View Full Version : General talk PRC dating show : - D

03-10-2013, 07:58 PM
I chanced on this Chinese dating show last night on sbs2. It is 100% wall to wall culturally 100% PRC girls - 24 of them!! (and I guy)

It is a lot of fun and the girls are very pretty, and their culturally specific behaviour and comments are great fun.

Here is SBS's promo:


I didn't write the below, but here is the synopsis of how it works. I had a big grin on my face most of the time as well as aesthetically appreciating the very cute native PRC girls. I'll definitely be tuning in next time.

Format is as follows:

24 women up on stage as potential dates with buzzers that change their podium from green (yes I would go on a date with him) to red (no I won't)

1 man comes down a life and the women see him feet first before he strides down the runway. They can start judging him straight away.

At this point, the man chooses his favourite from the women and this is locked away for later.

First video is his life background. Women can ask him queries after this.

Second video is what he wants in a woman. Women can query him after this.

Third video is what his friends think of him. At this point, if he has at least 1 green light still, he has won 200 yuan to go on a date with her. Now this is where it gets tricky.

Often there is at least 2 lights still, so at this point he can ask questions. The lady/'s walk down the runway and past him to be questioned by him. At this point his favourite (if she isn't one of the green lights still) is also asked to come up on stage.

From here, he can choose to ask one of 6 questions to the women. If he chooses to go on a date with a lady who had a green light, he keeps his 200 yuan to date her.

If he chooses to go with his favourite who gave him a red light and she rejects him, he goes home empty handed.

Further if after answering his questions he decides he doesn't like any of them, he can choose to give up his right to date, and goes home empty handed (which is apparently pretty rare)

At any point before the final stage though, he can totally bomb out with 24 red lights. Also important to note, is that women on the panel only get replaced as they go on dates. So some ladies are there for a while.

There is also a male and female 'love expert' hosts who often give the man some advice or ask questions as well during proceedings.

It's a pretty brutal view of the dating scene in China, but thoroughly entertaining too. Especially the Russian bird who moved to China because she wanted a Chinese man. She spoke fluent Chinese too – her dream was to live and work in China and marry a Chinese guy. Needless to say, she ended up a favourite for quite a while.

Most of the women are quite reasonable in this toned down version. It could just be the brutal reality that a lot of Chinese men (esp the ones going on this show) just haven't caught up with the times, and the effort it takes nowadays to impress the Chinese women of the 21st century.

Punter Poontang
03-10-2013, 08:13 PM
Sounds exactly like the format of a show that used to be on here, can't remember what it was called but James Kerley was the host.

03-10-2013, 09:10 PM
Well, for you guys that like to see asian line ups - this show is a corker.

he he.. one of the girls asked the guy outright what he earned. They can be very direct on this show! :shout:

03-10-2013, 09:23 PM
Oh Sextus, you are always so slow to pick up on things ;)
It's been on for months!
I put a post up about this show ages ago.

03-10-2013, 09:48 PM
This has been on for a while, airs at least 2 or 3 times week here. My family watches it regularly, and I've picked up a few snippets if I'm home.

The prize for a date is a weekend away, has been Hawaii or Aegean Sea recently and the girl get a pair of shoes (WTF?).

From those that I've watched, the success rate is fairly low. Lucky to get one match out of 3 or 4 men on each episode.

I've found most of the girls are "overdone" with make up and hair styles, and not natural or attractive (YMMV).

In a recent episode i watched, some of the girls and the guys were "from Australia".

03-10-2013, 10:02 PM
The prize for a date is a weekend away, has been Hawaii or Aegean Sea recently and the girl get a pair of shoes (WTF?)
Yeah I love that! A trip to Hawaii and "a new pair of shoes" WTF? maybe ... but maybe not WTF ... chicks love shoes; Chinese, Italian, Korean, English, Thai ... all chicks love shoes !!

03-10-2013, 10:04 PM
I put a post up about this show ages ago.

Did you? Sorry I missed it. Aussiegaigin, I found all the girls to be really cute! But my eye is thoroughly asianised these days I'll give you the drum, so that might explain it. The ingenue things the girls say also adds to their attractiveness. :prettiness:

03-10-2013, 10:13 PM
There is a girl on the show who pretends to be really dumb,
She has probably got a PhD in sociolinguistics, and fluent in 7 languages, but I like the way she plays the bimbo.
It takes a very intelligent girl to convincingly play the bimbo.
I would do her in an instant! ;)
And it probably would be an instant to ;)

03-10-2013, 10:30 PM
I saw the show last week when they had a caucy yank guy, it was really funny to watch. The guy could speak chinese quite well!

03-10-2013, 10:47 PM
There was a show in Australian TV years ago called "Blind date". 3 or 4 chicks would be questioned by a guy they couldn't see, and he had to pick his "perfect match" from the answers, maybe 6 or so questions on different subjects. The guy and his selected girl got a chaperoned weekend away together. They'd come back the next week and report on their encounter. Second half of the show would be 4 guys with a girl doing the choosing.

03-10-2013, 10:48 PM
I saw the show last week when they had a caucy yank guy, it was really funny to watch. The guy could speak chinese quite well!

Also saw a french guy recently, also fluent chinese speaker. He seemed to get a a good match with a girl, but in the end there was no date.

03-10-2013, 10:54 PM
The girls can be really cruel sometimes!
Its great!
I feel sorry for the poor buggers though.

03-10-2013, 11:04 PM
I travel to Shanghai often. I rarely see a girl on the street I'd look twice at. Bars, of course, are different, but the average girl on the street, even in the Pudong area... nah. It's amazing what a bit of studio makeup and lighting will do for a girl.

03-10-2013, 11:19 PM
From a non-asian male POV, most of the guys on the show seem socially (and sometimes physically) inept.
Perhaps somethings are lost in the translations.

04-10-2013, 01:09 AM
Hi Guys!

Just forget about this Chinese show and wait for the new Beauty and the Geeks......lol

Big tits galore I tell you !

And the producer is spot on for picking a tropical location - so that the beauties can wear bikini all the fucking time man !!


04-10-2013, 09:08 AM
Gee, do you think the pick the location *just* so the girls wear skimpy outfits... just askin'

04-10-2013, 09:12 AM
Gee, do you think the pick the location *just* so the girls wear skimpy outfits... just askin'

I would if I'm the producer !

But who cares, as long as the tits and cleavages and butt and long legs are filling the screen

But that's just me


04-10-2013, 12:02 PM
I chanced on this Chinese dating show last night on sbs2. It is 100% wall to wall culturally 100% PRC girls - 24 of them!! (and I guy)

It is a lot of fun and the girls are very pretty, and their culturally specific behaviour and comments are great fun.

Here is SBS's promo:


I didn't write the below, but here is the synopsis of how it works. I had a big grin on my face most of the time as well as aesthetically appreciating the very cute native PRC girls. I'll definitely be tuning in next time.

Format is as follows:

24 women up on stage as potential dates with buzzers that change their podium from green (yes I would go on a date with him) to red (no I won't)

1 man comes down a life and the women see him feet first before he strides down the runway. They can start judging him straight away.

At this point, the man chooses his favourite from the women and this is locked away for later.

First video is his life background. Women can ask him queries after this.

Second video is what he wants in a woman. Women can query him after this.

Third video is what his friends think of him. At this point, if he has at least 1 green light still, he has won 200 yuan to go on a date with her. Now this is where it gets tricky.

Often there is at least 2 lights still, so at this point he can ask questions. The lady/'s walk down the runway and past him to be questioned by him. At this point his favourite (if she isn't one of the green lights still) is also asked to come up on stage.

From here, he can choose to ask one of 6 questions to the women. If he chooses to go on a date with a lady who had a green light, he keeps his 200 yuan to date her.

If he chooses to go with his favourite who gave him a red light and she rejects him, he goes home empty handed.

Further if after answering his questions he decides he doesn't like any of them, he can choose to give up his right to date, and goes home empty handed (which is apparently pretty rare)

At any point before the final stage though, he can totally bomb out with 24 red lights. Also important to note, is that women on the panel only get replaced as they go on dates. So some ladies are there for a while.

There is also a male and female 'love expert' hosts who often give the man some advice or ask questions as well during proceedings.

It's a pretty brutal view of the dating scene in China, but thoroughly entertaining too. Especially the Russian bird who moved to China because she wanted a Chinese man. She spoke fluent Chinese too – her dream was to live and work in China and marry a Chinese guy. Needless to say, she ended up a favourite for quite a while.

Most of the women are quite reasonable in this toned down version. It could just be the brutal reality that a lot of Chinese men (esp the ones going on this show) just haven't caught up with the times, and the effort it takes nowadays to impress the Chinese women of the 21st century.What day is it on?

04-10-2013, 01:25 PM
Just forget about this Chinese show and wait for the new Beauty and the Geeks......lol Big tits galore I tell you !

And the producer is spot on for picking a tropical location - so that the beauties can wear bikini

Maybe I should give it a watch before commenting, but I'm bored with Baywatch style cauc girls on a beach. I've been fed a non-stop diet of it on tv for decades. The PRC girls on the dating show are pretty (and altgourami, if they brush up so cute with just a bit of make up and studio lighting as you say, I think that it just brings out what is really there - it doesn't turn them into something they're not.) And the cultural differences and the naive things they often say, and their cruelty to the hapless guys (as rooter observed) give it all a great deal more depth than some boring airhead caucs flashing their tits and their white teeth on a beach yet again. That is cultural coca-cola man - fucking generic.

The other thing I liked about the PRC show was the way the lights go out on the girl's little podiums, making a "boooww" sound - each light going off and each dismissive sound made a very public rejection of the hapless guy! Ha ha! :shout: Love those girls - just love 'em!

04-10-2013, 02:46 PM
Maybe I should give it a watch before commenting, but I'm bored with Baywatch style cauc girls on a beach. I've been fed a non-stop diet of it on tv for decades. The PRC girls on the dating show are pretty (and altgourami, if they brush up so cute with just a bit of make up and studio lighting as you say, I think that it just brings out what is really there - it doesn't turn them into something they're not.) And the cultural differences and the naive things they often say, and their cruelty to the hapless guys (as rooter observed) give it all a great deal more depth than some boring airhead caucs flashing their tits and their white teeth on a beach yet again. That is cultural coca-cola man - fucking generic.

The other thing I liked about the PRC show was the way the lights go out on the girl's little podiums, making a "boooww" sound - each light going off and each dismissive sound made a very public rejection of the hapless guy! Ha ha! :shout: Love those girls - just love 'em!

No worry there brother Sextus!

You are white male and you are sick of watching Pamela Anderson and those bouncing silicone and prefer to watch the cute Chinese chicks!

I on the other hand this dirty old Chinese man is tired of watching my fellow country women showing no cleavage in a boring show - so give me the half naked bikini babes on the beach any time !

A typical case of opposite attracts !!


04-10-2013, 06:23 PM
I like the camera angles and sound, very different to western shows!

05-10-2013, 01:05 AM
I chanced on this Chinese dating show last night on sbs2. It is 100% wall to wall culturally 100% PRC girls - 24 of them!! (and I guy)

It is a lot of fun and the girls are very pretty, and their culturally specific behaviour and comments are great fun.

Here is SBS's promo:


I didn't write the below, but here is the synopsis of how it works. I had a big grin on my face most of the time as well as aesthetically appreciating the very cute native PRC girls. I'll definitely be tuning in next time.

Format is as follows:

24 women up on stage as potential dates with buzzers that change their podium from green (yes I would go on a date with him) to red (no I won't)

1 man comes down a life and the women see him feet first before he strides down the runway. They can start judging him straight away.

At this point, the man chooses his favourite from the women and this is locked away for later.

First video is his life background. Women can ask him queries after this.

Second video is what he wants in a woman. Women can query him after this.

Third video is what his friends think of him. At this point, if he has at least 1 green light still, he has won 200 yuan to go on a date with her. Now this is where it gets tricky.

Often there is at least 2 lights still, so at this point he can ask questions. The lady/'s walk down the runway and past him to be questioned by him. At this point his favourite (if she isn't one of the green lights still) is also asked to come up on stage.

From here, he can choose to ask one of 6 questions to the women. If he chooses to go on a date with a lady who had a green light, he keeps his 200 yuan to date her.

If he chooses to go with his favourite who gave him a red light and she rejects him, he goes home empty handed.

Further if after answering his questions he decides he doesn't like any of them, he can choose to give up his right to date, and goes home empty handed (which is apparently pretty rare)

At any point before the final stage though, he can totally bomb out with 24 red lights. Also important to note, is that women on the panel only get replaced as they go on dates. So some ladies are there for a while.

There is also a male and female 'love expert' hosts who often give the man some advice or ask questions as well during proceedings.

It's a pretty brutal view of the dating scene in China, but thoroughly entertaining too. Especially the Russian bird who moved to China because she wanted a Chinese man. She spoke fluent Chinese too – her dream was to live and work in China and marry a Chinese guy. Needless to say, she ended up a favourite for quite a while.

Most of the women are quite reasonable in this toned down version. It could just be the brutal reality that a lot of Chinese men (esp the ones going on this show) just haven't caught up with the times, and the effort it takes nowadays to impress the Chinese women of the 21st century.
The sad truth is most chinese women especially the attractive ones don't like caucasian guys after they have been with one or have been to western countries. The truth isn't so pretty after all.

05-10-2013, 01:32 AM
The sad truth is most chinese women especially the attractive ones don't like caucasian guys after they have been with one or have been to western countries. The truth isn't so pretty after all.
Really? You see tonnes of happy looking mixed couples all the time around Chatswood. Maybe those guys are with their mistresses? LOL.

I like the show. It's hilarious and the girls are pretty hot. How cute is the one that rips out with, "I don't like men who are bald, or going bald"...

05-10-2013, 01:57 AM
Really? You see tonnes of happy looking mixed couples all the time around Chatswood. Maybe those guys are with their mistresses? LOL.

I like the show. It's hilarious and the girls are pretty hot. How cute is the one that rips out with, "I don't like men who are bald, or going bald"...
You see tons of mongrels too, does it mean that all dogs like to produce mongrels?

07-10-2013, 10:54 AM
Having not seen the show (but some of the ads on SBS) I think it's like any dating show really.

Having lived in China for a number of years, married a Chinese girl (and now divorced!!!) and speak a bit of mandarin I tend to stay away from Chinese girls now. Even though they are pretty they have been corrupted by their parents and the Communist Party.

Yes I'm generalising alot here but this is what I see. More to come.....

I find that Chinese girls that are older than 28 are pretty much spinsters in China and there is alot of pressure to get a husband. Their parents go out of their way to talk with other parents to match make their children together.

The good thing (also a bad side) is if you have a good job and wage the girls are more interested in security than love. So you get seemingly very pretty girls going for ugly guys. That's why you have the girls outright asking how much you earn and most girls won't even think of dating a guy unless they are earning 15-20,000 RMB a month which is a high wage in China.

The bad side to this is it's a transaction and the girls want security, handbags, dresses and pretty things. They spend ALOT to keep face (or give themselves status). If you want a trophy wife then be prepared to spend to keep them. Alot don't want to do anything except have fun with friends and socialise.

This is of course all generalising and there are always exceptions to the rule.

You will find that girls that want to date western guys do so because :-

a) they want a passport
b) they are older than 30 and Chinese man don't want oldies
c) old AND divorced, Chinese men don't want this too
d) divorced AND with Children, Chinese men definitely don't want this
e) Westerners tend to be alot more faithful and committed to a relationship
f) they generally have interest and looking for love

Anyway you might be lucky if you have a Chinese girlfriend. Good luck if you do, you will need it.:smile::smile:

07-10-2013, 11:30 AM
Having not seen the show (but some of the ads on SBS) I think it's like any dating show really.

Having lived in China for a number of years, married a Chinese girl (and now divorced!!!) and speak a bit of mandarin I tend to stay away from Chinese girls now. Even though they are pretty they have been corrupted by their parents and the Communist Party.

Yes I'm generalising alot here but this is what I see. More to come.....

I find that Chinese girls that are older than 28 are pretty much spinsters in China and there is alot of pressure to get a husband. Their parents go out of their way to talk with other parents to match make their children together.

The good thing (also a bad side) is if you have a good job and wage the girls are more interested in security than love. So you get seemingly very pretty girls going for ugly guys. That's why you have the girls outright asking how much you earn and most girls won't even think of dating a guy unless they are earning 15-20,000 RMB a month which is a high wage in China.

The bad side to this is it's a transaction and the girls want security, handbags, dresses and pretty things. They spend ALOT to keep face (or give themselves status). If you want a trophy wife then be prepared to spend to keep them. Alot don't want to do anything except have fun with friends and socialise.

This is of course all generalising and there are always exceptions to the rule.

You will find that girls that want to date western guys do so because :-

a) they want a passport
b) they are older than 30 and Chinese man don't want oldies
c) old AND divorced, Chinese men don't want this too
d) divorced AND with Children, Chinese men definitely don't want this
e) Westerners tend to be alot more faithful and committed to a relationship
f) they generally have interest and looking for love

Anyway you might be lucky if you have a Chinese girlfriend. Good luck if you do, you will need it.:smile::smile:

Thanks B-man, some interesting points raised!
Do you think your generalisations apply mostly to city girls, or to country girls as well ?

07-10-2013, 12:38 PM
Haha ! Point "e" is definitely worth a laugh ! ;) ;) ;)

07-10-2013, 12:58 PM
I like the show. It's hilarious and the girls are pretty hot.

Ha Ha! I love the frowning disapproval on this girl's face!

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/PRC-dating-show-1_zpsec7c0f12.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/PRC-dating-show-1_zpsec7c0f12.jpg.html)

And this girl is 100% cheeky naughty cuteness!

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/PRC-dating-show--3_zpsd51cc3cc.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/PRC-dating-show--3_zpsd51cc3cc.jpg.html)

07-10-2013, 01:54 PM
Ha Ha! I love the frowning disapproval on this girl's face!

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag116/waveflow/PRC-dating-show-1_zpsec7c0f12.jpg (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/waveflow/media/PRC-dating-show-1_zpsec7c0f12.jpg.html)

No. 15 is the one who pretends to be a bimbo. She is a classic! Very funny and very ke ai

07-10-2013, 02:22 PM
Hang on, I just noticed they are both number 15??

07-10-2013, 10:30 PM
I have some subtractions and additions as follow:

You will find that girls that want to date western guys do so because :-

a) they want a passport
b) they are older than 30 and Chinese man don't want oldies
c) old AND divorced, Chinese men don't want this too
d) divorced AND with Children, Chinese men definitely don't want this
e) they are ugly in chinese standard but even ugly chinese women are often viewed as beautiful and hot in western countries.
f) they are really fat(I mean obese)
g) they are really weird
h) they are really insecure for some reasons
i) gold diggers (who doesn't know about Mark Zuckerberg)
j) they are just really stupid
k) they are morally impaired
l) attention whores(vanity), thinks she is superior to other girls because she got a western bf, but nowadays not so much more.

or a combination of two or more of the above

08-10-2013, 12:03 AM
e) they are ugly in chinese standard but even ugly chinese women are often viewed as beautiful and hot in western countries.

I am intrigued by this one, can you give an example ?

08-10-2013, 02:19 PM
Thanks B-man, some interesting points raised!
Do you think your generalisations apply mostly to city girls, or to country girls as well ?

Probably not. Goes without saying if they have money then they don't need to latch onto a man for security. Though there are alot of country girls in China that have plenty of money.

For Chinese there is still the role of the man provider and the woman to look after the children. One thing I forgot to say is that most Chinese men are not interested in dating strong-willed women and women that have plenty of money or successful.

My wife was pretty strong willed and independent which really didn't favour her in getting a Chinese man. That's why we met in Sydney and married at 33.

Also the shows the changing attitdutes in China. Women have more and more choices and independence and the differences between parents and their teenage children are vast. Remember, anybody over 45 yo grew up in a very communist and backward society to what it is today.

Looking at the teenagers there now compared I don't think they would be alot different in most Asian teenagers in other western countries.

08-10-2013, 02:25 PM
I am intrigued by this one, can you give an example ?

e) they are ugly in chinese standard but even ugly chinese women are often viewed as beautiful and hot in western countries.

I think bigroundtits is saying more about the attitudes and they ugly Chinese women. I've had this said to me before actually. I think more with attitude and independence that makes them undesirable to many Chinese men.

Also some Chinese are dark and then put that white crap makeup and look anemic. Chinese men love that. We don't. The dark skin makes them look like they come from the farm and are lower class Chinese citizens. Chinese men don't like that.

08-10-2013, 02:41 PM
Haha ! Point "e" is definitely worth a laugh ! ;) ;) ;)

Yes! a bit of a stretch on this website saying they are more faithful. In general it's probably the case.

In China, men that have money have power. But it's not just that. Have power have influence. Girls are attracted to that strength. It is changing though.

When I was there my wife was always going on about their friend with a girlfriend or boyfriend and sleeping around. Some of the wives found out and was trying to work out what to do. Even my father in law had a bit on the side and ALL the family knew about it! Some wives that knew don't say anything and generally if the husband looks after them and the family financially it's allowed (but not spoken). One reason why divorce rates are reasonably low. But this is changing. Divorce is skyrocketing.

Chinese men like to have extra girlfriends to extend their power and have a good time.

Recent divorce law changes outline that in divorce proceedings the person in the relationship whom paid for mostly in the property will have rights to it after the divorce.


08-10-2013, 02:43 PM
I have some subtractions and additions as follow:

You will find that girls that want to date western guys do so because :-

a) they want a passport
b) they are older than 30 and Chinese man don't want oldies
c) old AND divorced, Chinese men don't want this too
d) divorced AND with Children, Chinese men definitely don't want this
e) they are ugly in chinese standard but even ugly chinese women are often viewed as beautiful and hot in western countries.
f) they are really fat(I mean obese)
g) they are really weird
h) they are really insecure for some reasons
i) gold diggers (who doesn't know about Mark Zuckerberg)
j) they are just really stupid
k) they are morally impaired
l) attention whores(vanity), thinks she is superior to other girls because she got a western bf, but nowadays not so much more.

or a combination of two or more of the above

Hey brother,

From your avatar I assume you are Asian ??

A good list, but not necessary entirely for Chinese women !

It can be applied to pretty much ALL the countries in Asia, Central and South America, Eastern Europe, Africa - may be not the middle east or Asia minor as their heads may get chopped off dating or fucking Western guys !!

Just my 1 cent



08-10-2013, 03:12 PM
Yes! a bit of a stretch on this website saying they are more faithful. In general it's probably the case.

In China, men that have money have power. But it's not just that. Have power have influence. Girls are attracted to that strength. It is changing though.

When I was there my wife was always going on about their friend with a girlfriend or boyfriend and sleeping around. Some of the wives found out and was trying to work out what to do. Even my father in law had a bit on the side and ALL the family knew about it! Some wives that knew don't say anything and generally if the husband looks after them and the family financially it's allowed (but not spoken). One reason why divorce rates are reasonably low. But this is changing. Divorce is skyrocketing.

Chinese men like to have extra girlfriends to extend their power and have a good time.

Recent divorce law changes outline that in divorce proceedings the person in the relationship whom paid for mostly in the property will have rights to it after the divorce.

I find it quite the opposite, but I'll refrain from more generalization here ! ;) ;) ;)

08-10-2013, 09:17 PM
I find it quite the opposite, but I'll refrain from more generalization here ! ;) ;) ;)

Why not! It's how we categorise things as humans. There are traits which some cultures have more than others.

Give it a go! :smile::smile:

09-10-2013, 06:14 AM
I find it quite the opposite, but I'll refrain from more generalization here ! ;) ;) ;)
It is hilarious that he thinks chinese men are less loyal than western men:shout:

09-10-2013, 08:40 AM
It is hilarious that he thinks chinese men are less loyal than western men:shout:

I don't think it's a general behaviour of the Chinese man vs western man in terms of being faithful.

May be its a matter or in fact the true situation that sex and sexual pleasure are so openly, readily and most importantly cheaply available in many parts of China these days, Te temptations are just tooooooo hard to resist ??

We said we Sydney brothers got it easy in Sydney for punting in comparison to other parts of Australia, but in comparison to China! Well, there is no comparison . Correction , may be Sydney is still better with white girls but it's not that hard to taste some Russian or Eastern European pussies in China these days but they ain't not cheap.

Sauna massage shops, clubs, night club, karaoke places , spa, hair saloons , outcalls, street walkers !!

And the culture (along with bribes and corruptions )of doing business or entertaining clients / government officials) in these venues just making it almost impossible to stay faithful !!

Just my two cents


09-10-2013, 11:47 AM
e) Westerners tend to be alot more faithful and committed to a relationship

I think it's more accurate to say that there is a perception or belief among many Chinese (and other Asian) women that Western men are more faithful, more committed to a relationship, more homely, and have less bad habits like drinking, smoking, gambling, womanizing etc than their Eastern brothers
Whether that's in fact the case is different story - certainly not so in my case ;)

09-10-2013, 04:51 PM
It takes all types to make a race, obviously genetics is irrelevant, but cultural attitudes can vary.
In some cultures the man is expected to take a mistress, and others have polygamy.
Polygamy is probably a pragmatic way to rationalise mans innate behaviour.
I wonder if a polygamist still cheats on his wives...

09-10-2013, 05:05 PM
I wonder if a polygamist still cheats on his wives...

You are a funny guy Lady Cunninglinguist! :shout:

09-10-2013, 05:11 PM
It takes all types to make a race, obviously genetics is irrelevant, but cultural attitudes can vary.
In some cultures the man is expected to take a mistress, and others have polygamy.
Polygamy is probably a pragmatic way to rationalise mans innate behaviour.
I wonder if a polygamist still cheats on his wives...

Any brother knows the reason why Muslims are allowed to have 4 wives ??

09-10-2013, 05:18 PM
Any brother knows the reason why Muslims are allowed to have 4 wives ??

I think I just found the answer:

Why does the Qur'an allow Muslim men to have four wives?

There are some situations in which it is advantageous to society to have men marry multiple wives, and for this reason polygyny is practiced by many religions and cultures. As we have already seen in answer to question 2, polygyny is permitted in the Bible too. Here we will see that the Qur'an permits only a restricted and limited form of that practice. Only 2% of Muslim marriages are of this nature.

Notice that the Qur'an permits but does not command a man to have four wives. Furthermore, the Qur'an stipulates that a man is responsible for the maintenance of his wife or wives. If a man has more than one wife, he has to provide separate living accommodation for each of his wives. Multiple marriages are a heavy responsibility on the male. It is not a pleasure trip as some people may assume. Some even imagine all kinds of sexual exploits involving a man and his wives altogether. However, such activity is not permissible in Islam. A man must divide his time equally among his wives. He may, for example, spend one night with each wife on a rotating schedule. If a man cannot maintain justice in the treatment of his wives, the Qur'an stipulates that he is to have no more than one wife.

Polygyny provides a solution to some of life's problems. When there is a shortage of men, for example after a devastating war, many women will be unable to find husbands. Most women in that situation, given the option, would rather be a co-wife than no wife. If one maintains a strict monogamy in such a situation, moral depravity is bound to result.

It may be useful at this point to see what some non- Muslim writers are now saying on this much misunderstood subject. John Esposito says:
Although it is found in many religious and cultural traditions, polygamy (or more precisely, polygyny) is most often identified with Islam in the minds of Westerners. In fact, the Qur'an and Islamic Law sought to control and regulate the number of spouses rather than give free license. (John Esposito, Islam: The Straight Path, Oxford University, 1988, p.97).

Esposito then goes on to explain that in a society which allowed men an unlimited number of wives, Islam limited the number of wives to four. Then he continued to say:
The Qur'an permits a man to marry up to four wives, provided he can support and treat them all equally. Muslims regard this Qur'anic command as strengthening the status of women and the family for it sought to ensure the welfare of single women and widows in a society whose male population was diminished by warfare, and to curb unrestricted polygamy (John Esposito: Islam the Straight Path, p.97).

Karen Armstrong explains much the same in her book entitled Muhammad: A Western Attempt to Understand Islam. She says:
We have to see the ruling about polygamy in context. In seventh-century Arabia, when a man could have as many wives as he chose, to prescribe only four was a limitation, not a license to new oppression (Karen Armstrong, Muhammad: A Western Attempt to Understand Islam, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1991, p.191).

It is unfortunate that the Western media often gives the wrong impression of what Islam is all about. Karen Armstrong writes:

Popular films like Harem give an absurd and inflated picture of the sexual life of the Muslim sheikh which reveals more about Western fantasy than it does about the reality (p.190).

Some people incorrectly assume that because of this ruling most Muslim men would have four wives. However, as Huston Smith points out, "multiple wives are seldom found in Islam today" (The World's Religions, p. 252). Ira Zep p, Jr. says that "less than 2% of Muslim marriages are polygamous" (A Muslim Primer, p.180).

About this being a solution for the problem of surplus women, Ira Zepp, Jr. comments on page 181 of his book:
The Roman Catholic Church is facing the same problem today in parts of Africa. Social and economic reasons are forcing the Church to reconsider polygamy as a Christian option. (See Polygamy Recon,isidered by Eugene Hillman, New York: Orbis Press, 1973).

09-10-2013, 05:29 PM
By the way, speaking of cultures and their differences, I saw this film on my big screen the other day. I haven't seen it since I was a teenager, and I remembered this scene was pretty hot, but now I've just realised how much! This beautiful tahitian girl Tarita is as innocent and inexperienced as her face shows - she was no professional actress, just a local girl, almost unaware of her sexual power. Her innocent magic.

(full screen.)

Cowgirl anyone? :surprise:


Marlon Brando fell in love with her during the filming and married her.

09-10-2013, 06:02 PM
By the way, speaking of cultures and their differences, I saw this film on my big screen the other day. I haven't seen it since I was a teenager, and I remembered this scene was pretty hot, but now I've just realised how much! This beautiful tahitian girl Tarita is as innocent and inexperienced as her face shows - she was no professional actress, just a local girl, almost unaware of her sexual power. Her innocent magic.

(full screen.)

Cowgirl anyone? :surprise:


Marlon Brando fell in love with her during the filming and married her.

Yeap, pretty hot, and some nice view on the side boob too!



But I must say, Brando wasn't looking too badly himself back then !!


09-10-2013, 07:09 PM
You are a funny guy Lady Cunninglinguist! :shout:

Hahaha, so are you Man Sex ... tus :)

09-10-2013, 07:28 PM
But I must say, Brando wasn't looking too badly himself back then !!


You aint kiddin, compare to this:

09-10-2013, 07:29 PM
Another young Brando

23-01-2014, 02:12 PM
With daylight saving the PRC dating show is on too early at 7.30pm so I always miss seeing it.

I caught the last 15 minutes last night. It really is different to what a western dating show would be like. It can be so honest. There was a three minute interlude while one of the girls tearfully told of how her previous boyfriend had bashed her for three years. It came up because she had asked a question in a related vein to the prospective date. The announcers were offering her pretty obvious advice, but she was getting more and more upset. She was such a slight slip of a girl too, such a gentle girl, and it tore your heart to imagine it happening to her.

Finally the announcer had the girl next to her comfort her so they could move on, but three minutes later in a background shot you could see that she was still quite upset holding a damp hankie to her face.

23-01-2014, 03:45 PM
I also find the girls on the show to be very shallow, they tend to reject a guy if he is unattractive or average looks despite having a good education, family and career. But when it is a guy that is handsome and has a similar family and career background to the others guy that got rejected, the girls still leave their lights on simply because he is good looking.

I once saw this episode where this ex model guy came on, nothing spectacular about his career or family, yet 17/24 girls had their lights on till the end. Another guy who wore a suit and is quite tall and good looking, also had similar number of lights left on.

23-01-2014, 03:58 PM
I suppose that is true yjl11, but the girls are so very cute as well as being so easy on the eye, it is VERY EASY to forgive them for sometimes being a bit shallow!

23-01-2014, 04:44 PM
I also find the girls on the show to be very shallow,

And us guys are never shallow of course ;)
A girls age, looks, tits, arse, body etc are of no concern to us
We are only interested on her personality, intelligence, sense of humour etc ;)

23-01-2014, 04:53 PM
And us guys are never shallow of course ;)
A girls age, looks, tits, arse, body etc are of no concern to us
We are only interested on her personality, intelligence, sense of humour etc ;)

I think we are shallow when we wear our punters hats, but at other times I think we can be normal .... can't we .... ???

23-01-2014, 05:02 PM
I also find the girls on the show to be very shallow, they tend to reject a guy if he is unattractive or average looks despite having a good education, family and career. But when it is a guy that is handsome and has a similar family and career background to the others guy that got rejected, the girls still leave their lights on simply because he is good looking.

I once saw this episode where this ex model guy came on, nothing spectacular about his career or family, yet 17/24 girls had their lights on till the end. Another guy who wore a suit and is quite tall and good looking, also had similar number of lights left on.

Haha, tall dark and handsome, a lady's killer,

17/24 lights still on at the end, no problem, he still has to walk down there and turn OFF 15 lights himself and if the girl of his choice still has her lights on, then he will still only have two choices or three if the girl he likes already switched off.

But as a matter of facts, because a lot of the girls have already been on the show for a long time, so some of the guys actually already knows some of the girls quite well by watching the show.

Like that girl who owns a Hotel or the retired rower from the national team !!

For me, from the camera angle, very hard to tell who has got big tits until they walk out onto the cat walk..............lol

I am just a very shallow man !!

24-01-2014, 03:38 PM
No 11 is extremely beautiful. (I think she's k-girl) She is my type. And I guess is every one type to:)