View Full Version : General talk I want to open a brothel too

21-10-2013, 10:32 PM
After reading some recent posts about other guys taking over brothels, I got to thinking I should open one too. I could bang all the birds for free, get some income, and give up my day job. So could anyone tell me how to open one, how to manage it, where do I find the girls, and also where can I get the money to open it? I'd also like to know how I can charge all you guys as much as possible to visit, and guarantee that you keep visiting :rolleyes:

21-10-2013, 10:52 PM
After reading some recent posts about other guys taking over brothels, I got to thinking I should open one too. I could bang all the birds for free, get some income, and give up my day job. So could anyone tell me how to open one, how to manage it, where do I find the girls, and also where can I get the money to open it? I'd also like to know how I can charge all you guys as much as possible to visit, and guarantee that you keep visiting :rolleyes:

If you get answers to your questions, especially the finance one, I could join in the venture as a silent partner (the girls would be the ones moaning) :cool2:

21-10-2013, 11:27 PM
Sounds like alot more fun then my day job! I'm not so ambitious. I'd be happy just to open a Korean massage shop. Korean girls always been my weakness...

21-10-2013, 11:37 PM
After reading some recent posts about other guys taking over brothels, I got to thinking I should open one too. I could bang all the birds for free, get some income, and give up my day job. So could anyone tell me how to open one, how to manage it, where do I find the girls, and also where can I get the money to open it? I'd also like to know how I can charge all you guys as much as possible to visit, and guarantee that you keep visiting :rolleyes:

Apply to council for a license, or buy an existing one.
Hire a mamasan to manage it. If you have a partner/wife she may be interested.
Advertise in papers and on the internet, and ask attractive girls you see if they want to work for you.
Look at the current market to see how much to charge.
See the bank for the money, or try crowd funding.
To guarantee we come back get quality girls at a good price and follow Ginza's lead on how to post on the forum.
Sit back, relax, have free sex when you feel like, and watch the dollars roll in!
zzz ... zzz ... zzz ...

21-10-2013, 11:44 PM
I think every member of aus99 should open their own brothel

21-10-2013, 11:49 PM
I think every member of aus99 should open their own brothel

That would be alot of brothels!! Most likely losing money :)
I wonder how much M8 might be willing to sell the business for?

22-10-2013, 12:23 AM
I think every member of aus99 should open their own brothel

Then we could all have free sex in our own brothels!
Once we were bored we could swap freebies with each other!
zzz ... zzz ... zzz ...

22-10-2013, 12:36 AM
I'm pretty sure most of the ones run out of residential apartments don't have licences and are being run illegally. Once they got big enough, they were able to buy other brothels or buy the appropriate licence. I think the main thing you have to be sure of is a steady supply of quality girls which can be advertised overseas like Ginza does.

Saying that, you'd need quite a bit of cash up front. You need to be able to guarantee the girls $500 a day and the first few weeks, bookings will be slow. Also, I've bandied around how to set them up with accommodation. At Kings, the girls can stay in the upstairs dorms which are bunk beds for $5 per night. So ideally, you'd have a few apartments leased nearby with bunk beds for the girls, a basic guarantee of income and some sort of agreement with the local IELTS provider so they can get student visas.

I could probably get a crap load of Czech, German, Ukranian and Russians over. Pricing to be competitive would be about $225 per hour.

22-10-2013, 12:38 AM
I'm pretty sure most of the ones run out of residential apartments don't have licences and are being run illegally.

Does this apply to the incall places ?

22-10-2013, 01:21 AM
Guys, this is Quentin.
after reading these posts and having setup, launched and sold 19 brothels in Sydney over the last 14 yrs i think i can answer some of your questions and assumptions.

yellow fever..... there is no free sex, if you want it and the girl agrees you need to pay for it and usually they expect you to pay extra because your the boss. if you ask or expect freebees i guarantee your girls will run. we get less sex and pay more than the punters :cry:
Finance:- the mainstream banks do not lend to brothels period!!! Even with financials and 3 years tax returns..... they take the view that if for any reason the business defaulted and they had to appoint a manager/receiver/administrator would they end up on 'A current affair' running a brothel. its not worth the bad press. most lender are private money or lenders of last resort with ornerous conditions. Some people will borrow against the family home for 'business investment' if the wife agrees.

Licker..... those of us that have had some success at operating these businesses are always looking for investors and silent partners contact me if you are interested on sizematters@live.com.au

CunningLinguist..... its a 7 day a week oncall 24 hrs job that you cannot sit back or take it easy on. The girls want more money the clients less and the margins are very tight so a manager is a luxury most above board operators cant afford. Yes Ginza is an excellent model to use but bare in mind he worked hard for many years developing the database of clients, girls and goodwill before moved into a legit shop. that database is worth more than the business and takes a long time to build up.

If anyone has any questions for me i will try to answer them


22-10-2013, 01:35 AM

there are a whole lot of state and federal trafficking and immigration laws that would be broken to follow your business model........ Im not saying that some people don't do it from time to time but there is a risk and the penalties are severe.
there are sufficient sources of staff if a good operator knows where to look without putting yourself in danger.

22-10-2013, 02:14 AM
im guessing finding the girls and keeping them happy would be the tricky part

Punter Poontang
22-10-2013, 06:00 AM
Appreciate the insights Q, but quietly confident that the OP was a piss-take. :-P

22-10-2013, 09:29 AM
Guys, this is Quentin.
after reading these posts and having setup, launched and sold 19 brothels in Sydney over the last 14 yrs i think i can answer some of your questions and assumptions.

yellow fever..... there is no free sex, if you want it and the girl agrees you need to pay for it and usually they expect you to pay extra because your the boss. if you ask or expect freebees i guarantee your girls will run. we get less sex and pay more than the punters :cry:

Finance:- the mainstream banks do not lend to brothels period!!! Even with financials and 3 years tax returns..... they take the view that if for any reason the business defaulted and they had to appoint a manager/receiver/administrator would they end up on 'A current affair' running a brothel. its not worth the bad press. most lender are private money or lenders of last resort with ornerous conditions. Some people will borrow against the family home for 'business investment' if the wife agrees.

Licker..... those of us that have had some success at operating these businesses are always looking for investors and silent partners contact me if you are interested on sizematters@live.com.au

CunningLinguist..... its a 7 day a week oncall 24 hrs job that you cannot sit back or take it easy on. The girls want more money the clients less and the margins are very tight so a manager is a luxury most above board operators cant afford. Yes Ginza is an excellent model to use but bare in mind he worked hard for many years developing the database of clients, girls and goodwill before moved into a legit shop. that database is worth more than the business and takes a long time to build up.

If anyone has any questions for me i will try to answer them


Hi brother Quentin,

This is very generous and noble of you to share some of the inside informations of the FS business with us men on the street!

I particularly appreciate the no free sex part, I learnt this a very long time ago at Zanadu and Chequers where the bosses had to pay for the MLs when they wanted a massage - whether it involved part ii at all was a private matter, but there was definitely no free lunch that's for sure !!

Enough said !


22-10-2013, 03:25 PM
Guys, this is Quentin.
after reading these posts and having setup, launched and sold 19 brothels in Sydney over the last 14 yrs i think i can answer some of your questions and assumptions.

yellow fever..... there is no free sex, if you want it and the girl agrees you need to pay for it and usually they expect you to pay extra because your the boss. if you ask or expect freebees i guarantee your girls will run. we get less sex and pay more than the punters :cry:
Finance:- the mainstream banks do not lend to brothels period!!! Even with financials and 3 years tax returns..... they take the view that if for any reason the business defaulted and they had to appoint a manager/receiver/administrator would they end up on 'A current affair' running a brothel. its not worth the bad press. most lender are private money or lenders of last resort with ornerous conditions. Some people will borrow against the family home for 'business investment' if the wife agrees.

Licker..... those of us that have had some success at operating these businesses are always looking for investors and silent partners contact me if you are interested on sizematters@live.com.au

CunningLinguist..... its a 7 day a week oncall 24 hrs job that you cannot sit back or take it easy on. The girls want more money the clients less and the margins are very tight so a manager is a luxury most above board operators cant afford. Yes Ginza is an excellent model to use but bare in mind he worked hard for many years developing the database of clients, girls and goodwill before moved into a legit shop. that database is worth more than the business and takes a long time to build up.

If anyone has any questions for me i will try to answer them


Yes to all and I know about the bank situation and also if the owner of the property wanted to restructure, it is a bit more difficult to deal with the bank :)

22-10-2013, 05:26 PM
Hi brother Quentin,

This is very generous and noble of you to share some of the inside informations of the FS business with us men on the street!

I particularly appreciate the no free sex part, I learnt this a very long time ago at Zanadu and Chequers where the bosses had to pay for the MLs when they wanted a massage - whether it involved part ii at all was a private matter, but there was definitely no free lunch that's for sure !!

Enough said !


Yamada used to boast about consuming his own product ...

22-10-2013, 05:49 PM

there are a whole lot of state and federal trafficking and immigration laws that would be broken to follow your business model........ Im not saying that some people don't do it from time to time but there is a risk and the penalties are severe.
there are sufficient sources of staff if a good operator knows where to look without putting yourself in danger.

Hi mate,

Other operators are doing it now. Now immigration-wise, as long as the girls stuck to their visa requirements, i.e. no more than 20 hours per week and attended classes, they would not be in breach. If they tried to overstay their visa, a different story. It wasn't a real business plan - just something to throw out there to think about.

Agree that there are good sources of staff if you know where to look. Also agree that you need to self-fund. Point blank, it's harder than people think to open a shop, whether massage, full service or take over an existing one. I'm gonna drop you an e-mail though...

22-10-2013, 11:42 PM
I once knew some1 who opened a legit brothel in QLD, he was subject to background checks. Background must be clean before licience is given.

22-10-2013, 11:50 PM
I once knew some1 who opened a legit brothel in QLD, he was subject to background checks. Background must be clean before licience is given.

What if they find you have run a brothel before ...

22-10-2013, 11:56 PM
hi bros,

i have been reading this theread, its interesting to know what people think about opening this kind of business..

i just want to suggest, to open a brand new shop will cost u a fortune, and if ur financial allow u to open one

i would suggest u, just put the money in a term deposit, buy a house to lease out, invest in a stable share...etc...

and use the profit or interest to pay any wl a visit as u like.... anyone u like, whenever u like.....

no headaches, no risks...........


23-10-2013, 12:05 AM
hi bros,

i have been reading this theread, its interesting to know what people think about opening this kind of business..

i just want to suggest, to open a brand new shop will cost u a fortune, and if ur financial allow u to open one

i would suggest u, just put the money in a term deposit, buy a house to lease out, invest in a stable share...etc...

and use the profit or interest to pay any wl a visit as u like.... anyone u like, whenever u like.....

no headaches, no risks...........


This is a good advice Roger or buy gold last wednesday @ $1250 an ounce.

23-10-2013, 12:07 AM
One thing that people forget when talking about the risks is that you can evade a lot of taxes in this business because most of it are cash transactions and the government has no idea of your revenue and net income are. I am sure this is a very profitable business just from the tax savings alone. When I have the money, I will open such a business.

Punter Poontang
23-10-2013, 12:10 AM
One thing that people forget when talking about the risks is that you can evade a lot of taxes in this business because most of it are cash transactions and the government has no idea of your revenue and net income are. I am sure this is a very profitable business just from the tax savings alone. When I have the money, I will open such a business.

But once again, that can screw you if you ever need finance as banks rely on what you report. ;-)

23-10-2013, 12:29 AM
One thing that people forget when talking about the risks is that you can evade a lot of taxes in this business because most of it are cash transactions and the government has no idea of your revenue and net income are. I am sure this is a very profitable business just from the tax savings alone. When I have the money, I will open such a business.

1.no u are wrong about evade a lot of taxes...............

there are many business that are all cash on hand, eg.. fruit shop, resuaurant, house removal...... and many many other one...

2. all business can be very profitable if u know how to manage well, working hard and u got great location, capital, chance and luck.....

3. i think worry about this business if can be well maintaied, opearate smoothly... is far more important before u can think about its profit

4. tax saving? no so easy... i know a shop got fined half of a million few years ago after they got found paying less tax for certain time...

let me tell u a new way taxation office is calculating such business..

by ur opening hours x rooms in the premise x 50% of vancancy x shop cut 30mins


they sit outside the shop and count every customers that walk in, and the time walk out for a month......

so think carefully.......


23-10-2013, 12:33 AM
4. tax saving? no so easy... i know a shop got fined half of a million few years ago after they got found paying less tax for certain time...

let me tell u a new way taxation office is calculating such business..

they sit outside the shop and count every customers that walk in, and the time walk out for a month......

so think carefully.......


They've been doing this to restaurants for a long time !

23-10-2013, 12:40 AM
I just want to know from brother Wilson of Ginza:

How much was your turn over in the past six months since the opening of the new shop ??

23-10-2013, 12:43 AM
I just want to know from brother Wilson of Ginza:

How much was your turn over in the past six months since the opening of the new shop ??

I thought you were more sophisticated than that ? :miao:

How could one ask such a silly question and expect an answer on an open forum ?!

23-10-2013, 12:51 AM
I just want to know from brother Wilson of Ginza:

How much was your turn over in the past six months since the opening of the new shop ??

The answer would be they dont have to open on Sunday :) that should answer your question.
Some Sunday I would have visit Ginza in the morning only and only see their Diamond and all Gold class only.

23-10-2013, 01:55 AM
I just want to know from brother Wilson of Ginza:

How much was your turn over in the past six months since the opening of the new shop ??

no one able to give you that answer.
ask tax man or council please

23-10-2013, 08:35 AM
I thought you were more sophisticated than that ? :miao:

How could one ask such a silly question and expect an answer on an open forum ?!

Well, I am curious to know, and anyone who really has plan to open a brothel will be dying to know too.

Wilson may share something or say nothing! Or just continue to laughing all the way to the bank - probably the banks vault instead as he won't want to show too much cash!

There are so many Ginza regulars here, we can pretty much figure out how many rooms they have, how many WLs working each day and estimate the number of jobs they did on a daily / weekly basis!

It's really not that hard to figure out the turn over, give or take a few hundred bucks s day........lol

Just my two cents


23-10-2013, 11:42 AM
Well, I am curious to know, and anyone who really has plan to open a brothel will be dying to know too.

Wilson may share something or say nothing! Or just continue to laughing all the way to the bank - probably the banks vault instead as he won't want to show too much cash!

There are so many Ginza regulars here, we can pretty much figure out how many rooms they have, how many WLs working each day and estimate the number of jobs they did on a daily / weekly basis!

It's really not that hard to figure out the turn over, give or take a few hundred bucks s day........lol

Just my two cents

Keep guessing, but you expect Wilson to announce his earning here ?!?

23-10-2013, 11:44 AM
There are plenty of legit tax minimization strategies around as opposed to tax evasion.

23-10-2013, 12:45 PM
Keep guessing, but you expect Wilson to announce his earning here ?!?

Of course not !!

But no harm taking some wild guess right ?

I think it had been done before maybe even in the old forum that people tried to figure out how much money 5 Star could make in a week. Same thing on the WL, ML or David from 501 !!

Just some no harm fun right ??


23-10-2013, 01:06 PM
Of course not !!

But no harm taking some wild guess right ?

I think it had been done before maybe even in the old forum that people tried to figure out how much money 5 Star could make in a week. Same thing on the WL, ML or David from 501 !!

Just some no harm fun right ??

I think guessing and asking are two different things !

Punter Poontang
23-10-2013, 01:10 PM
I can tell you how much I've spent there if it helps. :-P

Maybe harmless fun, but it's pointless trying to work out how well he's doing personally as you don't know what cut each of the girls are getting.

23-10-2013, 01:14 PM
I can tell you how much I've spent there if it helps. :-P

Maybe harmless fun, but it's pointless trying to work out how well he's doing personally as you don't know what cut each of the girls are getting.
In fact, no business owner would like to be asked how much he earns, let alone brothel owners !

23-10-2013, 02:14 PM
To estimate the income of a shop!

It had been done before, not on Ginza of course, but the template was there, take a look !

Wondering if a LipSSA service as the one in Narwee or the booming parlours in Korea is a good investment here in Sydney

MARKET: BIG potential, particularly in areas with big concentration of offices (CBD, North Sydney, ST Leonards, ...). Instead of taking a coffee break Mr Jo working at CBA or Vodafone can spend more wisely his money getting a quick relief by a young chick

Let's see if the investment is sound

Duration of service: 20 minutes, this potentially mean that 1 girl can have 2 customers per hour (allowing 10 min rests between session)
Cost of service: $80 Considering that you can have FS for 90-120 you can't charge more than this
Cost of lady: $50 Don't think any young pretty chick would do CIM for less then 50$ per customer

Cost of monthly rent (3 bed in city): $3000-3500 per month
Cost of bills(light, phone, ...): 500 per month
Total: $4000 per month ...let's say $1000 per week

Assuming 3 girls working on 5 days basis and each girl having 10 customers per day
Girl Income: $500 x day ($50 x 10 customers)
Shop Income: $300($30x10 customers) X3 (number of girls) = $900 per day
Shop Weekly income: $4500

Net Income: $4500-1000=$3500 per week

Not too bad

Of course it is a simplification, but at front of almost null investment the potential return is quite attractive, and the service offered for the community would make the entrepreneur a benefactor :-)

23-10-2013, 02:17 PM
To estimate the income of a shop!

It had been done before, not on Ginza of course, but the template was there, take a look !
Yep, no harm in estimation, speculation, gossips ... whatever you want to put it. But asking a direct question to a business owner is outright silly !

BTW, the above estimation by bro MaxPunter is only his own way of thinking how things should be, it's very different in the real world ! ;) ;) ;)

23-10-2013, 02:28 PM
Max Punter, you are actually, way off the mark. Its alot more than that, lol. My mate is a silent partner (33%), in an inner west FS shop. He says its an easy $10K to him every week! (This is after all expense before tax)

23-10-2013, 02:42 PM
Yep, no harm in estimation, speculation, gossips ... whatever you want to put it. But asking a direct question to a business owner is outright silly !

BTW, the above estimation by bro MaxPunter is only his own way of thinking how things should be, it's very different in the real world ! ;) ;) ;)

Yes Sir, you are right !

And I was silly,

Silly man sometimes ask silly questions.............lol



23-10-2013, 02:50 PM
Max Punter, you are actually, way off the mark. Its alot more than that, lol. My mate is a silent partner (33%), in an inner west FS shop. He says its an easy $10K to him every week! (This is after all expense before tax)

Of course he would have !

And this is their regular line up :


23-10-2013, 04:35 PM
Max Punter, you are actually, way off the mark. Its alot more than that, lol. My mate is a silent partner (33%), in an inner west FS shop. He says its an easy $10K to him every week! (This is after all expense before tax)

I believe this number. It is easy to make money in this business except that you just need to work long hours.

23-10-2013, 05:06 PM
Of course he would have !

And this is their regular line up :


now thats a very fuckalicious lineup

23-10-2013, 09:42 PM
Yep, no harm in estimation, speculation, gossips ... whatever you want to put it. But asking a direct question to a business owner is outright silly !

BTW, the above estimation by bro MaxPunter is only his own way of thinking how things should be, it's very different in the real world ! ;) ;) ;)

10000 a week for a 33% share, I think he is dreaming , just do the math a 4 room brothel open 10 to 12 has a maximum possible number of hours of 14 hours a day by 4 rooms, equals 56 hours , the house typically takes $50 a hour equals $2800 a day. A very very good place probably operates on 80 % occupancy, that is 2800 by 80% equals $2240 a day or $15680 per week. This would be the 533 type of place. Overhead has to be at least 30 to 40 %, they all have receptionists, rent and advertising, so this really good example would make 60% of $15680 or $9408 per week. Still good but this is the best of the best, the advantages are and its the same for the girls , cash business and no tax!!! but 10 k a week for a 33% share , in your dreams!!!

24-10-2013, 12:01 AM
10000 a week for a 33% share, I think he is dreaming , just do the math a 4 room brothel open 10 to 12 has a maximum possible number of hours of 14 hours a day by 4 rooms, equals 56 hours , the house typically takes $50 a hour equals $2800 a day. A very very good place probably operates on 80 % occupancy, that is 2800 by 80% equals $2240 a day or $15680 per week. This would be the 533 type of place. Overhead has to be at least 30 to 40 %, they all have receptionists, rent and advertising, so this really good example would make 60% of $15680 or $9408 per week. Still good but this is the best of the best, the advantages are and its the same for the girls , cash business and no tax!!! but 10 k a week for a 33% share , in your dreams!!!

Welcome to the Forum with your first post and with some kind of contribution.