View Full Version : General talk Does an attractive chick motivate you to push yourself harder when you exercise ?

17-10-2013, 11:34 PM
If you happen to be jogging in the park, or swimming in the pool, or riding a bike, etc and an attactive girl is present do you revert to your animal kingdom roots and push yourself a bit harder in an effort to impress the girl and show her how manly you are ?

I remember running in the park a while back and this beautiful piece of black arse went by and I suddenly found myself keeping up, the motivation to run faster was a perfectly shaped arse barely covered by short pants and bouncing along nicely.

17-10-2013, 11:42 PM
Attractive chick does motivate me to push harder when I exercise, in bed ! :miao:

18-10-2013, 12:54 AM
Once I was powerwalking around the circuit of centennial park when I spotted in the distance an attractive blonde from my workplace at the time. (We used to work together a lot.)

I had only moments to think and something primeval took over and I abandoned my wimpy powerwalk, and broke into a rythmical, powerful, masculine jog - which no way could I have ever maintained anywhere near the circut - maybe a tenth of it. :burn:

Anyway, this powerful surging jog took me soon into her approaching presence about 300 metres later, and I came to a manly, screeching halt to say hello. Now she was a sharp, canny lass, and with better eyes than I thought, because she immediately accused me of just what I'd done! ie, pretending to jog when in reality I'd been powerwalking like the fucking wimp that I am. I was trapped, but I still weakly and unconvincingly denied it. ha ha! We men are such pitiful creatures sometimes. :shout:

18-10-2013, 01:19 AM
Once I was powerwalking around the circuit of centennial park when I spotted in the distance an attractive blonde from my workplace at the time. (We used to work together a lot.)

I had only moments to think and something primeval took over and I abandoned my wimpy powerwalk, and broke into a rythmical, powerful, masculine jog - which no way could I have ever maintained anywhere near the circut - maybe a tenth of it. :burn:

Anyway, this powerful surging jog took me soon into her approaching presence about 300 metres later, and I came to a manly, screeching halt to say hello. Now she was a sharp, canny lass, and with better eyes than I thought, because she immediately accused me of just what I'd done! ie, pretending to jog when in reality I'd been powerwalking like the fucking wimp that I am. I was trapped, but I still weakly and unconvincingly denied it. ha ha! We men are such pitiful creatures sometimes. :shout:

You missed her cue dude! :)
She was letting you know that she knew that you sped up just to get near her, and by doing so was letting you know that this impressed her and then she was inviting you to take her like a lion takes a lioness! If she didn't like you she would have ignored it and not made a point of it. She was testing your masculinity!
Howver since I was not actually there and couldn't see her body language I could be completely wrong :) Was she rubbing her clit on a nearby fence post ...

18-10-2013, 01:52 AM
Definitely. Not only just exercise but I perform better in any activity when lady luck is around!

18-10-2013, 10:59 AM
Only when I am in bed with them otherwise a waste of time and effort!

18-10-2013, 11:29 AM
Haha! A mate at the gym was telling us how he tore his rotator cuff a couple of years ago. He was lifting 40pound dumb bells doing seated shoulder presses. In walks this HOT teen honey in lycra and a bra top. She warms up and then asks if she can 'work in' with him. 40 pounds is not a huge weight, but it is a decent lift to those who don't lift weights.

This 50kg babe sits down and starts rep'ing out on the 40s! So my mate goes to 50s and bangs out 10 reps. The girl does the same. Anyone who lifts will know a 50kg teen age girl shoulder pressing 50 pound dumb bells for 10 reps is some serious strength. They go to 55 pounds then 60. My mate is half dead, but pushing himself to keep up - to both impress her, but not to be outdone by her.

The last set, he gets 75 pounders - which he never lifted before. She is standing behind him in the seat, spotting him but he said he could smell her sweet scent & tits against the back of his head as he struggled to lift the weight and managed to bang out 4 reps. On the last rep, he felt his shoulder tear but tried to 'man up' and act like he was fine. She smiled and said 'thanks for the workout' and left the room - leaving him with a torn rotator cuff and 3 months off the gym! Was it worth it? He says yes.

18-10-2013, 11:59 AM
This is the whole reason you need a female personal trainer :cool2:... I'm sorry, I didn't get that, how is it done again??? Oh, it's called downward dog?

18-10-2013, 07:31 PM
Haha! A mate at the gym was telling us how he tore his rotator cuff a couple of years ago. He was lifting 40pound dumb bells doing seated shoulder presses. In walks this HOT teen honey in lycra and a bra top. She warms up and then asks if she can 'work in' with him. 40 pounds is not a huge weight, but it is a decent lift to those who don't lift weights.

This 50kg babe sits down and starts rep'ing out on the 40s! So my mate goes to 50s and bangs out 10 reps. The girl does the same. Anyone who lifts will know a 50kg teen age girl shoulder pressing 50 pound dumb bells for 10 reps is some serious strength. They go to 55 pounds then 60. My mate is half dead, but pushing himself to keep up - to both impress her, but not to be outdone by her.

The last set, he gets 75 pounders - which he never lifted before. She is standing behind him in the seat, spotting him but he said he could smell her sweet scent & tits against the back of his head as he struggled to lift the weight and managed to bang out 4 reps. On the last rep, he felt his shoulder tear but tried to 'man up' and act like he was fine. She smiled and said 'thanks for the workout' and left the room - leaving him with a torn rotator cuff and 3 months off the gym! Was it worth it? He says yes.

Nice one, that chick sounded hot!
I like this bit: "In walks this HOT teen honey in lycra and a bra top"
I reckon this story could be turned into a comedy sketch. Wonder what the chick said to her friends afterwards ...

18-10-2013, 07:34 PM
This is the whole reason you need a female personal trainer :cool2:... I'm sorry, I didn't get that, how is it done again??? Oh, it's called downward dog?

I have often fantasized about a female personal trainer when I have been struggling in a workout. My fantasy goes something like this:
- meet up and decide what the plan for the session is
- start doing it, she is much more fit than me so she sets the pace and stays just out of my reach
- the deal is that if I can catch her I get a special service, like DATY, BBBJ, etc

18-10-2013, 08:04 PM
Nope ......

18-10-2013, 08:06 PM
I have never seen the inside of a gym or done a days exercise in my life.
I am pretty ripped though, must just be good genes I dunno.
Sometimes girls ask me what I do to keep fit.
I just tell them the truth. I drink and eat and fuck and sleep

19-10-2013, 06:45 AM
I have often fantasized about a female personal trainer when I have been struggling in a workout. My fantasy goes something like this:
- meet up and decide what the plan for the session is
- start doing it, she is much more fit than me so she sets the pace and stays just out of my reach
- the deal is that if I can catch her I get a special service, like DATY, BBBJ, etc

Working out with a couple of fit ML's has its benefits :-)

19-10-2013, 07:24 AM
Working out with a couple of fit ML's has its benefits :-)

Hmmm, fit MLs I think you just motivaed me to find one ....

19-10-2013, 12:57 PM
Working out with a couple of fit ML's has its benefits :-)

they gotta be good for cardio fitness *wink*

19-10-2013, 03:07 PM
i can only fuck her harder

19-10-2013, 05:33 PM
Of course they do as you don't wanted to punch to much way above your weight :) but for ML/WL wont make a difference as it is more private anyway.
You go out for dinner with you partner people start staring at you if your way not suited for each others.

19-10-2013, 06:21 PM
I think Nicholas Cage has it all worked out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qspvzw0hwAs

20-10-2013, 09:45 PM
Of course, esp. when she deadlifts or squats more than you!!