View Full Version : General talk They've been to Disneyland 600 times in a row can you do massage the same ?

29-10-2013, 06:51 PM
There is this American couple on Channel 7 Sunrise, who started by going to Disney Land every day while they were unemployed, now they both have a job but still going daily and have just reached the 600 consecutive days mark!

Well, going to Disneyland every day is one thing, how about going punting every day for a year ?!

Now some of you brothers probably can fuck and cum every day, I certainly can't at my old age, but I think if I have the money and the time, I can definitely do a massage every day but Happy Ending may be only every two to three days!

What do you think ??

365 times a year! Would I stick with the tried and tested or would I try new MLs very day?? What would you do ?

Anyway, to start the ball rolling:

My schedule for the first 30 days:

1. Mimi at Stanmore ! (! = HE)
2, Coco
3. Lisa
4. Cici !
5. Elley
6. Ada
7. Sasa !

8. Sherry at Snow Lotus
9. Mia !
10. Mena
11. Yoyo
12. Cici !
13. Selina
14. Joey !

15. Candy at QVB
16. Lisa !
17. Kelly
18. Mia !
19. Nico
20. Susan !
21. Candy

22. Sherry at 316 Centrsl !
23. Lily
24. Amy !
25. Eva at shop 9/741 George St
26. Yuki at 288 Wattle !
27. Sweety at Silver Fox
28. Neimi at SF
29. Chloe at CBD Posh !
30. Crystal at Posh Newtown
31. Ginger at PN !

What about you ? What would you do ?

Anyone would prefer to go FS everyday of the week for a whole year ? and who would you see - just a bit of fantasy, where money is not an issue !!


29-10-2013, 07:19 PM
you mad!!! your list is very very different than mine...

in terms of tit size, age, GFE...

04-11-2013, 03:15 PM
Time, Money and Energy, can't have them all unfortunately !!


04-11-2013, 07:21 PM
Energy? Tick!
Time? Half tick!
Money? Quarter tick!

If I could I would punt every day.

but 2 or 3 times a week is OK.
It's enough to satisfy me and keep me hungry at the same time.

30-11-2013, 12:05 AM
Everyday of the year? I wish...

Would be mostly massage I think - work stress means most days when I leave that place I really don't feel like I have the energy to fully enjoy fs - sad to say there have been a few times that I've tried anyhow and proved myself right :(

Have only seen two of the girls on your list (only been to two of the places, too) - not a fan of crystal@newtown, but sherry@316 is a very good choice imho :) Gorgeous girl, friendly and great with her hands - can't really ask for much more than that :)

Would probably add the 19yo fiona@316 to the list - I usually prefer girls in their mid or late 20s - but she is just tooo cute :).

Haven't tried any of the other places on the list - work keeps me busy until (very) late and even with 316 being right next to central when I go there I usually have to rush from work to the train station then from central across the road to make sure I get there before it's too late - anywhere further away would probably be closed/closing by the time I got there. Not that 316 being the only option is that bad a thing :) Could go on the weekends of course but it's after work that I most need the stress relief :)

30-11-2013, 12:32 AM
Everyday of the year? I wish...

Would be mostly massage I think - work stress means most days when I leave that place I really don't feel like I have the energy to fully enjoy fs - sad to say there have been a few times that I've tried anyhow and proved myself right :(

Have only seen two of the girls on your list (only been to two of the places, too) - not a fan of crystal@newtown, but sherry@316 is a very good choice imho :) Gorgeous girl, friendly and great with her hands - can't really ask for much more than that :)

Would probably add the 19yo fiona@316 to the list - I usually prefer girls in their mid or late 20s - but she is just tooo cute :).

Haven't tried any of the other places on the list - work keeps me busy until (very) late and even with 316 being right next to central when I go there I usually have to rush from work to the train station then from central across the road to make sure I get there before it's too late - anywhere further away would probably be closed/closing by the time I got there. Not that 316 being the only option is that bad a thing :) Could go on the weekends of course but it's after work that I most need the stress relief :)

316 Central is definitely a good choice!

But if you are working back late, you can try Snow Lotus, they open till 10pm on week days, if you are taking the train to central SL is about the same distance from the station just in the opposite direction on George St


05-12-2013, 04:49 AM
Thanks, might have to give that joint a shot - I've seen from your posts you're quite a fan of theirs :)
Actually did drop by there at one stage after work (9pmish) a while back, lights were on but no answer to knocking on the door - receptionist girl also does massages and could have been busy?
I probably should have booked ahead, will try that next time - but will have to be a pretty good place to top 316 :)