'm pretty sure if we took a poll of the people on this thread you would be the loser HRG, but I think you know that already.
Being a troLL you don't need to understand logic and reasoning, you can just be a complete dick and get amusement from annoying people, it's a shame we are on to you so soon ...

24-09-2013, 01:00 AM
It sounds like your feathers have been ruffled. I detect a distinct lack of civility on your part. Perhaps I have espoused a view of the world you would rather not think about, irrespective of whether or not you agree with it. However, as you unruffle your delicate sensibilities and reflect in a more measured fashion, I do believe you may well agree with much of what I've written, though you will continue to find it irksome to admit it. At the end of the day, I have written two or three brief yet concise articles, which very accurately outline the reasons for the recent historical, and on-going, decline in western culture & civilization. A by-product of this being the current "era of deluded, narcissistic, pseudo female empowerment". And I have related this "era" to the likely impacts for men/punters - a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Clearly, I regard this as a matter for great concern, you, apparently at least, do not.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

You forgot to plug your favourite massage shops ...

24-09-2013, 01:16 AM
Hey HRG I think Wayne just *ucked you right up the arse, time to go and lick your wounds perhaps ...

I think not, his emotive assertions were shown to be complete balderdash & entirely untenable, in my previous specific response to Wayne's comment.
Wayne and Licker are sensitive souls, but they have a modicum of intelligence and it is reasonably interesting discussing matters with them. I'm not sure
what you are doing here among the grown-ups. But if you stick around you should learn a lot, I suggest you stick around and broaden your very narrow horizons.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

24-09-2013, 01:29 AM
I'm pretty sure if we took a poll of the people on this thread you would be the loser HRG, but I think you know that already.
Being a troLL you don't need to understand logic and reasoning, you can just be a complete dick and get amusement from annoying people, it's a shame we are on to you so soon ...

You are of singularly dim wit, quite unable to be interesting, unable to write intelligently. What a miserable life you must lead checking, checking and re-checking the forum, a self-appointed forum policeman. You are like PC Plod, who can't write a paragraph of articulate speech. What are you doing on this thread, it's for grown-ups? It would seem your feathers are ruffled a lot more than Wayne's.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

24-09-2013, 01:51 AM
Is this HRG guy talking German !

We need the French resistance !

Where is Richard ??

24-09-2013, 02:02 AM
You are of singularly dim wit, quite unable to be interesting, unable to write intelligently. What a miserable life you must lead checking, checking and re-checking the forum, a self-appointed forum policeman. You are like PC Plod, who can't write a paragraph of articulate speech. What are you doing on this thread, it's for grown-ups? It would seem your feathers are ruffled a lot more than Wayne's.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

Don't worry I'm not going to bite much. I'll leave it to others to judge you and your ravings ...

You may have miscalculated though, surely someone as smart as yourself would have done some ARs to build up some credibility and "good will" on the forum before embarking upon a plan such as yours, or maybe you are not as smart as you think, or maybe you are so deluded you think you don't need any credibility and that the sheer "logic" of your arguments will convince us of your position, hmm whatever the case you seem to be failing, and quite badly. When you attack the man and not the ball you are showing us you have already lost and just can't accept it yet. Time to reflect maybe ...

24-09-2013, 02:17 AM
I think HRG deserves a nomination for the Aus99 Logie award for the Most Annoying Troll category !

24-09-2013, 02:21 AM
Yesterday I suggest this:

for freedom of speech, I say we vote him out of big brother house! more annoying than the guys with evenness in both hands :shout:


24-09-2013, 04:01 AM
Yesterday I suggest this:

for freedom of speech, I say we vote him out of big brother house! more annoying than the guys with evenness in both hands*


It appears the passing of time has proved your words to be the wisest of the day, you were ahead of your time.

In the menu bar on the right of the page just under "results" are some options, if I take the drop down box on the second heading will a picture of nobodys fearless leader, HRG himself, come up?


HRG before you bother replying, this post is for everyone but you, given your nature I am sure you are used to that by now.
If you do reply, I can give you my response now.... I don't care what you say

24-09-2013, 08:17 AM
I'm intrigued by this "movement" and have actually observed this happening not only in Western media, but also Eastern (East Asian). There has definitely been a recent shift in the balance of portrayed power which is constantly propagated through things like TV shows and movies which seem to have stronger female roles whilst men are continually being emasculated. Whether or not this is "payback" for the many years of oppression women have gone through is another story, but if you can't see a shift in the gender roles, you're deluding yourselves.

I'd love to go into further details, but I haven't got the time to post more, unfortunately.

24-09-2013, 10:57 AM
I'm intrigued by this "movement" and have actually observed this happening not only in Western media, but also Eastern (East Asian). There has definitely been a recent shift in the balance of portrayed power which is constantly propagated through things like TV shows and movies which seem to have stronger female roles whilst men are continually being emasculated. Whether or not this is "payback" for the many years of oppression women have gone through is another story, but if you can't see a shift in the gender roles, you're deluding yourselves.

I'd love to go into further details, but I haven't got the time to post more, unfortunately.

Well said Nejums...Don't be afraid to say your piece, it's called freedom of speech, thought & opinion. Don't let the self-appointed Pc Plods of the forum, with obvious self-serving vested interests, give you the impression your views are not warranted. The same Pc. Plods raise their ignorant heads whenever anyone says something pertinent, even profound, which threatens them in some way or other. Unfortunately, they, the Pc. Plods, are intellectually incapaple of articulating an intelligent response. If you check the thread, you will plainly see where and when the low-brow verbal swipes begin.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

24-09-2013, 11:35 AM

Well said Nejums...Don't be afraid to say your piece, it's called freedom of speech, thought & opinion.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring
Freedom of speech is only free if you don't try to impose your ideas into others and denounce them if they're not followers !

All the low blows I've seen so far on this thread were coming from you, calling people names because you're the only intelligent one !

24-09-2013, 12:16 PM
I think HRG deserves a nomination for the Aus99 Logie award for the Most Annoying Troll category !

And wilisno, huangdee, cunninglinguist, ahlungor are nominated as the "biggest losers"....
Clearly, they were born in the dark, raised in the dark, they live in the dark and they'll die in the dark, with little limp dicks in their hands.
But, it's never too late to broaden your minds & horizons....good luck with that.

You will note i happily do not include Grant, Wayne, Fisher, Licker or several others of "the modicum" set in the above nomination. I respect their intellectual courage in attempting to cross verbal & literary swords with me.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

24-09-2013, 12:35 PM
And wilisno, huangdee, cunninglinguist, ahlungor are nominated as the "biggest losers".... Clearly, they were born in the dark, raised in the dark, they live in the dark and they'll die in the dark, with little limp dicks in their hands. But, it's never too late to broaden your minds & horizons....good luck with that. You will note i happily do not include Grant, Wayne, Fisher, Licker or several others of "the modicum" set in the above nomination. I respect their intellectual courage in attempting to cross verbal & literary swords with me. Regards, & Auf Wiedersehen, Heinrich Rommel Göring Hehehe ! And you were accusing others throwing low blows ? ;) ;) ;)

And wow ! Even Wayne, Licker and Grant can only be ranked in the " Modicums " ! ;) ;) ;)

24-09-2013, 01:44 PM
For the ever partial, partisan, & subjective Wilisno....I include my recent previous response to the intelligent Nejums, with the very pertinent line made bold for your information.

Well said Nejums...Don't be afraid to say your piece, it's called freedom of speech, thought & opinion. Don't let the self-appointed Pc Plods of the forum, with obvious self-serving vested interests, give you the impression your views are not warranted. The same Pc. Plods raise their ignorant heads whenever anyone says something pertinent, even profound, which threatens them in some way or other. Unfortunately, they, the Pc. Plods, are intellectually incapaple of articulating an intelligent response. If you check the thread, you will plainly see where and when the low-brow verbal swipes begin.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

24-09-2013, 02:04 PM
And wilisno, huangdee, cunninglinguist, ahlungor are nominated as the "biggest losers"....
Clearly, they were born in the dark, raised in the dark, they live in the dark and they'll die in the dark, with little limp dicks in their hands.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

Hey HRG'

Why did you include my name? did I say something ?

Since when did making a reference to the languages of German and French an offense ??

May be you are the one who needs to : broaden your minds & horizons...., and good luck to you too!


24-09-2013, 02:14 PM
You make me laugh, Heini.

How very sad that such an intellectual and enlightened titan (who was clearly destined for greatness) must resort to gifting his pearls of wisdom to us mere mortal ignoramuses on a forum for whoremongers.

How dimly your star shines, you verbal and literary swordsman.

24-09-2013, 02:59 PM
Heinrich Rommel Göring

What a name !

Heinrich Himmler, committed suicide

Erwin Rommel, committed suicide with a cyanide pill

Hermann Göring, committed suicide by ingesting cyanide

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ??

24-09-2013, 03:01 PM
You make me laugh, Heini.

How very sad that such an intellectual and enlightened titan (who was clearly destined for greatness) must resort to gifting his pearls of wisdom to us mere mortal ignoramuses on a forum for whoremongers.

How dimly your star shines, you verbal and literary swordsman.

A day without laughter is a day lost, I'm glad you are happy and I thank you for rightly regarding me as an intellectual titan. However, you do yourself and others at the forum a disservice with your disparaging self-assessment and associated terminology. "From little acorns, great oaks grow" my friend. I'm most gratified to fully appreciate just how receptive people are within the forum. Clearly, there is a great expanse of fertile ground with which to work.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

24-09-2013, 03:06 PM
Heinrich Rommel Göring

What a name !

Heinrich Himmler, committed suicide

Erwin Rommel, commit suicide with a cyanide pill

Hermann Göring, committed suicide by ingesting cyanide

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ??

....all men die, some men die once, whilst others die every day...

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

24-09-2013, 03:33 PM
I agree wholeheartedly....

the sheer volume of compost and manure that you deposit on this fertile ground should ensure that we little acorns grow very tall indeed.

Keep shovelling Heini, I'm feeling taller already...

24-09-2013, 03:36 PM
This guy is hilarious...

It's almost like 8inches has returned after a few months of elocution lessons.... LOL!

24-09-2013, 03:48 PM
This guy is hilarious... It's almost like 8inches has returned after a few months of elocution lessons.... LOL!

8inches is around, don't worry about that ! ;) ;) ;)

24-09-2013, 04:06 PM
I agree wholeheartedly....

the sheer volume of compost and manure that you deposit on this fertile ground should ensure that we little acorns grow very tall indeed.

Keep shovelling Heini, I'm feeling taller already...

You sound like a good old country boy knowing the great value of compost & manure for the purposes of cultivation. You are welcome to some of my sister's favourite lumpen applestruden Bavarian style. I have some left over in the fridge, still fresh for a couple of days, no problem. Once you try, you will feel satisfied for three days.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

24-09-2013, 04:07 PM
I know... he probably never left...

This could be another of his alter egos, although that's unlikely... 8inches' IQ is in the single digits.

At least Heini quotes Dickens, who happens to be one of my favorite authors...

I like Heini much better.

24-09-2013, 04:18 PM
I know... he probably never left...

This could be another of his alter egos, although that's unlikely... 8inches' IQ is in the single digits.

At least Heini quotes Dickens, who happens to be one of my favorite authors...

I like Heini much better.

Any fan of Dickens is a friend of mine, well you know what I mean. Do you think you might like Bavarian style Lumpen Applestruden? It's delicious.
Nevertheless, we are still living in the "era of the deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered female", so punters beware.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

24-09-2013, 04:19 PM
At least Heini quotes Dickens, who happens to be one of my favorite authors...

Did Dickens say a brave man dies only once, but a coward dies every day? (Sounds like something RL Stevenson might have said.)

24-09-2013, 04:23 PM
Did Dickens say a brave man dies only once, but a coward dies every day? (Sounds like something RL Stevenson might have said.)

It's Shakespeare:

"Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once."

24-09-2013, 04:28 PM
I was referring to Heini's quote about self-swindlers... I am quite sure that is from Dickens...

Well even if one misquotes Dickens, I still like Dickens... LOL!

24-09-2013, 05:03 PM
I was referring to Heini's quote about self-swindlers... I am quite sure that is from Dickens...

Well even if one misquotes Dickens, I still like Dickens... LOL!

As a breasts man, my favourite quote from Dickens:

There is a passion for hunting something deeply implanted in the human breast.
Charles Dickens

And the only other quote I really like would be : Well, it's probably over quoted every where !

It was the best of times, it was............




24-09-2013, 05:15 PM
As a breasts man, my favourite quote from Dickens:

There is a passion for hunting something deeply implanted in the human breast.
Charles Dickens

And the only other quote I really like would be : Well, it's probably over quoted every where !

It was the best of times, it was............




I'm more a loin man, myself:

“It's time to make love, douse the glim; The fireflies twinkle and dim; The stars lean together Like birds of a feather, And the loin lies down with the limb.”
― Conrad Aiken

24-09-2013, 05:16 PM
Well, bringing things back to the discussion of permissive left. Right wing politics is about individuals serving themselves, i.e. deregulation, left wing politics on the other hand favours taxation and equality. Now, saying that punters should combat the increased number of NPEF's (narcissistic peseudo empowered females) by capping the rate is pretty much pro-equality and very left wing thinking. Is HRG even criticising the left wing, since Adolf Hitler was known to be extremely left wing.

My suggestion to combat the increased number of NPEF's is to say, f*ck it, if presented the opportunity to charm the pants of an ML, go and do it, don't pay for it and certainly don't carry on because you can't afford the extras. I had a lovely last week being asked out by an ML. She's so sweet that she paid for everything. There are plenty of attractive, truly empowered women out there, some of them in the industry. So, to my little German dove, I say...

Danke schoen, darling, danke schoen
Thank you for all the joy and pain
Picture shows, second balcony
Was the place we'd meet, second seat
Go Dutch treat, you were sweet

Danke schoen, darling, danke schoen
Save those lies, darling don't explain
I recall Central Park in fall
How I tore my dress, what a mess
I confess that's not all

Danke schoen, darling, danke schoeh
Thank you for walks down Lovers lane
I can see hearts carved on a tree
Letters entertwined for all time
Yours and mine, that was fine

Danke schoen, darling, danke schoen
I wanna thank you for seeing me again
Though we go, we go our separate ways
Still the memory stays for always
My heart stays for always
My heart says danke schoen

Danke schoen, darling, danke schoen
I said thank you for
Thank you for seeing me again
Though we go, we're gonna go our separate ways
But still the memory stays for always
My heart says danke schoen

Danke schoen auf Wiedersehen
Danke schoen

24-09-2013, 05:21 PM
'Tis strange -- but true; for truth is always strange;
Stranger than fiction.

Pleasure's a sin, and sometimes sin's a pleasure.


24-09-2013, 05:32 PM
Wahahahahahaaaaa... Jelly shots !!!

little German dove.... priceless!!!

24-09-2013, 07:02 PM
Heinrich Rommel Göring

What a name !

Heinrich Himmler, committed suicide

Erwin Rommel, committed suicide with a cyanide pill

Hermann Göring, committed suicide by ingesting cyanide

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ??

We can only live in hope ...
Maybe it won't be long before he "comitts suicide" by getting banned ...

24-09-2013, 07:14 PM
I congratulate jellyshots for attempting to introduce into our vernacular the acronym for “deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered female”. Unfortunately, he omitted the initial letter “D” for deluded or delusional. So, it should read DNPEF.

Briefly, the question of left or right is essentially immaterial. Politically, the extreme left are much the same as the same extreme right. They are both totalitarian in nature & design. The Nazis were National Socialists, the CCP is still supposedly state capitalist though they call themselves communist, not unlike the former Soviet Union or USSR, being the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. But these regimes were, and are, in the case of China, totalitarian regimes, non-democratic.

Anyway, this is mere detail, in essence “permissive left” (the baddies) began to undermine the progressive-left (the goodies) in the 60s. Prior to that, in the 50s, much good had been done by the “progressive-left” to improve health and education in UK. Increasingly, from the 60s onwards, the permissive-left (the baddies) have undermined all the key institutions and traditions of western democratic culture and civilization – the family, intelligent & strong heterosexual male, marriage, free speech & thought, democracy. The permissive-left are not democrats, they do not believe in freedom of speech & thought (look at political correctness – an insidious attempt to control what we say and think).

So who and what are the permissive-left I hear you say. Well, it’s a doctrine or ideology emanating from various social policy groups and “think tanks” mostly situated America, but they are also in parts of Europe. Their agenda has little or nothing to do with equality, rather it seeks to undermine western democracy. In so doing, they will facilitate it’s decline and ultimate collapse, whereupon a new order will be forced upon us, a very unpleasant one.

I’ve had suits made by a wonderful Jewish tailor, I’ve had my watch fixed by a Jewish watch-maker, I have no problem with the average Jew per se. But the Zionist Jew is a big problem. Zionist Jews were, and are, behind the women’s movements in their various forms commencing in the 6os and continuing ever since. Much of the media is controlled by Zionist Jews. They might not want to call themselves Zionists, but when push comes to shove, that is where their allegiance rests. Facebook is Jewish, Google is Jewish, upwards of 75% of the film & entertainment industry is controlled by Jews. Essentially, the permissive-left movement is owned and controlled by Zionist Jews.

The era of “deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered females” is a direct result of the activities of the permissive-left. They have actively promoted the commoditization and pseudo empowerment of women, as well as man’s receptive one-dimensional animalistic appreciation of that commoditization. The omni-present media/internet is playing a key role in this process, to the detriment of both men and women. Although, in the current era, many women have simply become deluded narcissists, and they don’t see it, they don’t want to see it, and they don’t care.

This presents an obvious problem for punters, who are being encouraged to partake in the sex industry, which is massively over-supplied and in some quarters massively over-priced. I don’t want punters to waste their cash on heavily over-priced whores. As I’ve previously stated, the law of diminishing returns quickly kicks-in when you pay too much for sex, and or when you start punting too much, looking for something that just isn’t there.

Now, who wants some Lumpen Applestruden, Bavarian Syle, it’s quite delicious, I have plenty left-over in the fridge. Sample my Lumpen Applestruden and you will be satisfied for at least three days.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

Punter Poontang
24-09-2013, 07:32 PM
Tl;dr ....

24-09-2013, 08:30 PM
Hey HRG do you read this site: http://henrymakow.com/

24-09-2013, 09:20 PM
I congratulate jellyshots for attempting to introduce into our vernacular the acronym for “deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered female”. Unfortunately, he omitted the initial letter “D” for deluded or delusional. So, it should read DNPEF.

Briefly, the question of left or right is essentially immaterial. Politically, the extreme left are much the same as the same extreme right. They are both totalitarian in nature & design. The Nazis were National Socialists, the CCP is still supposedly state capitalist though they call themselves communist, not unlike the former Soviet Union or USSR, being the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. But these regimes were, and are, in the case of China, totalitarian regimes, non-democratic.

Anyway, this is mere detail, in essence “permissive left” (the baddies) began to undermine the progressive-left (the goodies) in the 60s. Prior to that, in the 50s, much good had been done by the “progressive-left” to improve health and education in UK. Increasingly, from the 60s onwards, the permissive-left (the baddies) have undermined all the key institutions and traditions of western democratic culture and civilization – the family, intelligent & strong heterosexual male, marriage, free speech & thought, democracy. The permissive-left are not democrats, they do not believe in freedom of speech & thought (look at political correctness – an insidious attempt to control what we say and think).

So who and what are the permissive-left I hear you say. Well, it’s a doctrine or ideology emanating from various social policy groups and “think tanks” mostly situated America, bit they are also in parts of Europe. Their agenda has little or nothing to do with equality, rather it seeks to undermine western democracy. In so doing, they will facilitate it’s decline and ultimate collapse, whereupon a new order will be forced upon us, a very unpleasant one.

I’ve had suits made by a wonderful Jewish tailor, I’ve had my watch fixed by a Jewish watch-maker, I have no problem with the average Jew per se. But the Zionist Jew is a big problem. Zionist Jews were, and are, behind the women’s movements in their various forms commencing in the 6os and continuing ever since. Much of the media is controlled by Zionist Jews. They might not want to call themselves Zionists, but when push comes to shove, that is where their allegiance rests. Facebook is Jewish, Google is Jewish, upwards of 75% of the film & entertainment industry is controlled by Jews. Essentially, the permissive-left movement is owned and controlled by Zionist Jews.

The era of “deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered females” is a direct result of the activities of the permissive-left. They have actively promoted the commoditization and pseudo empowerment of women, as well as man’s receptive one-dimensional animalistic appreciation of that commoditization. The omni-present media/internet is playing a key role in this process, to the detriment of both men and women. Although, in the current era, many women have simply become deluded narcissists, and they don’t see it, they don’t want to see it, and they don’t care.

This presents an obvious problem for punters, who are being encouraged to partake in the sex industry, which is massively over-supplied and in some quarters massively over-priced. I don’t want punters to waste their cash on heavily over-priced whores. As I’ve previously stated, the law of diminishing returns quickly kicks-in when you pay too much for sex, and or when you start punting too much, looking for something that just isn’t there.

Now, who wants some Lumpen Applestruden, Bavarian Syle, it’s quite delicious, I have plenty left-over in the fridge. Sample my Lumpen Applestruden and you will be satisfied for at least three days.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

This is really great stuff, even if I say so myself....soak it up boys.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

24-09-2013, 09:38 PM
Hey HRG do you read this site: http://henrymakow.com/

How very interesting. I've heard of this chap, but never read his stuff. My inspiration came quite a bit earlier, and I've been developing my thoughts over time. Thankfully, there are more and more people emerging with the courage to say what they know to be true, and this chap seems to be having a good go at it. Having had a quick look at the his website I can see he is on my wavelength. But I'd want to have a closer look before giving a full and fair critique. But, on first impressions, I think he and I are travelling very much in the same direction. Thanks for the link.

At the end of the day, the truth is the truth, reality is reality, they are constant no matter how much they get hidden or disguised. Most people who seek the truth and reality, will eventually get there, or at least travel a long way down the road on the way. In that way, we can all experience life in it's entirity, to the fullest, out from the darkness and into the light.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

24-09-2013, 09:39 PM
"Bavarian style Lumpen Applestruden???"
What's that?

Check your spelling bro!

I used to live in Munich, and never saw or tasted one of those.

24-09-2013, 09:47 PM
"Bavarian style Lumpen Applestruden???"
What's that?

Check your spelling bro!

I used to live in Munich, and never saw or tasted one of those.

Someone once told me that Germans have serial numbers not personalities, I don't necessarily agree or disagree but in terms of your comment, I detect a singular lack of any sense of humour, possibly suggesting you are of hardcore germanic descent.. I have my lighter moments and enjoy some jovial banter once and a while. A day without laughter is a day lost.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

24-09-2013, 10:15 PM
Haha ! If Licker is wrong, then he's just ignorant and incompetent, but if he's right, he just doesn't have enough sense of humour to understand the joke ! When can he win ? ;) ;) ;)

24-09-2013, 10:47 PM
Someone once told me that Germans have serial numbers not personalities, I don't necessarily agree or disagree but in terms of your comment, I detect a singular lack of any sense of humour, possibly suggesting you are of hardcore germanic descent.. I have my lighter moments and enjoy some jovial banter once and a while. A day without laughter is a day lost.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

I'm not German. And I do have a sense of humour. Obviously not the same kind as yours though.

I was referring to your misspelling of the word Strudel.

I couldn't care less how much you like your sister's bloody rags.
But please don't offer them to others!

For those who don't speak German:
Lumpen (with a capital L) is a noun = rags.
lumpen is an adjective = plentiful. (or splashed out)

24-09-2013, 10:49 PM
In Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds they make quite a big deal out of lumpen applestruden (with cream.) There was some kind of symbolism going on, but it escaped me!

24-09-2013, 10:53 PM
In Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds they make quite a big deal out of lumpen applestruden (with cream.) There was some kind of symbolism going on, but it escaped me!

Think American Pie.

It's the hole there (in the picture) that makes it lumpen.


Though the original food item "lumpen ApfelStrudel" is actually crumbled apple pie.

25-09-2013, 12:22 AM
I'm not German. And I do have a sense of humour. Obviously not the same kind as yours though.

I was referring to your misspelling of the word Strudel.

I couldn't care less how much you like your sister's bloody rags.
But please don't offer them to others!

For those who don't speak German:
Lumpen (with a capital L) is a noun = rags.
lumpen is an adjective = plentiful. (or splashed out)

You're definitely a stickler for accuracy, are you sure you're not German? Going way back, I have Germanic ancestry, way back in the very early Anglo-Saxon days.

You're probably ok Licker....perhaps we should kiss and make up, so to speak. I'm sensing you are reluctantly moving into the light I've been shedding.
You're not stubborn are you? That's another germanic trait.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

25-09-2013, 12:38 AM
In Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds they make quite a big deal out of lumpen applestruden (with cream.) There was some kind of symbolism going on, but it escaped me!


25-09-2013, 12:53 AM
We might as well have the whole context!


25-09-2013, 12:57 AM
Despite the manner in which the OP has put forth his arguments, I don't believe you all should jump down his throat without considering the content first. I'm not quite one hundred percent convinced by his points, but they do seem to coincide with what I have witnessed over the years on mainstream media. Something is definitely there- whether you want to acknowledge it or not is entirely up to you, but my own train of thought is that there may be some truths to what he is saying. This topic is definitely food for thought for me and I'd like to read more about it.

25-09-2013, 08:38 AM
In Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds they make quite a big deal out of lumpen applestruden (with cream.) There was some kind of symbolism going on, but it escaped me!

I haven't seen the Inglorious Basterds, but now after seeing the clip...
The symbolism in it is referring to the fact that you would find it hard to find really good apple strudel in France (if any as it's not a local delicacy), and I believe that during the Nazi occupation it was even more so, apart from the restaurants that included it to the menu for the German troops.

Today, you'll find it in menu touristic restaurants, but not those that stick to French cuisine.

If you want really good apple strudel, go straight to the source, Vienna. It is an Austrian dish by origin after all.

25-09-2013, 11:58 AM
Now that is really interesting Licker! Your time spent in Europe gives you more clarity. Tarantino was making a point about the restaurants that were toadying to nazi tastes, and making a further point therefore about collaboration in general - as yes, you are right, lumpen applestruden is no way French cuisine! You've put in context the loving close ups of a dish straight from the birthplace of Hitler. The close ups of the dish and the satisfaction with which it is eaten must have meant something, but as I said, it escaped me at the time. The scene was so deliberate and I was wondering what the masterchef treatment was all about!

btw, hire out this film, it is a cracker - Christoph Waltz is brilliant, Brad Pitt is really good too.

25-09-2013, 12:01 PM
Despite the manner in which the OP has put forth his arguments, I don't believe you all should jump down his throat without considering the content first. I'm not quite one hundred percent convinced by his points, but they do seem to coincide with what I have witnessed over the years on mainstream media. Something is definitely there- whether you want to acknowledge it or not is entirely up to you, but my own train of thought is that there may be some truths to what he is saying. This topic is definitely food for thought for me and I'd like to read more about it.

Thanks for the moral support so to speak. On the face of it, one could easily assume I'm under pressure from several respondees, but there several are others who are definitely showing interest I assure you. Some of the critics/knockers are just having thier fun, others among them have a self-serving and vested interest in trying to put the discussion down - they a feel a little threatened, perhaps I'm an anti-punting so and so. But, as you've probably realised, I'm very much pro-men and pro-punters, and "anti" the "era of the deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered female". Cheers.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

25-09-2013, 12:06 PM
By the way Sextus, I answered your queries more fully on that other thread of mine, with regard to "the Law of Diminishing Returns & Scarcity of Resources" and the current over-supply in the sex/massage industry.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

25-09-2013, 12:06 PM
To me though, there was too much pastry ratio to stewed apple. Heinrich, your sister's lumpen version of it sounds much tastier!

(I'll respond on the other thread.)

25-09-2013, 12:11 PM
Thanks for the moral support so to speak. On the face of it, one could easily assume I'm under pressure from several respondees, but there several are others who are definitely showing interest I assure you. Some of the critics/knockers are just having thier fun, others among them have a self-serving and vested interest in trying to put the discussion down - they a feel a little threatened, perhaps I'm an anti-punting so and so. But, as you've probably realised, I'm very much pro-men and pro-punters, and "anti" the "era of the deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered female". Cheers.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

Haha, you may be too intellectual for a punting forum !

Do what you like and post all these stuff in foreign languages, if I don't understand or if I don't get it, so be it!

We obviously are after different things in this forum !

But until I see a few reviews or ARs from you, I don't really know you ! Right ?

But then again, there are lurkers who punts all the times and never posted! So what is worst ?


25-09-2013, 01:28 PM
Haha, you may be too intellectual for a punting forum !

Do what you like and post all these stuff in foreign languages, if I don't understand or if I don't get it, so be it!

We obviously are after different things in this forum !

But until I see a few reviews or ARs from you, I don't really know you ! Right ?

But then again, there are lurkers who punts all the times and never posted! So what is worst ?


As I've said above to Nejums, I'm pro-men and pro-punters, and massively so. In the current "era of the deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered female" it is easy for punters to get ripped-off, very easy. I want to encourage punters to become aware of what's going on in the media and elsewhere (as I've mentioned), and therefore be in better control of their dick, their time and money.

I want men to punt, but I don't want them to throw away their cash on the current era's excess supply of heavily over-priced deluded narcissistic whores. Society discriminates against men in many ways these days, I'm just standing up for men everywhere. Some may appreciate this, others may not, for their own obvious or less obvious reasons. But, at the end of the day, you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

25-09-2013, 03:02 PM
I congratulate jellyshots for attempting to introduce into our vernacular the acronym for “deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered female”. Unfortunately, he omitted the initial letter “D” for deluded or delusional. So, it should read DNPEF.

Briefly, the question of left or right is essentially immaterial. Politically, the extreme left are much the same as the same extreme right. They are both totalitarian in nature & design. The Nazis were National Socialists, the CCP is still supposedly state capitalist though they call themselves communist, not unlike the former Soviet Union or USSR, being the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. But these regimes were, and are, in the case of China, totalitarian regimes, non-democratic.

Anyway, this is mere detail, in essence “permissive left” (the baddies) began to undermine the progressive-left (the goodies) in the 60s. Prior to that, in the 50s, much good had been done by the “progressive-left” to improve health and education in UK. Increasingly, from the 60s onwards, the permissive-left (the baddies) have undermined all the key institutions and traditions of western democratic culture and civilization – the family, intelligent & strong heterosexual male, marriage, free speech & thought, democracy. The permissive-left are not democrats, they do not believe in freedom of speech & thought (look at political correctness – an insidious attempt to control what we say and think).

So who and what are the permissive-left I hear you say. Well, it’s a doctrine or ideology emanating from various social policy groups and “think tanks” mostly situated America, but they are also in parts of Europe. Their agenda has little or nothing to do with equality, rather it seeks to undermine western democracy. In so doing, they will facilitate it’s decline and ultimate collapse, whereupon a new order will be forced upon us, a very unpleasant one.

I’ve had suits made by a wonderful Jewish tailor, I’ve had my watch fixed by a Jewish watch-maker, I have no problem with the average Jew per se. But the Zionist Jew is a big problem. Zionist Jews were, and are, behind the women’s movements in their various forms commencing in the 6os and continuing ever since. Much of the media is controlled by Zionist Jews. They might not want to call themselves Zionists, but when push comes to shove, that is where their allegiance rests. Facebook is Jewish, Google is Jewish, upwards of 75% of the film & entertainment industry is controlled by Jews. Essentially, the permissive-left movement is owned and controlled by Zionist Jews.

The era of “deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered females” is a direct result of the activities of the permissive-left. They have actively promoted the commoditization and pseudo empowerment of women, as well as man’s receptive one-dimensional animalistic appreciation of that commoditization. The omni-present media/internet is playing a key role in this process, to the detriment of both men and women. Although, in the current era, many women have simply become deluded narcissists, and they don’t see it, they don’t want to see it, and they don’t care.

This presents an obvious problem for punters, who are being encouraged to partake in the sex industry, which is massively over-supplied and in some quarters massively over-priced. I don’t want punters to waste their cash on heavily over-priced whores. As I’ve previously stated, the law of diminishing returns quickly kicks-in when you pay too much for sex, and or when you start punting too much, looking for something that just isn’t there.

Now, who wants some Lumpen Applestruden, Bavarian Syle, it’s quite delicious, I have plenty left-over in the fridge. Sample my Lumpen Applestruden and you will be satisfied for at least three days.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

Why thank you, how very genteel of you. I deliberately didn't include the "D" for deluded because whilst I agree that there is a proliferation of NPEF's, I'm not yet convinced that they are all deluded.

Your summary of the definition for permissive left and progressive left is commendable. At least it brings more context to the current discussion.

What I'm gleaning from your posts is a tendency towards hypocrisy. Therein lies the problem. I'd like to agree with some of what you are saying yet you are essentially criticising the permissive left by doing exactly what you criticise them of. For example, "The permissive-left are not democrats, they do not believe in freedom of speech & thought (look at political correctness – an insidious attempt to control what we say and think)." You've criticised me on my use of profanity. My use of profanity is a tongue in cheek criticism of the permissive left's insistence on political correctness. Similarly, you've been criticising other members who do not agree with your point of view. Isn't that just another aspect of "an insidious attempt to control what we say and think"?

Additionally, blaming one group like Zionist Jews is akin to what people were trying to suggest with "WakeUpProject". As if the problems of the world are being directly caused by one race or one group of people. Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that fanaticism in any of its forms is one of the main causes of conflict and misery? Really? It's almost like saying that women hold that much power over males, that we're so brainwashed by them that we'll do anything for them. Like pay outrageous prices for sexual services.

Punting is about freedom to choose whomever you wish, whenever you wish for a price. It's not a commodity based market where people are paying different price for exactly the same thing. It's truly a free market. If I don't want to pay the price some women is asking for sexual services, I grow a set of nuts and walk out the door. I may not even punt that night. Either way, it's my choice.

My response to some of what you have written has been to have a look for myself rather than just being brainwashed into a way of thinking. Crystal, the epitome of NPEF on the surface. The reality is, in my booking, I found it very easy to break the facade and glean the reality underneath the surface. All I say was an unhappy married woman, yearning for a guy to say some nice things to her. I also encountered a German girl who was a a real empowered female. How was she empowered? Well, she knew her boundaries, conducted herself with grace inside our booking. Then she asked me out to dinner to continue our time together and she ended up paying for the meal, transport and drinks after wards. I think I did pretty well out of it.

There are plenty of deluded women out there. Mainly overweight, belligerent girlfriends and housewives that withhold sex from their partners, thereby putting a price on sexual services. ML's and WL's on the other hand charge what they believe the market will sustain. It's such a first world problem to be able to debate whether $150 for a punt is too expensive. Personally, I like Europe where you can have sex with a Czech girl for 30 Euro. But that's more a comment on local conditions than a global conspiracy. Thank f*ck I'm single and have the ability to choose whether I want to punt, chat up some random girl at a bar or be by myself for an evening.

If you really want to save your punting dollars, get a 1.5hr massage at a legit shop and pay the majority on HICAPS which leaves $30 excess. Then go and get a $160 per hour session at Kyoto, a few bucks more at Ginza. That's $190 for 2.5hrs. Or do what I do and pay for a punt then receive more than the value of that punt back afterwards. Either way, make choices instead of having them made for you.

25-09-2013, 06:57 PM
Now that is really interesting Licker! Your time spent in Europe gives you more clarity. Tarantino was making a point about the restaurants that were toadying to nazi tastes, and making a further point therefore about collaboration in general - as yes, you are right, lumpen applestruden is no way French cuisine! You've put in context the loving close ups of a dish straight from the birthplace of Hitler. The close ups of the dish and the satisfaction with which it is eaten must have meant something, but as I said, it escaped me at the time. The scene was so deliberate and I was wondering what the masterchef treatment was all about!

btw, hire out this film, it is a cracker - Christoph Waltz is brilliant, Brad Pitt is really good too.

I agree, this is a great film, worth seeing if you are in the mood for a laugh!

25-09-2013, 07:11 PM
I had a brush with fame once, in a Beijing lift with Tarantino. True story, I was in the Capitol Hotel, going up to my room. The cheongsam-wearing young lady lift operator was asking me where I came from and introducing herself. She told me her name, which I could not catch, then she said: "here, on my name tag". I bent down to look and, at that moment, the lift door opened. Quentin Tarantino rushed in. I recognised him instantly, straightened and stupidly started apologising, saying: "oh sorry, I was just looking at her name." Tarantino retorted: "I thought you were inspecting her breast." I flushed, couldn't think of anything to say and slithered out of the lift. Within a minute I was in my room saying to myself "fuck, fuck, fuck."

25-09-2013, 07:22 PM
I had a brush with fame once, in a Beijing lift with Tarantino. True story, I was in the Capitol Hotel, going up to my room. The cheongsam-wearing young lady lift operator was asking me where I came from and introducing herself. She told me her name, which I could not catch, then she said: "here, on my name tag". I bent down to look and, at that moment, the lift door opened. Quentin Tarantino rushed in. I recognised him instantly, straightened and stupidly started apologising, saying: "oh sorry, I was just looking at her name." Tarantino retorted: "I thought you were inspecting her breast." I flushed, couldn't think of anything to say and slithered out of the lift. Within a minute I was in my room saying to myself "fuck, fuck, fuck."

Maybe you could have said: "Ok, you got me, would you like a turn ?"

25-09-2013, 07:27 PM
Maybe you could have said: "Ok, you got me, would you like a turn ?"

Yes, there are any number of things I could have, should have, said. I do remember the breasts in question were a mighty fine set.

25-09-2013, 08:01 PM
Now that is really interesting Licker! Your time spent in Europe gives you more clarity. Tarantino was making a point about the restaurants that were toadying to nazi tastes, and making a further point therefore about collaboration in general - as yes, you are right, lumpen applestruden is no way French cuisine! You've put in context the loving close ups of a dish straight from the birthplace of Hitler. The close ups of the dish and the satisfaction with which it is eaten must have meant something, but as I said, it escaped me at the time. The scene was so deliberate and I was wondering what the masterchef treatment was all about!

I've had Apfelstrudel (lumpen and not) many times and usually it's best when there's more apple and less pastry (depends on the type of pastry though, the type in the movie clip is too dry).

Best places by far to enjoy this delicious dish have been:
1. The cafe at Eagle's Nest - not that the strudel was particularly good, but the scenery and historical context made it memorable.
2. The Schönbrunn Palace (Café Restaurant Residenz Schönbrunn), where they have the Apple Strudel Show (make and bake) every hour at Court Bakery Schönbrunn (http://www.schoenbrunn.at/en/plan-your-visit/cafes-restaurants/court-bakery.html) (<- click the link) and then you can enjoy it oven fresh.
Here the historical context was even more overwhelming. This is the bakery that used to prepare the Apfelstrudel for Empress Maria Theresia and later to Emperor Franz Joseph.

btw, hire out this film, it is a cracker - Christoph Waltz is brilliant, Brad Pitt is really good too.

I agree, this is a great film, worth seeing if you are in the mood for a laugh!

I will have to get the film and watch it. It's been on the do-to list. I have all the Tarantino movies (prior 2005) on DVD, so this needs to be on the shelf as well :)

the wizard
25-09-2013, 08:30 PM
Now that is really interesting Licker! Your time spent in Europe gives you more clarity. Tarantino was making a point about the restaurants that were toadying to nazi tastes, and making a further point therefore about collaboration in general - as yes, you are right, lumpen applestruden is no way French cuisine! You've put in context the loving close ups of a dish straight from the birthplace of Hitler. The close ups of the dish and the satisfaction with which it is eaten must have meant something, but as I said, it escaped me at the time. The scene was so deliberate and I was wondering what the masterchef treatment was all about!

btw, hire out this film, it is a cracker - Christoph Waltz is brilliant, Brad Pitt is really good too.

Also look at the fear on Melanie's character's face, as he is stuffing himself, she is not sure if she has been found out..
Classic and brilliant Movie nearly surpassed by Tarantino's nxt film Django Unchained.
Waltz deserved his academy awards....for both films

I like this scene.. though the music is out of place for the time... it works
Melanie is gorgeous and the tension and shocks that are about to occur are what good cinema is all about...
To be watched on the biggest screen and loudest sound system...And on bluray

Shoshana (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdItU5jCCM0)

26-09-2013, 05:34 AM
Bro HRG although I disagree with your ideals I must say this has been an interesting read.

26-09-2013, 09:23 AM
Bro HRG although I disagree with your ideals I must say this has been an interesting read.

Not suprising from the man who wants hard working WLs to get pay rises :)
If we all listened to HRG then Ginza, 5 star, MOC, Bluemoon, TMC etc would go broke and we would all be going to the shops he has an interest in ...

26-09-2013, 10:32 AM
Not suprising from the man who wants hard working WLs to get pay rises :)
If we all listened to HRG then Ginza, 5 star, MOC, Bluemoon, TMC etc would go broke and we would all be going to the shops he has an interest in ...

Punters are like The Hydra, lose one customer, two more customers will take their place...

26-09-2013, 10:38 AM
Bro HRG although I disagree with your ideals I must say this has been an interesting read.

Thanks Gucci, quite a few people have shown some interest, one way or the other. It is important for punters to consider what's going on in the world. If we think things over, we'll have a better understanding, and with better understanding, then greater control of our own behaviour. Unfortunately, one or two are still getting their underpants in a twist, but we know them already, right!

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

26-09-2013, 01:38 PM
Some of you may not fully understand the "Law of Diminishing Returns" and how it fits in with the current "era of the deluded narcissistic pseudo female empowerment". Let me explain....

If you are hungry and feel like a chocolate Mars bar, the first bite you take is very satisfying indeed, the second bite is also satisfying but less so, the third bite is still satisfying but less than the second...and so on until you get full up and your hunger is satisfied. The rate of return, or satisfaction, you get diminishes the longer you partake of the Mars bar. Few people would ordinarlity chose to eat themselves silly or sick. But they do. They didn't use to be obese, now they are. It's the same with sexual activity, gender roles & the sex market.

I, just like many others, have fun with sex workers from time to time, but things have changed in the industry in recent years. These changes, the massive proliferation of shops/practitioners, are a reflection of the wider societal changes, i.e "the era of the deluded, narcissistic pseudo empowered female" and everything associated with that in the media/internet. I see men getting ripped-off in many areas of society, including the sex industry. Men have never made a conscious decision to eat more and become generally overweight and less healthy. Similarly, they don't make a conscious decision to punt more and more until it becomes habitual, and then even addictive when they have lost control.

Society is encouraging & promoting men/women to eat more, to the detriment of their health, it is also encouraging men to over-indulge in the sex market as a recipient, again to the detriment of their health and also their wallet. Women are encouraged to over-indulge in the sex market as providers, again to their general detriment, although they don't recognise this due to the era of deluded narcissistic pseudo female empowerment. This has resulted in the proliferation of sex shops & providers across Sydney, creating a massive over-supply in the market.

Scarce resources are valuable resources. Sexual resources which were once relatively scarce, and therefore reasonably valuable to society, have become incredibly abundant, thereby losing their intrinsic value.

Think about it, understand it, it's real. By all means enjoy yourself from time to time, bang the shit out of your chosen lady (with due respect of course) but don't get seduced or intoxicated with the idea you're having a great time and living life to the full. You need a very balanced life-style and varied life-style to enjoy the good-life, and most of all you need to think. When you stop thinking, when you stop being conscious of your decision-making, you basically become animalistic in nature, entirely less human, a facebook automaton responding to the electronic flashes & impulses of the degenerative permissive society.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

26-09-2013, 01:42 PM
You need to wake up to yourself and get on with your life.

26-09-2013, 01:52 PM
Some of you may not fully understand the "Law of Diminishing Returns" and how it fits in with the current "era of the deluded narcissistic pseudo female empowerment". Let me explain....

If you are hungry and feel like a chocolate Mars bar, the first bite you take is very satisfying indeed, the second bite is also satisfying but less so, the third bite is still satisfying but less than the second...and so on until you get full up and your hunger is satisfied. The rate of return, or satisfaction, you get diminishes the longer you partake of the Mars bar. ......................

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

That's a very good example HRG !

You see, I am just a simple guy and when you write simple English, I do understand.

I think I can definitely relate the Mars Bar experiences with my punting - either FS or Massage RnT.

And since I do a lot more RnT than FS, so perhaps I just use the massage sessions as examples:

I have been very lucky that I have seen a lot of very good MLs over the years, and to a lot of them I have become very regular clients. But one thing I did notice was that my experiences with most of them were at the best during the first few sessions:

1st session, met for the first time, I admired her body - her big tits and her services and she found out that I am such a nice guy and a good client..........lol
2nd session, more of the same, building the rapports!
3rd session, I wanted more, may be FS was on offer, if so, I would have gone all the way.
4th session, back for more BJ and FS.
5th session, still enjoying the suck and fuck
6th session, back to usual RnT as the extras are costing me too much......haha

There could be a break or even a long break between the 6th and the 7th punt

7th session, usual RnT or FS again !

A much longer break between the 7th and 8th session if I have not yet found another new target !!

Found a new busty girl and had our 1st session,
then the 2nd session,
then the whole process got repeated !

Over and over again !

BTW, most of the MLs I have met, we don't progress onto the FS stage, either they don't do it or I wasn't interested ! But the same feeling will happen, I enjoyed the session the most during the first few meeting, and then it started to lose its excitements and anticipations and whatever else it's there!

Sounds familiar, how about you ??


26-09-2013, 03:08 PM
That's a very good example HRG !

You see, I am just a simple guy and when you write simple English, I do understand.

I think I can definitely relate the Mars Bar experiences with my punting - either FS or Massage RnT.

And since I do a lot more RnT than FS, so perhaps I just use the massage sessions as examples:

I have been very lucky that I have seen a lot of very good MLs over the years, and to a lot of them I have become very regular clients. But one thing I did notice was that my experiences with most of them were at the best during the first few sessions:

1st session, met for the first time, I admired her body - her big tits and her services and she found out that I am such a nice guy and a good client..........lol
2nd session, more of the same, building the rapports!
3rd session, I wanted more, may be FS was on offer, if so, I would have gone all the way.
4th session, back for more BJ and FS.
5th session, still enjoying the suck and fuck
6th session, back to usual RnT as the extras are costing me too much......haha

There could be a break or even a long break between the 6th and the 7th punt

7th session, usual RnT or FS again !

A much longer break between the 7th and 8th session if I have not yet found another new target !!

Found a new busty girl and had our 1st session,
then the 2nd session,
then the whole process got repeated !

Over and over again !

BTW, most of the MLs I have met, we don't progress onto the FS stage, either they don't do it or I wasn't interested ! But the same feeling will happen, I enjoyed the session the most during the first few meeting, and then it started to lose its excitements and anticipations and whatever else it's there!

Sounds familiar, how about you ??


That's exactly right. Sounds like you have tried to defy the "Law of Diminishing Returns" and you found that it is impossible. So, after a break, you try a new Mars bar and start again. And, like you say, same thing over and over. Lots of good experience, in the beginning, but never satisfaction or contentment, because that is located in another place.

And in the current era of deluded narcissistic empowered females it's much worse for men. The new female cares even less about their punter or their man, than they did before. There are still some exceptions, but the "new female" is very widespread, both young and middle-aged.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

26-09-2013, 04:04 PM
Well, thanks for a very amusing thread. Men and women have been having affairs, paying for sexual gratification, since time immemorial. Women have always known about the "power of the pussy".

Here's my suggestion... Let's everyone do as HRG suggests, pay less for sexual services, don't tip, make the women feel like they're nothing special. Go on, I dare you guys to do it. That way, they'll go home miserable to their boyfriends and husbands, spend more time having sex with them rather than paying the bills, like any good woman should do. And then you'll have less of a glut of available women in Sydney - which will drive the prices up.

Excessive tipping has led to a situation where sex workers expect more from punters but it's fairly easy to solve - be disciplined and don't tip for extras. Tip occasionally because you have a good time. Like I've stated, I'm all for everyone else paying less, treating the girls like they're nothing special.

Hang on, punters are already doing this at Kings right now... Is it working? Nope. I don't mind them keeping it up though. It's just means they're happier when seeing a guy like me and I get more time with the real them at the end of the day.

And a reminder as to why you should punt whenever you feel the need, masturbation is dangerous...


26-09-2013, 04:59 PM
By all means enjoy yourself from time to time, bang the shit out of your chosen lady (with due respect of course) but don't get seduced or intoxicated with the idea you're having a great time and living life to the full. You need a very balanced life-style and varied life-style to enjoy the good-life, and most of all you need to think. When you stop thinking, when you stop being conscious of your decision-making, you basically become animalistic in nature, entirely less human, a facebook automaton responding to the electronic flashes & impulses of the degenerative permissive society.

As Dickens wrote in Great Expectations, "there's no swindler like the self-swindler*.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

26-09-2013, 06:48 PM
Some of you may not fully understand the "Law of Diminishing Returns" and how it fits in with the current "era of the deluded narcissistic pseudo female empowerment". Let me explain....

If you are hungry and feel like a chocolate Mars bar, the first bite you take is very satisfying indeed, the second bite is also satisfying but less so, the third bite is still satisfying but less than the second...and so on until you get full up and your hunger is satisfied. The rate of return, or satisfaction, you get diminishes the longer you partake of the Mars bar. Few people would ordinarlity chose to eat themselves silly or sick. But they do. They didn't use to be obese, now they are. It's the same with sexual activity, gender roles & the sex market.

I, just like many others, have fun with sex workers from time to time, but things have changed in the industry in recent years. These changes, the massive proliferation of shops/practitioners, are a reflection of the wider societal changes, i.e "the era of the deluded, narcissistic pseudo empowered female" and everything associated with that in the media/internet. I see men getting ripped-off in many areas of society, including the sex industry. Men have never made a conscious decision to eat more and become generally overweight and less healthy. Similarly, they don't make a conscious decision to punt more and more until it becomes habitual, and then even addictive when they have lost control.

Society is encouraging & promoting men/women to eat more, to the detriment of their health, it is also encouraging men to over-indulge in the sex market as a recipient, again to the detriment of their health and also their wallet. Women are encouraged to over-indulge in the sex market as providers, again to their general detriment, although they don't recognise this due to the era of deluded narcissistic pseudo female empowerment. This has resulted in the proliferation of sex shops & providers across Sydney, creating a massive over-supply in the market.

Scarce resources are valuable resources. Sexual resources which were once relatively scarce, and therefore reasonably valuable to society, have become incredibly abundant, thereby losing their intrinsic value.

Think about it, understand it, it's real. By all means enjoy yourself from time to time, bang the shit out of your chosen lady (with due respect of course) but don't get seduced or intoxicated with the idea you're having a great time and living life to the full. You need a very balanced life-style and varied life-style to enjoy the good-life, and most of all you need to think. When you stop thinking, when you stop being conscious of your decision-making, you basically become animalistic in nature, entirely less human, a facebook automaton responding to the electronic flashes & impulses of the degenerative permissive society.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

I think you have said this before, a number of times, so you will be repeating the same old stuff ad nauseam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_nauseam) from now on I suppose, you have gone from annoying to boring now.

26-09-2013, 06:52 PM
By all means enjoy yourself from time to time, bang the shit out of your chosen lady (with due respect of course) but don't get seduced or intoxicated with the idea you're having a great time and living life to the full. You need a very balanced life-style and varied life-style to enjoy the good-life, and most of all you need to think. When you stop thinking, when you stop being conscious of your decision-making, you basically become animalistic in nature, entirely less human, a facebook automaton responding to the electronic flashes & impulses of the degenerative permissive society.

As Dickens wrote in Great Expectations, "there's no swindler like the self-swindler*.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

Another cut and paste message brought to you by HRG!

26-09-2013, 08:08 PM
Another cut and paste message brought to you by HRG!

You continue to get your underpants so terribly twisted, or should I say knickers? Are you per chance a friend of Licker or is it Lickerette? You don't really understand what has been espoused in my posts, you don't have the cognitive capacity to fully comprehend the breadth of its meaning, nor the associated vocabularly to respond eloquently with an articulate counter-argument.

As a result, to use your own expression, you say you very quickly "tune out" after the first or second sentence. If only that were true old boy. The fact is, you haven't tuned out, you feel threatened in some way, you have taken offence at something which is beyond your full comprehension, and you have responded with swipe after swipe. You only believe in freedom of speech and opinion, if the speech and opinion are in line with your own. Otherwise, your delicate sensibilities get deeply offended. Try not to act like a facebook automaton, raise your game, reads some books, think things & life over, start your journey into the light. It will be a long journey for you, but the longest of journeys begin with the first step.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

26-09-2013, 09:17 PM
You continue to get your underpants so terribly twisted, or should I say knickers? Are you per chance a friend of Licker or is it Lickerette? You don't really understand what has been espoused in my posts, you don't have the cognitive capacity to fully comprehend the breadth of its meaning, nor the associated vocabularly to respond eloquently with an articulate counter-argument.

As a result, to use your own expression, you say you very quickly "tune out" after the first or second sentence. If only that were true old boy. The fact is, you haven't tuned out, you feel threatened in some way, you have taken offence at something which is beyond your full comprehension, and you have responded with swipe after swipe. You only believe in freedom of speech and opinion, if the speech and opinion are in line with your own. Otherwise, your delicate sensibilities get deeply offended. Try not to act like a facebook automaton, raise your game, reads some books, think things & life over, start your journey into the light. It will be a long journey for you, but the longest of journeys begin with the first step.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

Finally you wrote something new!
I don't know Licker outside the forum, but I like his style.
Methinks you should take your own advice!

As for understanding your posts I think I do, they can be summed up as follows:
- don't go to Ginza, MOC, Bluemoon, TMC, etc, as they are too expensive
- go to Sunshine massage, hampded rd artarmon, and the rest of the budget low quality milf shops you have an interest in
- be anti semitic

There are many truisms sprinkled throughout your posts to garner support but anyone can say "the sky is up" and have people agree with them ...
Have I missed anything important ...

27-09-2013, 12:49 AM
Finally you wrote something new!
I don't know Licker outside the forum, but I like his style.
Methinks you should take your own advice!

As for understanding your posts I think I do, they can be summed up as follows:
- don't go to Ginza, MOC, Bluemoon, TMC, etc, as they are too expensive
- go to Sunshine massage, hampded rd artarmon, and the rest of the budget low quality milf shops you have an interest in
- be anti semitic

There are many truisms sprinkled throughout your posts to garner support but anyone can say "the sky is up" and have people agree with them ...
Have I missed anything important ...

You miss the point all the time. First you say you don’t read my posts, then you respond at length clearly indicating you have earnestly read them and perhaps with a keen eye. You name shops that I have never named, you seem to know a lot about these shops for some discrete reason. You misrepresent me and falsely quote me…I have made no assertions regarding the shops you have mentioned. I have said,,”don’t waste your time and money on heavily over-priced whores…” To say a commodity is over-priced is not to say it is expensive, just that it is over-priced. The two things are not the same.

Because your vocabulary is limited, you attribute meanings to words and expressions that immediately sit comfortably with you. Clearly, you’ve seldom pushed your intellectual envelope, hence everything must be reduced to your low level of understanding. I don’t care what you think about anything, because you’re not very bright.

I have never responded to any of your articles/posts because they are always entirely uninteresting and low-brow. Neither do I care whether you and your cronies continue to bang on about whichever of your preferred establishments. However, for some reason, you seem to care very much indeed about my posts, the ones you say you don’t read and “tune out” over after one or two sentences. What a strange fellow you are.

Just to rub salt into your tender intellectual wounds, I’ve had a good response from the posts. It’s very gratifying to know there are still some strong intelligent heterosexual men who are in control and on top of the game. Unlike you and your pussy-whipped cronies who continue to worship pussy on your knees, below the pedestal you’ve created for “deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered females”. What kind of men are you? That’s a rhetorical question, I know already.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

27-09-2013, 02:00 AM
You miss the point all the time. First you say you don’t read my posts, then you respond at length clearly indicating you have earnestly read them and perhaps with a keen eye. You name shops that I have never named, you seem to know a lot about these shops for some discrete reason. You misrepresent me and falsely quote me…I have made no assertions regarding the shops you have mentioned. I have said,,”don’t waste your time and money on heavily over-priced whores…” To say a commodity is over-priced is not to say it is expensive, just that it is over-priced. The two things are not the same.

Because your vocabulary is limited, you attribute meanings to words and expressions that immediately sit comfortably with you. Clearly, you’ve seldom pushed your intellectual envelope, hence everything must be reduced to your low level of understanding. I don’t care what you think about anything, because you’re not very bright.

I have never responded to any of your articles/posts because they are always entirely uninteresting and low-brow. Neither do I care whether you and your cronies continue to bang on about whichever of your preferred establishments. However, for some reason, you seem to care very much indeed about my posts, the ones you say you don’t read and “tune out” over after one or two sentences. What a strange fellow you are.

Just to rub salt into your tender intellectual wounds, I’ve had a good response from the posts. It’s very gratifying to know there are still some strong intelligent heterosexual men who are in control and on top of the game. Unlike you and your pussy-whipped cronies who continue to worship pussy on your knees, below the pedestal you’ve created for “deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered females”. What kind of men are you? That’s a rhetorical question, I know already.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring


27-09-2013, 10:01 AM
Interesting choice of words, "facebook automaton". They're the copy and paste generation :cool2: It's almost like copying the same things over and over in every thread. Not that we're not used to it with the advertisers on the forum already... And by all means everyone, "reads some books" like HRG suggests, that way, you'll be on top of your grammar and have the ability to articulate a congnitive response.

It's amusing to say the least. Perhaps, I'll just take a leaf out of hereticx's book and respond with a few photos. After all, a picture says a thousand words..

Guys, Books vs this...


27-09-2013, 10:24 AM
You miss the point all the time. First you say you don’t read my posts, then you respond at length clearly indicating you have earnestly read them and perhaps with a keen eye. You name shops that I have never named, you seem to know a lot about these shops for some discrete reason. You misrepresent me and falsely quote me…I have made no assertions regarding the shops you have mentioned. I have said,,”don’t waste your time and money on heavily over-priced whores…” To say a commodity is over-priced is not to say it is expensive, just that it is over-priced. The two things are not the same.

Because your vocabulary is limited, you attribute meanings to words and expressions that immediately sit comfortably with you. Clearly, you’ve seldom pushed your intellectual envelope, hence everything must be reduced to your low level of understanding. I don’t care what you think about anything, because you’re not very bright.

Yes I have read your posts, but I get bored when I read the same thing over and over ...
You may not have named them but you have identified 4 market sections based on price and these correspond to the ones you have targeted for boycotting.
I am not sure the other paying advertisers will be happy with what you are saying either, but realistically no one (except one rude poster with issues) is really listening to you anyway so I am sure the advertisers are not worried, if they were you would be banned by now Q.E.D. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q.E.D.)

Cut and paste from an earlier mesage:

I have never responded to any of your articles/posts because they are always entirely uninteresting and low-brow. Neither do I care whether you and your cronies continue to bang on about whichever of your preferred establishments. However, for some reason, you seem to care very much indeed about my posts, the ones you say you don’t read and “tune out” over after one or two sentences. What a strange fellow you are.

Just to rub salt into your tender intellectual wounds, I’ve had a good response from the posts. It’s very gratifying to know there are still some strong intelligent heterosexual men who are in control and on top of the game. Unlike you and your pussy-whipped cronies who continue to worship pussy on your knees, below the pedestal you’ve created for “deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered females”. What kind of men are you? That’s a rhetorical question, I know already.

27-09-2013, 10:32 AM
Given this:


and this:

ending up at WL/ML without realizing how we got there.
Feeling detached, numb, desensitized whilst having sex.
Feeling the never ending emptiness that no punt can fulfill
going broke barely getting by but can still justify spending on punting.
punting to escape
confusing sex with love

i am currently trying to change my ways to live a more fulfilling life. Ive fucked my way to the edge of the earth and realised theres nothing positive this self destructive behaviour could lead to. Its time to be a normal human being again. We all deserve love but are looking in the wrong places.

and this:

i dont understand why ur posting in this thread if u got nothing to contribute


I think it might be time for you to leave the forum and go and find a more meaningful existence ...

And if you do the right thing then HRG will have no followers ...

27-09-2013, 11:36 AM
Given this: and this: and this: I think it might be time for you to leave the forum and go and find a more meaningful existence ... And if you do the right thing then HRG will have no followers ...

I think he chose a very good picture depicting his own character, that's the kind of kid he is, just loud !

27-09-2013, 12:48 PM
Given this:

and this:

and this:

I think it might be time for you to leave the forum and go and find a more meaningful existence ...

And if you do the right thing then HRG will have no followers ...

Im a little confused. Why did you drag me into this?

oh thats right. You got nothing to say to HRG's response

btw glad you took the time to dig up old posts just shows how butthurt you are over this whole thing

you really are a dimwit

heres one for you


27-09-2013, 12:59 PM
Im a little confused. Why did you drag me into this?

You dragged yourself into it.

you really are a dimwit

heres one for you


That seems more appropriate to you after reading this again:

ending up at WL/ML without realizing how we got there.
Feeling detached, numb, desensitized whilst having sex.
Feeling the never ending emptiness that no punt can fulfill
going broke barely getting by but can still justify spending on punting.
punting to escape
confusing sex with love

i am currently trying to change my ways to live a more fulfilling life. Ive fucked my way to the edge of the earth and realised theres nothing positive this self destructive behaviour could lead to. Its time to be a normal human being again. We all deserve love but are looking in the wrong places.

27-09-2013, 01:02 PM
you're such a pathetic little man

27-09-2013, 01:14 PM
you're such a pathetic little man

Judging from what you wrote before:

ending up at WL/ML without realizing how we got there.
Feeling detached, numb, desensitized whilst having sex.
Feeling the never ending emptiness that no punt can fulfill
going broke barely getting by but can still justify spending on punting.
punting to escape
confusing sex with love

i am currently trying to change my ways to live a more fulfilling life. Ive fucked my way to the edge of the earth and realised theres nothing positive this self destructive behaviour could lead to. Its time to be a normal human being again. We all deserve love but are looking in the wrong places.

and your picture:

I would say that you are pathetic.

How does that saying go, "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"
Maybe you can dig up a gif for that, might come in handy for my next post ...
Actually I am starting to feel sorry for you now!

27-09-2013, 01:15 PM
Especially for CunningLinguist, Wilisno, Jellyshots and their cronies.....

The wind of change is blowing.....

More and more punters/men are becoming stronger and getting on top of the game. The "era of strong, intelligent, re-juvenated heterosexual males" is beginning to emerge from the wilderness. We fuck them, but never worship them, they are the most pseudo of the pseudo false gods. Unlike you and your pussy-whipped cronies who will continue to worship pussy on your knees (as you have affirmed), below the pedestal you’ve created for “deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered females”. Wake up, smell the roses, your preferred era of the emasculated, pussy-whipped male is over.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

27-09-2013, 02:05 PM
Glad to see that I got under your skin :p

It's funny that you mention strong heterosexual males and then act like a piss weak one.

27-09-2013, 11:50 PM
Glad to see that I got under your skin :p

It's funny that you mention strong heterosexual males and then act like a piss weak one.

I think you just said in one sentence what HRG would have taken a page to say, oh I just realised he is banned ...

28-09-2013, 12:18 AM
Banned? That is a bit of a shame except I suppose he'd already communicated all that he was ever going to. I was wondering where he had left to go. Maybe the moderators didn't so much ban him but acted as editorial directors, bringing the entertaining storyline to a natural and reasonably satisfying conclusion. Hey Heinrich! I'd rate the liveliness of your threads as 9 out of 10 for the greatly amusing interactions, and the personality they brought out from many including yourself.. I'm coming up to my first year on the forum and I haven't seen anything like you before.

28-09-2013, 12:46 AM
Banned? That is a bit of a shame except I suppose he'd already communicated all that he was ever going to. I was wondering where he had left to go. Maybe the moderators didn't so much ban him but acted as a editorial directors, bringing the entertaining storyline to a natural and reasonably satisfying conclusion. Hey Heinrich! I'd rate the liveliness of your threads as 9 out of 10 for the greatly amusing interactions, and the personality they brought out from many including yourself.. I'm coming up to my first year on the forum and I haven't seen anything like you before.

Don't worry , he still has at least 3 Horcuxes (http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Horcrux) left ... :)

28-09-2013, 01:24 AM
I'll never look at a Lumpen applestruden in the same way again...

28-09-2013, 01:35 AM
Looks like the dangerous permissive era of the deluded narcissistic pseudo hetero male HRG is over ... :)

28-09-2013, 02:10 AM
I'll never look at a Lumpen applestruden in the same way again...

Bro Sextus,

Lumpen applestruden, that's just the honeypot with the hot raspberry sauce dressing (you figure out whether dressing is a sauce or...).

On the other hand, lumpen Apfelstrudel is just delicious.
I highly recommend going to Vienna to enjoy it.
There are several establishments where you can enjoy the honeypot as well. So it's a win win all the way.

BTW: Please enlighten me if you can.
Where does this spelling struden come from? It's not an English word as far as I know.
It is a German word, but Struden is just a small town in Austria and has very little to do with Strudel (apart from the fact that they undoubtedly like it lumpen).

28-09-2013, 02:13 AM
Looks like the dangerous permissive era of the deluded narcissistic pseudo hetero male HRG is over ... :)

What do you mean by "the deluded narcissistic pseudo hetero male"?

I would just say "the deluded narcissistic pseudo male" as I wasn't so sure of his masculinity. He seemed awfully frightened by females.

28-09-2013, 10:33 AM
Don't worry , he still has at least 3 Horcuxes (http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Horcrux) left ... :)

LOL, maybe he was scared off by Hairy Pothead (http://www.hairypothead.net)

I think it was much funnier that the bans occurred whilst I was in the hottest booking I've ever had, with a very hot German girl no less. :victory::victory::victory:

28-09-2013, 11:42 AM
What do you mean by "the deluded narcissistic pseudo hetero male"?

I would just say "the deluded narcissistic pseudo male" as I wasn't so sure of his masculinity. He seemed awfully frightened by females.

I was just trying to use as many of his words as possible with a minor mod to change the meaning, yes your version looks good!
Yes he did seem to look down on them and want to keep them in their place, perhaps he had/has a domineering mother/sister/wife/ladyboy ... :)

28-09-2013, 11:42 AM
BTW: Please enlighten me if you can.
Where does this spelling struden come from? It's not an English word as far as I know.

I don't think it is meant to be taken literally. Instead, it refers to all well known traditional Bavarian deserts favoured by nazis. (Well, maybe not just nazis!)

28-09-2013, 12:12 PM
I was just trying to use as many of his words as possible with a minor mod to change the meaning, yes your version looks good!
Yes he did seem to look down on them and want to keep them in their place, perhaps he had/has a domineering mother/sister/wife/ladyboy ... :)

It's not doing good things for the shops he mentioned. Instead of cheap and cheerful, the impression I'm getting is that they're run/marketed by a tight-fisted wanker. I wouldn't be surprised if he had an abnormally long yet abnormally thin penis.

28-09-2013, 12:21 PM
It's not doing good things for the shops he mentioned. Instead of cheap and cheerful, the impression I'm getting is that they're run/marketed by a tight-fisted wanker. I wouldn't be surprised if he had an abnormally long yet abnormally thin penis.

Sounds like a aus99 logie nomination for the worst marketing campaign!

The Cable Guy
28-09-2013, 12:40 PM
Banned? That is a bit of a shame except I suppose he'd already communicated all that he was ever going to. I was wondering where he had left to go. Maybe the moderators didn't so much ban him but acted as editorial directors, bringing the entertaining storyline to a natural and reasonably satisfying conclusion. Hey Heinrich! I'd rate the liveliness of your threads as 9 out of 10 for the greatly amusing interactions, and the personality they brought out from many including yourself.. I'm coming up to my first year on the forum and I haven't seen anything like you before.

I think Heinrich would enjoy your kind words Sextus. It would seem the Lion of the forum has been silenced, but not before his job was done, as you perceptively say. Heinrich has sewn seeds of wisdom into the fertile ground, and they will no doubt grow. In the meantime, as you would expect, now that the great Lion is away, the little mice come out to play. Let them have their days in the comfort of the safe sun, it won’t last. The storm is already brewing, and, all in good time, their emasculated pussy-whipped days will be over and out, never to return.

The Cable guy.

28-09-2013, 12:55 PM
Here comes one of the Horocruxes now... He's not even intelligent enough to stay in character. Makes sense that he tried to describe himself as a lion. They're both big pussies.

28-09-2013, 01:23 PM
I think Heinrich would enjoy your kind words Sextus. It would seem the Lion of the forum has been silenced, but not before his job was done, as you perceptively say. Heinrich has sewn seeds of wisdom into the fertile ground, and they will no doubt grow. In the meantime, as you would expect, now that the great Lion is away, the little mice come out to play. Let them have their days in the comfort of the safe sun, it won’t last. The storm is already brewing, and, all in good time, their emasculated pussy-whipped days will be over and out, never to return.

The Cable guy.

Der!, you didn't even get into character. Maybe you have a hangover ...
Shouldn't you have said that our wonky cabling will get straightened or some such rubbish ... :)

The Cable Guy
28-09-2013, 01:28 PM
Here comes one of the Horocruxes now... He's not even intelligent enough to stay in character. Makes sense that he tried to describe himself as a lion. They're both big pussies.

Squeak, squeak go the mice when the Lion of the forum is away...it would seem the wisdom & spirit of Heinrich has permeated every dusty dark corner of this place.....squeak, squeak goes Jellyshots.....squeak, squeak..

The Cable guy

28-09-2013, 01:51 PM
Squeak, squeak go the mice when the Lion of the forum is away...it would seem the wisdom & spirit of Heinrich has permeated every dusty dark corner of this place.....squeak, squeak goes Jellyshots.....squeak, squeak..

The Cable guy

Oh dear, now the cable guy is cut and pasting his posts ad nauseam, now who was it that used to do that and got banned yesterday ... :)
Poor little pussy ...

28-09-2013, 02:28 PM
this must be the biggest shitload thread ever. can't get worse can it ?
lets talk about girls girls and footy

28-09-2013, 02:31 PM
this must be the biggest shitload thread ever. can't get worse can it ?
lets talk about girls girls and footy

I wholeheartedly agree! That's what we are here for.

The Cable Guy
28-09-2013, 03:07 PM
Of course, that's it, CL & his cronies are lady mice....you never can tell the gender of the folk on this forum, can you.
This explains a lot, CL is definitely a lady mouse, a self-confirmed advocate of pussy-worship, who likes to be on her knees.
That's really it, I've had my suspicions recently based on her responses to Heinrich's articles, but that's really it.
CL is a lady mouse...squeak, squeak when the Lion of the Forum is away......

28-09-2013, 04:10 PM
My god, can this be true? Like you, I had my suspicions about CunningLinguist a while ago, her style of phrasing and her oddly emasculate views didn't ring true for an average man or punter. Yes, now I too can see why she always wanted the last word, why she was apparently so upset at Heinrich for talking about "the era of deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered females". Yes, she is one, truly she is the deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered female.

Now it all makes sense. That is why she writes those long-winded and overly detailed AR's (for the same five venues she works for), that's her job & she's totally into it. Yes indeed, she knows the miniscule details of the female form, well beyond the detail that any real man/punter wants to know or even cares about. That's why she saw Heinrich as a threat to her domain, he was advocating fair play for punters across the board, I suppose he was a threat to her, or is one. Well, would you believe it, Cunninglinquist is a lady, and yes indeed a lady mouse. She facilitated the "banning" of Heinrich her nemesis, and now she and her cronies are like the squeaking mice when the Lion of the Forum, Heinrich, is away.

This is so very interesting, I think even Heinrich would enjoy this revelation, although I think he probably had his suspicions. What next I wonder......

28-09-2013, 05:13 PM
no sex talk here :question:

only guys fighting like women at market shopping


The Cable Guy
28-09-2013, 05:33 PM
you guys fight like a group women at market shopping


I think you would be very surprised to know just how many women on here my friend, even those who are running the show. Beware the long-winded, overly detailed AR, its neatness and the snug fit of the text on the page, it was probably written by a female like CunningLinguist promoting the same five shops she works with, over and over and over. Real competition is not allowed or tolerated, if you take them on in any meaningful way you ultimately get banned. Business is business, so punters beware. Remember, seeing is believing, that's the only criteria you should use to pick a lady/shop. You know where you should stick the AR's, I'm sure. (I'm a very good friend of HeinrichRommelGoring).

The Cable Guy

The Cable Guy
28-09-2013, 06:45 PM
Once Upon a time, there was a lady mouse called Cunninglinquist, who checked things..

Originally Posted by lockhart:
This site is running analytics.js using sitemeter. Admin would have the details who is who.

I'm aware of this, it would seem some feathers have been ruffled......Aren't they secretive little so and sos, always check check checking, and checking some more.

The give-away signs from the lady Cunninglinguist were fairly obvious if you stop to think about them. She was always very quick to swipe at anyone whose opinion differed from her own. This trait occurs in both men and women, but it is heightened, and more obvious, in females. She always wanted to have the last word in every discussion, this is a massive trait in females. She also writes those long-winded and overly detailed AR's (for the same five venues she works for), because that's her job & she's totally into it. She knows the miniscule details of the female form, well beyond the detail that any real man/punter wants to know or even cares about. And she did seem to get unusually upset at the articles written by Heinrich, when he was essentially helping punters to make more informed decisons, without ever mentioning shop names. She was emotional and threatened in some way, another trait heightened in females.

Of course, in making more informed decisions, punters may change their punting behaviour. This might result in some shops losing busines to others. Since she, CunningLinguist, has been working for the same five shops at the Forum for a while, she was obviously concerned that both she and the shops might potentially lose some business. Hence, there is this aspect of unwanted competition. Clearly, she was, and is, easily threatened by the prospect of competition. Again, this is a trait particularly heightened in females.

She ought to have simply let the discusssions take their natural course. Some punters were interested, some were not and others were probably somewhere in between. Unfortunately, she just continued to swipe throughout the discussion, rather than leave the discussion for those interested. This is reflective of her fear of competition for "her shops", and her great fear of letting punters make up their own minds.

So now we all know, CunningLinguist is a lady, whose interests are heavily interwoven with a particular group of establshments at the Forum. Business is business folks. Accordingly, real & meaningful competition is not permitted, not even in the unlikely form of non shop-specific forum discussions.

Isn't this place just so beautiful.....Punters beware, the deluded narcissistic ladies and their ladyboys are running the show. Where is Heinrich when you need him?

28-09-2013, 06:56 PM
Once Upon a time, there was a lady mouse called Cunninglinquist, who checked things..

I'm aware of this, it would seem some feathers have been ruffled......Aren't they secretive little so and sos, always check check checking, and checking some more.

The give-away signs from the lady Cunninglinguist were fairly obvious if you stop to think about them. She was always very quick to swipe at anyone whose opinion differed from her own. This trait occurs in both men and women, but it is heightened, and more obvious, in females. She always wanted to have the last word in every discussion, this is a massive trait in females. She also writes those long-winded and overly detailed AR's (for the same five venues she works for), because that's her job & she's totally into it. She knows the miniscule details of the female form, well beyond the detail that any real man/punter wants to know or even cares about. And she did seem to get unusually upset at the articles written by Heinrich, when he was essentially helping punters to make more informed decisons, without ever mentioning shop names. She was emotional and threatened in some way, another trait heightened in females.

Of course, in making more informed decisions, punters may change their punting behaviour. This might result in some shops losing busines to others. Since she, CunningLinguist, has been working for the same five shops at the Forum for a while, she was obviously concerned that both she and the shops might potentially lose some business. Hence, there is this aspect of unwanted competition. Clearly, she was, and is, easily threatened by the prospect of competition. Again, this is a trait particularly heightened in females.

She ought to have simply let the discusssions take their natural course. Some punters were interested, some were not and others were probably somewhere in between. Unfortunately, she just continued to swipe throughout the discussion, rather than leave the discussion for those interested. This is reflective of her fear of competition for "her shops", and her great fear of letting punters make up their own minds.

So now we all know, CunningLinguist is a lady, whose interests are heavily interwoven with a particular group of establshments at the Forum. Business is business folks. Accordingly, real & meaningful competition is not permitted, not even in the unlikely form of non shop-specific forum discussions.

Isn't this place just so beautiful.....Punters beware, the deluded narcissistic ladies and their ladyboys are running the show. Where is Heinrich when you need him?

CL is not running for any shop he is very dedicated in posting here and he just join this site this year.
I would say he is just one horny punter which is good for the site and other punters to swap information.

I suggest we make peace and if your going to accused him of working for 5 shops you better do more research as he even mention AJ from 5* was so-so YMMV and thats was his first AR here.

Time to take it easy please.

28-09-2013, 07:39 PM
I think you would be very surprised to know just how many women on here my friend, even those who are running the show. Beware the long-winded, overly detailed AR, its neatness and the snug fit of the text on the page, it was probably written by a female like CunningLinguist promoting the same five shops she works with, over and over and over. Real competition is not allowed or tolerated, if you take them on in any meaningful way you ultimately get banned. Business is business, so punters beware. Remember, seeing is believing, that's the only criteria you should use to pick a lady/shop. You know where you should stick the AR's, I'm sure. (I'm a very good friend of HeinrichRommelGoring).

The Cable Guy
So interesting that you just described exactly how HRG used to post. The long-winded, overly detailed posts, the neatness and snug fit of text on the pages... And frankly, you describe exactly how you post too. Oh yeah, and you are promoting 4 shops.

Why don't you actually do something useful instead of having a swipe at more senior members of the forum? Like come up with a better marketing campaign for your business. Punters on here don't like b.s. reports and we don't like being bombarded with idiotic posts on what people have to do and when. Your buddy HRG started out with some good ideas but as I've suggested a few times, it's not his place to tell punters how to think or how to punt.

If you actually want to get banned, you little troll, you're going about it the right way.

The Cable Guy
28-09-2013, 08:20 PM
So interesting that you just described exactly how HRG used to post. The long-winded, overly detailed posts, the neatness and snug fit of text on the pages... And frankly, you describe exactly how you post too. Oh yeah, and you are promoting 4 shops.

Why don't you actually do something useful instead of having a swipe at more senior members of the forum? Like come up with a better marketing campaign for your business. Punters on here don't like b.s. reports and we don't like being bombarded with idiotic posts on what people have to do and when. Your buddy HRG started out with some good ideas but as I've suggested a few times, it's not his place to tell punters how to think or how to punt.

If you actually want to get banned, you little troll, you're going about it the right way.

You are closing in on lady cunninglinguist in terms of intellectual retardation. I know you can read, but perhaps English is not your first language, yes that's probably it. I specifically described the feminine form and nature of long-winded overly detailed ARs, and the very odd predisposition for them between you and the other cronies who apparently run the forum. Though, to call it a forum is stretching the definition of the word. Every man or punter with even a modicum of intelligence knows the utter futility and folly of making a punt based on an AR, or indeed of writing an AR with an expectation that someone will actually take a punt based upon what is said.

Seeing is believing, that's the only criteria you should use to pick a lady or a shop, pictures are deceiving, descriptions are entirely subjective, and there are any number of other extraneous factors that impact on any punt at any time - such as: is the lady tired, is she in a good mood, does she like you, is she experienced/professional, did she have a late night, is she a feminazi dyke, is she warm or cold personality, what's the vibe in the place, to name but a few. These extraneous factors are the real determinant of a good punt on any given day, and the only way you can make a meaningful assessment is to go and see for yourself on the day. The whole AR premise is completely flawed, only a female would think about running with the idea, it must have been suggested by a female in the first place.

If you're going to swipe, try to do it without making up the things you say I have "said". You should know by now, I don't tolerate fools gladly. I'm sure you and lady cunninglinguist are great chums, bosom pals - the blind leading the blind.

28-09-2013, 09:16 PM
You are closing in on lady cunninglinguist in terms of intellectual retardation. I know you can read, but perhaps English is not your first language, yes that's probably it. I specifically described the feminine form and nature of long-winded overly detailed ARs, and the very odd predisposition for them between you and the other cronies who apparently run the forum. Though, to call it a forum is stretching the definition of the word. Every man or punter with even a modicum of intelligence knows the utter futility and folly of making a punt based on an AR, or indeed of writing an AR with an expectation that someone will actually take a punt based upon what is said.

Seeing is believing, that's the only criteria you should use to pick a lady or a shop, pictures are deceiving, descriptions are entirely subjective, and there are any number of other extraneous factors that impact on any punt at any time - such as: is the lady tired, is she in a good mood, does she like you, is she experienced/professional, did she have a late night, is she a feminazi dyke, is she warm or cold personality, what's the vibe in the place, to name but a few. These extraneous factors are the real determinant of a good punt on any given day, and the only way you can make a meaningful assessment is to go and see for yourself on the day. The whole AR premise is completely flawed, only a female would think about running with the idea, it must have been suggested by a female in the first place.

If you're going to swipe, try to do it without making up the things you say I have "said". You should know by now, I don't tolerate fools gladly. I'm sure you and lady cunninglinguist are great chums, bosom pals - the blind leading the blind.
Yawn... Blah blah blah. You really are a big sook aren't you? What's the matter, easy to dish it out but CAN'T TAKE CRITICISM? And to answer your question about AR's, all of the punting forums have AR's so you're a bit retarded getting on a forum about AR's.

It is abundantly clear that all you do is tolerate fools, particularly when you have your mouth wrapped around their cocks. Hmmm. HRG comes immediately to mind. Gag much on that pencil thin, abnormally long cock of his? :vomit::vomit::vomit:

If you want to describe an overly long AR, Richard Le Rood, you and qualityseven immediately comes to mind. Your fake AR's are way too long. It's a shame too, since 200/1 Katherine had a pretty good reputation care of altgourami. In a few months, you've managed to fuck off anyone that would actually want to go there.

28-09-2013, 09:30 PM
Yawn... Blah blah blah. You really are a big sook aren't you? What's the matter, easy to dish it out but CAN'T TAKE CRITICISM? And to answer your question about AR's, all of the punting forums have AR's so you're a bit retarded getting on a forum about AR's.

It is abundantly clear that all you do is tolerate fools, particularly when you have your mouth wrapped around their cocks. Hmmm. HRG comes immediately to mind. Gag much on that pencil thin, abnormally long cock of his? :vomit::vomit::vomit:

If you want to describe an overly long AR, Richard Le Rood, you and qualityseven immediately comes to mind. Your fake AR's are way too long. It's a shame too, since 200/1 Katherine had a pretty good reputation care of altgourami. In a few months, you've managed to fuck off anyone that would actually want to go there.

+2 to Jellyshots
-2 to the guy that used to have at least 4 fake accounts, 2 down now ... Does anyone want to make a bet about how long the other accounts will last before they get banned as well ...
I think some more aus99 logie nominations are in order:
- most fake accounts by one person
- most nonsensical accusations
- most number of banned accounts
- slowest learner on the forum

28-09-2013, 09:44 PM
looks like Roosterd will meet Manly next week.

28-09-2013, 10:05 PM
Looks like the Richar Le Roodsters already met Manly and lost... :victory:

28-09-2013, 10:08 PM
Once Upon a time, there was a lady mouse called Cunninglinquist, who checked things..

Originally Posted by lockhart:
This site is running analytics.js using sitemeter. Admin would have the details who is who.

I'm aware of this, it would seem some feathers have been ruffled......Aren't they secretive and devious little so and sos, always check check checking, and checking some more.

The give-away signs from the lady Cunninglinguist were fairly obvious if you stop to think about them. She was always very quick to swipe at anyone whose opinion differed from her own. This trait occurs in both men and women, but it is heightened, and more obvious, in females. She always wanted to have the last word in every discussion, this is a massive trait in females. She also writes those long-winded and overly detailed AR's (for the same five venues she works for), because that's her job & she's totally into it. She knows the miniscule details of the female form, well beyond the detail that any real man/punter wants to know or even cares about. And she did seem to get unusually upset at the articles written by Heinrich, when he was essentially helping punters to make more informed decisons, without ever mentioning shop names. She was emotional and threatened in some way, another trait heightened in females.

Of course, in making more informed decisions, punters may change their punting behaviour. This might result in some shops losing busines to others. Since she, CunningLinguist, has been working for the same five shops at the Forum for a while, she was obviously concerned that both she and the shops might potentially lose some business. Hence, there is this aspect of unwanted competition. Clearly, she was, and is, easily threatened by the prospect of competition. Again, this is a trait particularly heightened in females.

She ought to have simply let the discusssions take their natural course. Some punters were interested, some were not and others were probably somewhere in between. Unfortunately, she just continued to swipe throughout the discussion, rather than leave the discussion for those interested. This is reflective of her fear of competition for "her shops", and her great fear of letting punters make up their own minds.

So now we all know, CunningLinguist is a lady, whose interests are heavily interwoven with a particular group of establshments at the Forum. Business is business folks. Accordingly, real & meaningful competition is not permitted, not even in the unlikely form of non shop-specific forum discussions.

Isn't this place just so beautiful.....Punters beware, the devious & deluded narcissistic ladies (cunninglinguist & friends) and their ugly ladyboys are running the horrible forum show.

29-09-2013, 01:59 AM
Once upon a time qualitysteven cut and paste the cable guys post (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?38006-bonjour-mes-amis-ou-es-quot-les-statistics-quot-avec-the-evenness-of-the-two-hands-both&p=417325&viewfull=1#post417325) a few hours later, then got banned...