View Full Version : General talk How long will it take for you to become a senior member, who's the quickest ??

10-11-2013, 01:34 AM
Just wondering how long will it take for a new member to post 100 times to become a senior member?

And the shortest time to achieve that, just wondering ? A month, two weeks, 10 days ?


10-11-2013, 01:39 AM
Just wondering how long will it take for a new member to post 100 times to become a senior member?

And the shortest time to achieve that, just wondering ? A month, two weeks, 10 days ?


When you were at your peak, you did it in one day !

10-11-2013, 01:50 AM
When you were at your peak, you did it in one day !

Speaking for yourself brother Wil !!

I think you have hit a few innings with a century yourself over the years !!

But I am talking about a newly registered member .

When I first started I only posted one or two a day........lol


10-11-2013, 02:02 AM
Speaking for yourself brother Wil !!

I think you have hit a few innings with a century yourself over the years !!

But I am talking about a newly registered member .

When I first started I only posted one or two a day........lol


Not really ! I've been posting a lot longer consistently to reach a benchmark, not a sudden burst of posts in order to get to another level. Actually I've found that episode here :


10-11-2013, 08:36 AM
Does anyone really care? Does it really matter?

I tend to have a run where I post a bit or find ah topic that interests me so post a bit then I have times I think why am I bothering with all this and may not post much for a while.

Different people post a lot and so we get a lot of one liners and useless comments others post less often but usually have some substance in their postings.

We are all different that's what makes the posts interesting most of the time

10-11-2013, 08:38 AM
Agree with Oneonone. :)

10-11-2013, 08:46 AM
I was a little surprised to reach the 100 posts within a fortnight, and am still new here
I post often because its a fun community with lots of experience and you will find all my posts are there to foster discussion and learning
It was a little surprising a new member like me is already senior
It was so funny at one point to be called a troll by a guy (no names) who didn't realise I am more senior than he was - I overtook him because I post regularly !
My title should not be 'senior'
Rather I'm still an Apprentice to all my kind senior bros here

10-11-2013, 09:43 AM
I was a little surprised to reach the 100 posts within a fortnight, and am still new here
I post often because its a fun community with lots of experience and you will find all my posts are there to foster discussion and learning
It was a little surprising a new member like me is already senior, but in some ways it was so funny at one point to be called a troll by a guy (no names) who didn't realise I am more senior to him
My title should not be 'senior'
Rather I'm still an Apprentice to all my kind senior bros here

Haha, was there a troll comment on you ? I missed that.

Quite a few new comers are very active recently , yourself included! Which is great for the forum, keep it up brothers!

We need new blood in the forum same way we want new blood constantly in all the shops !

Will be interesting to see when will the next Cunninglinguist pops up, nothing wrong with the original of course and he is going very strongly. but I'll say brother CL may have slowed down a bit lately if only in the new thread department, he used to start 4 or 5 new threads every day: such as

Has any one ever done that......

Right now who is the best deep throater ??

Cum shot distance

Is punting a sin?

Some are really inspirational stuff........haha

So more fresh air and new members are most welcome


10-11-2013, 09:50 AM
Ahlungor, many newer members such as myself pay great respect to the more senior members
This forum would be dull and lifeless without the more experienced heads guiding our apprenticeships
I totally agree its also important for new blood to also make it a great forum, by posting the reviews and providing praise to businesses where its due, and to also bring attention to shortcomings - as most businesses do want to improve with our constructive feedback

In the internet age, we now can reduce the amount of hit and miss (punting) and enjoy far more quality
All the sincere members here want our brothers to achieve quality in our adventures

Punter Poontang
10-11-2013, 11:42 PM
In the internet age, we now can reduce the amount of hit and miss (punting) and enjoy far more quality
All the sincere members here want our brothers to achieve quality in our adventures

You mentioned this in another thread (that one about using the word "punting"), so just wanted to add a big fuck-off sized:


By following tips & AR's here it's not really "punting" anymore, and it's win-win if punters are happy and the best girls / shops are busy. In terms of punters improving their experiences, I'll offer myself up as a case study:

* Registered Dec 2012, just after returning from an epic Fuckathon in LOS.

* Predominantly an RnT (KB2B) guy on home soil though, but always hit & miss there as turnover is high and intel on the girls limited.

* Probably had less than 20 FS punts over 4 years in Oz .... some were ok, most were fucking rubbish.

* Started FS punting more regularly ~6 months ago after a change in circumstance, but also with nearly 6 months of research / reading already down since registering here.

* Since then I'm batting 1,000. 25 for 25 in great experiences from following the tips / AR's of others on here .... now trying to "give back" by posting some AR's of my own too.

Only downside is that with the advent of iPhones and the Forum Runner app, research has become more "labour intensive" than it needs to be (i.e. spend too much time on here out of sheer fucking boredom in between punts). :-P

11-11-2013, 12:36 AM
We are exactly on the same wavelength
As you know, I am a junior apprentice on here, just look at my details on the left to see how recently I have joined
However, in life I am far from a junior in the annals of love

Starting the journey in late 2013, is much easier than it has been previously

As long as you use common sense, and are a reasonable guy with basic courtesy, the risk of a dud punt is much lower

Its laughable looking back - I recall reading in my first week joining, guys complaining when they turn up to a parlour unannounced with no booking, and are pushing their weight around. Class is needed, guys.

I have no wish to have a dud punt, and Im a purely FS guy. R&T involves a few extra variables that can lead to a dud punt, but I can see the attraction reading the views of other brothers

Fifteen years ago, things were very different. Drug addled caucasians were the generalisation of the industry

Nowadays, particularly if you like Asian ladies, and who doesnt, there is a wealth of new talent every week

My initial impression is that I dont need to fly to Thailand now, to enjoy value for money 1 hour sessions

Of course other countries have more on offer, but the quality and safety with staying in Sydney is very very reasonable now

For the price of the airfare and hotel rooms etc overseas, at this point I would rather have a lot of good fun in this great city

I get involved in a few lively discussions regarding complaints by fellow brothers from time to time, and Im a little wiser to discuss complaints with a little more sensitivity now.

However my ongoing aim is to ensure that everyone is told about the dud punt, and that we all work together to have the problem rectified if possible

You and I need to exchanges notes at some point ;)

11-11-2013, 01:44 AM
Just wondering how long will it take for a new member to post 100 times to become a senior member?

And the shortest time to achieve that, just wondering ? A month, two weeks, 10 days ?


When I started my post average was less than 1 per day. It took me a while to build up. The most I ever did in one day was 50 (13-05-2013).

11-11-2013, 01:50 AM
Will be interesting to see when will the next Cunninglinguist pops up, nothing wrong with the original of course and he is going very strongly. but I'll say brother CL may have slowed down a bit lately if only in the new thread department, he used to start 4 or 5 new threads every day: such as

Has any one ever done that......

Right now who is the best deep throater ??

Cum shot distance

Is punting a sin?

Some are really inspirational stuff........haha

Yeah I had alot threads (http://forum.aus99.com/search.php?searchid=549300) with questions :)
Now I know I am a normal punter just like everyone else here, and not a sex crazed asian pussy loving madman, or am I ...

11-11-2013, 10:01 AM
Yeah I had alot threads (http://forum.aus99.com/search.php?searchid=549300) with questions :)
Now I know I am a normal punter just like everyone else here, and not a sex crazed asian pussy loving madman, or am I ...

Not if your latest Pussy Licking Services is something to go by ??

11-11-2013, 10:03 AM

The heat seeking missile has been formally commissioned (see Avatar)
Thanks Sextus