View Full Version : General talk Brothels raided

25-09-2013, 07:49 AM

Anyone hear about this?

25-09-2013, 08:41 AM
Sutherland council was the subject of a corruption expose in last Sat's Herald. Maybe they have sooled the cops onto these shops to divert attention.

25-09-2013, 09:32 AM
Damn imagine being raided in the middle of a punt!!


25-09-2013, 10:33 AM
Damn imagine being raided in the middle of a punt!!


Been there done that!! And yes....extreeeeeeemly awkward for myself and my customer :startle:

25-09-2013, 10:43 AM
Why would the NSW police participate in a raid? I thought operating an illegal brothel is nothing more than a council breach, or visa breach for workers, of course assuming there are no drugs or under age workers.

25-09-2013, 11:00 AM
According to the article Police assisted with immigration and council officials, as it was targeted at night. So I'm guessing they just got in and the immigration team and council inspectors did their work. Arkward for punters and girls alike

25-09-2013, 11:23 AM
Been there done that!! And yes....extreeeeeeemly awkward for myself and my customer :startle:

Oh dear, did you resume the session once the officials had made all necessary checks? I suppose it would've just killed the mood for the customer :o


25-09-2013, 11:30 AM
Would have been very awkward if you were in a compromising position. Did they knock on the door before entering or just slam the door open?

25-09-2013, 12:12 PM
hope they let them cum before taking them away

25-09-2013, 02:00 PM
On the one hand the politicians bang on about the virtues of free trade, and on the other hand they seek to restrict the number of "deluded narcissistic pseudo empowered" wl's we get to enjoy - because of a minor paperwork issue.

I'll bet all the coppers and the immigration and council officials draw lots to see who gets to go on these stupid raids, with their overtones of an incredibly dated and irrelevant moral outrage, in the hopes of glimpsing naked or barely dressed females.

25-09-2013, 02:25 PM
Total waste of time, police resources, and taxpayers money.

25-09-2013, 02:39 PM
All politics, as our new Nazi poster says. Local liberal council in strife over corruption; new liberal minister for border and moral protection (local happy clapper member) and a state liberal police minister in debt to Fred Nile.

25-09-2013, 05:58 PM
So are there any criminal penalties for running an illegal brothel, even if some of the workers are on incorrect visa?

25-09-2013, 06:26 PM
Are you sure ilegal workers granted PR, you must be joking right?

25-09-2013, 06:30 PM
If you employ someone without a working visa then you get a warning the first time and if you get caught a second time there is a $40 000 fine.

Employers can get access to check on anyone who comes for a job, they need to be registered as an employer and they then get a password to use for checking a persons identity and permission to work.

I forget what the penalty is if you get caught a third time.

Most of these shops were raided about 18 months ago so are more than likely to be at least on their second warning.

25-09-2013, 06:57 PM
Just let the wl work! Who is the loser if they just let them work? The punter? The shop?

25-09-2013, 07:08 PM
Sounds like a way for the council to get more revenue, raid them enough then get the fine, they may close down and then another one will open, raid them etc etc ...

25-09-2013, 08:23 PM
Running 3-4 girls, 40k would be annoying but could be passed off as a cost of doing business

25-09-2013, 08:29 PM
Running 3-4 girls, 40k would be annoying but could be passed off as a cost of doing business

Yes but if its a fine its not tax deductable, that's if they pay tax anyway?

25-09-2013, 11:22 PM
LOL you have to pay tax first to be able to deduct anything.
Majority of brothels would pay little or no tax and massage shops would be the same
I mean where is the paper trail? Writing tax invoices out to customers, really??

Massage shops maybe declare some revenue but then the cost of tissues and advertising here would offset that revenue so no profit made and no tax paid.

Oh I forgot the cost of paying ghost writers to do reviews and bump threads, but I assume that would be a cash transaction so not deductible.

26-09-2013, 01:47 AM
I don't want to say much but A lot of these raids all over Sydney where the public are - how you would say interacted are where you get most complaints. remove your Kings cross area ones. As well as most of the industrial based locations. You end up with a small number both in view or in some what discreet view of the public.
Majority of the public go about there day even in the most Church based following of citizens without issue.

So what brings attention, I know this because of a background and history of security and similar work.
Its you CUSTOMERS. Or should I say Customer types and Behaviour.

I can tell you now well known legal establishments in the Surry Hills area, have had to deal with this problem for years. 90% due to Drunken and Violent Customers.
The other problem and it seems to follow them is that if they are not drunken type they are drugged up.
They also in many ways from public perception, are of the same Stereotypical appearance and nature.

Simple terms They are not white or Caucasian dressed decent - (depending on how you view it but lets say hoodies and tracksuits are not decent )
They also Drive Cars that attract Attention. So think about They drive loud cars act obnoxiously and think they own the world.
Many of you Sydney siders will call them LEBO's.

Now I know many are not and I know Other nationalities are also confused in the mix - Caucasians and Asians are exempt it seems. Majority of the public are not afraid of them.

But Anything along any other type depending on your district. So from Middle eastern Appearance to Sub continent look. When the General public see it, They complain.

One must remember the General public - is NOT a punter. Yes we are everywhere but majority are hidden away.
Those of us on this site are like maybe 20% of most. The rest are with in that other section.

Who will stand up and say OH this is wrong and we must fix it.

So from the old ladies who think some of us are Dirty old men to the Civil Rights Hippies who think all sex workers are unhappy rape victims or similar.

Choice of location for a Brothel is important. But so is how Customers handle them selves in public.
You can be Charlie sheen drive in your merc to stilettos and No one will question you. reason is you will be in Suit and Your PAYING.

Councils still accept payment it's just not coming from right end of town - For us anyway.

PS some of you may think what I've written racist. but I also know it's the truth. Some of you might not like the stereotypes but they exist because there is some truth to it.

26-09-2013, 01:59 AM
I don't want to say much but A lot of these raids all over Sydney where the public are - how you would say interacted are where you get most complaints. remove your Kings cross area ones. As well as most of the industrial based locations. You end up with a small number both in view or in some what discreet view of the public.
Majority of the public go about there day even in the most Church based following of citizens without issue.

So what brings attention, I know this because of a background and history of security and similar work.
Its you CUSTOMERS. Or should I say Customer types and Behaviour.

I can tell you now well known legal establishments in the Surry Hills area, have had to deal with this problem for years. 90% due to Drunken and Violent Customers.
The other problem and it seems to follow them is that if they are not drunken type they are drugged up.
They also in many ways from public perception, are of the same Stereotypical appearance and nature.

Simple terms They are not white or Caucasian dressed decent - (depending on how you view it but lets say hoodies and tracksuits are not decent )
They also Drive Cars that attract Attention. So think about They drive loud cars act obnoxiously and think they own the world.
Many of you Sydney siders will call them LEBO's.

Now I know many are not and I know Other nationalities are also confused in the mix - Caucasians and Asians are exempt it seems. Majority of the public are not afraid of them.

But Anything along any other type depending on your district. So from Middle eastern Appearance to Sub continent look. When the General public see it, They complain.

One must remember the General public - is NOT a punter. Yes we are everywhere but majority are hidden away.
Those of us on this site are like maybe 20% of most. The rest are with in that other section.

Who will stand up and say OH this is wrong and we must fix it.

So from the old ladies who think some of us are Dirty old men to the Civil Rights Hippies who think all sex workers are unhappy rape victims or similar.

Choice of location for a Brothel is important. But so is how Customers handle them selves in public.
You can be Charlie sheen drive in your merc to stilettos and No one will question you. reason is you will be in Suit and Your PAYING.

Councils still accept payment it's just not coming from right end of town - For us anyway.

PS some of you may think what I've written racist. but I also know it's the truth. Some of you might not like the stereotypes but they exist because there is some truth to it.

Leave the race issue out, I think what you say here makes sense, the perception of the type of customers do affect the way the locals think !

26-09-2013, 09:26 AM
I think the bad customers probably come on fri and sat night, after some drinking, and none of them live in the area.
I avoid punting at theses times!

26-09-2013, 11:20 AM
Makes me wonder why its brothels that get raided and not our local take away shop, vietnamese bakery or milk bar. I can guarantee you there are just as many, if not more people working in these places without the correct visa. It comes down to the general public thinking there is something dodgy about brothels. They are a legal business, and cause such little problems in the community. I was reading an article somewhere on how business owners around a potential brothel where against its DA going though for all the 'usual' reasons, yet a follow up 12mths later saw the same businesses say they wouldn't even know it was a brothel because its so discreet.

If I where brothel owners I'd be making complaints and demanding an inquiry on why they are targeted.

26-09-2013, 12:12 PM
I don't want to say much but A lot of these raids all over Sydney where the public are - how you would say interacted are where you get most complaints. remove your Kings cross area ones. As well as most of the industrial based locations. You end up with a small number both in view or in some what discreet view of the public.
Majority of the public go about there day even in the most Church based following of citizens without issue.

So what brings attention, I know this because of a background and history of security and similar work.
Its you CUSTOMERS. Or should I say Customer types and Behaviour.

I can tell you now well known legal establishments in the Surry Hills area, have had to deal with this problem for years. 90% due to Drunken and Violent Customers.
The other problem and it seems to follow them is that if they are not drunken type they are drugged up.
They also in many ways from public perception, are of the same Stereotypical appearance and nature.

Simple terms They are not white or Caucasian dressed decent - (depending on how you view it but lets say hoodies and tracksuits are not decent )
They also Drive Cars that attract Attention. So think about They drive loud cars act obnoxiously and think they own the world.
Many of you Sydney siders will call them LEBO's.

Now I know many are not and I know Other nationalities are also confused in the mix - Caucasians and Asians are exempt it seems. Majority of the public are not afraid of them.

But Anything along any other type depending on your district. So from Middle eastern Appearance to Sub continent look. When the General public see it, They complain.

One must remember the General public - is NOT a punter. Yes we are everywhere but majority are hidden away.
Those of us on this site are like maybe 20% of most. The rest are with in that other section.

Who will stand up and say OH this is wrong and we must fix it.

So from the old ladies who think some of us are Dirty old men to the Civil Rights Hippies who think all sex workers are unhappy rape victims or similar.

Choice of location for a Brothel is important. But so is how Customers handle them selves in public.
You can be Charlie sheen drive in your merc to stilettos and No one will question you. reason is you will be in Suit and Your PAYING.

Councils still accept payment it's just not coming from right end of town - For us anyway.

PS some of you may think what I've written racist. but I also know it's the truth. Some of you might not like the stereotypes but they exist because there is some truth to it.

With all due respect your comments are totally irrelevant to this case. These raids happened because there was either a tip off or suspicion that there were illegal immigrants working at the establishments. Nothing to do with the customers and their race or the cars they drive.

26-09-2013, 12:14 PM
Makes me wonder why its brothels that get raided and not our local take away shop, vietnamese bakery or milk bar. I can guarantee you there are just as many, if not more people working in these places without the correct visa. It comes down to the general public thinking there is something dodgy about brothels. They are a legal business, and cause such little problems in the community. I was reading an article somewhere on how business owners around a potential brothel where against its DA going though for all the 'usual' reasons, yet a follow up 12mths later saw the same businesses say they wouldn't even know it was a brothel because its so discreet.

If I where brothel owners I'd be making complaints and demanding an inquiry on why they are targeted.

LOL Yes sure brothel owners will complain and bring unwanted attention to themselves. You have got to be kidding right?

You are comparing a brothel with a bread shop? As a punter I obviously don't have anything against brothels but let's be real and compare apples with apples.

26-09-2013, 02:25 PM
There are actually a few crimes being committed if the shop is a licensed massage shop offering sexual services (as little as HJ is a sexual service).

There are also crimes being committed if there are illegal workers at the shop, shop does not declare income, charge GST, etc.

A sex business is legit and not illegal if: it has local council development approval (and complies with conditions), it has no alcohol or drugs on the premises, it has no minors on the premises (under 18), it is insured, all workers are legally entitled to work in Australia and it does not permit unprotected sex.

I can't think of a sex shop, licensed or otherwise, that isn't breaking the law in some way.

It's a tough business.

26-09-2013, 04:59 PM
There are actually a few crimes being committed if the shop is a licensed massage shop offering sexual services (as little as HJ is a sexual service).

There are also crimes being committed if there are illegal workers at the shop, shop does not declare income, charge GST, etc.

A sex business is legit and not illegal if: it has local council development approval (and complies with conditions), it has no alcohol or drugs on the premises, it has no minors on the premises (under 18), it is insured, all workers are legally entitled to work in Australia and it does not permit unprotected sex.

I can't think of a sex shop, licensed or otherwise, that isn't breaking the law in some way.

It's a tough business.

and it will remain thus. I am convinced that a large portion of prostitution business model is to tap into the desire to break rules. I mean, a part of the punter's drive to visit brothels is because it is perceived as something that is frowned upon by the general public. The more mainstream brothels become, the more clinical and less attractive to those who want a bit of spice in their lives. I suspect this is what the Nazi is touching on in his raves on other threads.

26-09-2013, 06:47 PM
Another aspect that makes this interesting is the nature of the Nth Caringbah / East Taren Point area, where the shops in question are located. Firstly, there are no residential neighbours nearby and secondly, it's not on a main Rd or on the way to anywhere. Its light industrial and off the beaten track so you have to be going there in order to get there. You cannot just stumble upon it accidentally etc. There is no other night-time economy around. In fact at night its a total ghost town apart from the sex industry.

There IS a retirement village about 300 mtrs from TP64 and I'm wondering if some of the old scallywags from the village have been punting on the sly and got busted by their wives ....who then went on to make a ruckus with the authorities.

26-09-2013, 07:15 PM
Another aspect that makes this interesting is the nature of the Nth Caringbah / East Taren Point area, where the shops in question are located. Firstly, there are no residential neighbours nearby and secondly, it's not on a main Rd or on the way to anywhere. Its light industrial and off the beaten track so you have to be going there in order to get there. You cannot just stumble upon it accidentally etc. There is no other night-time economy around. In fact at night its a total ghost town apart from the sex industry.

There IS a retirement village about 300 mtrs from TP64 and I'm wondering if some of the old scallywags from the village have been punting on the sly and got busted by their wives ....who then went on to make a ruckus with the authorities.

Those scallywags might have raided the cookie jar which had the pokie money in it, so they could poke a cookie :)