View Full Version : Complaint LongNstrong sounds like 8inches - didn't take long, just can't stay away right ?

22-10-2013, 12:59 PM
Very unusal for a baby member who only registered three days ago, had so much interest in one single thread !!

I could be wrong, but all the early signs are there !

Then why is a remedial massage shop advertising on a brothel forum?

If a shop doesn't have to pay for advertising but gets a member to do all the dirty work then its a very good money saving tactic, BUT it will sooner or later come back and bite the shop in the ass as its the only ''remedial massage'' shop posting a roster on a brothel and nude massage review forum.
You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to see whats going on here.

just my opinion

Who said life is fair?

Take your own advice and get over it.

No need to ring the shop as her pimp is always online!

Again, this kind of replies could only come from some very seasoned members !

All good but leave out the rimming, thats disgusting to expect a wl to lick the arse where u shit from,
Borderline gay!
Go to oxford!
Plenty of rimming there!

Yeah you're right, if you ask a girl to fuck your arse with a strap on then it's not gay is it?
Rimming is just down right disgusting no ifs or buts.

You like it because you have homosexual tendencies, that's cool, enjoy the arse play ;)

Ask rubtug
"Expert" on the anus for all hetero and gay men!

May be Admin should take a look at this new member before he made too much damages, AGAIN !! ............



22-10-2013, 01:13 PM
Oh no! Im honoured you started a thread, you are my biggest fan.
But why are you illegally advertising again!!??

22-10-2013, 01:22 PM
"LongNstrong" is that a metaphor for "big Tool"?

Maybe you should change your user handle to that

Punter Poontang
22-10-2013, 01:24 PM
Lololol, thought just the same and was coming here to open a new thread just now. :-P

I seriously reckon there should be a separate thread in General Talk for all the haters to sledge brother Ahlungor to their hearts content.

I don't even read half the RnT threads, but it's just so noticeable the amount of shit that gets posted all over the place, and the number of guys that follow him all over the forum just to have a go at him. Seriously reckon it'd be more efficient to keep all the bile in one place, in it's own separate thread. Maybe just use this one??

Oh, FWIW, this suggestion is made partly in jest and partly to improve the forum as a whole. I've got no problem with brother Ahlungor personally, from what I've observed the guy always goes out of his way to help and post recommendations when other punters ask questions, and as for him helping shop owners by posting rosters etc ..... so fucking what?? It's never been hidden that he's got an association with certain shops and is on good terms with the owners, so it's then up to the individual to determine the integrity of what gets posted. Imo, it's just SUCH a non-issue.

It's not like what other shops have stooped to in terms of spamming the forum with multiple accounts, fake AR's and poorly hidden agendas .... so I've just never gotten the hate in relation to Ahlungor at all, but reckon it'd make the forum far more user-friendly if those who take issue with him had their own thread in which to bitch, thereby keeping the shop/girl/AR threads cleaner.

Just my two cents. ;-)

22-10-2013, 01:46 PM
What would happen if all shops stopped advertising and had a member to post rosters and hype the girls up.
That would mean a massive loss of income for the forum. But its ok because Ahlungor does it?
Take that into consideration!

22-10-2013, 02:24 PM
i agree illegal advertising is a huge problem on this forum.

AHLUNGOR is one of the few.

also Rooter, Wilisno

Coming from a much larger forum.. its not hard to spot the fakes

Hope we can get rid of this problem.. As its not fair for punters.

Spot them.. Call them out..

thats all we can do


22-10-2013, 02:31 PM
i agree illegal advertising is a huge problem on this forum.

AHLUNGOR is one of the few.

also Rooter, Wilisno

Coming from a much larger forum.. its not hard to spot the fakes

Hope we can get rid of this problem.. As its not fair for punters.

Spot them.. Call them out..

thats all we can do


Admin should send a warning to all illegal advertisers!
Its not fair on punters and shops that pay the bills!

22-10-2013, 02:37 PM
Here we go again...

22-10-2013, 02:41 PM
haha pimp or not pimp i dont care but AHLUNGOR do you get special treatments or free massages when you spread nice words on forums? :D

22-10-2013, 02:41 PM
in a forum what u want ? talk what ever u want or shareing !
Right ?

think of this way : i would like to share the rooster of a shop to all bro......why not?
you dont want to read just leave it ! no one force you . you dont want doesnt mean like the others.
dont affect all the others bro benifit!!

like i say i just shareing my thought....no offence thx

22-10-2013, 02:45 PM
Admin should send a warning to all illegal advertisers!
Its not fair on punters and shops that pay the bills!

I have started reporting these posts as of last week.

It is illegal and unacceptable.

I suggest other members do the same. This place is not operating at its full potential.



hope the admin attends to this matter.


22-10-2013, 02:49 PM
haha pimp or not pimp i dont care but AHLUNGOR do you get special treatments or free massages when you spread nice words on forums? :D

Ask no questions- be told no lies!

22-10-2013, 03:29 PM
Two baby members posting in unison in support to each other, what a team work.

OOOOPs, they were both registered on the same day.................all too famililar !!

22-10-2013, 03:35 PM
I have started reporting these posts as of last week.

It is illegal and unacceptable.

I suggest other members do the same. This place is not operating at its full potential.



hope the admin attends to this matter.

Admin shall attend to this matter soon mista ! ;) ;) ;)

Punter Poontang
22-10-2013, 03:57 PM
What would happen if all shops stopped advertising and had a member to post rosters and hype the girls up.
That would mean a massive loss of income for the forum. But its ok because Ahlungor does it?
Take that into consideration!

As far as I know the shops he posts rosters for DO still pay their advertising fees. They have their own prefix like other advertisers and aren't listed under "Other". Whether he posts the roster info for them, or the shop does themselves (in sometimes terrible English), what does it matter??

Anyways, it's no-ones business but Admin. You know, the people that run the site?? I'm sure they would consider such things and deal with it as they see appropriately, absolutely no need for you to have any such concerns or get your panties in a bunch over it. :-)

Punter Poontang
22-10-2013, 04:00 PM
i agree illegal advertising is a huge problem on this forum.

AHLUNGOR is one of the few.

also Rooter, Wilisno

Coming from a much larger forum.. its not hard to spot the fakes

Hope we can get rid of this problem.. As its not fair for punters.

Spot them.. Call them out..

thats all we can do


Righto, I'll stand up for two other regular posters that I don't know from a bar of soap while I'm at it.

Name ONE review by either rooter or wilisno that has since been outed as a fake, or even contradicted by a subsequent punter seeing the same girl and having a vastly different session.

Just one. Go for it. :-)

22-10-2013, 04:01 PM
As far as I know the shops he posts rosters for DO still pay their advertising fees. They have their own prefix like other advertisers and aren't listed under "Other". Whether he posts the roster info for them, or the shop does themselves (in sometimes terrible English), what does it matter??

Anyways, it's no-ones business but Admin. You know, the people that run the site?? I'm sure they would consider such things and deal with it as they see appropriately, absolutely no need for you to have any such concerns or get your panties in a bunch over it. :-)

Take your own advice and unbunch your panties.

Punter Poontang
22-10-2013, 04:04 PM
Take your own advice and unbunch your panties.

Lol, I just answered your question bro. My panties are never bunched anyways, I'm too scared it might make me gay or something if they creep too far up. :-P

22-10-2013, 04:32 PM
If Members get banned, surely this site can also ban their IP address? This would stop a lot of the nonesence.

22-10-2013, 05:38 PM
Lol, how funny. A member who waxes lyrical about things not being fair for other punters when he hasn't written a single useful AR.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

We've all heard this argument before. Now, this twat is having a go at Rooter and Willisno. How funny. It didn't work the first umpteenth times and it won't work now. How about I report the two for breaking forum rule number 3. :haha:

22-10-2013, 09:22 PM
Wow there are so many trolls on this site these days, how times have changed..

Punter Poontang
23-10-2013, 12:13 AM
Wow there are so many trolls on this site these days, how times have changed..

Damn straight. There must be a way to ban the IP addresses, or alternatively, implement a post verification system.

I'm on another forum that requires you to post a number of reviews before being granted access to additional sections ..... although that could be too time-consuming for the mods to weed out just the odd fuckwit that comes on here.

23-10-2013, 12:16 AM
Damn straight. There must be a way to ban the IP addresses, or alternatively, implement a post verification system.

I'm on another forum that requires you to post a number of reviews before being granted access to additional sections ..... although that could be too time-consuming for the mods to weed out just the odd fuckwit that comes on here.

I am not a computer genius but once you reboot your modem wont it replace the IP address ??

23-10-2013, 12:25 AM
I am not a computer genius but once you reboot your modem wont it replace the IP address ??

If it's a landline internet connection, the IP address won't change, but if it's a mobile internet, it changes as you move, and many people might have the same IP at any given time !

23-10-2013, 12:25 AM
I am not a computer genius but once you reboot your modem wont it replace the IP address ??

Not usually. These days ISPs tend to use static IPs.

23-10-2013, 12:30 AM
It's really not that hard to stamp them out!!

All you need is me !!

Unfortunately !!


ps. Corrections. I meant the haters towards me were not hard to pick out. However , the last lot of those three Amigos I don't think they had anything against me.


25-10-2013, 12:21 PM
Not usually. These days ISPs tend to use static IPs.
If you have the right VPN settings on your phone you can change your IP address yourself. Wouldn't fix the problem. Even if you have a static IP address at home you can request to change it.