View Full Version : General talk Korean WL complaining all the time....

02-10-2013, 01:09 AM
People, lately I have become increasing annoyed at these Korean bitches.
Seems to me the quality of service is lacking in this cultural demographic area.

These WL expect you to be gentle and with restrictions here and there.
Today I visited a shop.. Won't say where. Basically fucked her brains out and must admit was pretty rough.

She had the audacity to run out half way and complain!
WTF is going on??

02-10-2013, 01:15 AM
Basically fucked her brains out and must admit was pretty rough.

She had the audacity to run out half way and complain!
WTF is going on??

I'd say that the WTF that's is going on is that you're dirtykunt.

02-10-2013, 01:17 AM
People, lately I have become increasing annoyed at these Korean bitches.
Seems to me the quality of service is lacking in this cultural demographic area.

These WL expect you to be gentle and with restrictions here and there.
Today I visited a shop.. Won't say where. Basically fucked her brains out and must admit was pretty rough.

She had the audacity to run out half way and complain!
WTF is going on??

If your intention is to fuck a girl's brains out, then I don't blame her !

02-10-2013, 01:21 AM
Will miss Abby.
Shes one of my FAVS @ #22.

Doesn't complain, always willing to please, and doesn't mind my roughness.

By your own admission, you are into rough games!

So may be some WL just can't take it !!

02-10-2013, 03:00 AM
If your intention is to fuck a girl's brains out, then I don't blame her !

totally agree

not every WL likes the rough stuff and just because some of them don't complain doesn't mean they don't have a problem with it or enjoy it

personally I've never had a problem with koreans

02-10-2013, 05:45 AM
I don't think it's all about the rough sex.....in general Koreans girls whinge, complain and got a princess syndrome known as kps.
Went romeos last week and receptionist recommends most pop girl so I take her and service includes cbj. Girl literally sucks for 10secs then condom off and hj. I had to negotiate for her to suck again and I'm like wat the f*@k. Slowly I'm getting over Korean service

02-10-2013, 07:28 AM
What's that saying? 'Treat a whore like a lady and a lady like a whore'. Haha

02-10-2013, 10:00 AM
I don't think it's all about the rough sex.....in general Koreans girls whinge, complain and got a princess syndrome known as kps.
Went romeos last week and receptionist recommends most pop girl so I take her and service includes cbj. Girl literally sucks for 10secs then condom off and hj. I had to negotiate for her to suck again and I'm like wat the f*@k. Slowly I'm getting over Korean service

A fine example re the lack of service. I think people forget this is a business transaction, therefore a reasonable level of satisfaction is expected... In paying to fuck to negotiate terms and conditions. Contradicts the purpose of going to a brothel!

There was another session too.. When i was restricted from squeezing and sucking a K-WL titties because she was wrecked by a cunt before me. Again I won't mention names or shops..... until this day I still think of those lovely tanned titties.......

02-10-2013, 10:18 AM
Wls/mls are doing a tough job and deserve to be treated with respect.
Even though we as punters are paying for their time/services we still have a duty of care to be respectfull of their wishes and respect any boudaries they set and not be off the attitude im paying i will do as i want to you it does not work that way.
There would be workers out there into a bit off rough play so when you make a booking ask the shop if any girls like this then book them then there will be no issues in the future.

Doing a tough job? Trust me when a WL engages in gettin fuked full-time she well abd truely knows exactly what she's getting into!

Yes respect is given when due. But when your forking out $100+ for a service that's not meeting the benchmark then obviously there is a problem. Especially when they're constantly complaining.

As someone above pointed out KPS

02-10-2013, 10:33 AM
A fine example re the lack of service. I think people forget this is a business transaction, therefore a reasonable level of satisfaction is expected... In paying to fuck to negotiate terms and conditions. Contradicts the purpose of going to a brothel!

There was another session too.. When i was restricted from squeezing and sucking a K-WL titties because she was wrecked by a cunt before me. Again I won't mention names or shops..... until this day I still think of those lovely tanned titties.......

Fair enough!

Without knowing the WL side of the story , we are purely guessing and speculating here!

Sure, as a punter, you paid for the session and you expect to get sexual pleasures. As a WL she is expected to provide certain degree of sexual services depending on the shops policy, so yeah, there is some sort of one off contract there !

But even if it is a life long contract such as a marriage, the lady can still change her mind half way through the inter course and said No ! And no means no and as a man, we need to respect that!

As a customer, you have the right or the choices to demand a refund or never to return to the shop - or in the case of a marriage - have a separation or divorce ! But you can not demand sex in your way if the lady didn't want to do it that way ! Or simply had enough !

You certainly have rights and so does she !

So, With all due respects, lets just leave it at that.

Just my two cents


02-10-2013, 11:05 AM
... You're only paying 100 dollars get over your sense of 'entitlement'

Sense of entitlement?

Money doesn't grow on trees. There is a sense of entitlement after a hard days of work... Money of which is spent of sexual gratification.

02-10-2013, 03:28 PM
If you don't like Korean ladies then go somewhere else there are plenty of other nationalities around.

I tend to give the Korean ladies a miss as my experience has not always been positive a lot of them are premadonas but you get a good one and she is great.

I don't care what the girl does or doesn't do she should always be treated gently and with respect no woman deserves to have her brains fucked out as you put it unless she so chooses and is enjoying it.

02-10-2013, 05:08 PM
Fair enough!

Without knowing the WL side of the story , we are purely guessing and speculating here!

Sure, as a punter, you paid for the session and you expect to get sexual pleasures. As a WL she is expected to provide certain degree of sexual services depending on the shops policy, so yeah, there is some sort of one off contract there !

But even if it is a life long contract such as a marriage, the lady can still change her mind half way through the inter course and said No ! And no means no and as a man, we need to respect that!

As a customer, you have the right or the choices to demand a refund or never to return to the shop - or in the case of a marriage - have a separation or divorce ! But you can not demand sex in your way if the lady didn't want to do it that way ! Or simply had enough !

You certainly have rights and so does she !

So, With all due respects, lets just leave it at that.

Just my two cents

" To fuck a girl's brains out " is not just sexual pleasure, it's sadism ! $100 doesn't entitle anybody to ill-treat a lady physically or mentally !

Depends on which shop he goes to, many shops would ban customers with bad behaviour to their girls !

02-10-2013, 05:17 PM
Same as guys that have the urge to stick the hand in a girls pussy, making her loose for other punters!
What the F#@k is that all about and how small must your hands be?!!???!! WTF!!!

Punter Poontang
02-10-2013, 06:05 PM

I've had the odd frank discussion with girls I've seen a few times and built a rapport with, just breaks your heart to hear some of the shit they have to put up with. :-(

The world really would be a better place if people could get through each day without being a cunt to someone else. Think I'll start a cause, we need a national "Don't be a cunt" day or something ....

02-10-2013, 06:25 PM
Same as guys that have the urge to stick the hand in a girls pussy, making her loose for other punters!
What the F#@k is that all about and how small must your hands be?!!???!! WTF!!!

Are you talking about 'fingering' or 'fisting'?

I would think shoving your fist up a WL pussy is a violation of human rights.

Outside my domain unfortunately lol.

02-10-2013, 06:29 PM
built a rapport with, just breaks your heart to hear some of the shit they have to put up with. :-(

Ahhh... of course.. the "story"

Tell ya what, by the time you finish "building a rapport" and hearing her "story".. TIME IS UP.

WL way of killing time.


Punter Poontang
02-10-2013, 07:38 PM
Tell ya what, by the time you finish "building a rapport" and hearing her "story".. TIME IS UP.

WL way of killing time.


Try it mate, you might find you actually get decent service instead of the KPS you're currently complaining about.

02-10-2013, 07:54 PM
xxx xxx xxx

02-10-2013, 08:00 PM
small like mine... but she enjoyed it...
Would it be smaller than the biggest dick in history ?

But the key word is : " She enjoyed it " you say.

02-10-2013, 08:31 PM
Are you talking about 'fingering' or 'fisting'?

I would think shoving your fist up a WL pussy is a violation of human rights.

Outside my domain unfortunately lol.

Finally something we agree about.

02-10-2013, 09:00 PM
Sense of entitlement?

Money doesn't grow on trees. There is a sense of entitlement after a hard days of work... Money of which is spent of sexual gratification.

You're my kind of man. I've got a spare $150 sitting in my pocket just now. Can I fuck you in the ass really hard for half an hour? I won't tip unless you make like you're really into it. There won't be any foreplay either, I don't want to waste time. I just want half an hour of hard core ass pounding so lube yourself up before I get there.

02-10-2013, 09:12 PM
" To fuck a girl's brains out " is not just sexual pleasure, it's sadism ! $100 doesn't entitling anybody to ill-treat a lady physically or mentally !

Depends on which shop he goes to, many shops would ban customers with bad behaviour to their girls !

Where's the fucking 'like' button when you need it?

$100 doesn't entitle to shit, apart from having sex. Having sex is not synonymous to 'fucking her brains out and being rough'.
The sooner dirtycunt starts learning that, he starts enjoying his punts more as the girls a more likely to provide a better service (on repeat visits).

He may even have a chance of getting a girlfriend, if he starts treating them right.

02-10-2013, 09:13 PM

I've had the odd frank discussion with girls I've seen a few times and built a rapport with, just breaks your heart to hear some of the shit they have to put up with. :-(

The world really would be a better place if people could get through each day without being a cunt to someone else. Think I'll start a cause, we need a national "Don't be a cunt" day or something ....

Where's the fucking 'like' button when you need it?

Second time in one thread. What's with you guys today?

02-10-2013, 09:17 PM
You're my kind of man. I've got a spare $150 sitting in my pocket just now. Can I fuck you in the ass really hard for half an hour? I won't tip unless you make like you're really into it. There won't be any foreplay either, I don't want to waste time. I just want half an hour of hard core ass pounding so lube yourself up before I get there.

And a bloody third one...
Where's the fucking 'like' button when you need it?

And let's add to that, there where also other posters to this thread who want to treat women like humans.
Sorry I can't like all your posts individually.

That would be close to spamming :)

Which however, is nowhere near as bad as 'fucking her brains out, even if she doesn't like it'.

02-10-2013, 10:11 PM
Where's the fucking 'like' button when you need it?

$100 doesn't entitle to shit, apart from having sex. Having sex is not synonymous to 'fucking her brains out and being rough'.
The sooner dirtycunt starts learning that, he starts enjoying his punts more as the girls a more likely to provide a better service (on repeat visits).

He may even have a chance of getting a girlfriend, if he starts treating them right.

Look at here, Mr El-Macho. Like button eh.. how about you spending less time on facebook?

$100+ entitles me to alot of things.. like pounding a tight-pussy alll nigghttt long (clicks LIKE).
How lovely you've enlighten us on your Sex 101 BS. Well you do just... treat em right (just to reinforce not that they give a fuck).

In addition, stick that crystal ball up your ring-hole. Confucious say never make assumptions on the status on ones relationship.

One last thing... get off facebook <-- clicks *LIKE*

03-10-2013, 01:31 AM
You're my kind of man. I've got a spare $150 sitting in my pocket just now. Can I fuck you in the ass really hard for half an hour? I won't tip unless you make like you're really into it. There won't be any foreplay either, I don't want to waste time. I just want half an hour of hard core ass pounding so lube yourself up before I get there.
Hahaha. Didn't anyone ever tell you... "Don't stick your dick in anything dirty"... "Especially a dirtykunt...." Bahahaha!

It's not the fucking her brains out that's the problem. It's the timing. You've got to take a little time and warm up a woman to this kind of thing. It's not something they warm up to in 5-10 minutes. Thinking they should just be ready to have their brains fucked out is at best, immature.

Start gentle and let them take charge a little. By the end, if you're any good, you'll get plenty who turn into little pocket rockets.

03-10-2013, 02:49 AM
$100+ entitles me to alot of things.. like pounding a tight-pussy alll nigghttt long (clicks LIKE).

Have you ever thought that maybe Korean WLs develop KPS because they've had to deal with too many customers who think this way and they're just doing what they need to survive the end of the shift? You've mentioned before that you were once denied a kwl's tits because someone else had "wrecked" her before you could.

So maybe if you if you showed a little more consideration for the WL she'll be able to enjoy her job more and give you a much better service

03-10-2013, 03:23 AM
yes... i already ban from shop for this... haha... :shout:

03-10-2013, 06:34 AM
Sense of entitlement?

Money doesn't grow on trees. There is a sense of entitlement after a hard days of work... Money of which is spent of sexual gratification.

Your right bro money doesn't grow on trees but compassion and kindness are free.

I've never experienced kps so my track record with korean wl's is pretty good. Bro d.k69 how come you wont name shop or girl?

03-10-2013, 08:03 AM
yes... i already ban from shop for this... haha... :shout:
Maybe dk69 was confused with nationalities. Or did you tell him that you were Korean? No wonder it didn't last long when he was fucking your brains out. You had very little to begin with. Or did he just freak out when you whipped your cock out and ask for anal as well? Both of you display the same characteristics as in the closet homosexuals do - or guys that have been sexually abused as children... An unhealthy disdain for women, hyper masculinity (usually to hide the fact that you like to suck dick) and an unhealthy obsession with anal sex. Face it dudes, both of your avatars show avatars with hairless, puffed out pecs. You two are gayer than Gok Wan on a bad day. Or do you play by prison rules? Let me tell you a secret... If you fuck a guy in the arse, you're gay...

03-10-2013, 09:49 AM
If you fuck a guy in the arse, you're gay...

Unless it was by mistake ...

03-10-2013, 10:21 AM
Are you talking about 'fingering' or 'fisting'?

I would think shoving your fist up a WL pussy is a violation of human rights.

Outside my domain unfortunately lol.

Just plain wrong unless you have baby hands, loosening up a girls pussy with your hand because u have a small dick!

03-10-2013, 02:22 PM
Well Boys, after reading carefully the 37 posts on this topic (actually read them twice to make sure I was not dreaming) I would have to rate this topic as the most underwhelming load of bullshit that I have seen in my 15 months as a member. NO SORRY,Yamada's crap is number one,this is a close second.
I think I will need to watch Dirty Dancing this arvo to see Pat Swayze dry root Baby again to get the juices flowing. This has fucked me up,need therapy. Haha love your work,love the forum keep it up. (not you Yamada) Cheers

03-10-2013, 03:18 PM
Maybe dk69 was confused with nationalities. Or did you tell him that you were Korean? No wonder it didn't last long when he was fucking your brains out. You had very little to begin with. Or did he just freak out when you whipped your cock out and ask for anal as well? Both of you display the same characteristics as in the closet homosexuals do - or guys that have been sexually abused as children... An unhealthy disdain for women, hyper masculinity (usually to hide the fact that you like to suck dick) and an unhealthy obsession with anal sex. Face it dudes, both of your avatars show avatars with hairless, puffed out pecs. You two are gayer than Gok Wan on a bad day. Or do you play by prison rules? Let me tell you a secret... If you fuck a guy in the arse, you're gay...

Correction she was Korean. I pounding that cunt and she kept screaming "an yeong haseyo!!!" and "too big too big, too strong!" and also I smelt her breath which smelt of Kim-chi and possibly Korean BBQ".
So yeah...

Well you go along now and pull your pin dick over wanting to sucky sucky Mohammed.
All that said and done, it is knowledged your a ring-stinger.

Ok hater... Go and envy over my body my pic... hater.

Why can't we all just get along in this world? Hmm

03-10-2013, 04:33 PM
[QUOTE="Punter Poontang;The world really would be a better place if people could get through each day without being a cunt to someone else. Think I'll start a cause, we need a national "Don't be a cunt" day or something ....[/QUOTE]

This is a standout for me, so simple and so true PPjust imagine if even half the cunts stayed home for a day, it would be like a country town ( I'm not going to say regional centre just because country has cunt in it) .. U could walk down the road and say g'day to strangers who would answer you, and if u happened to allow your gaze to linger a little longer than normal, no one would be in your face saying WHAT R U LOOKING AT CUNT, car horns would be a greeting instead of the beginning if hostilities... Just wonderful, I'll even take a day off work and be especially nice of a WL to support your national day... Everyone else should too.... Let's say next Monday :-)

03-10-2013, 06:51 PM
OP, what was the result of her walking out and complaining? Did the session end there? Were you refunded any money?

I've only encountered one Korean WL who fucks like a champion, and she was (misha?) at the place in chippendale (name?) the rest simply moan and groan with their eyes closed in missionary and get pissed off because you haven't blown 20 minutes into a 30min session. Definitely not my cup of tea. Interestingly though, Korean ML's in my experience are EXTREMELY sexual, too bad you can't fuck them, and that's probably why.

Now I agree with the others that "fucking her brains out" would obviously result in her getting upset, just imagine if every punter (10+ a day?) also "fucked her brains out" she would have to take a day off to recover. I do however get the feeling that there aren't many Korean WL's who WANT to please you.


Punter Poontang
03-10-2013, 08:07 PM
This is a standout for me, so simple and so true PPjust imagine if even half the cunts stayed home for a day, it would be like a country town ( I'm not going to say regional centre just because country has cunt in it) .. U could walk down the road and say g'day to strangers who would answer you, and if u happened to allow your gaze to linger a little longer than normal, no one would be in your face saying WHAT R U LOOKING AT CUNT, car horns would be a greeting instead of the beginning if hostilities... Just wonderful, I'll even take a day off work and be especially nice of a WL to support your national day... Everyone else should too.... Let's say next Monday :-)

Next Monday?? Nah, too soon. It needs time to gain media traction and take off, and should also be a particularly appropriate date to celebrate anti-cunt sentiments.

Does anyone know Jamie Lyon's birthday?? :-P

03-10-2013, 08:25 PM
24/1/1982 jamie lyons birthday

03-10-2013, 08:43 PM
Maybe dirtykunt should be called funnykunt. Why would a K-WL say "hello" to you in formal language while you're fucking her hard? hahahahaha funny kunt.

snlu36, my experience is that the K-MLs from yesteryear were very, very good. Very sexual with BBJ and FS easily had. These days, I don't punt very much at all and when I do and I go back to the wonderful shops of yesteryear but the girls are nowhere near as good as what I remember having.

03-10-2013, 08:54 PM
OP, what was the result of her walking out and complaining? Did the session end there? Were you refunded any money?

15 mins into the session with inclusion of shower, CBJ... and things got outta control.
She interrupted and said shhhhhhhi-baiiiiii..... shhhhhhhi-baiiii along those lines. I said what the fuck is wrong you.... she then ran out.
I won't get into further details, but I was offered an extra 15 mins next time. I protested in vain for a refund... but was denied simply the fact my cock had penerated her pussairrr.

ANyway... before anyone wants to flame me again... please understand I'm a dirty kunt.

Punter Poontang
03-10-2013, 09:24 PM
24/1/1982 jamie lyons birthday

Outstanding!! There you have it boys, 24th of January, put it in your diaries .... the first annual national D.B.A.C. day.

Once it takes off, we might even end up with a 4-day weekend as it'll conveniently roll into the existing Australia Day long weekend. Winning. :-)

03-10-2013, 09:39 PM
What a fuckin bizarre thread. Ya gotta love this forum!
As I posted a long time ago you could create a reality TV show around this forum.
My working title is "Little brother" or "So you think you can fuck", or "XXX factor", or "My brothel rules".
Any other suggestions? ...

03-10-2013, 09:46 PM
What a fuckin bizarre thread. Ya gotta love this forum!
As I posted a long time ago you could create a reality TV show around this forum.
My working title is "Little brother" or "So you think you can fuck", or "XXX factor", or "My brothel rules".
Any other suggestions? ...

My tounges got talent
Master fucker

03-10-2013, 09:48 PM
Correction she was Korean. I pounding that cunt and she kept screaming "an yeong haseyo!!!" and "too big too big, too strong!" and also I smelt her breath which smelt of Kim-chi and possibly Korean BBQ".
So yeah...

Well you go along now and pull your pin dick over wanting to sucky sucky Mohammed.
All that said and done, it is knowledged your a ring-stinger.

Ok hater... Go and envy over my body my pic... hater.

Why can't we all just get along in this world? Hmm

Huh? Maybe you're just silly kunt or dumb kunt. You think you're hard by pounding some poor girl when all you are is a sad, pathetic little boy. And boy, learn some manners before you get schooled by some men...

03-10-2013, 10:22 PM
What a fuckin bizarre thread. Ya gotta love this forum!
As I posted a long time ago you could create a reality TV show around this forum.
My working title is "Little brother" or "So you think you can fuck", or "XXX factor", or "My brothel rules".
Any other suggestions? ...

The Mole ...

03-10-2013, 11:22 PM
Huh? Maybe you're just silly kunt or dumb kunt. You think you're hard by pounding some poor girl when all you are is a sad, pathetic little boy. And boy, learn some manners before you get schooled by some men...

you think you man... haha you weak .. treat WG more than gold... these woman just local whore.. i read isis thread and almost die laughing.. hahaha...

03-10-2013, 11:32 PM
Huh? Maybe you're just silly kunt or dumb kunt. You think you're hard by pounding some poor girl when all you are is a sad, pathetic little boy. And boy, learn some manners before you get schooled by some men...

Settle down lad.. settle down! OK.

Bet one dollar fiftty my cock is bigger than yours lad.

Thats why your making the assumption imma boy, coz ya scared my cock is bigger than your pin-dick.

I aint tryna beef with ya lad.

Also... I would highly encourage you to stop punting, and become a human-rights activist.

Punter Poontang
04-10-2013, 12:44 AM
Yeeeeeaaaah, time for a good old-fashioned length-off. :-P

Whoever's got the biggest cock, by default, must have the more persuasive argument. This method has been used to settle debates for centuries.

04-10-2013, 01:19 AM
It takes a lot of guts to threaten someone online, you guys must be tired.

Jimmy Rustles
04-10-2013, 01:41 AM
Maybe dirtykunt should be called funnykunt. Why would a K-WL say "hello" to you in formal language while you're fucking her hard? hahahahaha funny kunt.

snlu36, my experience is that the K-MLs from yesteryear were very, very good. Very sexual with BBJ and FS easily had. These days, I don't punt very much at all and when I do and I go back to the wonderful shops of yesteryear but the girls are nowhere near as good as what I remember having.

Can't disagree with you there. He is quite a funny kunt indeed lol.

15 mins into the session with inclusion of shower, CBJ... and things got outta control.
She interrupted and said shhhhhhhi-baiiiiii..... shhhhhhhi-baiiii along those lines. I said what the fuck is wrong you.... she then ran out.
I won't get into further details, but I was offered an extra 15 mins next time. I protested in vain for a refund... but was denied simply the fact my cock had penerated her pussairrr.

ANyway... before anyone wants to flame me again... please understand I'm a dirty kunt.


She was probably saying "sheebal" which means "shit" or "fuck" in korean.

04-10-2013, 01:51 AM
lol guys thanks for the comedy and now its time to take it easy before it gets a little out of hands.
Thanks again it was fun reading.

04-10-2013, 03:00 AM
She was probably saying "sheebal" which means "shit" or "fuck" in korean.

It must mean one or the other - which is it? It can't mean both.

04-10-2013, 03:05 AM
i read isis thread and almost die laughing.. hahaha...

He he..that is a bit cynical Mahmood. But we have been having a great time on the Isis thread. Sure, it has got a bit treacally at times! :shout: But man, the thread is over 13,000 views! You are - like - so outvoted it is a joke. Isis is very popular and is a unique girl, not just a unique wl. It is just a fact mate - and she has proven it.

04-10-2013, 05:49 AM
Its guys like dirty kunt that creates the KPS in the first place...

04-10-2013, 09:01 AM
Yeeeeeaaaah, time for a good old-fashioned length-off. :-P

Whoever's got the biggest cock, by default, must have the more persuasive argument. This method has been used to settle debates for centuries.

So you don't settle arguments with your fist and smashing someone over the head. ? Nxt time i should say let-s go to the car park and whip out our cocks and see who's bigger.

Jimmy Rustles
04-10-2013, 11:08 AM
It must mean one or the other - which is it? It can't mean both.

I guess it's similar to how we utter "fuck!" or "shit!" when we're angry/stressed/annoyed/in disbelief of what's happening. A korean friend once told me it meant "fuck", but when I looked it up, some sites said it also means "shit" so I can't be too sure.

EDIT: Yeah, this video might explain it better lol



04-10-2013, 11:58 AM
All done and dusted lads. Thanks for your input.

Also I'm a lover, not a fighter.

But if u wanna fight me, bring it on! .... however be warned my cock is bigger.

04-10-2013, 12:25 PM
Settle down lad.. settle down! OK.

Bet one dollar fiftty my cock is bigger than yours lad.

Thats why your making the assumption imma boy, coz ya scared my cock is bigger than your pin-dick.

I aint tryna beef with ya lad.

Also... I would highly encourage you to stop punting, and become a human-rights activist.

Looks like I got to identify more man-boys on the thread. Which is what I was referring to.

It is probably longer and a while lot thinner. That's pretty much what happens when you are a bit of a tight fisted wanker.

No one has an issue if you get on the AR thread and specifically identify a WL and shop but to give shit to that k-girl when you've already admitted to being a fuckwit shows exactly what kind of child you are.

It wouldn't be much of a fight. It's clear you prefer to rough up women who can't fight back. All you're showing is how piss weak of a boy you are. Like you said, you're a "lover" not a fighter.

Me? Stop punting? Hahaha. Maybe you are a funny kunt after all. I'm having way too much fun with my little harem... I've had plenty of hard sex with women, asphyxiation, plenty of games - but only when they've asked me for it.

Doing it rough when they don't want it makes you a rapist. And I'm just doing what any man does with your type - call you out for the piece of shit you are.

04-10-2013, 01:06 PM

04-10-2013, 01:15 PM
Looks like I got to identify more man-boys on the thread. Which is what I was referring to.

It is probably longer and a while lot thinner. That's pretty much what happens when you are a bit of a tight fisted wanker.

No one has an issue if you get on the AR thread and specifically identify a WL and shop but to give shit to that k-girl when you've already admitted to being a fuckwit shows exactly what kind of child you are.

It wouldn't be much of a fight. It's clear you prefer to rough up women who can't fight back. All you're showing is how piss weak of a boy you are. Like you said, you're a "lover" not a fighter.

Me? Stop punting? Hahaha. Maybe you are a funny kunt after all. I'm having way too much fun with my little harem... I've had plenty of hard sex with women, asphyxiation, plenty of games - but only when they've asked me for it.

Doing it rough when they don't want it makes you a rapist. And I'm just doing what any man does with your type - call you out for the piece of shit you are.

you are small man..

04-10-2013, 01:19 PM
And the plot thickens!

04-10-2013, 01:48 PM
It is probably longer and a while lot thinner. That's pretty much what happens when you are a bit of a tight fisted wanker.
Yeah it is longer, and thick. Thanks lad.

No one has an issue if you get on the AR thread and specifically identify a WL and shop but to give shit to that k-girl when you've already admitted to being a fuckwit shows exactly what kind of child you are.

This thread is a generalization and based on experiences.

I've had plenty of hard sex with women, asphyxiation, plenty of games.
Doing it rough when they don't want it makes you a rapist.

I know I'm a dirty cunt but the fact you enjoy choking bitches till they pass out makes you the king of dirty cunts. I also assume your into necrophilia?

Rapist? I use licensed brothel's and pay for sexual service in which sex is consensual.

But look I don't wanna fight ya lad. I already thanked everyone. But you wanna beef with me, makes me confused. But thank you for complimenting my big cock.

05-10-2013, 12:55 AM
Yeah it is longer, and thick. Thanks lad.
The irony of my statement that you are a tight fisted wanker is lost on you... Oh well, I guess you'll just have to have one of your gay Arab mates show you the difference.

This thread is a generalization and based on experiences.
Erm, I quote...

Today I visited a shop.. Won't say where. Basically fucked her brains out and must admit was pretty rough.
She had the audacity to run out half way and complain!
So you're a liar too? Either you're lying about the generalization or lying about the original post.

I know I'm a dirty cunt but the fact you enjoy choking bitches till they pass out makes you the king of dirty cunts. I also assume your into necrophilia?
LOL, never said I choked her out - she does that on her own. My job was to make sure she didn't pass out. Your assumptions are very very childish, boy.

Rapist? I use licensed brothel's and pay for sexual service in which sex is consensual.
Yes, dickhead, you made her run out crying, cutting off your booking because you did something she clearly didn't like and now you're on a forum trying to brag about it. That bit wasn't consensual. You're a fucking rapist. I really hope that the shops keep video footage of you and ensure that you don't do it again.

But look I don't wanna fight ya lad. I already thanked everyone. But you wanna beef with me, makes me confused. But thank you for complimenting my big cock.
Of course you don't want to fight me boy. You're just a weeny little keyboard warrior. You can only have a go at young girls. You don't really have a chance when it comes to anyone else.

Hahaha. Saying your cock is big doesn't make it that way. Actually most girls tell me that guys who rough them up too much do it precisely because they have small cocks and are trying to compensate for something.

05-10-2013, 11:30 AM
I'm a lover , not a fighter lad :D:D:D

LOL, never said I choked her out - she does that on her own. My job was to make sure she didn't pass out.

You get aroused watching girls choke themselves? So if they pass out, you'd perform CPR and jack off?
Nuff said lad.

you made her run out crying, cutting off your booking because you did something she clearly didn't like and now you're on a forum trying to brag about it. That bit wasn't consensual. You're a fucking rapist. I really hope that the shops keep video footage of you and ensure that you don't do it again.
Your imagination runs wild lad.

Of course you don't want to fight me boy. You're just a weeny little keyboard warrior. You can only have a go at young girls. You don't really have a chance when it comes to anyone else.

You said it yourself I have a big cock!!
But u wanna fight? Come down to Campbelltown oval tonight @ 7.30pm... 1 on 1. We'll see who has the biggest.

Hahaha. Saying your cock is big doesn't make it that way. Actually most girls tell me that guys who rough them up too much do it precisely because they have small cocks and are trying to compensate for something.

You should write a book.

We can leave it at that lad if you wish but non of your points are valid.

If you don't cum at 7.30pm tonight then I'm going Silver Fox massage.

And if you dont come your a chicken..... Yeah! I said it. CHICKEN **BOK BOK**

05-10-2013, 02:48 PM
I'm a lover , not a fighter lad :D:D:D
You get aroused watching girls choke themselves? So if they pass out, you'd perform CPR and jack off?
Nuff said lad.
Your imagination runs wild lad.
You said it yourself I have a big cock!!
But u wanna fight? Come down to Campbelltown oval tonight @ 7.30pm... 1 on 1. We'll see who has the biggest.
You should write a book.
We can leave it at that lad if you wish but non of your points are valid.
If you don't cum at 7.30pm tonight then I'm going Silver Fox massage.
And if you dont come your a chicken..... Yeah! I said it. CHICKEN **BOK BOK**
I only have one point. You're a rapist or a liar. You've described non-consensual sex where you were too rough with a K-girl, you bragged on a punter's forum about it. And then to back your argument, you've been telling everyone how big your cock is and now you're suggesting that it was consensual because you paid for it? So again, you're lying about all of it or you did do it which classifies you as a piece of shit rapist.

Yeah, whatever. Spineless prick like you would probably run me over in your car.

The funny thing is you've mentioned going to Silver Fox. I know Linda quite well. Those photos you get to see on the threads are from my conversation with her. You should check yourself before you wreck yourself, rapist dude...

05-10-2013, 06:58 PM
Settle down lad.

You are invited to attend the Sydney Punters Meet Up group 2013.

20-10-2013, 08:21 AM
Must admit I usually avoid Korean ladies as I find them to be premadonas and their service second rate in most cases.

However no matter who you see I think you should treat them like a lady and with respect and in most cases they will respond accordingly.

To be fair to Korean ladies I have met one or two that are really good service but even they were selective and you had to get them on a good day.

I find the ladies from China and Malaysia give far more consistently good service.